Perry L. Hubbard is descended from English ancestry and traces his family history in this country to about the middle of the seventeenth century, when three of the Hubbard brothers came to America and settled presumably in the colony of Virginia. Moses Hubbard, a descendant of one of these immigrants and a native of Albemarle county, Virginia, was the great-grandfather of the subject. Joseph Hubbard, his son, in an early day migrated to Garrard county, Kentucky. He died in 1853 at the age of eighty-six years, near Cloverdale, Putnam county, Indiana, leaving several sons and daughters, among the former being William H. Hubbard, whose birth occurred in Garrard county, Kentucky, on May 20, 1793. Reared amid the stirring scenes of the "Dark and Bloody Ground," William Hubbard grew up a strong, rugged man and well fitted for the duties which afterwards fell to him as a pioneer settler of Indiana, to which state he removed in 1830, settling in Owen county, with the early history of which his subsequent life was very closely identified.
Henrietta Baker, who became the wife of William Hubbard about the year 1817, was also a native of Garrard county, Kentucky, born April 7, 1803. She bore him ten children, namely: James, Thomas, Joseph, Wesley, William, Pleasant, Lucinda, Nancy, Lizzie and Louisa Ann, of which large family none survive. James Hubbard became one of the best known school teachers of Owen county, and numbered among his pupils some of the leading citizens of that part of the state. William also became a successful teacher, served in the Mexican war, and at the breaking out of the great Rebellion went to the front as captain of Company B, Twenty-seventh Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry, with which he achieved a creditable record as a brave and gallant soldier. Of the remainder who grew to maturity and reared families of their own, the majority became successful tillers of the soil, and by upright lives added to the luster of an honorable family name. Mrs. Hubbard dying in 1839, Mr. Hubbard the following year, while on a visit to Kentucky, married Sarah Vest, with whom he lived in Owen county until the fall of 1870, when he removed to Cloverdale township, in the county of Putnam, where he died on the 25th of May ensuing. Mrs. Hubbard departed this life in May, 1896. This marriage resulted in the birth of two sons, Willis and Perry L. of this review. The former was a member of Company B, Twenty-seventh Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry, in the late Civil war. Like his brother, Willis Hubbard proved a capable and fearless soldier in a number of bloody battle fields, and, being captured by the Confederate guerillas under General Mosby, died in the military prison of Belle Isle before his exchange could be effected.
Perry L. Hubbard was born September 18, 1845, in Owen county, Indiana, and spent his early life on the family homestead, attending, during his childhood and youth, the common schools of the neighborhood. Among the youthful experiences which he recalls with much interest was going with his father on a visit to Kentucky when but four years of age, making the trip in a two-horse wagon and spending several days on the way. It was in the latter state that he first saw a negro, the appearance of whom made an impression upon his young mind which has never been eradicated. At the proper age young Hubbard bore his full share in the cultivation of the farm and he was thus engaged until the breaking out of the great Rebellion, when he exchanged the implements of husbandry for the death-dealing weapons of warfare. On November 7, 1861, he enlisted in the Eighth Indiana Light Battery, with which he served with an honorable record until June 25, 1865, taking part in the various campaigns in which the armies of the Ohio and the Cumberland were engaged. During his military experience he was under the command of Generals Grant, Sherman, Buell, Rosecrans and Thomas, and participated in some of the most sanguinary battles of the war, including Pittsburg Landing or Shiloh on April 7, 1862, Perryville, October 8th of the same year, Stone River, January 1, 1863, Chickamauga, September 18, 19 and 20, 1863, where he celebrated the eighteenth anniversary of his birth under circumstances better imagined than described. He was also with his command at Lookout Mountain, Missionary Ridge, Rocky Face Ridge, Dalton, Resaca and various other engagements from the Atlanta campaign to the Chattahoochee river, including a raid with General McCook's cavalry division, during which, in an action near Jonesboro, the battery was surrounded and only escaped by the men cutting their way through the ranks of the enemy at a loss of nearly half of their number and two pieces of artillery. During the latter part of the war Mr. Hubbard, with others of his command, was detached to go down the Tennessee river on a gunboat to intercept the Confederates under General Hood at Mussel Creek Shoals, and after returning home he assisted in the capture of several deserters who had taken refuge in various parts of Owen county, besides taking part in dispersing a band of guerillas and Southern sympathizers who for some months had been creating a disturbance in the neighborhood and causing much uneasiness among the people by their active influence in behalf of the Confederacy.
Receiving his discharge at Chattanooga, Tennessee, June 23, 1863, Mr. Hubbard at once returned home and. resuming the cultivation of the soil, was soon on the highway to prosperity. On May 31, 1867, he entered the marriage relation with Malinda M. White, who was born in Mercer county, Kentucky, September 22, 1817, being one of ten children whose parents, Burr and Lucinda (Salter) White, were also natives of that state. The White family moved to Putnam county, Indiana, in 1851, locating near the village of Putnamville, where Mrs. White died five years later. Mr. White subsequently changed his abode to Sullivan county, where he spent the remainder of his days, departing this life on June 10, 1879. Their children were as follows: Ellen, Lucinda, Ann, Lizzie, Malinda, Molly, Fountain (who died a prisoner of war at Andersonville), Irvin and Henry. Mr. and Mrs. White were esteemed members of the Methodist Episcopal church and are held in grateful remembrance by those with whom they formerly mingled.
Two children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Hubbard, both daughters, Ella May and Luretta, the former born January 1, 1868, dying October 6, 1872; Luretha married Samuel McClure, a farmer of Cloverdale township, Putnam county, and is the mother of four children, viz.: Minnie Lee McClure, a teacher in the public schools in the above township since her seventeenth year; Daphne, cashier and bookkeeper in the Hitz commission house, Indianapolis; Beryl, a third-year pupil in the Cloverdale high school, and Ray, who is pursuing his studies in the public school near his home.
Mr. Hubbard is a public-spirited man who keeps in touch with the thought and activity of the times in which he lives. He began life, as already stated, as a tiller of the soil and as such continued with encouraging success until accumulating a sufficiency of material wealth to enable him to retire from active labor. He first purchased sixty-six acres from his father, on which he lived until 1871, when he bought a farm of one hundred and fifty-five acres in sections 13 and 14, Cloverdale township, Putnam county. On the latter place he lived until 1892, when by reason of failing health he discontinued active pursuits and moved to the beautiful home in Cloverdale which he purchased in 1887. He is an active and influential member of Cloverdale Post. No. 422, Grand Army of the Republic, in the organization of which he took a leading part and which he has served four terms as post commander. In the summer of 1886 he attended the national encampment at San Francisco, and while absent visited a number of leading citizens and interesting cities of the Pacific slope, Colorado, and other western states and territories, and meeting with not a few of his comrades who shared with him the hardships and dangers which they endured while upholding the honor of their country during the bloody scenes and experiences of former years. In his religious belief he subscribes to the faith of the Methodist Episcopal church, Mrs. Hubbard being a consistent member of the Christian Disciple church. Both are highly esteemed for their many estimable qualities and their friends are as the number of their acquaintances.
"Weiks History of Putnam County Indiana" by Jesse W. Weik. 1910
B.F. Bowen & Co., Publishers, Indianapolis IN
The well-known firm of general merchants which forms the caption of this brief review is too well known to the readers of this history to need extensive comment, since it has long been one of the leading business houses in Greencastle. It numbers its patrons by the thousands throughout this locality, the store being a gathering place for visitors from the rural districts, but from whatever quarter customers come they are accorded uniform courtesy and the kindest consideration, always finding here a well kept, neat, attractive and well managed store, stocked with a complete and carefully selected general line of merchandise, second to none, the prices of which are regarded by their many patrons of long standing as being remarkably low considering the excellent quality of goods offered.
Something of the individual character of the gentlemen who have so successfully managed this large concern will be of interest to the scores of readers of this work who know them so well and yet know but little of their family history, therefore it is with no small degree of satisfaction that we here make mention of the senior member of the firm, Joseph P. Allen, who was born at Milton, Wayne county, Indiana, January 16. 1852. He is the son of James L. Allen, a native of Brookville, Franklin county, Indiana, where he was born about 1823. He early in life turned his attention to merchandising and was for many years the successful manager of a store at Milton, also Thorntown, Indiana, later in life moving to Greencastle, where his death occurred in 1907, rounding out a life replete with honor, good deeds and a fair measure of success, his long span of years being measured over one of the most interesting and momentous epochs of the world's history. He was a fine character. being a descendant of Old Dominion stock, but his father, Joseph Allen, grandfather of the gentleman of whom this immediate sketch is written, was born in Indiana, and here he devoted his life principally to surveying. His grave is at the famous Tippecanoe battle ground, Tippecanoe county.
The mother of the Allen brothers, of this review, was known in her maidenhood as Lucy Waring, who was born in Union county, Indiana, her parents coming to this country from Ireland. She was reared and educated here, dying at the age of fifty-two years. Six children were born to Mr. and Mrs. James L. Allen, a daughter, the oldest member of the family, now living at St. Paul, Minnesota. Joseph P. Allen grew to maturity at Thorntown, Indiana, where he was educated in the public schools, later attending Earlham College, at Richmond, Indiana, receiving an excellent education. Following in the footsteps of his worthy father, he early in life turned his attention to merchandising and after finishing school he went to Cincinnati, Ohio, and began traveling for a wholesale dry goods concern, but notwithstanding his success as a commercial salesman, he abandoned this line of work and came to Greencastle on November 9, 1875, and purchased the interest of Wiles Jones, of the firm of Jones & Vermilion, and in a few years purchased the entire business. After three or four years of unusual success his brother bought a half interest in the store and they have continued to do an excellent business from that time to the present.
Joseph P. Allen was married to Mary Sims, of Delphi, Indiana, in 1873, the daughter of Dr. John Sims, who was a soldier in the Union army and died from the effects of the service. Mrs. Allen was born, reared and educated in Union county, Indiana; she was eleven years old when her father died, her mother having died when she was nine years of age. One child, a son, has been born to this union, Joseph P., Jr., who is a member of the firm of Allen Brothers. He married Blanche Swahlen, daughter of Dr. W. F. Swahlen, professor of Greek in DePauw University; they are the parents of two children.
Mr. Allen is a member of the College Avenue Methodist Episcopal church, and has been one of the official board for a number of years, also chairman of the board of trustees.
Hiram C. Allen, the other member of the firm of Allen Brothers, is a man of equal business ability and good standing in the community. He was born in July, 1854, and was educated in the common schools at Thorntown, later went to school in Cincinnati. Ohio. He, too, turned his attention to merchandising early in life with the intention of making it his permanent vocation. He began by clerking in a retail store at Richmond, Indiana, later traveled out of Cincinnati in the shoe business, then engaged in the retail dry goods business at Bellefontaine, Ohio, thus getting an excellent start in his chosen line. In 1879 he came to Greencastle, Indiana, for the purpose of joining his brother, Joseph P., in the general merchandise business, and he has done his full share in building up an extensive trade here.
Mr. Allen was married to Josephine Sims, of Delphi, Indiana, the daughter of Lewis B. Sims, an attorney. She was born and reared in that place. To this union five children have been born, named as follows: Lucy is engaged in teaching at Calumet, Michigan; Hiram C., Jr., is a member of the firm of Allen Brothers; he married a Miss Harding, of Crawfordsville, and one child has been born to them; Grace is teaching German in the high school at Dixon, Illinois; Martha Jean married a Mr. Wallace and is living in St. Louis; Josephine is attending DePauw University. Mr. Allen is a member of the College Avenue Methodist Episcopal church, having been a member of the official board for many years.
No family in Putnam county stands higher in business, social and all other circles than the Allens.
"Weiks History of Putnam County Indiana" by Jesse W. Weik. 1910
B.F. Bowen & Co., Publishers, Indianapolis IN
The southern part of Putnam county knew no more honorable and worthy citizen during the past generation than James Harvey Rogers, who is now numbered among those who have taken up their journey to the "undiscovered bourne" in the great beyond. He was born north of Greencastle in1832, the son of Edward and Susan (Wood) Rogers, the father a native of Kentucky, where he grew to manhood, the latter a native of Putnam county. Ophelia (Taylor) Rogers, mother of Melvin Rogers and Mrs. Abe Cohn, of Cloverdale, was born at Orange, Virginia, in 1838. She came with her parents in a wagon overland from Virginia to Cambridge City, Indiana, in the early forties, and there the family remained until about 1856, when they moved to near Bainbridge, Putnam county, buying a farm there which they worked the rest of their days. Edward Rogers, the grandfather of Mrs. Abe Cohn, entered one hundred and sixty acres of government land north of Greencastle and lived there until he was nearly seventy-fire years of age, when he sold out and went to live with his son, Harvey, of this review. He died at the age of eighty-one years.
Harvey Rogers lived in the north part of Putnam county until his marriage to Ophelia Taylor, then bought a farm two miles east of Cloverdale, about 1868, having eighty acres there. He made a good living and was liked by all who knew him. His death occurred March 28, 1902. Allen Rogers died January 6, 1905.
Melvin Rogers was born near Bainbridge, Putnam county, Indiana, in 1863, the son of James Harvey and Ophelia (Taylor) Rogers. The family first located two miles east of Bainbridge, and while Melvin was an infant, the family moved two and one-half miles east and one-half mile south of Cloverdale and there the eight children of the Rogers family grew to maturity. They were: Joseph Lee, who is living on a farm east of Cloverdale; Susan married Andrew Kuhns and lives at Center Point, Clay county; Melvin is in business at Cloverdale; Merritt lives at Campbellsville, Kentucky; Millie married Riley Stanton and lives in Owen county, this state; Nettie lives with her mother in Cloverdale; Eva Lacy married Abe Cohn (see his sketch elsewhere in this work); Allen married Lucetta Wilson and lived on the home farm east of Cloverdale, and he died January 6, 1905, leaving three children, Beryl, Lela and Lenore.
Mrs. Harvey Rogers continued to live on the home farm after her husband's death until 1907, when she moved to Cloverdale, where she now resides.
Melvin Rogers lived on the home farm until he was twenty-one years of age, he came to Cloverdale to try his fortune and for about twenty years worked in the store owned by the late Meig Cohn, one of Cloverdale's old-time merchants. In the fall of 1903 Mr. Rogers opened a store of his own in Cloverdale, carrying a general line of goods and he has continued to do a large business here, his store being neat and \yell kept and a modern line of goods is always on hand. He enjoys a very satisfactory trade. He is a member of Cloverdale Lodge, No. 132, Free and Accepted Masons. In September, 1907, he married Alice Omullane, daughter of John and Tempa Omullane. She was reared in Cloverdaled her parents having moved there from Quincy, Owen county. Her father was born in Ireland and came to America in boyhood. Mr. Rogers has one son, Virgil Clell Rogers, now six years old.
Joseph Lee Rogers first married Alice Morgan, of Cloverdale township, the daughter of John and Sarah (Martin) DeVore, and this union resulted in the birth of two children, John H. and Gladys. Mrs. Alice Rogers died January 10, 1901, and Joseph Lee Rogers then married, March 28, 1906, Mrs. Laura (McCoy) Davis, widow of Albert Davis. One daughter was born to this second union, Delcie Lee Rogers. Mr. Rogers now lives on the home farm east of Cloverdale.
"Weiks History of Putnam County Indiana" by Jesse W. Weik. 1910
B.F. Bowen & Co., Publishers, Indianapolis IN
No estimate of the immense amount of good that comes from a long and useful life like that of Elder Ezekiel Wright, can be made, for it is far reaching in its effects and will continue through coming generations, like the light that "shines more and more unto the perfect day." Few lives have been so unselfish, so pregnated with good deeds and so controlled by an insatiable desire to be kind and beneficial to his fellow men; therefore he is held in the highest esteem by thousands whom his life has touched directly or indirectly, and he is now, in the mellow twilight of his age, one of Madison township's most honored citizens. He was born near Lexington, Davidson county, North Carolina, December 19, 1821. His parents were Amos and Elizabeth (Parrish) Wright. This family came to Indiana as early as the fall of 1826, three or four families, consisting of Reuben Wright, brother of Amos Wright, and Edward Parrish, brother of Elizabeth Parrish.
Reuben Wright settled near Manhattan, Washington township, Putnam county, and there spent the remainder of his life. Mr. Parrish settled near the Brick Chapel and lived there until his death. Mrs. David Boswell is his grandchild and a son lives in Owen county, and the descendants of Reuben Wright are still living in this county. The father of Elizabeth Parrish was a soldier in the Revolutionary war. He came to Indiana with the rest of the family and lived here until his death, having reached the ripe old age of over ninety years all that is mortal of him rests in the Long Branch cemetery, his grave never having been marked by the Daughters of the American Revolution. Amos Wright settled on Long Branch, entering one hundred and sixty acres of land there. He built the present residence of John Quinlisk about 1833 and he spent practically the remainder of his life there; selling out in his old age, but continued to live in Madison township, dying at the advanced age of eighty-eight years, on October 9, 1870. His wife was sixteen years old when she married; she, too, reached a remarkable age, ninety years, dying in September, 1879. The former had lived in this township for forty-four years. He was a Whig, politically, but later in life was a Democrat. At one time he served as road supervisor of the entire township, which at that time was a difficult task. He was a member of the Church of Christ. His cousin, Elder Levi Wright, of Clinton township, held services at the home of Amos, also at Andrew Frank's and finally organized a church, the first building being at the Long Branch cemetery, the present Christian chapel being built in 1867. Amos Wright and his wife were lifelong members of that church. The family belonged to the Baptist church in North Carolina, the father of Amos having been a preacher there, and Amos an elder.
Of the thirteen children born to Amos Wright and wife, six sons and six daughters grew to maturity. Each married and reared a family, only three of the number are living in 1910. A sister, Dicie Stewart, died in Kansas, February 2, 1910. She would have been ninety-nine years old in August, 1910. Turner Wright is living at Denver, Colorado, now eighty-two-years of age.
Thus we see that this family has been remarkable for its longevity, also its piety, their lives being lengthened, no doubt, by good temperate habits in all the walks of life, by a strict avoidance of the many vices that tear down the mechanism of the mortal body.
Elder Ezekiel Wright grew to maturity on the home farm, and, thus reared in the days of the early development of the agricultural life of the country, was required to assist with the general work about the place. He remained under the parental roof until he was twenty years old, when he married his second cousin, Celia Wright, daughter of Elder Levi Wright. He built a cabin on eighty acres of the land entered by his father. He soon had a good start and he built a substantial and comfortable dwelling, in which he has continued to live for a period of sixty years. He has been very successful in his life work and old age finds him surrounded by all the comforts of life and many evidences of his former years of thrift. He joined the church when seventeen years of age and in due course of time was made an elder, and he soon began to preach in his own church and has served as an elder of the local congregation ever since. The Christian chapel stands on land formerly owned by him. He has served the church each month in four different places, often preaching in school houses. He is one of the oldest ministers in this section of the state; for many years he would work on his farm all week, start out on Saturday to his "appointment" and preach that and the following day. He has "gone about doing good" in many ways and has been the popular marrying preacher, and he has officiated at many funerals, in fact, he is always ready to serve wherever necessary. In June, 1908, he assisted in the fiftieth anniversary of Charles Dailey and Linnie Wright. He has served as trustee of Madison township by appointment and was twice elected; however, he has never sought public honors.
After forty-three years of mutually happy and congenial wedded life, Mrs. Wright was called to her reward in 1884. Six children were born to this union, one daughter dying in childhood. The others are, Henry, who died in May, 1909, lacking one day of his sixty-fifth birthday, he lived at Parsons, Kansas; since his death his son, Otto, a locomotive engineer, was killed while on his run at Lincoln, Nebraska, in December, 1909. Fanny, the widow of Austin Sims, makes her home with her father. Barton Stone spent twenty-three years in Kansas, but is now at home with his father. Levi Marion lives near the old homestead. Nancy Elizabeth married Scott Irwin, of Madison township, she has one son. Lillie, the wife of Bernard Bradfield, lives near Riley, Indiana; Nora is the wife of Alfred Johnson, living near Bainbridge, this county.
"Weiks History of Putnam County Indiana" by Jesse W. Weik. 1910
B.F. Bowen & Co., Publishers, Indianapolis IN
The gentleman to whose life record the biographer now calls the reader's attention was not favored by large inherited wealth or the assistance of influential friends, but in spite of this, by perseverance, industry and a wise economy, he attained a comfortable station in life early in his career, and he is widely and favorably known throughout Putnam county, and even his reputation as a skilled dentist has penetrated into other counties, so that his office in Greencastle has long been a very busy place, for the work he turns out is always satisfactory and his patients become his constant patrons and his friends.
The Overstreet family originated in England, the first member of the family coming to America in a very early day. Samuel Overstreet, grandfather of the Doctor, was born in Kentucky, February 19, 1780. He there grew to maturity and married, on November 23, 1804, Elizabeth Hawkins, who was born May 3, 1787, and they became the parents of the following children: Lorinda, born November 4, 1805; Nancy, born April 1, 1807; John H., born January 12, 1809; Martha, born April 8, 1810; James Madison, born November 23, 1812; William H. H., born February 25, 1814; Catherine, born May 20, 1816: Elizabeth, born September 17, 1817; Gabriel Monroe, born May 12, 1818; he w-as the father of Congressman Jesse Overstreet; Samuel was born _____ 3, 1819; Samuel, born March 3, 1821; Mary Elenor, born January 3, 1823; Richard Thomas, August 23, 1825; Robert Mitchell, born December 22, 1826; Sarah Matilda, born August 14, 1828.
Dr. Willis G. Overstreet was born in Oldham county, Kentucky, August 13, 1846, the son of John H. Overstreet, who also was a native of the Blue Grass state, where he was reared and educated. He came to Indiana about 1850, locating at Franklin, Johnson county, later moving to a farm in Clark township where he lived until his death, in October, 1883, at the age of seventy-four years, having been born January 12, 1809. He was a successful farmer and a man whom everybody respected for his industry and exemplary habits.
Doctor Overstreet received a good common school education and he received his practical dental education at Redford, Indiana. He moved to Greencastle on November 1, 1874, and began the practice of dentistry, soon building up an excellent patronage and he has been continuously in the practice here ever since, in the same building. He is the oldest practicing dentist in Greencastle.
Doctor Overstreet married first Margaret E. McNutt, of Johnson county, Indiana, by which union three children were born, namely: Ralph and Elizabeth, both deceased, and Dr. Orsa Fred. The mother of these children passed to her rest in 1890, and Doctor Overstreet married Nellie Cutler, of Greencastle, March 4, 1897. This union is without issue.
Dr. Willis G. Overstreet was elected city treasurer in 1906, his term expiring in 1910. He is a Republican and has long been active in the ranks.
Dr. Orsa Fred Overstreet came to Greencastle with his parents when a child. He received a public school education and graduated from the high school in 1885, after which he took three years' work in DePauw University. He desired to follow in the footsteps of his father and accordingly took up the study of dentistry, graduating from the Indiana Dental College, in Indianapolis, in 1891 and he began practicing his profession in Greencastle that year which he has continued to the present with very gratifying success. He was married in August, 1892, to Jessie J. Joslin, of Crawfordsville, where she was born, reared and educated. She is the daughter of Noah S. and Frances (Squires) Joslin, an influential family there. One son, Ralph, has graced this union, born April 5, 1895.
Doctor Overstreet is now and has been for the past ten years a member of the Greencastle school board, being president of the Board in which he has taken an abiding interest and in which he has made his influence felt for better education. He is a member of the Modern Woodmen of America and the Sigma Chi fraternity. He is active Republican politics. The Overstreets are among the leading families of Greencastle, and are prominent in all circles here.
"Weiks History of Putnam County Indiana" by Jesse W. Weik. 1910
B.F. Bowen & Co., Publishers, Indianapolis IN
No greater badge of honor could be conferred on an American citizen than to give him the distinction of having offered his services and his life, if need be, in defense of the government, for such service is always far-reaching in its effects upon subsequent generations. The late Maj. James Francis Fee was a gallant defender of the flag and is eminently worthy of a place in his country's history, not alone for his military career, but for many reasons, for he was one of those strong, self-reliant, honest and determined characters who are occasionally met with and who are of such a distinct type as to seem to be born leaders of their fellow men. Not that Major Fee courted that distinction, for he was entirely unassuming, but his great force of character and his zeal and energy in whatever he undertook naturally placed him at the head of the crowd, and he was a potent factor in the development of Putnam county, where he long maintained his home and where he was well known to all classes for his honorable and industrious life, in both private and public.
Major Fee was born in Heltonsville, South Carolina, June 6, 1842, the oldest son of Dr. Mathew and Sarah Fee, natives of South Carolina and well known in their vicinity, the father dying there when James F. was seven years old, the family then moving to Bloomington, Indiana, where the mother lived to an advanced age, dying there twelve years ago.
At Lincoln's first call for troops, James F. Fee, then a lad in his teens, enlisted in the Thirty-first Regiment, Indiana Volunteer Infantry, and he served through the war as gallantly as any older veteran, participating in various trying campaigns and thirty-one battles, his record being one of which his descendants should be proud, for he went in as a private and came out as captain, his rise being through merit. He was a private in Company K, Fourteenth Indiana Infantry, from May 10 to July 9, 1861; private in Company G, Thirty-first Indiana Infantry, September 5, 1861; he was promoted to sergeant the same month; he was promoted to second lieutenant February 22, 1864, and to first lieutenant on the 15th of the following September, and he was returned home a captain, having been honorably discharged January 10, 1866. He was captain of Company I, First Indiana National Guard, being appointed to this office June 27, 1891, and on July 17, 1895, he was promoted to the rack of major. He belonged to the One Hundred and Fifty-ninth Regiment, Indiana Volunteer Infantry, which was organized June 12, 1882, as the first veteran regiment, Indiana Legion. He enrolled April 26, 1898, as major and was mustered out November 23, 1898. He was an ardent military man, a gallant soldier, a trusted commander and he was always very popular with his men, with whom he was firm but kind, and they trusted him implicitly, recognizing his ability as a true commander, and he always had the respect and often the admiration of his superior officers.
At the close of the Civil war Major Fee came to Greencastle and engaged in the real estate and insurance business and for some time was pension attorney. He continued in this line of work, for the most part, during his remaining lifetime, having engaged again in insurance and real estate after the Spanish-American war, and he was very successful in this line of endeavor, having built up a very satisfactory business. and because of his honesty and straightforward dealings with his fellow men and his popularity with all classes he was well known and liked by all. The death of this excellent citizen occurred on February 19, 1905.
Major Fee married, on February 10, 1868, Margaret Wylie, daughter of William and Margaret (Curry) Wylie, an excellent and well established family of Bloomington, Indiana. Mrs. Fee's mother died when she was a small child, and her father died in 1902. They reared seven children, two of whom are now living.
Politically Mr. Fee was a Republican and for two terms he served very acceptably as city clerk of Greencastle. He belonged to the Presbyterian church, and he was a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fel1ows, the Royal Arcanum and the Grand Army of the Republic.
"Weiks History of Putnam County Indiana" by Jesse W. Weik. 1910
B.F. Bowen & Co., Publishers, Indianapolis IN
A career marked by earnest and indefatigable application has been that of this substantial mechanic and honored citizen of Cloverdale, where he has maintained a residence for nearly a third of a century, during all of which time his life has been an open book known and read by his fellow men. He was a valiant soldier of the Civil war where his fidelity was of the type which has characterized his actions in all their relations and gained for him the confidence and esteem of the public and unbounded respect of all with whom he has been brought into contact.
Jesse A. Poynter is a native of Hendricks county, Indiana, and the sixth of a family of eight children born to Samuel and Nancy Poynter. Samuel Poynter was born near Owensboro, Kentucky, May 8, 1816; and on the 8th day of December, 1836, married Nancy Davis, whose birth occurred on February 6, 1815. The names of their children with dates of birth are as follows: William F., October 12, 1837; Mary J., February 15, 1839; Benjamin F., May 25, 1840, lieutenant in Company F, Seventy-ninth Regiment, Indiana Volunteers, and killed at the battle of Stone River, January 2, 1863 ; Martha L., November 9, 1842; Margaret E., February 9, 1845; Jesse A., subject of this sketch, April 9, 1848; Nancy E., July 4, 1852; Eliza, February 21, 1854. Samuel Poynter, the father of these children, departed this life on April 14, 1871, his wife preceding him to the other world May 22, 1869,
Samuel Poynter accompanied his parents upon their remova1 from Kentucky to Indiana in quite an early day, his father dying before the family reached their destination. Later he entered the ministry of the Methodist Episcopal church and for many years was actively engaged in the itinerancy, having had charge of a number of circuits in various parts of central and southern Indiana, during the pioneer period. He was an able and eloquent preacher, a faithful and conscientious worker in the cause of the Master and through his labors and influence churches were established at different points and hundreds brought to a saving knowledge of the truth.
The first nine years of Jesse Poynter's life were spent in the town of Pittsboro, where his father was then stationed, but being transferred to the Putnamville circuit at the expiration of that time, with headquarters at Quincy, the subject remained at the latter place until the removal of the family to Cloverdale in the year 1859. Meantime he attended the public schools of the above towns and was pursuing his studies when the national skies became overcast by ominous clouds of approaching civil war. Two young to enter the ranks as a soldier, Jesse, in the year 1863, before his fifteenth year, enlisted as a drummer in Company C, One Hundred and Fifteenth Regiment, Indiana Volunteer Infantry, for six months, at the end of which time he re-enlisted as a musician in Company B, Thirty-first Regiment, Indiana Volunteers, with which he served until the end of the war, the Thirty-first being the last Indiana troops to be mustered out. Mr. Poynter shared with his comrades the experiences of active warfare in various parts of t the south, taking part in the siege of Knoxville and in Sherman's campaign up to the operations against Atlanta. From the latter place his command was sent to Tennessee to assist in checking the Confederate advance on Nashville, and he participated in the hard-fought battle at that place and at Franklin, after which the regiment was ordered to rejoin Sherman's army in the eastern part of the state. The force proceeded as far as Greenville, when news of Lee's surrender caused a halt, and from that city the Thirty-first Indiana with several other regiments were sent to Texas to be in readiness in case any trouble should arise over the French occupancy of Mexico. Not being needed, the regiment was duly mustered out in the spring of 1866, following which the subject returned to Putnamville, where his father was then living and operating a saw-mill.
Actuated by a desire to increase his scholastic knowledge, Mr. Poynter subsequently entered Asbury (now DePauw) University, but owing to financial stringency attended that institution only a short time, being obliged to turn his hand to some kind of occupation for a livelihood. Rejoining the family, which in the meantime had removed to Eminence, Morgan county, he took up the blacksmith's trade, which he learned partly in that town and partly at Cloverdale with his brother, and at which he soon acquired more than ordinary efficiency as a workman. After following his chosen calling at Eminence until 1870, he returned to Cloverdale where he has since resided and operated very successfully the large blacksmith and general repair shop of which he is still proprietor, this being the oldest as well as the best patronized establishment of the kind in this part of Putnam county.
On January 26, 1873, Mr. Poynter was united in marriage with Martha Letitia Bennett, daughter of Mansfield and Sarah (Littell) Bennett, both parents members of old and respected families of Monroe county, Indiana, where Mrs. Poynter's grandparents settled in an early day on land purchased from the government. Mrs. Sarah Bennett was a daughter of Isaac and Zerelda (Tilford) Littell, who moved from Clark county to Morgan county in pioneer times and took an active part in the settlement and development of the section of county in which they located. When a mere child, Mrs. Poynter was taken to Morgan county by her parents and there remained until her marriage. After spending five years of their wedded life at Eminence, Mr. and Mrs. Poynter removed to their present place of residence, with the subsequent history of which they have been closely identified. Three children have been born to them, viz.: Deward, St. Paul and Jessie Adelaide, all born while the parents lived in Eminence. The first named died in infancy, St. Paul is a graduate of DePauw University and is now a journalist by profession, living at Sullivan, where he publishes the Sullivan Democrat and the Times, the former a weekly paper and the latter a daily. He married Alice Wilkey, daughter of Nelson and Belle (Allen) Wilkey, and is the father of two children, Eleanor Allen and Nelson Paul Poynter.
Jessie Adelaide is also a graduate of DePauw University in the department of music, having stood highest in the class in the school of piano music. She is now the wife of Dr. James M. McEvoy, a physician and surgeon of Ft. Wayne, to whom she has borne three sons, Paul Bertrand, James Poynter and Maurice Francis McEvoy.
In all his relations with his fellow men Mr. Poynter has been actuated by a high sense of justice and honor and his life and character are above reproach. Mrs. Poynter is a lady of beautiful character and sterling worth and as active member of the Christian church wields an influence for good among all with whom she mingles. She is a member of the Woman's Relief Corps of Cloverdale.
"Weiks History of Putnam County Indiana" by Jesse W. Weik. 1910
B.F. Bowen & Co., Publishers, Indianapolis IN
The Lanes are of old English stock and claim descent from a representative who came over in the "Mayflower." The family thus started with the first settlement of the country and its members took part in the struggle and privations that preceded civilization in New England. We hear definitely of Alexander Lane, who was born near Lexington, Kentucky, in what is known as the Crab Orchard district. He married Lydia Burks, also a Kentuckian by birth, and in 1826 they came to Indiana and settled in Union township, Parke county, on land obtained from the government. At the time of their arrival there was only one other white man in Parke county, he being a brother of Mrs. Lane, who had come out the year before. The trip from Kentucky was rather an adventurous one in those days and not unattended by danger, as wild beasts and Indians were numerous. They rode all the way on horseback and often recalled passing through what is now the thriving city of Greencastle, which was then merely a cluster of small cabins. This sturdy pioneer couple ended their days on the land they had settled and where they had witnessed so much of hard work, privation and sorrow. The husband died at the comparatively early age of fifty, but his wife survived to the extreme age of ninety-two years. They had eight children, five of whom are living. John A. Lane, the seventh child, was born on the old homestead in Parke county, but in 1871 removed to Greencastle and engaged in the mercantile pursuits, which occupied his time for many years. He was also a carpenter and contractor and quite prominent in the Democratic politics of Putnam county. He married Sarah E. Todd, a native of Parke county, by whom he had three children, Alec A., Frank L. and Earl C. Frank L. is in the meat market business and Earl C. is manager of the Model Clothing Company. The father died August 5, 1899; his widow makes her home with her eldest son in Greencastle.
Alec A. Lane, eldest of the children, was born in Parke county, Indiana, May 1, 1869. When two years old he was brought by his parents to their new home in Putnam county, where he attended the district schools as he grew up. Having received a fair primary education, he entered DePauw University, from which he graduated in 1894. He took up civil engineering as his life work and has since continuously followed this useful calling. He began the general practice of land surveying and worked over the entire state. In 1902 he was elected county surveyor on the Democratic ticket, and on January 1, 1903, he entered upon the duties of his office. He has been reelected every two years since and has made one of the best surveyors the county ever had. During his long and active tenure he has laid out about four hundred miles of gravel and macadamized roads. He has also designed all the bridges in the county, including the largest single-span bridge ever erected in Putnam. This is known as the Perigo bridge over Eel river, near Reelsville, and this imposing structure is a monument to Mr. Lane's mechanical skill and taste in bridge architecture. Some twelve other bridges, all of superior design and workmanship, equally attest the resources of this useful citizen. He set the axis lines and level lines for the building of the new court house, which is the pride and glory of Putnam county. Mr. Lane has been called into every county in the state to settle land disputes and surveys. Mr. Lane has never married. He is a member of the Masonic lodge at Greencastle and chairman of the Putnam county Democratic central committee.
"Weiks History of Putnam County Indiana" by Jesse W. Weik. 1910
B.F. Bowen & Co., Publishers, Indianapolis IN
The Plummer family, owing to the industrious and honorable lives of its various representatives in Putnam county since the early days, deserves to hold high rank among the present generation of citizens, especially of Madison township, James H. Plummer being one of the best known. His parents were James William and Sarah E. (Swinford) Plummer, the former born on Long Branch, this township, March 15, 1837. His parents, Isaac and Elizabeth (Tucker) Plummer, were natives of North Carolina, where they spent their youth, married and emigrated overland to Putnam county, Indiana, about 1835, bringing their four children, and they spent the remainder of their lives on the Long Branch, where in true pioneer fashion, they began in a small way to develop a good farm. James William was fifteen years of age when his father died, consequently remained at home and cared for his mother and sisters. He married Sarah E. Swinford on January 25, 1860. She was the daughter of James and Mary (Orr) Swinford, both natives of Harrison county, Kentucky, where they grew to maturity and were married. In the fall of 1839 they came to Indiana and settled on Big Walnut creek, near its convergence with the Little Walnut, and there lived until their deaths. James Swinford dying February 9, 1868, lacking six days of his eightieth birthday. His second wife survived him until February 15, 1894, reaching the age of eighty-eight years. Sarah E. Swinford was born on the old homestead, May 6, 1842, and was one of a family of four sons and two daughters; only two of the number are now living, Sarah E. Plummer and Josephus Swinford, of Hindsboro, Illinois.
Soon after their marriage, in October, 1860, Mr. and Mrs. Plummer came to Putnam county, and settled on the land still owned by the Plummer family. The land was cleared by them and later more added to it until they had an excellent farm of one hundred and seventy-fire acres. After the death of Mrs. Plummer's father, Mr. Plummer purchased an interest in the Swinford homestead and farmed on an extensive scale. After his death Mrs. Plummer and her sons erected the present buildings on the place, the widow having continued to live on the old place, which has been greatly improved by James H., her son, who is regarded as a modern twentieth-century agriculturist in every respect, and it has always been his delight to care for his mother, she having received his careful attention since 1882.
This family consisted of seven children, two of whom died within a few weeks of the father, five living to maturity, namely: James H., of this review; Albert, of Pueblo, Colorado, who married Sarah Wright; Salinda married Ed. Stoner, living in Franklin township, Putnam county; Mary married John Cox, of Madison township; John Isaac, who lives in Madison township, this county, married Nora Basinger.
James H. Plummer was born November 4, 1860, on the present Plummer farm, soon after his parents located here, and he has spent his life on this place. In his early youth he attended the district schools and worked in the stone quarries and on the railroad section force. He was fourteen years old when his father died, his youngest brother being three years old. The mother kept the children together on the farm. She maintained a boarding house while bridge gangs and railroad constructors were at work in this vicinity, the new line of the Big Four railroad passing through the farm, the Plummer cut of eighty-seven feet being a well known spot to train-men on this line. Besides her own children, Mrs. Plummer reared Lottie Cox, a granddaughter, who has now been with her for four years. Mrs. Plummer is a member of the Long Branch Christian church, having held membership with this denomination since a girl. James H. Plummer has never married, preferring to give his attention exclusively to his mother and the other members of the family. They have a good home and a well cultivated farm.
"Weiks History of Putnam County Indiana" by Jesse W. Weik. 1910
B.F. Bowen & Co., Publishers, Indianapolis IN
Elder Willis E. Gill, banker, of Cloverdale, Putnam county, is an Illinoisan by birth and may justly bear the title of "self-made man." having worked his way unaided from the humble ranks of toilers, through the vicissitudes and adversities of life, to an admirable and influential position among the business men of Putnam county. The success attained by him in his business affairs has been greatly owing to his steady persistence, stern integrity and excellent judgment, qualities which have also won for him the confidence and esteem of the public to a marked degree.
Willis E. Gill was born in Edgar county, Illinois, on September 21, 1869, and is a son of John B. and Mary C. (Smith) Gill. He is descended from a family of five brothers, all of whom were natives of Virginia and who served under Marquis de Lafayette in the war of the Revolution. The subject's maternal grandfather was William Gill, who was a son of Robert Gill, who went from Virginia to Illinois in an early day, and dying there at the remarkable age of about one hundred years. The subject of this sketch was reared on the paternal farmstead in Edgar county, Illinois, and received his elementary education in the common schools. Subsequently he was a student in the State Normal School, at Danville, Indiana, after which he engaged in teaching school. He was successful as a pedagogue, which profession he followed ten years, first in country schools, but later at Kansas, Illinois. After leaving the school room Mr. Gill engaged in the fire insurance business at Kansas, in which he remained engaged until 1903, when he disposed of his business there and came to Cloverdale, Indiana, where he entered the banking business in partnership with Messrs. D. V. Moffett, F. P. Moffett and N. R. Bennett, the bank being organized under the state laws governing private banks. Mr. Gill is cashier of the institution and is in active management of its affairs, much of the success which has attended it being directly due to his sound judgment and splendid executive ability.
The subject is a member of the Primitive Baptist church, and is the pastor of the Smyrna Baptist church, which charge he has held practically ever since coming to Indiana. He first engaged in the ministry about 1891, while residing at Kansas, Illinois, and since that time has had charge of churches, sometimes as many as three at one time.
Aside from his activities in business and the ministry, Elder Gill is also an enthusiastic farmer and owns two hundred acres of fine land situated about a mile north of Cloverdale, and which he operates with profit and considerable personal gratification.
On March 4, 1890, Elder Gill married Lily May Moffit, daughter of Elder S. H. Moffit, of Kansas, Illinois, and this union has been blessed by two children, Jessie and Carlyle. Fraternally, Elder Gill is a member of the Modern Woodmen of America. Politically he is a Democrat and, while not a politician in the ordinary sense of the word, he takes an intelligent and commendable interest in public affairs. He has been a member of the school board of Cloverdale for the past six years and is now serving as its treasurer. Having been a teacher himself, he takes a strong interest in educational matters, and since becoming a member of the board he has labored to raise the standard of studies and during this period the Cloverdale high school has been raised from a noncommissioned to a commissioned high school. A man of public-spirit and broad sympathies, he exerts a genuine influence for the best things in the community and is held in the highest regard by all.
The Bank of Cloverdale was organized in July, 1901, by John Laughlin, who operated it individually until June, 1903, when it was bought by Messrs. D. V. Moffett, W. E. Gill, F. P. Moffett and N. R. Bennett, who still own it. The bank has a capital stock of ten thousand dollars, and has deposits of about one hundred thousand dollars, its business having increased rapidly in the past few years. The present officers are D. V. Moffett, president; Mr. E. Gill, cashier, and O. V. Smythe, assistant cashier. In the financial stringency of 1908 the bank at all times commanded the full confidence of the people of the community, this fact being largely due to the personnel of the gentlemen who are back of it, it being considered among the solid and influential monetary institutions of Putnam county.
"Weiks History of Putnam County Indiana" by Jesse W. Weik. 1910
B.F. Bowen & Co., Publishers, Indianapolis IN