Dr. Prichard was born in Cloverdale, this county, January 1, 1860, the son of Lewis and Joanna (Ross) Prichard, long a prominent family in this vicinity. This family is of Welsh descent, the first Prichards having come to America in an early day, making their way westward to Kentucky, in which state, Lawrence county, Lewis Prichard was born. He grew to maturity there and, deciding to enter the medical profession, after he had completed his primary schooling, he entered the Cincinnati Eclectic School of Medicine, from which he was graduated and in a short time he was successfully engaged in the practice of his profession. He came to Putnam county, Indiana, in 1838, where he became well established and successfully engaged in practice, becoming the owner of a large tract of valuable land. He was prominent in public affairs and a worker in the Democratic party. He was a man of strict integrity and one of the community's leading citizens. His death occurred on November 27, 1889.
Desiring to follow in the footsteps of his father, Walter K. Prichard became a very studious lad early in life, passing through the common schools and completing the course at the Hendricks County Normal School, at Danville, Indiana. He studied medicine under his father and attended the medical department of the Virginia University, receiving the degree of Medical Jurisprudence. On March 10, 1881 he graduated from the Miami Medical College. Since that date he has been successfully engaged in practice at Cloverdale, Putnam county, where he was very extensively patronized from the first, and now his name has become a household word in the southern part of the county, having won a reputation for his excellent surgery which extends far beyond the limits of the county, ranking high among the best medical men in this section of the state. In 1881 Doctor Prichard took a post-graduate course at the New York Polyclinic.
The Doctor has found time in the midst of his professional duties to look after some business interests, among which is his splendid and well improved farm of over three hundred and forty acres which he keeps well cultivated and stocked with a high grade of various kinds of livestock. He oversees his place and takes a great delight in its management. Notwithstanding, the fact that his has been an unusually busy life, he has found time to travel extensively and to keep well abreast of the times not only in matters pertaining to his profession but in all topics of vital import.
Doctor Prichard was married on March 11, 1881, to Virginia Remley, a lady of culture and refinement, representing an excellent Cincinnati family. This union has resulted in the birth of three children, Estella, Irma and Calita.
The Doctor is as pronounced in his views against intemperance as was his worthy father before him and he leaves no stone unturned whereby he can aid the cause of temperance. He is a public spirited man and a loyal Democrat, and he very ably served at one time as a member of the board of pension examiners. Fraternally, he is a member of the Free and Accepted Masons, Lodge No. 132; also the Knights of Pythias, Diamond Lodge, No. 344, and the Modern Woodmen Camp. No. 7135.
"Weiks History of Putnam County Indiana" by Jesse W. Weik. 1910
B.F. Bowen & Co., Publishers, Indianapolis IN
The founders of the family of this name were Southerners, Allen and Elizabeth (Keysey) Skelton, the former a Virginian, met and married in Kentucky. Soon after they removed to Indiana, living for a while in Morgan county, but later locating in Putnam county, near Reelsville, in about the year 1851. Allen was a shoemaker and worked at his trade in Reelsville, which was on the old National road. It contained a mill, a store and a blacksmith shop. The stage coaches made much travel both ways and the roads were enlivened with herds of hogs on their way to the packing house at Terre Haute. In 1853 the Skeltons located on a farm in Madison township, situated on Snake creek in the southern part, and here Allen lived until his death in 1863. His widow continued to live with a son on the old place until her death, at past seventy-five years of age. They had five children: James H., who lived near the old home, died at the age of forty-five; David D.; Samuel, retired farmer in Monroe county, Indiana; Allen, a retired fanner of Monroe county, Indiana; Sarah, widow of Fred Sigel, who was killed in a stone quarry, is a resident of Indianapolis. David D. Skelton, the second child, was born in Morgan county, Indiana, April 14, 1842, and remained at home until the completion of his twentieth year. In October, 1861, he enlisted in Company H, Forty-third Regiment, Indiana Volunteer Infantry, under command of Capt. William Lane. He served until the close of the war, though ten months of the time was spent in a southern prison at Tyler, Texas. He was captured at Marks Mills in Arkansas, April 25, 1864, while serving under General Steel, who was moving to relieve General Banks. He was detailed as guard of the wagon train from Camden to Pine Bluff. The stockade at Tyler held three or four thousand prisoners and was a miserable den in which the Union soldiers suffered much. Mr. Skelton was finally exchanged and left the stockade February 23th, went to New Orleans, drew a supply of clothing and was sent back to Indianapolis, where he recruited, reorganized and did guard duty. Mr. Skelton was a good soldier, always ready for duty and was several times promoted, being a sergeant when he was captured. He re-enlisted in January, 1864, and was with General Steel when he entered Little Rock. After his discharge, Mr. Skelton returned to his old home and began farming with his mother. In 1867 he married Elizabeth Jones, daughter of John and Hannah Jones, born in Ohio, from which state she came with her parents when six years old. After marriage he took charge of the farm and managed it until his mother's death. He soon began to buy out the interests of the heirs and in a few years owned the entire estate. It consisted originally of one hundred and sixty acres, but Mr. Skelton added to it until he owned two hundred and forty acres. All of this, however, he deeded to his children, and in March, 1903, came to his present home of seventy-five acres. His wife died May 11, 1897, and on October 19, 1898, he married Mrs. J. C. Jones, who two years before had come, a widow, from Roanoke City, Virginia. Her maiden name was Jennie Davis, and she was a native of Giles county, Virginia; she married Mr. Jones at Roanoke City. She came to Indianapolis in search of a brother who left Virginia when sixteen years old. She learned that he was in Kansas City, Missouri, where he has since died. In 1908 a twin brother of the one above mentioned visited Mrs. Skelton after an absence of thirty years. Mr. Skelton had five children: John Allen, a farmer in Madison township; George D., a stationary engineer in West Terre Haute; Ora D. married Henry V. Thomas, of Clinton Falls, Putnam county; Sarah A. married Adam Ellis and resides on the old homestead; Charles O. is an engineer in West Terre Haute.
"Weiks History of Putnam County Indiana" by Jesse W. Weik. 1910
B.F. Bowen & Co., Publishers, Indianapolis IN
Prominent among the business men of Cloverdale, Putnam county, Indiana, is James W. Croxton, who for a number of years has been closely identified with the growth and development of the community. Marked business ability, sound judgment and his sterling persona1 traits have commended him to the esteem of all who know him and he is numbered among the leading men of his community. James W. Croxton is a native son of the Blue Grass state, having been born at Warsaw, Gallatin county, Kentucky, on the 6th day of March, 1852. He is a son of Eli and Rebecca Jane (Ralston) Croxton. The former was born in Ohio and was the son of Thomas Croxton, while the latter was born in Owen county, Kentucky. Their marriage occurred in Gallatin county, Kentucky, and their union was blessed with eleven children, namely: James, Thomas, George, Harriet, Margaret, Luella, Anna, Belle, Laura and Nanna. About 1859 the family moved to Switzerland county, Indiana, where the father obtained employment as engineer in a flour mill at Florence, and at the same time carried on farming operations. The son James, under his father's instructions, learned the trade of engineering in these mills, and during the following twenty years he was engaged in that line of work. When about nineteen years of age James Croxton went to Tipton county, Indiana, where he engaged as engineer and also ran a saw-mill. Two years later he went to Frankfort, Clinton county, where for ten years he had charge of a stationary engine. In 1884 he bought a half interest in a flour mill at Denver, Miami county, and in the latter part of the following year he went to Delphi, Carroll county, where he bought an interest in a flour mill, which he operated for about four years. He then went to Monticello and was employed as engineer in Laughry Brothers' flour mill, but six months later he returned to Delphi and during the following six months was engaged in the baking and confectionary business. Going to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, at the end of that period, he was employed for a year and a half as engineer in the street railway power house. At the end of that time he returned to Denver, Indiana, and rented a half interest in the mill with which he had been formerly connected. Six months later, October 1892, Mr. Croxton came to Cloverdale, and bought a half interest in the flour mill, his partner being Henry Horn, the builder of the mill. A year later, the latter sold his interest to Justice Kerbaugh, and Messrs. Croxton and Kerbaugh continued as partners about four years, when Mr. Croxton became the sole owner, and still continues to operate the business. When Mr. Croxton became connected with the business, the mill was but a small affair, but since then the property has been greatly enlarged, a more powerful engine and new boilers being installed, and the capacity for handling and shipping grain has been greatly increased. In addition to the manufacture of flour and feed, Mr. Croxton is engaged extensively in the buying and shipping of grain to the eastern markets, and also deals in all kinds of hard and soft coal. He is president of the Cloverdale Hardware and Lumber Company, whose store is one of the most complete of its kind in the state and whose yards are filled with an immense stock of lumber and all kinds of building material. They also have, in connection, a well-equipped planing mill, the only one in that locality. In all his business deals Mr. Croxton exhibits a shrewdness and sagacity which has enabled him to realize a gratifying success and his advice is considered valuable in all business affairs.
In 1889 Mr. Croxton was united in marriage with Annie M. Gobel, the daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth (Price) Gobel. These parents were natives of Preble county, Ohio, and afterwards moved to Clinton county, Indiana, where Mrs. Croxton was reared. To Mr. and Mrs. Croxton have been born two children, Josephine and Margaret. Josephine became the wife of Charles Denny, of Cloverdale, and they are the parents of four children, Cecil, Dolos Marie, Rudolph and Marie. Margaret married John A. Omullane, the proprietor of a butcher shop in Cloverdale, and they have four children: Mildred, Carl, William Franklin and Frederick Norman.
Religiously Mr. and Mrs. Croxton and their daughters are members of the Church of Christ at Cloverdale, and give to the church a warm and liberal support. They are worthy members of society and enjoy the friendship of all who know them.
"Weiks History of Putnam County Indiana" by Jesse W. Weik. 1910
B.F. Bowen & Co., Publishers, Indianapolis IN
The name of Raines has been for many years an honored and respected one in Putnam county, and the gentleman of that name who is the immediate subject of this sketch is richly deserving of the universal respect and esteem which is accorded him in the community in which he lives. He has achieved success in the pursuit of husbandry, being numbered among the progressive and enterprising farmers of the county, and he has also been accorded definite recognition in the political circles of the county, being now a member of the board of county commissioners, in which responsible position he is serving his second term.
Mr. Raines is a native son of the county in which he lives, having been born on the 13th day of March, 1867. His paternal grandparents, Walker and Tabitha Raines, were natives of Virginia, that state from which have come so many noted men in our national history. Walker and Tabitha Raines were reared and married in their native state, subsequently moving to Kentucky, and in 1829 they came to Putnam county, Indiana, locating in Monroe township. The former died soon after locating here, but his widow continued to reside here until her death, which occurred in August, 1864. All of their seven children are now dead. Walker Raines was a shoemaker by trade and in religion he was a faithful member of the Methodist Episcopal church. His son, Cornelius Gillum Raines, father of the subject of this sketch, was born in Montgomery county, Kentucky, September 26, 1816, and at the age of thirteen years accompanied his parents on their removal to Putnam county, where he was reared to manhood, receiving his education the meanwhile in the common schools. In February, 1843, he married Penelope Dale, to which union were born five children, of which number only one is now living, Sarah, the wife of Caleb Reeves, of Kansas. The names of the deceased children are James W., Robert W., Selena and Elizabeth. Mrs. Penelope Raines died in 1856 and in 1859 Mr. Raines married Lutetia Heath, the widow of Christopher Heath, of Putnam county, and a daughter of Enos and Polly Hardin, early and well-known settlers of this county. To this union were born nine children, of whom six are living, as follows: Ella, the wife of Frank Allee, of Greencastle; George; Albert; Artemas: Minnie, the wife of Albert Welch, of Danville, Illinois; Emma J. became the wife of James Farmer, who was killed by a traction engine, and she is now the wife of Henry Dorset, of Jefferson township, this county. The deceased children are John D., Cornelius and Mary. The father of these children located on a farm of two hundred and forty acres, west of Fillmore, in Greencastle township, where he successfully followed the pursuit of agriculture, being also extensively interested in stock raising. He was a man of splendid business qualifications and was a generous and kindly disposed man to those with whom he was acquainted. In politics he was a Democrat, though never an office seeker. He died May 5, 1901, and was buried in Union cemetery, Marion township. His widow and unmarried son. Albert, now reside on and operate the old homestead farm, which is considered one of the best agricultural properties in the township.
George E. Raines remained on the paternal farmstead, assisting his father in its operation, until he was twenty-three years old, receiving in the meantime a good practical education in the public schools of the locality. At the age mentioned he was married and immediately went to housekeeping on a farm of eighty-six acres, which he had purchased, located two and a half miles northwest of Fillmore, where he devoted himself to farming and stockraising. Here he has since remained and has met with a satisfactory measure of success. The place is characterized by a spirit of thrift and progressiveness that at once stamps its owner as a man of sound judgment and practical ideas.
In 1890 Mr. Raines was united in marriage with Elizabeth Welch, the daughter of George Welch, of Fillmore. After her graduation from the Greencastle high school she was a student at the State Normal School at Danville, and at the time of her marriage she was teaching in the schools of Fillmore. To Mr. and Mrs. Raines have been born three children, Gladys B., Gwendolyn B. and Eugene.
Politically Mr. Raines is a stanch Democrat and for a number of years he has taken a prominent and leading part in the political affairs of the county, enjoying a wide acquaintance in his party. In 1906 he was elected a member of the board of county commissioners, and so satisfactory were his services to the county in this capacity that in 1908 he was reelected and is now serving his second term, being president of the board. He is a sound, practical business man and gives to the administration of his public duties the same careful attention that he does to his own private affairs. Fraternally he is a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and the Order of Ben Hur. Mrs. Raines is a member of the Christian church at Fillmore and is an active worker in the Ladies' Aid Society connected with that church. Because of his sterling qualities of head and heart, Mr. Raines is deservedly popular with all classes and is numbered among the leading men of the county.
"Weiks History of Putnam County Indiana" by Jesse W. Weik. 1910
B.F. Bowen & Co., Publishers, Indianapolis IN
The gentleman whose name heads this sketch is widely known as one of the old and honored citizens of Cloverdale, Putnam county, Indiana. He has lived here over a half century indeed, his long life of more than eight decades has been practically spent within the confines of this county and during the greater part of this time he was prominently identified with the business interests and the development of the community. His well-directed efforts in the practical affairs of life brought to him a fair measure of prosperity and in all the relations of life he has commanded the respect and confidence of those with whom he has been brought in contact and a history of Putnam county would be incomplete without a record of his career.
Thompson Brown was born in Warren township, four miles from Greencastle, Putnam county, on the 17th day of February, 1829. His boyhood days were spent on the parental farmstead and his preliminary education was obtained in the primitive log school houses of that day, the principal equipment of which was a few hard, uncomfortable seats and the typical wide-mouthed fireplace. At the early age of seventeen years he commenced life on his own account and went to Greencastle and apprenticed himself to learn the business of cabinetmaking and undertaking, which at that time were generally combined. After working three years, he started out to see something of the world and to broaden his knowledge by personal observation and contact, going to Chicago, Milwaukee and other cities, and finally accepting employment at cabinetmaking in Chicago, where he remained for a time. He then went to Rockville, Parke county, Indiana, and worked for a time at his trade, after which he returned to Greencastle and entered into a partnership with his old employer, Greenup Lee, in the furniture and undertaking business. In 1852 Mr. Brown came to Cloverdale and entered upon a career which continued without interruption for the long period of sixty years lacking nine months, having retired from active business in the month of October, 1905. During the period noted he witnessed wonderful changes and transformations in his own business. When he first went into business he himself made practically all the furniture and all the coffins for his patrons, whereas at the present day these articles all come from factories especially equipped for each line of work. There has transpired also a marked change in the style of furniture, almost every decade showing some radical innovation in this line.
In connection with his furniture business, Mr. Brown also followed carpentering and contracting, in which he was considered a leader, and during the fifteen years immediately subsequent to 1858 he built many of the best houses in and about Cloverdale, having done more building than any other man in the town - indeed it is said that one-third of the houses in Cloverdale were constructed by Mr. Brown. Honest and conscientious in all his work. Mr. Brown acquired an enviable reputation for thoroughness and efficiency and nothing left his hands that was not right in all respects.
In October, 1850, Mr. Brown was united in marriage to Martha McPheters, who was reared northwest of Greencastle, this county, though their marriage occurred at Rockville. Thus, if this worthy couple are spared until October, 1910, they will be able to celebrate the sixtieth anniversary of their wedding. To them were born six children, all of whom are now dead. They are briefly mentioned as follows: Sarah Matilda. who died in 1883, became the wife of Wesley O'Daniel of Cloverdale, and they had one daughter, Eva M., who now makes her home with the subject; May Frances died at the age of eight years; Martha Ellen, who died February 29, 1892, was the wife of Enos Wood, and they had a daughter, Miriam Esther; the latter married William Evans, of Cloverdale, and they have two daughters, Catherine and Lillian; John Franklin Brown, who died September 16, 1861, at the age of about six years; Edward Oscar, who died December 18, 1860, in early infancy; T. Elmer E., who died September 8, 1889, spent four years in Asbury College at Greencastle, after which he became assistant civil engineer on the Muskingum Valley railroad in Ohio, in which capacity he was employed when his health failed, his death occurring sis months later. The mother of these children was born in Granger county, Tennessee, and in about 1830 at the age of six years, came to Putnam county, and in point of years of continuous residence she and her husband are probably the oldest couple in the county.
Religiously Mr. Brown has been a member of the Methodist Episcopal church for over half a century, and Mrs. Brown has been a member for sixty-nine years, and during nearly all of this time he has served as an officer of the church, as steward, trustee, class leader, Sunday school superintendent, etc. He has at all times taken a firm stand for the moral uplifting of his fellow citizens, having been allied with the Sons of Temperance and the Good Templars during the life of these organizations, as well as the Blue Ribbon, Red Ribbon and other societies organized and maintained in the interest of temperance and sobriety. For the long period of forty-two years he has been a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, belonging to both subordinate lodge and encampment and he has also been a member of, the grand lodge and grand encampment for over forty years. About twenty-five years ago he also joined the Masonic order. Mr. Brown is a member of the Grand Army of the Republic, this association being consistent from the fact that during the Civil war he rendered valiant service as a member of Company F, Forty-Third Regiment, Indiana Volunteer Infantry. The major part of his service was in the state of Kentucky, being on duty most of the time at Camp Burnsides and Camp Wilson. In every avenue of life's activities Mr. Brown has stood "four square to every wind that blows" and when called upon to take a firm and uncompromising stand for any great moral question he has never been found wanting, but he has at all times exerted a definite and potential influence for the best things. Regardless of his advanced age, he retains a good memory of events of the early days and his recital of early reminiscences is extremely interesting. Now, in the golden sunset of life, he is resting from his labors, secure in the love and veneration of those about him, the "grand old man" of the community.
"Weiks History of Putnam County Indiana" by Jesse W. Weik. 1910
B.F. Bowen & Co., Publishers, Indianapolis IN
A worthy representative of this well established and highly honored pioneer family of Putnam county is Winfield Scott Irwin, who has spent his life in Madison township, now living on the farm on which he was born December 13, 1856. He is the son of Smiley D. and Mary (Bicknell) Irwin, the father a native of Hardin county, Kentucky, born there January 29, 1820, the son of Isaac and Elenore (Ring) Irwin, the former a native of Virginia. The family moved to Putnam county, Indiana, in 1829, when Smiley D. was nine years old, and settled at Morton, Clinton township, or more properly the village of Morton, which was later built on the land upon which they settled. The elder Irwin was a great hunter. He first came to this locality from Kentucky alone and on foot in 1823, while on a hunt, sleeping out at night in this vicinity. He liked the country and decided to return and make it his permanent home, partly because of the abundance of game here. At that time there were only a few homes in the present city of Greencastle; his brother Joseph, and his son, Lewis, had preceded him here and had established homes, and when he returned for final settlement in 1829 he found them here. He located by a fine spring in Madison township, where the village of Brunerstown is now located, and there he lived until his death, about November, 1858, having reached the advanced age of eighty-four years, having then lived here about thirty years; his wife preceded him to the silent land two years, having reached the age of sixty-nine years. Isaac Irwin was twice married, the following children being born of the first union: Hiram, Betsy, Lewis. The children of his second wife were, John Rowan, Hetty, William, Isaac, Smiley, Sarah Ellen, Charley, Melvina, Priscilla Ann. All are deceased and Smiley's widow is the only daughter-in-law living.
Smiley Irwin was born January 29, 1820, and was married January 15, 1850, to Mary Bicknell, daughter of George and Susan (Moore) Bicknell, and she was born in Chestnut Hill, now a part of the city of Philadelphia, February 10, 1834. She came to Indiana in 1839 and settled at Brunerstown, Putnam county. The place had been given a name, but there were no houses there. Her father set up a blacksmith shop there and operated it in connection with farming, working at his trade for several years. Toward the latter part of his life he abandoned his shop and moved to Lafayette, Knox county, Illinois, where his death occurred at the age of sixty-three years. Smiley Irwin and wife settled on the farm now owned by Winfield S. Irwin, in 1851. It had a good house on it; the old log house, made of yellow poplar, is still standing on the adjoining farm, and is still in an excellent state of preservation. Mrs. Smiley Irwin lived there for a period of fifty-eight years with the exception of three years spent in Nebraska, from 1865 to 1868. They took a homestead and bought additional lands, having sold the old farm, but upon returning to Putnam county, bought it back, having grown tired of the high winds and the undeveloped wild prairies. They moved to the present house in 1870. Mr. Irwin became prosperous and finally owned three hundred and forty acres, which he divided among his children. Mr. Irwin was a man of excellent business ability, honorable in all his dealings and a man whom even one liked who knew him. His death occurred August 31, 1895, after a harmonious married life of forty-five years. Politically he was a Democrat and served at one time as justice of the peace. He was a faithful member of the Otter Creek Primitive Baptist church and was a deacon in the same. Two of his brothers, Isaac and Charles, were ordained ministers of the Baptist church and another brother, William, was ordained deacon. Mr. Irwin engaged in general farming and kept an excellent grade of stock. His family consisted of six sons and two daughters, namely: Henry Clay, who lived on an adjoining farm and died at the age of thirty-three years; George Edward died when twenty-six years old, unmarried; John Rowan lives at Oblong, Illinois; Winfield Scott, of this review, who lives on the old homestead; Robert Smiley is a farmer near Clinton Falls, Putnam county; Isaac King is living in Madison township; Susan Ellen married William White, of Chrisman, Illinois; Marr Louisa died in young womanhood.
Winfield Scott Irwin remained at home until reaching legal age, assisting with the work on the farm during crop seasons and attending the district schools in the winter months - in fact, he spent most of his time at home until his marriage, when thirty-two years old, marrying Lizzie Wright on May 22, 1889. She was the daughter of Elder Ezekiel Wright and a full sketch of her family is to be found on another page of this work.
Mr. Irwin has devoted his life to agricultural pursuits with gratifying results, having remained on the farm, purchasing the old homestead of one hundred and twenty acres which he has improved in many ways. He has devoted considerable attention to dairy stock. He is active in township politics and was assessor for a period of four years. He is committeeman of his precinct and is always to be found at the various conventions assisting his friends who are candidates for office. He has long been influential in local politics.
Mr. and Mrs. Irwin have one son, Smiley Wright, an interesting lad of twelve years; one child died in infancy.
Mrs. Irwin is a member of the Christian church. Fraternally Mr. Irwin is a Mason. His home is of the comfortable, old-fashioned sort where hospitality is to be found. It is still graced by the serene presence of his aged mother, who, despite the vicissitudes of long years, is well preserved.
"Weiks History of Putnam County Indiana" by Jesse W. Weik. 1910
B.F. Bowen & Co., Publishers, Indianapolis IN
The family of this name originated in Scotland, but subsequently by emigration figured extensively in Virginia, Kentucky and Indiana. The traditional history is to the effect that two brothers left Scotland during the early half of the eighteenth century, crossed the ocean in a sailing ship, eventually landed on the shores of America and found an abiding place in the colony of Virginia. William Hanna, a descendant of one of these immigrants, left his native Virginia to join the early pioneers of Kentucky, where he settled and lived until his death. He left a son, James M. Hanna, who was born in Shelby county, Kentucky, in January, 1800, and removed to Indiana in 1830. He settled in Montgomery county and there pursued his trade as a tanner until death overtook him in January, 1862. He married Sarah Wilcox, whose people emigrated to America from England and located in Shelby county, Kentucky, where she was born. There were twelve children by this union, those living being as follows: Adam, Thomas, George W., and Martha E., widow of David Nealy, of Waveland. James and Robert, two of the sons, were killed in the Civil war. The father died in 1862 and the mother, who was born in 1806, closed her career at the age of sixty-seven.
George W. Hanna, ninth of the family, was born at Waveland, Montgomery county, Indiana, December 3, 1844. He lived on the farm until twelve years old, when his father bought a farm near Brown's Valley, in Montgomery county, and here he lived with his parents until the completion of his twenty-first year. In August, 1861, Mr. Hanna, then a lad of fifteen, went to Lafayette and offered his services to his country in the great civil conflict then pending, but was refused on account of his tender age. His two older brothers, James and Robert, were accepted and both sacrificed their lives while taking part in the historic charge up Missionary Ridge. In 1866 Mr. Hanna located on a farm near Morton, in Putnam county, where he spent six years and then engaged in the mercantile business at Morton in partnership with Walter Sewall. This firm continued for fifteen years when Mr. Hanna sold his interest and purchased the Sammy Darnell farm, which he still owns. On this place he lived until his removal to Greencastle in 1906 for the purpose of seeking retirement. For some years Mr. Hanna served as 'trustee of Clinton township. In 1895 he was elected to the lower house of the Indiana Legislature as a Republican and served with unusual credit. He was appointed as one of the commissioners that built the handsome new court house in 1904 and was complimented on all sides for the business judgment and integrity displayed in carrying out that important trust. He served two terms as member of the advisory board of Monroe township and brought to the discharge of his duties the same good judgment that had characterized him in other positions. He has always been a Republican and active and influentia1 in the party ranks. He has attended every state convention for thirty years and never missed a county convention since he was old enough to vote or shout for the ticket. He was secretary of the temperance organization which had charge of the campaign for local option in January, 1909, when Putnam county was carried for the "drys" by a majority of one thousand five hundred. At present he holds the position of president of the Putnam Civic Union. He has always been foremost in upholding all moral causes and is a citizen without reproach in all walks of life.
On December 5, 1865, Mr. Hanna married Mary, daughter of James I. and Polly Nelson, of near Morton, Putnam county. Mr. and Mrs. Hanna have had three children, but two died in infancy. Nellie, the surviving daughter, is the wife of O. M. Tustison, a farmer residing near Morton. The parents are members of the College Avenue Methodist Episcopal church and Mr. Hanna is a Knight Templar Mason. The family enjoys the high social consideration and general esteem among a wide circle of acquaintances, both of the older and younger generations.
"Weiks History of Putnam County Indiana" by Jesse W. Weik. 1910
B.F. Bowen & Co., Publishers, Indianapolis IN
The late Theodore McGinnis Layne, of Cloverdale, was long one of the leading citizens of Putnam county, and he is remembered as a man of rare force of character and business acumen, eminently deserving of the large success that attended his efforts, for success in this life does not often come to any except the deserving. It is an axiom demonstrated by all human experience, that a man gets out of this life what puts into it, plus a reasonable interest on the investment. The individual who inherits a large estate and adds nothing to his fortune cannot be called a successful man. He that falls heir to a large fortune and increases its value is successful in proportion to the amount he adds to his possession. But the man who starts in the world unaided and by sheer force of will, controlled by correct principles, forges ahead and at length reaches a position of honor among his fellow citizens, achieves success such as representatives of the two former classes can neither understand nor appreciate. To a considerable extent the gentleman whose name forms the introduction of this sketch was a creditable representative of this class last named, a class which has furnished much of the bone and sinew of the country and added stability to the government and its institutions.
Mr. Layne was a native of Putnam county, born here on July 29, 1855, the son of Joseph and Sarah (McGinnis) Layne, an excellent and influential old pioneer family, the father a native of Indiana and the mother of Virginia. They came to this country in an early day and soon became well established and were known as people of high honor.
Young Theodore enjoyed the advantages of an excellent education in his youth, having attended the common schools and later graduated from the Terre Haute Business College. He learned very rapidly, being an ambitious lad, and when only sixteen years of age, taught a very successful school at Poplar Grove, this county, and he continued in this line of endeavor for a period of eight years, during which time he gave the utmost satisfaction to both patron and pupil. But believing that the business world offered greater attractions and rewards for the exercise of his talents, he launched into the grocery business, in 1876, which he continued for a few years with varying success, and up to the time of his death, which occurred on December 27, 1908, he was identified with the commercial interests of Cloverdale, in fact, was the leading business spirit of the place and did more for its upbuilding than any other citizen. He owned and operated a number of hardware stores and was familiarly known as the "hardware man," for years selling immense quantities of goods throughout this locality. He also did a great deal of general trading and by persistency, close application to his individual affairs, keen foresight and honesty in his dealings with his fellow men he accumulated quite a fortune, owning at the time of his death, besides his Cloverdale interests, valuable farming lands, consisting of twelve hundred acres, but he managed all the large affairs with a masterly hand and made few mistakes, giving his persona1 attention to almost every minute detail. He had a beautifully located, commodious and nicely furnished home, in which he took a great delight and which was known as a place of hospitality and good cheer to both friend and stranger, for Mr. Layne was something of the old-fashioned, genteel, hospitable gentleman, generous, kind, considerate and always ready to do his full share in promoting any worthy movement. Politically he was a Democrat, but he never sought public office. He was always active in church affairs, being a very religious man and philanthropical in church and other noble causes. He was a member of the Masonic fraternity and he believed in carrying his religion and the sublime precepts of this lodge into his everyday life. He also belonged to the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and the Modern Woodmen of America.
Mr. Layne's happy and harmonious domestic life began on October 31, 1876, when he married Mary Frances McCoy, a woman of many commendable traits who proved to be of great encouragement to her worthy husband in his life work. She was the daughter of Andrew and Polly Anne (Berry) McCoy, both natives of Kentucky and early settlers in this county, Mr. McCoy having owned the land where the town of Cloverdale now stands. He was long a prominent character in this vicinity and he and his family were highly esteemed.
Twelve children were born to Mr. and Mrs. McCoy, three of whom survive, namely: Mrs. Theodore M. Layne, widow of the subject of this review; Alexander McCoy and Harrison McCoy. Mr. and Mrs. Layne's marriage was without issue but they have reared three orphan children, Clara Nicholas (deceased), Ethel and Lela, neices of Mr. Layne. Ethel is now dead. Lela is the wife of James D. Martin, a furniture dealer at Bedford, Indiana. Mr. Layne was a member of the Christian church and Mrs. Layne worships with this congregation.
"Weiks History of Putnam County Indiana" by Jesse W. Weik. 1910
B.F. Bowen & Co., Publishers, Indianapolis IN
This name was familiar to two generations in Putnam county owing to the prominence and wide business achievements of him who bore it. He passed his life in useful employment, developing the industries of the county, giving employment to many men and adding to the general wealth. He was a strong character, upright, honest and square dealing. In fact Putnam county never had a finer citizen than Henry Harrison Hillis, no one who did more to develop the county's resources. He was born at Mount Pleasant, Putnam county, March 7, 1840, the son of Abraham and Elizabeth Peck Hillis. After the usual routine of children of the pioneers with its farm work, short terms of school in the winter seasons, young Hillis became a farmer, but soon concluded that this field was too narrow for him and that he could do much better in other lines. In 1861 he engaged in the brick business at Oakalla, some six miles from Greencastle, and soon showed his aptitude for manufacture by the success he obtained. From a small beginning, he steadily increased his business until the output of his plant amounted annually to more than ten million brick. Mr. Hillis was of an ingenious turn of mind and was the inventor of the improved kiln. It is estimated that not less than forty million brick are now standing in various Greencastle buildings, all of which were the product of Mr. Hillis' yards. This makes a stable monument to the memory of a man who is well worth remembering. Not content with the supervision of this valuable industry, Mr. Hillis branched out in other enterprises, all of which were beneficial to the public. He purchased and operated a large stone quarry just east of Greencastle, developed it into a fine paying property and did a large business over a wide scope of territory both local and interstate. He employed thirty men and always treated them with such fairness that they had for him the greatest esteem. In fact, it was often remarked that Mr. Hillis had great influence over his employes and this influence was always exercised for their good. He himself was a model citizen in all respects and although he accumulated wealth, it did not spoil him, always being found by those who approached him the same simple mannered, unpretentious man, who dealt squarely with everybody. Though a Republican in politics, Mr. Hillis was elected county treasurer in 1879 in the Democratic county of Putnam, which was a tribute to his great personal popularity. He was social in his disposition and bore his full share in pushing along all movements calculated to better the community. His fraternal relations were with the Masons and Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and he was always attentive to his lodge duties. For years he was a member of the Methodist church at Mount Pleasant and no one could ever say that he was not a true man in all the relations of life. When he died, May 14, 1900, it was the universal remark that Putnam county had lost one of her most valuable citizens.
On February 27, 1867, Mr. Hillis married Sarah E. O'Hair, member of an influential and widely distributed family. Her parents were James E. and Margaret (Montgomery) O'Hair, who were generally and favorably known to all the people of the county (for further details of this family's history see sketch of Bascom O'Hair, published elsewhere in this volume). Mrs. Hillis is of distinguished ancestry, which entitles her to become a member of the patriotic order of Daughters of the American Revolution. James Theodore, born August 3, 1868, the eldest of the eight children born to Mr. and Mrs. Hillis, is engaged in mining in British Columbia; Jennie, born June 4, 1881, died August 25, 1881; Emma Ethel, born May 26, 1883, died October 29, 1883; Margaret Elizabeth, born September 20, 1870, married Frank Shoptaugh and is a resident of Greencastle; Edward Babers, born September 5, 1872, died March 9, 1874; Alice Alma, born October 26, 1874, married A. C. Lockridge, of Roachdale, son of Robert Lockridge; Fred B., born February 25, 1879, married Clara Caldwell, of Ladoga, and is engaged in the coal business in Greencastle and with Mr. Shoptaugh is engaged in well drilling; Albert, born October 31, 1876, died January 21, 1885.
"Weiks History of Putnam County Indiana" by Jesse W. Weik. 1910
B.F. Bowen & Co., Publishers, Indianapolis IN
If it be true - and there is good authority for the statement - that one's environment has much to do in influencing his character, then the men who have had the good fortune to pass their lives in the midst of movements which have brought about the rapid development and remarkable advancement of Putnam county might well be expected to have exhibited independence, self-reliance, enterprise and practical sagacity. In the life of the late and well remembered Alexander S. Bryan, long a prominent agriculturist and stock breeder of this county, were found to a marked degree the qualities above enumerated, his success having been based principally upon a prompt and judicious use of opportunity. But while he was very successful in the management of his individual affairs, he never neglected his duties to his neighbors and the general public, but always stood ready to bear his just share in the march of progress; these commendable traits, together with his unswerving integrity and honor upon all occasions, rendering him popular and influential as well in the community where he so long maintained his home.
Mr. Bryan was born of an excellent family in Bourbon county, Kentucky, September 18, 1824, the son of Alexander and Elizabeth (Parker) Bryan, the father of the former having been a soldier in the Revolutionary war; his name was James Bryan, and he was a noted character in his day. He came to Indiana in 1834 and settled in Marion township, Hendricks county. In that county his son, Alexander Bryan, father of the immediate subject of this review, took up the life of a pioneer citizen and developed in due course of time an excellent farm and a good home and remained there until 1853, moving to Putnam county, Indiana, the following year; thus since 1854 the name Bryan has been well known in this locality.
Alexander S. Bryan received a limited education, public schools in his youth being of a primitive sort and, besides, it was necessary for him to assist with the work of developing a farm in a new country. On April 10, 1849, he married Susan J. Farrow, daughter of Col. A. S. and Elizabeth (Nelson) Farrow, who came here in 1830, Colonel Farrow having for many years been one of the leading characters of this county, a complete sketch of whom appears on another page of this work. Colonel Farrow, father of Mrs. Bryan, was captured in the British and Indian war of 1812. He was a colonel in the "Home Guards" during the war between the states. He was ever pronounced in his views against intemperance, as was also Mr. Bryan.
To Mr. and Mrs. Alexander S. Bryan the following named children were born: Belle (deceased) was the wife of E. N. Yates; James P.; Elizabeth is the wife of Walter Hamrick; Elvira is the wife of A. N. Keller, of Sterling, Kansas; Flora (deceased); Marion (deceased); Mary is the wife of John Stanley, of Denver, Colorado; Auta (deceased) was the wife of Edgar Harris; Frederick, Jennie (deceased), Pearl (deceased), and Frank.
Mr. Bryan, as has already been explained, was a very successful farmer and stock man, breeding some of the best stock in the county, for which he always found a ready sale. He operated a very valuable farm and was the owner of several hundred acres of as valuable land as the county could boast; this he highly improved and very skillfully cultivated, giving it his personal attention along with his large livestock interests. He was a public-spirited man and always ready to lend his support to any measure looking to the general good of the community, especially being interested in the success of the Republican party; however, he was no office seeker, preferring to devote his exclusive attention to his private business affairs.
This excellent citizen, much liked neighbor, indulgent father and kind husband, was called to his reward on a higher plane of action, on June 27, 1901. lamented by all who knew him, the community sustaining an irreparable loss.
"Weiks History of Putnam County Indiana" by Jesse W. Weik. 1910
B.F. Bowen & Co., Publishers, Indianapolis IN
James H. Athey, founder of the family of this name in Indiana, deserves distinction as the man who built the first cabin in Putnam county. He was a native of Bourbon county, Kentucky, and first settled at Fort Harrison, in Vigo county. After remaining there two years he came to Putnam county in January, 1818, and entered land in Washington township at the forks of Eel river. On this place, which is now owned by Ivan Huffman, the old Kentucky pioneer put up a rude log structure in which he made his home for many years. John M. Coleman, another of the first pioneers, came to the United States with Grandfather Athey and located on adjoining land. Local history may be said to have begun in this pioneer cabin, as the first court which was held in the county in 1822 found shelter under Mr. Athey's roof, the records showing that he was allowed twelve dollars for the use of his premises. He married a Cunningham and had three children, the oldest of whom was Henry H. Athey, and survived to an advanced age before death overtook him. Henry H., his son, was a native of Kentucky and moved to Washington township when four years old. He married Mary Moyers, of Putnam county, by whom he had ten children: Henry H.; Mary P. Carr, of Lansing, Kansas; Lucinda, deceased; Lawrence H.; William D., of Lansing, Kansas; Nannie, Frances and Dora, deceased; Robert, of Vigo county, Indiana; and Flora, wife of J. H. Lohman, of Lansing, Kansas. The father died in Washington township November 22, 1893, when eighty-one years of age.
Lawrence H. Athey, fourth of the family, was born in Washington township, Putnam county, Indiana. April 8, 1859. He remained on the farm until 1906, when he moved to Reelsville. In the same year he was nominated for county recorder on the Democratic ticket and was elected. September 8, 1907, he came to Greencastle and in January, 1908, assumed the office to which he had been elected. He has since been serving with entire acceptance to his constituents. He ranks as one of the solid citizens of Putnam county, where his whole life has been spent, and enjoys general esteem among all the people of the county.
On November 25, 1886, Mr. Athey married Mary E. McElroy, a native of Washington township, Putnam county. She is a daughter of Stephen C. and Isabella (Coltharp) McElroy, members of an old and well known family. Mr. and Mrs. Athey are members of the Regular Baptist church and he is a Mason and Knight of Pythias.
"Weiks History of Putnam County Indiana" by Jesse W. Weik. 1910
B.F. Bowen & Co., Publishers, Indianapolis IN
It is with a great degree of satisfaction to the biographer when he averts to the interesting life of one who has made the rough path of life smooth by his untiring perseverance, has attained success in any vocation requiring definiteness of purpose and determined action. Such a life, whether it be one of calm, consecutive endeavor or of sudden meteoric accomplishments, must abound both in lesson and incentive and prove a guide to the young man whose fortunes are still matters for the future to determine. For many years Samuel Rightsell, prominent agriculturist of Washington township, has directed his efforts toward the goal of success in Putnam county and by patient continuance has won pronounced success.
Mr. Rightsell was born on the farm on which he now lives. April 18,1839, the son of George and Margaret (Sharp) Rightsell, both natives of Greene county, eastern Tennessee, near Greenville, the county seat where President Andrew Johnson maintained a tailor shop when a young man. They grew to maturity and married there and in 1823 came to Union county, Indiana, and in 1831 moved to the farm in Putnam county where Samuel Rightsell now lives. He entered eighty acres from the government which is still a part of the home place. He began life in true pioneer fashion, first living in a rude hewn beech-log house. Prospering by hard work, he later bought an adjoining eighty, on which his son Samuel now lives, and after developing a good farm and making a comfortable living for his family for many years, and becoming known in the township as an honest and industrious farmer of the best type, he was summoned to his reward on January 1, 1863, at the age of sixty-four years and six months, his widow surviving until March 30, 1874, at the age of sixty-nine. He finally became the owner of four hundred and fifty-seven acres, all in a body, with forty acres of bottom land on the Eel river. He devoted his attention exclusively to his farm, leading a quiet life, highly respected, for he was a first class citizen in every respect.
To Mr. and Mrs. George Rightsell five sons and three daughters were born, namely: William remained on the home farm with Samuel, dying on January 23. 1905 , at the age of seventy-four years; James lives in Cloverdale township; John married Mary Neese and lived all his life in Cloverdale and Washington townships, and he is now deceased; Samuel, of this review; Howard is a farmer near Harmony, Clay county, Indiana; Louisa Ann married Edward Huffman, a sketch of whose family appears on another page of this work under the caption of Douglas Huffman; Matilda has remained single and is keeping house for Samuel; Mary married James McCullough, of Washington township, and is now deceased, being buried on the Rightsell homestead.
William, Samuel and Matilda Rightsell were left together on the home farm, having bought out the other children. The home place now consists of three hundred and sixty acres, which has been well kept and carefully tilled. Mr. Rightsell being a good manager and with general farming he raises some good stock of various kinds, he and his brother William having been successful feeders for years, always finding a ready market for their stock.
About twenty-two years ago Mr. Rightsell built an attractive, commodious and comfortable house, standing on an elevation from which a fine view may be obtained.
Mr. Rightsell is a man in whom every one who knows him reposes the utmost confidence and he is a good neighbor and true friend.
"Weiks History of Putnam County Indiana" by Jesse W. Weik. 1910
B.F. Bowen & Co., Publishers, Indianapolis IN