Joseph D. Torr, one of the sons, was born September 14, 1856, and was the first of the children to see the light of day in his father's new house. He spent four years in the classical course at DePauw University. After leaving the university he engaged as a coal dealer at Greencastle and carried on farming operations with his father. After the latter's death he formed a partnership with his elder brother, William M., to conduct the stone quarries and lime kiln. Joseph rented the home farm of his mother during her lifetime, though he continued to live at Greencastle. He installed a crushing plant, and in company with his brother contracted to build bridges for the county, furnish material for buildings and finally took charge of railroad bridge work. The quarries closed when the railroad changed its route and left them by the wayside. The Torr Company had extensive contracts for all stone work on the Big Four railroad, and later they secured contracts for two years with the Vandalia railroad, since then shipping crushed stone to the extent of ten carloads daily. Joseph Torr finally bought the old home farm, and devotes it principally to stock feeding, several cars of stock being prepared for market on the place every year. On March 1, 1885, Mr. Torr married Josephine Cavins, of Bloomfield, Greene county, Indiana. Her father, Col. Aden G. Cavins, commanded the Ninety-seventh Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry during the Civil war. She is a graduate of DePauw University, class of 1884, and was for a time one of the teachers. Mr. and Mrs. Torr have had eight children: Aden Cavins, Maynard Deem, Harold Livingston, Lucile, Helen, Josephine, Eleanor Matilda having died in childhood, and Margaret. Mr. Torr is a member of the Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity. The original Torr residence, or one that stood near the present homestead, served as the first court house in the county, at least the first court was held there.
"Weiks History of Putnam County Indiana" by Jesse W. Weik. 1910
B.F. Bowen & Co., Publishers, Indianapolis IN
In 1664 Edward Dorsey, of Esses, England, settled in Maryland on land granted by the king.
Col. Edward Dorsey, a son, was commissioned as an officer of Colonial troops, was a member of the House of Burgesses, was keeper of the peat seal and trustee of the port town of Annapolis, besides holding various other positions of public trust from 1682 to 1704.
Rachel Dorsey, a descendant of Edward Dorsey, was married to Charles Van Dyke Anderson, of Flemingsburg, Kentucky. Their son, Eli D. Anderson, moved his family from Kentucky to Greencastle in 1862 and engaged in the hardware business under the firm name of Dorsey & Anderson. Success followed this undertaking and Mr. Anderson became a man of considerable influence in local affairs. He was a member of the Greencastle school board when the high school building on Elm street was erected (1877) , which, aside from the east college building and the court house, was then the most beautiful piece of architecture in the city.
Among Mr. Anderson's carefully cherished papers were found, after his death, letters from James A. Garfield. William H. Seward, Zachary Taylor and several from Benjamin Harrison, all of which testify to the personal regard and high estimation entertained for Mr. Anderson by the writers.
Dorsey Leakin Anderson, son of Eli D. and Eliza A. (Stillwell) Anderson, the youngest of a family of eleven children, was born October 20, 1863, at the old Anderson home on Elm street. He graduated from the high school and attended DePauw University until his sophomore year. When but eighteen years of age he left college to take a position with Cole Brothers' lightning rod factor, and was in full charge of the factory at the time of his death, which occurred September 9, 1907.
Mr. Anderson was keenly alive at all times to the welfare of the public and there was no one more loyal to the interests of his native city. For nearly fourteen years he had been treasurer of the city school board and it was one of his rigid principles that all the money earned by public money should revert to the public and in that time he turned many hundreds of dollars into the treasury thereof. As a member of the board and also through love for his own city he originated and became active in the movement to secure a Carnegie Library and it was principally to his perseverance and energy that the present magnificent home of the library was built and it will be a lasting monument to his memory along with that of its donor. One of his most cherished plans was to see a handsome high school building erected on the "Nutt" and adjoining property, for the purchase of which he had long worked and had but finally consummated.
He was active in his political, religious and social relations at all times. He was a member of the Christian church, served several times as treasurer and at the time of his death was chairman of the parsonage building committee. In his lodge affiliations he was a Mason, a Knight Templar, Knight of Pythias, reaching the title of major in its Uniform Rank, and was also a member of the Modern Woodmen order.
On October 1, 1890, Mr. Anderson was married at Oswego, New York, to Nellie E., daughter of Capt. W. S. Turner and Mary (Mead) Turner. Mrs. Anderson graduated from the Oswego State Normal School and taught in DePauw University, also in the State Normal School at Winona, Minnesota. The only son of Mr. and Mrs. Anderson, Dorsey Mead, born June 13, 1894, is a student in the Greencastle high school.
The following is included in the minutes of the board of education under date of September 10, 1907:
"Dorsey L. Anderson, October 20, 1863 - September 9, 1907.
"Our treasurer, our co-worker, has passed from labor to reward.
"In an old record under date of July 1, 1893, is to be found a minute signed 'D. L. Anderson, Act. Pres.' It is subscribed to the minutes containing a memorial in honor of the Hon. Marshall A. Moore, who signed the preceding minutes of July 19th. Like his predecessor, Mr. Anderson attended the meeting of the board preceding the one that records his memorial. It was the evening of August 23rd, '07. He was a sick man then, but work called him and his habit was to answer. Every school board for fourteen years has known Dorsey L. Anderson as a worker. He was each year loaded with the onerous duties of the school city's treasurer. He has introduced a system of bookkeeping that is a model for simplicity and comprehensiveness.
"D. L. Anderson was thoroughly indoctrinated in the gospel of work. He was a good planner; but a good plan was unsatisfactory to him; his joy was complete when working the plan out. The impractical plan, no matter how seemingly reasonable, must be abandoned. He was very generally right; but if he sometimes saw more clearly the material side than the culture phase of school needs, it was because he was pre-eminently a business man. It was his wish to act for the best, and if he was sometimes mistaken in the worth of an end he sought to attain, it was because of the warmth of his impulses; nor was he ever known to continue such a proposition after having time to deliberate.
"Possessing a lightning-like business perception and great promptness in acting, he always carried more than his full share of every burden. If no one else was against the load, he pushed it along alone. He won many victories, but if he had any tendency to self-congratulation over them, it was not discovered; he had not time between battles to display it. He coveted friends and he had them, most among those who knew him best, and if he sometimes trampled the grain in someone's pet field, it was because he saw the object of attack only and was going straight toward it. He was ambitious. Ambition is a most valuable asset. But he was public-spirited and liberally divided that asset with his city. Owing to his official capacity the city's educational interest has received its full share. This is to be seen in school buildings sanitary in appointment, aesthetic in decoration, modern in equipment; in the public library; in increased playgrounds for children; ground acquired for the needed new- high school building; in all these he has borne his full share and as much more as he could get his shoulder under.
"The profound sympathy of each member of this board goes out in its fullness to the wife bereaved of a stalwart companion, a tender husband, and to the son, himself dangerously ill and unconscious of his father's fall, for he eill need the father's guiding hand and will miss the father's solicitous care for him."
"Weiks History of Putnam County Indiana" by Jesse W. Weik. 1910
B.F. Bowen & Co., Publishers, Indianapolis IN
Not alone are ,those worthy of biographic honors who have moved along the loftier planes of action, but to an equal extent are those deserving who are of the rank and file of the world's workers, for they are not less the conservators of public prosperity and material advancement. In these pages will be found mention of worthy citizens of all vocations, and at this juncture we are permitted to offer a resume of the career of one of the substantial and highly esteemed representatives of the agricultural interests of Putnam county, of which he is the popular commissioner, serving his constituents in a manner that elicits their hearty praise, and where he and his family are well known, the Houcks having been prominent in this locality for several generations.
Mr. Houck was born September 5, 1855. For a full history of his parents and other members of the family the reader is directed to the sketch of David Houck, appearing on another page of this work. He spent his boyhood on the home farm in Madison township and on the day he was twelve years of age his parents brought him to the farm where he now lives. He received a very serviceable education in the local schools and decided early in life to devote his attention to farming, in which line he has been very successful. From 1876 to 1892 he was associated with his brother, John, a sketch of whom is to be found elsewhere in this book; in fact, they are still in partnership in the stock business, although they divided their real estate in 1902, James E. taking the old home place, the present home having been built by John Gilmore about 1861, but it has been thoroughly overhauled and modernized. One of the barns was built about 1815 by Mr. Gilmore, the other was built by the present owner of the place, the first barn being of hewn timbers. In 1892 the father, David Houck, left the farm. This place is near Hamrick Station, six miles from Greencastle, on the Vandalia railroad. O. S. Houck, son of David, also owns a fine farm near there.
James E. Houck was married December 21, 1882, to Flora Landes, daughter of Christian Landes. A full sketch of this family is to be found elsewhere in this volume. Mr. and Mrs. James E. Houck are the parents of one son, David W., now sixteen years old, and a student in the Greencastle high school.
Mr. Houck has a fine farm, which he has managed in such a manner as to stamp him as a man fully abreast of the times in all agricultural matters and as a stock man he ranks second to none in his township.
Although he has always been a very busy man, Mr. Houck has found time to take an interest in county affairs, and in November, 1908, he was elected county commissioner from the third district, having been selected at the primaries, and his record has been so satisfactory that he was re-nominated at the recent primaries. He is a man in whom his neighbors and friends have always reposed the utmost confidence and respect.
"Weiks History of Putnam County Indiana" by Jesse W. Weik. 1910
B.F. Bowen & Co., Publishers, Indianapolis IN
The career of the widely-known and public-spirited citizen whose name appears above affords an impressive example of what energy, directed and controlled by correct moral principles, can accomplish in overcoming an unfavorable environment and lifting its possessor from a comparatively humble origin to a position of usefulness and comparative affluence.
James M. Trusedel was born in Hamilton county, Illinois, in 1857, and is a son of James H. and Mary (Yates) Trusedel. The former was born in Maysville, Kentucky, November 26, 1828, and the latter was born in the state of Ohio April 21, 1826. She died June 21, 1576, when her son, the subject of this sketch, was about nineteen years old. In about 1858 the family moved from Illinois to Putnam county, Indiana, locating in Jefferson township, where the father carried on farming operations the remainder of his life, his death occurring December 29, 1908. James H. and Mary (Yates) Trusedel had six children, viz.: John, born May 19, 1850, died February 5, 1879; Jesse, born October 24, 1851, lives on a farm in Cloverdale township, married Johanna Dix, no children; William H. Trusedel, born December 2, 1854, and died October 12, 1873; James M., of this review; Benjamin Franklin, born December 18, 1859, and died August 7, 1893; Mary Jane Trusedel, born February 14, 1865, married Joe Young, and died January 7, 1886.
James M. Trusedel's grandfather was Jesse Trusedel, born in Kentucky April 12, 1806. On February 4, 1828, he married Harriet Sparks, born September 14, 1805, in Kentucky, and they had five children, viz.: James H. (father of subject), born November 26, 1828; Mary A., born November 4, 1830, and died September 19, 1849; William H. Trusedel, born February 4, 1837, and lives on a farm south of Cloverdale, having married Jane Piercy and they had three children, only one living. Hattie, who lives in Kentucky; the fourth child was Jesse Trusedel, born December 4, 1839, married Rebecca Steele, and had three children, two living, Andrew and Mrs. Belle Watson; John M., born June 28, 1842, married Mattie Sackett, and had two children, one living, Mrs. Hattie McGill.
James M. Trusedel was reared on the farm until the age of sixteen or seventeen years, when he started out on his own account, working by the month for others. At the time of his marriage, in 1851, he began farming for himself in Jefferson township, but afterwards moved to Cloverdale township, and still later to Warren township. Five years after his marriage he bought a farm of eighty acres in the eastern part of Cloverdale township, in the Eel river bottom, but about three years later he moved back to a small farm which he owned in Jefferson township, where he lived during the following seven or eight years. In 1900, selling both of his farms, he bought one hundred and sixty acres of good land in Warren and Jefferson townships, the place being bounded on the south by the Cloverdale township line. Here he lived until about 1905, when he bought residence property in Cloverdale, which he soon afterwards sold and bought another property in the same town, where he now makes his home. He continues the operation of the farm, which he has maintained at a high standard of excellence and which is a source of considerable income. It is well improved in every respect and is considered one of the good farms of the locality.
On April 7, 1881, Mr. Trusedel was united in marriage to Lucretia Wright, the daughter of William Wright, and to them have been born five children, Elmer, Ethel, Fred, James and William. Mrs. Trusedel died on August 17, 1893, and on April 7, 1897, he married Arrettia Miller, daughter of Thomas and Equilla (Stierwalt) Miller. She was born two and a half miles west of Gosport, Indiana, both of her parents also being natives of this state, the father born near Gosport and the mother near Quincy, Owen county. Mrs. Trusedel's paternal grandparents were Bryce and Elizabeth (Glover) Miller, the latter being a daughter of William and Nancy Glover. The Glovers were originally from Virginia, while the Millers came from the Carolinas. Equilla (Stierwalt) Miller was a daughter of Frederick and Janie (Asher) Stierwalt. At the age of fifteen years Frederick Stierwalt ran away from his Carolina home and went to Kentucky, and about four years later came to Owen county, Indiana, locating about a mile and a half north of Gosport. He accompanied William Asher from Kentucky and after coming here he married the latter's daughter Janie. He entered a tract of government land in the northwestern part of Morgan county, east of Eminence, and subsequently entered several other tracts, at one time owning an entire section of land south of Quincy, Owen county, though some land was sold from time to time. Frederick Stierwalt was the father of ten children, of which number Equilla was the eighth in order of birth. To Mr . and Mrs. Trusedel have been born four children, namely: Glen M., Gale T., Glee O. M. and Gladys Dorthia. Of the children by his first union, Elmer married Lena McKamey, daughter of John and Ella McKamey, and they live in Jefferson township, being the parents of four children, Austin, Velva, Vesta and Eugene, Vesta dying at the age of fourteen months; Ethel is the wife of James Scott, living on the old Scott farm in Warren township, and they have two children, Lucile and Marcellus; Fred, who operates a farm in Jefferson township, married Elsie Grissom, and they hare two children, Albert and Earl; James makes his home with his brother Fred; William died October 28, 1904, at the age of thirteen years. The children by the second marriage, the eldest of who is eleven years old, are all at home with their parents.
Mr. Trusedel is noted for his industrious habits and good management. During his earlier years he was, by dint of necessity, compelled to practice the most rigid economy and this habit of husbanding his resources was one of the keynotes to his future success. He established a reputation for reliability and sound judgment and met with gratifying success in every line of effort to which he applied himself. For over twenty years he has been in the threshing machine business, covering a wide field from Martinsville through Morgan, Owen, Clay and Putnam counties, and in this territory he enjoys a large acquaintance. Religiously he and his wife are members of the Christian church, to which they give an earnest support.
"Weiks History of Putnam County Indiana" by Jesse W. Weik. 1910
B.F. Bowen & Co., Publishers, Indianapolis IN
One of the leading agriculturalists of Cloverdale township is John Branneman, who was born in Knox county, Ohio, June 19, 1851, the son of Jacob and Elizabeth (Stillinger) Branneman and the grandson of Daniel Branneman. The father came to Ohio from Virginia with his parents, and there he married Elizabeth Stillinger. She was born in Damstadt, Germany, and was brought to America by her parents when eight years of age, the voyage across the Atlantic requiring sixty-three days, owing to persistent high winds against the old-fashioned sailing vessel on which they made the trip. The Stillingers and Brannemans were of German blood, Daniel Branneman and wife, being German born, spoke more of that language than they did of English.
In 1854 John Branneman came to Indiana with his father and located in Jefferson township, but he soon came to Cloverdale township, where the father bought a farm three or four miles southwest of Cloverdale, consisting of one hundred and twenty acres and there spent the rest of his days, dying in 1865, and his wife, mother of John, of this review, died at Cloverdale, in March, 1893.
John Branneman grew up on the home farm southwest of Cloverdale, he being the fifth child in a family of eight children, named as follows: Joseph married and is now deceased, one daughter surviving him, named Almeda; Samuel married and lived in the eastern part of Cloverdale township, where he died, leaving seven children; Marilla married Frederick Wander and lives south of Cloverdale; she died leaving one son and one daughter; Lydia lives at Boulder, Colorado; Emma, the sixth child, married Henry Sacket, a soldier in the Union army during the Civil war: he died in this county and his widow moved to Colorado City, Colorado; five children were born to them. William grew to maturity in Cloverdale township, but lives at present in Indianapolis, is married and had seven children, three dead, four living. Charlie died when twenty-four years of age, unmarried.
John Branneman grew to maturity in Cloverdale township and with the rest of the children, attended the public schools. On October 25, 1877, he married Telitha Davis, daughter of Arabian and Kizzia (Williams) Davis. Mrs. Branneman was born west of Cloverdale in Cloverdale township, where she lived until her marriage and where she was educated. Her father was born in North Carolina and when a child his parents moved to near Nashville, Tennessee, where he married and where five of his children were born. This family came to Indiana about 1835, living in Owen county for a time, later coming to Putnam county, and about 1850 bought the old home place where Mrs. Branneman was born. She was the youngest of thirteen children. There her parents reared their children and spent the balance of their days, owning one hundred and forty acres of land. Mr. Davis died December 1, 1886, and Mrs. Davis died April 1, 1882.
After their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Branneman lived two years on his father's farm, then moved to the east part of Cloverdale township and bought one hundred and nineteen acres and lived there sixteen years. He got an excellent start and then bought the fine farm where he now resides in section 4, east part of Cloverdale township. He follows diversified farming and has been very successful. He has divided up his land among his children, still retaining enough to insure him a comfortable income, but is not now so actively engaged in farming as formerly.
To Mr. and Mrs. Branneman eight children have been born, six of whom are living at this writing, one dying in infancy. They are Retha Elta, who married Verley O. Greenlee and lives in the east part of Cloverdale township, is the mother of one son, Delbert; Cora Annis is living at home with her parents; Hattie Jane married Cass Broadstreet and lived on the farm adjoining that of her father, where she died February 19, 1907; her three children all preceded her to the grave; Oren Reginald married Bonnie May Rule and lives on the old home place where her father formerly lived in the east part of Cloverdale township; Flossie married Vetta O. Mann and lives one and one-half miles northeast of her father's present home; she has one son, Gerna; Ezra died in infancy; Clarence is at home with his parents; Hazel is also a member of the home circle.
Mr. Branneman is a Democrat, but not an office seeker; however, he has been on the advisory board of his township for a period of eight years, a position which he still holds, but which he did not seek; he very ably discharges the duties of the same and if he would consent to do so his neighbors and friends would be very glad to confer upon him many local favors in the way of offices, but he prefers to lead a quiet home life and look after the interests of his family. He and his wife are both members of the Christian church.
"Weiks History of Putnam County Indiana" by Jesse W. Weik. 1910
B.F. Bowen & Co., Publishers, Indianapolis IN
One of the highly honored and successful farmers of the past generation in Putnam county whose name should be perpetuated in his country's history was Benton C. Burkett, who was born in 1822 in Russell township, in the pioneer days, and he lived to see and take part in the great subsequent development of this county. He was the son of Abram and Catherine (Hire) Burkett, who came from North Carolina very early. They lived to advanced ages. Benton C. Burkett grew up in much the same manner as other children of first settlers, learning what hard work meant when but a small boy, and being compelled to forego the advantages of higher learning. When he reached maturity he married Rebecca Nutgrass, daughter of Harrison and Nancy (Johnson) Nutgrass, of Clinton township, her parents being from Kentucky. Rebecca was born in 1830 and she was four years of age when her parents settled in this vicinity.
Benton C. Burkett first located in Russell township, and began clearing land and developing a farm, adding to his first holdings until he owned about twelve hundred acres of valuable land and was regarded as one of the leading farmers and substantial citizens of this part of the county in his day and generation. All of his land was in Russell township and was so managed as to yield him a very satisfactory income from year to year. He also dealt extensively in livestock and was successful in whatever he undertook. He had the confidence of all his neighbors, which he never betrayed, for he was upright in all his relations with his fellow men.
The death of this well remembered and influential citizen occurred on August 11, 1879, at the age of fifty-seven years, six months and fifteen days. Mrs. Burkett died on August 2, 1894, at the age of sixty-four years, three months and one day. They are buried at the old Blakesburg cemetery. They were members of the Dunkard church at Ladoga, twelve miles distant; they also attended the Little Walnut church, about seven and one-half miles distant. This congregation held services frequently at the old Universalist church at Blakesburg.
To Mr. and Mrs. Benton C. Burkett eleven children were born, all living at this writing, named as follows: Nancy C., commonly known as "Nan" married Joseph A. Thomas, whose sketch appears elsewhere; Rudy H., of Greencastle; Sarah E. married Milt Bowers, of Franklin township; Rachael M. married Sanford Bales, of Russell township; Mary Jane is the widow of Henry Crodian and lives on a part of her father's land; Sophia A. married Walter Gosling, of Franklin township; F. Marion lives on a part of his father's estate; Dulcina D. married James Skillman, of Franklin township; Susan Edna married William Obenchains and lives on the old homestead; Effie B. married Charles Shannon and lives on part of her father's estate; Ida Olivia married Harriet Gardner, of Roachdale. They all live in Putnam county, as do also all of the Thomas children.
"Weiks History of Putnam County Indiana" by Jesse W. Weik. 1910
B.F. Bowen & Co., Publishers, Indianapolis IN
The mission of a great soul in this world is one that is calculated to inspire a multitude of others to better and grander things, and its subsequent influence can not be measured in metes and bounds, for it affects the lives of those with whom it comes in contact, broadening and enriching them for all time to come. Such thoughts are inspired by a contemplation of the eminently worthy career of William Jefferson Florer, who, although long since a pilgrim to "the sunset land of souls," left such a record behind him as to influence for good the lives of many who remember him, for his efforts proved of the greatest value to his fellow citizens as well as to himself. He so shaped his career along worthy lines and directed them along well defined channels of endeavor as to stamp him as a man of distinct force and individuality, of marked sagacity, of undaunted enterprise, yet a man who was genial, courteous and easily approached; consequently his career was such as to warrant the trust and confidence of the business world and his activity in industrial, commercial and financial circles forms no unimportant chapter in the history of the state honored by his citizenship.
Mr. Florer was born in Newport, Indiana, February 12, 1834, the scion of a fine old pioneer family, noted for their piety and hospitality, qualities that characterized his entire life. He was reared to manhood in Vermillion county, Indiana, where he attended the graded school and afterward the seminary at Newport. He made the best possible use of every opportunity and received a very serviceable education which in later life was greatly augmented by home reading and by contact with the world. It was indeed interesting, in later life, to listen to his quaint and charmingly told reminiscences of the early days, of the vast changes he witnessed and took part in and of the marked difference in the modes and1 customs of a half century, the most interesting in the history of the state. He remained in Vermillion county until 1861, then moved to Coles county, Illinois, where he lived until the early seventies, successfully continuing his chosen vocation - banking.
Believing that an excellent opportunity existed in Wabasha, Minnesota, to engage in the banking business, he moved to that place and established such an institution, which was so sanely and conservatively managed by him that it was well patronized and won a reputation for being one of the soundest and safest banks in that country, Mr. Florer soon becoming one of the most influential men in financial and other circles of that place, being consulted on matters of financial import by people of all classes and religions. He remained in Wabasha until the final summons came to close his earthly accounts, on July 21, 1881, the community losing one of its most highly respected and valued citizens.
Mr. Florer was married at Keivport, Indiana, on July 19, 1857, to Mary Ann Louise Washburn, daughter of James Elliott and Mary Ann (Cain) Washburn, natives of Vermont and Massachusetts, respectively, each representatives of sterling New England families. Mrs. Florer was educated in the Vermillion County Seminary and developed into a woman of rare charm of character and a fit companion for her worthy husband, with whom she sympathized and encouraged in his undertakings. She moved to Greencastle, Indiana, soon after his death in order to get the benefit of the schools for her children, and she has resided here continuously since 1882. She has long been a favorite with a host of warm personal friends here who delight in the genial sunshine of her declining years which are replete with good and permeated by a wholesome atmosphere.
To Mr. and Mrs. William J. Florer four children were born, named as follows: Clara Collett married Dr. Frank H. Lammers, late a well known physician of Greencastle, now deceased, Mrs. Lammers still making her home here, a full sketch of the Doctor appeasing on another page of this work. Dana Washburn is deceased. Warren Washburn, A. B.. graduated from DePauw University in 1890, receiving the degrees of Master of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy: he then became assistant professor of German in the University of Michigan. Of him. "Who's Who in America" has the following sketch:
"Member of Modern Languages Association of America; Das Konigliche Deutsche Seminar, Leipzig University; Der Acadamie Neuphi1 Verein of Germany; Delta Tan Delta; Sons of American Revolution; Free and Accepted Masons; contributor to 'Poet Lore' and educational magazines; author of various test books and studies in German literature." Laura Lelia, a teacher in the Greencastle public schools, graduated from DePauw University in 1892 with the degree of Bachelor of Arts. She is a member of the Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority.
Mr. Florer was a Methodist and a liberal supporter of the church, and Mrs. Florer has also been a faithful member of this denomination since her youth. Mr. Florer was a Republican in politics, and fraternally he was a Mason, having attained the Royal Arch degree. He was a truly good and useful man, successful, and worthy of the high esteem in which he was universally held. The funeral services were conducted by the Rev. John W. Ray and he was laid to rest in beautiful Riverview cemetery, as he desired, "with stately bluffs standing untiring sentinels and the mighty Mississippi singing an eternal requiem." The Sabbath following Mr. Florer's demise, his good friend, Father Trobec, later Bishop Trobec, pronounced a eulogy in St. Felix's church - a wonderful tribute.
"Weiks History of Putnam County Indiana" by Jesse W. Weik. 1910
B.F. Bowen & Co., Publishers, Indianapolis IN
Charles B. Bridges, late successful farmer of Franklin township, Putnam county, clearly demonstrated what an honest, earnest, hardworking man can accomplish, although he had to hew his own fortune from the obstacles that beset his way, for he started life with no great aid from anyone. But he was industrious and economical, so that he became the owner of a fine farm and had a competency so that he was able to enjoy an old age of comfort and quiet. He was born March 19, 1854, in Russell township, and was the son of Robert L. and Catherine (Leaton) Bridges, the former a native of Montgomery county, Kentucky, and he was four years old when his parents brought him to Putnam county, Indiana. He was the son of Charles Bolds Bridges, who was a native of Kentucky. He married Rachael O. Lockridge. They came to Putnam county, Indiana, in 1835 and remained here the rest of their lives, Mr. Bridges being a farmer and a store-keeper, and he became well and favorably known here. Robert L. Bridges was three years old when he was brought to Putnam county. Here he grew to maturity, was educated, married and reared a family of three daughters and four sons, named as follows: Charles B., John L., William B., Clay D., Mary Alice, Bettie and Rachael. Mary A. became the wife of J. C. Williams; Bettie became the wife of H. C. Cooper; Rachael married Grant Williams.
Charles B. Bridges was the oldest of the family and he began working on the farm and attending the district schools during the winter months, remaining on the farm with his father until twenty-one years of age.
Mr. Bridges married Alman J. Hymer, daughter of Jesse P. Hymer, a highly respected citizen of this county, their wedding occurring in March, 1875. Two children have been born to this union, namely: Laura C., born August 23, 1877, died September 13th following; Nellie, born May 31, 1879, received a common school education and is now the wife of Alonzo McGaughey, a furniture dealer and undertaker in Russellville, Indiana.
Mr. Bridges was the owner of one hundred and sixty acres of well improved and productive land in Franklin township, which he carefully tilled, but he later retired from active farm work. His death occurred on April 10, 1910. He was very successful in his life work and was surrounded by the evidences of thrift of his earlier years of endeavor.
Mrs. Bridges is a member of the Universalist church at Fincastle, having been active in the good work many years. Politically he was a Democrat, but he never had an ambition to be a party leader or an office holder, preferring to lead a quiet, unassuming, honorable and straightforward life, consequently he won the confidence and esteem of all who knew him.
"Weiks History of Putnam County Indiana" by Jesse W. Weik. 1910
B.F. Bowen & Co., Publishers, Indianapolis IN
Among the representative farmers and honored citizens of Franklin township, Putnam county, is John L. Bridges, who has found it to his best interests to remain in his native community, and, judging from the eminent success that has attended his efforts, he was wise in doing so, for he is the owner of one of the finest farms in the northern part of the county and he is carrying on the various departments of his enterprise with that discretion and energy - which always find their natural sequence in definite success if persisted in. To such men as Mr. Bridges we turn with particular satisfaction as offering in their life histories justification for works of this character, owing to the life of honesty and sobriety he has led and his energetic nature and patriotic spirit. His birth occurred here on August 13, 1858, and he is the son of Robert L. and Catherine (Leaton) Bridges, the former being the son of Charles B. Bridges, who was a native of Kentucky and who came to Putnam county, Indiana, about 1835, settling in Russell township, spending the remainder of his life in this county. He was a man of sterling principles and a hardy pioneer. His son, Robert L., was four years old when the family moved to Putnam county. The son grew to maturity here and assisted with the hard work of clearing and developing a farm in a new county. Besides farming he later in life successfully conducted a mercantile establishment at Fincastle, Franklin township, for a period of fifteen years. He also traded in stock and was widely known and highly respected. His wife, Catherine Leaton, was born in Putnam county, Indiana, the daughter of John Leaton, an early settler and prominent farmer, who was a justice of the peace many years. He died in August, 1904.
To Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Bridges seven children were born, namely: Charles B.; Mary A. is the wife of James C. Williams; John L., of this review; William B.; Clay B.; Elizabeth is the wife of Clay Cooper; Rachael is the wife of Grant Williams.
John L. Bridges was reared on the home farm in Franklin township and, as already intimated, has resided in the township all his life. As soon as he was old enough he began working on his father's farm and attended the district schools during the winter months; he also took one year's work at the Danville Normal School, then gave his entire attention to farming.
Mr. Bridges was married on October 6, 1881, to Vina Harris, who was born and reared at Carpentersville, this county, her birth occurring on August 12, 1863, and she grew to maturity there, being educated in the district schools of her home town, where the Harris family had become well known and influential people. Two children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Bridges, namely: Hettie A., who died when fourteen years of age, and Chasie, who was born in 1886, was a student at Western College, Oxford, Ohio; she married Franz O. Myers, and they live near Ladoga, Montgomery county, Indiana; two children have been born to them, Howard B. and Madona.
Mr. Bridges has been very successful as a farmer and stockman, because he has been a hard worker, a good manager and has been quick to seize opportunities at the right time. He is now the owner of three hundred and twenty acres, all in Franklin township, which is under a high state of cultivation and is well improved in every respect and ranks until the best farms in this part of the county. He started out as a farmer with only eighty acres of land, but he has so managed his business as to reap the large rewards that always attend properly applied principles of business. He skillfully rotates his crops so as to get the best results and at the same time preserve the strength of the soil. He has an attractively located, comfortable and nicely furnished home, excellent barns and outbuildings, - in fact, all that goes to make a complete and desirable rural home.
Mr. and Mrs. Bridges are members of the Universalist church at Fincastle, Indiana. Politically, Mr. Bridges is a Republican and, while he has been too busy to take any special interest in politics, he has always been ready to do his just share in promoting the county's interests in any way. He was elected county commissioner from the first district by seventy-nine votes when the county was six hundred Democratic, and he very acceptably and faithfully served in that capacity for a period of three years, from 1895 to 1898, giving the utmost satisfaction to all concerned, irrespective of party alignment. The fact that he was elected to this office in the face of such overwhelming odds is certainly evidence enough of his high standing in the community and of the confidence reposed in him by his fellow citizens.
"Weiks History of Putnam County Indiana" by Jesse W. Weik. 1910
B.F. Bowen & Co., Publishers, Indianapolis IN
Agriculture has been the true source of man's dominion on earth ever since the primal existence of labor and it has ever since controlled, for the most part, all the fields of action to which his intelligence and energy have been devoted. Among this sturdy element of Putnam county whose labors have profited alike themselves and their neighbors is Benjamin F. Walls, who owns a good farm in Jackson township, where he was born on March 7, 1870. He is the son of William and Mary (Norris) Walls, the father being a native of Boone county, Indiana; he fol1owed farming and was very successful in his life and he and his wife were highly respected.
Benjamin F. Walls was reared on the farm which he began working when a mere lad, the home place being situated three-fourths of a mile from where he now lives. He attended the district schools in the winter months and became fairly well educated, leaving school w-hen about eighteen years of age, and he has continued farming ever since, having first rented land when he began life for himself. Being economical and a hard worker, he soon accumulated enough to purchase a place of his own, his present farm consisting of ninety-six acres in section 16, Jackson township, which he has carefully managed and which has yielded him a good income. He has a comfortable home and he devoted considerable time to stock raising, feeds and ships cattle and hogs in large numbers and owing to his intimate knowledge of the stock business he has been very successful in this line.
Politically Mr. Walls is a Democrat and he has long been active in local affairs. He was elected trustee of Jackson township in November, 1908, assuming charge of the office in January, 1909, which he has since conducted in an able and conscientious manner and to the entire satisfaction of all concerned. He is regarded as straightforward and honorable in all his dealings with his fellow men and he and his family bear a good reputation.
Mr. Walls was married in 1890 to Anna E. Dickerson, who was born in Montgomery county, Indiana, August 26, 1865, where her family was well and favorably known. She is a daughter of Floyd and Elizabeth (Pennington) Dickerson, both natives of Indiana, where they were married. He was engaged to marry before the late war and carried his sweetheart's picture with him when he was fighting for the maintenance of the Union. After the war he married and settled down to farming. He continued through life a Democrat, but never aspired to office. He formerly was a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows; later he withdrew from his lodge work. Six children blessed their union, Emma S. (second wife of the subject, whom she married in 1898), Charles, William, James, Hattie (Mrs. Daniel Shackleford) and Anna E. Mrs. Anna Walls died on June 12, 1895, no children having been born to the union, and in 1898 Mr. Walls married her sister, Emma S.
"Weiks History of Putnam County Indiana" by Jesse W. Weik. 1910
B.F. Bowen & Co., Publishers, Indianapolis IN
John Breckenridge Burris was born in Putnam county, Indiana, September 5, 1859, the son of James A. and Mary A. (Piercy) Burris, each representative families, the father born in Bourbon county, Kentucky, where he spent his boyhood and where his people, were well known for several generations. James A. Burris received a fairly good education in the common schools of the early days and he began working on a farm when a mere lad. He devoted his life to agricultural pursuits with a reasonable measure of success, being a good manager and honorable in his dealings with his fellow men. His farm in Jefferson township, Putnam county, was one of the best tilled in that locality. He died some time ago, his widow surviving, being well known in this locality, where she has many friends, having spent her life in this county where she was born. Four children were born, of whom two survive Mrs. Burris: James Clay, deceased; William Sims; Mary Ellen (deceased), and John Breckenridge, of this review.
The last named spent his boyhood days on the paternal homestead, where he assisted with the work during the crop season, attending the district schools during the winter time, later graduating from the high school, and Purdue University in 1888, with the degree of Bachelor of Science, having made an excellent record there for scholarship.
Mr. Burris married Harriet McCoy on October 25, 1899, a lady of excellent educational attainments, having graduated from DePauw University in the class of 1898. She is the daughter of James H. and Ellen (Utterback) McCoy, both natives of Putnam county and representatives of old families.
Mr. Burris carries on extensive farming interests with an energy and discretion that always result in success, having made a very careful study of "intense" farming, employing as far as possible scientific methods in farming and stock raising. Some fine specimens of livestock are to be found on his place at all times. His land is well improved in every respect and his is one of the attractive and desirable farms of Putnam county. He has a comfortable residence and good outbuildings. He has added very extensively to the estate left him by his father. Although his residence is in Cloverdale, he operates his farm himself. He is widely regarded as an authority on all agricultural questions, having devoted his life to studying the same. He is deeply interested in institute work and is widely known as a well informed and interesting lecturer on agriculture. He was at one time president of the Indiana Corn Growers' Association, his work in the same resulting in the accomplishment of much good and the fostering of new enthusiasm.
Mr. Burris has traveled extensively, having made a trip around the world which greatly broadened his views, having observed many things which will be of permanent and inestimable value to him. In every sphere of endeavor in which Mr. Burris has taken part, his unpretending bearing and integrity have elevated him in the confidence of his fellow men.
"Weiks History of Putnam County Indiana" by Jesse W. Weik. 1910
B.F. Bowen & Co., Publishers, Indianapolis IN
The record of the gentleman whose name introduces this article contains no exciting chapter of tragic events, but is replete with well defined purposes which, carried to successful issue, have won for him an influential place in business circles and high personal standing among his fel1ow citizens. His life work has been one of unceasing industry and perseverance, and the systematic and honorable methods he has ever followed have resulted not only in gaining the confidence of those with whom he has had dealings, but also in the building up of a large industry.
James M. 0wsley is a native of the old Blue Grass state, having been born in Cumberland county, Kentucky, May 3, 1856, the son of Oscar and Almira (Middleton) Owsley, who were highly respected and honorable people, spending their lives on a farm in that state, rearing their son, James M., to farm work, alternating the same with work in the district schools. While yet a young man he went to Missouri, where he continued farming and attending school until he was about seventeen years of age, when he started in life for himself, having gained the consent of his parents. Having heard of the opportunities existing in Putnam county, Indiana, he came here, his total capital upon arriving aggregating something over one dollar. But even at that early age he manifested traits of character that never fail to win in the battle of life, for he was courageous, was not afraid of hard work and was not overawed at seemingly insurmountable obstacles. He soon hired out as a farm hand at from eighteen to twenty-one dollars per month, and, having faith in his future ability to make money, he was not especially economical at that period, spending most all he made until his marriage, which event took place on February 19, 1879. His choice for a life partner was Mary E. Sutherlin, who was born in Jackson township, this county, the daughter of a well known family there. His father-in-law furnished the young couple a place to live. Prospering, in a short time he purchased the place and he has ever since been gradually climbing to the front until he has become of the leading agriculturists of Jackson township, owning at one time four hundred and forty acres of rich land which he placed under an excellent state of cultivation and improvement. He proved to be a good manager and made few mistakes in the management of his large affairs. Having given his son-in-law help in buying a farm near his home he now owns three hundred and twenty acres. Most of his present handsome competence he has made unaided by skillful farming and the judicious handling of stock, having long been accustomed to raising and selling large numbers from year to year while for several years he has bought and fed cattle for market. He introduced the breed of Shorthorn cattle which are proving to be a great stride for this country.
Mrs. Owsley has been of great assistance to her husband in his everyday affairs in the way of encouragement and sane counsel. She owns stock in the Roachdale Bank, also in the Central National Bank at Greencastle. They have a pleasant and attractively located home, well furnished and commodious, and the outbuildings on the place are all that could be desired.
One daughter, Alma, has been born to this union, her birth occurring on December 21, 1884. She is a graduate of the Roachdale high school and is the wife of Allie Miller, of Jackson township, a member of a prominent family of the county.
Mr. and Mrs. Owsley are members of the Christian church, of which Mr. Owsley has been elder. In politics he is a Democrat, but has never taken much interest in political affairs, preferring to devote all his time to his individual affairs; however, he may always be depended upon to lend his support in the promotion of any movement looking to the general good of Putnam county.
"Weiks History of Putnam County Indiana" by Jesse W. Weik. 1910
B.F. Bowen & Co., Publishers, Indianapolis IN
The subject of this sketch has spent his useful and unusually active life in Putnam county, and he has always had deeply at heart the well being and improvement of the community with the result that he has always been held in high esteem by all who knew him, as were his ancestors. He was born in the house where he now lives in Jackson township, September 8, 1858, the son of Lewis H. and Elizabeth (Gillen) Stewart, highly respected people. They were the parents of eleven children, Aaron B. being the fourth in order of birth. He was reared on the home farm, which he worked when he became of proper age, attending the district schools in the winter time, remaining at home until his marriage with Lilly Keithy, daughter of Doctor Keithy, a well known local physician. To this union one daughter, Lillie, was born, who became the wife of Rev. Arthur Hackleman, of Montpelier, Indiana. Mrs. Lilly Keithy Stewart died when this child was born, and Mr. Stewart married Mary Hixon in December, 1878. She was born February 25, 1858, in Parke county, where she was reared and educated, and she is the daughter of Michael Hixon, a successful farmer who lived on the land his grandfather entered from the government in a very early day. They first located on the farm where he lived, but later moved to a farm in Franklin township. Two sons were born of this union, namely: Otto M., born November 25, 1888, is living at home and is a graduate of the Roachdale high school, Lewis H. was born October 20, 1890, is a graduate of the Roachdale high school and is living at home.
Mr. Stewart has a good farm, well improved and carefully tilled and he makes a very comfortable living from his fields year by year, at the same time laying by something for the future. He has a pleasant home and is deserving of credit for what he has accomplished, for he has received little help from outside sources. He is engaged in the stock business, buying hogs and cattle which he feeds for market.
Fraternally he is a member of Roachdale Lodge, No. 602 , Free and Accepted Masons. Both he and his wife are members of the Eastern Star, Chapter No. 247, Mrs. Stewart being associate matron. Politically Mr. Stewart is a Democrat, but he never takes much interest in politics, preferring to attend strictly to his individual affairs.
"Weiks History of Putnam County Indiana" by Jesse W. Weik. 1910
B.F. Bowen & Co., Publishers, Indianapolis IN