Joseph West was born in Madison county, Kentucky, November 26, 1832, the son of Richard and Lavina (Hochersmith) West, both natives of Madison county, Kentucky, where they grew to maturity, were educated in the early pioneer schools and there married, spending most of their lives in the Blue Grass state. They came to Indiana later in life, but did not remain long until they returned to Kentucky, where they spent the remainder of their lives. Joseph West was eighteen years of age when he came to Hendricks county, Indiana. He was first employed by Doctor Hoadley and he remained there three years, then he returned to Kentucky, where he remained until 1856 when he came to Putnam county, Indiana. He had been a hard worker through his youth and had saved his money, having about one hundred and seventy dollars when he arrived here. He first rented a farm and later moved to Ladoga, Indiana.
Mr. West married Mariah L. Merchant shortly after taking up his residence in Putnam county, of which she was a native. After living a year in Montgomery county, they rented for five years and then located on Mr. West's present farm of one hundred and sixty acres, the same which he rented and which his wife inherited later. He has sold a part and yet owns one hundred and seven acres. His land is highly improved and well cultivated so that he has been amply rewarded for his toil from year to year. He has also been a very successful stockman, having long raised various kinds of livestock for the market; however, he is at present living practically retired from the active duties of life, renting his farm. He has a comfortable and substantial dwelling and is spending his declining years in peace, surrounded by plenty.
To Mr. and Mrs. West three children were born, named as follows: Millie J., wife of George Ratliff, of Roachdale, this county; George R. is living at home, and John lives in Decatur county, Indiana. Mrs. West died February 25, 1910. Mr. West belongs to the Christian church, having been one of the deacons of the local congregation and long active in its affairs. He is a member of the Roachdale Lodge, No. 602, Free and Accepted Masons. In politics he is a Democrat, but he has never taken much part in political affairs. He is highly honored by all who know him, for his life has been led along safe and honorable lines.
"Weiks History of Putnam County Indiana" by Jesse W. Weik. 1910
B.F. Bowen & Co., Publishers, Indianapolis IN
This well known and highly honored citizen of Jackson township is eminently entitled to conspicuous mention in this history, owing to the fact that he was one of the worthy pioneers of Putnam county, having seen and participated in the development of the same from the early days and the life he has led is one of commendation and worthy of emulation by younger generations, for it has been led along lines of usefulness and integrity.
Ira Moreland is a native of Jackson township, this county, his birth having occurred on January 10, 1844. His parents were James and Fannie (Shedals) Moreland, who in the early days here were influential and did their full share in blazing the forests and laying the foundation for later generations to enjoy the richness of the opportunities found here. They were each from honorable and industrious families, James Moreland having been born in Harper's Ferry, Virginia, and Fannie Shedals was a native of Kentucky. They grew to maturity in their native states and received a meager schooling in their native communities. They were married in Montgomery county, New York, and migrated to Putnam county, Indiana, as early as 1838, locating in Jackson toenship where they developed a good home from the virgin soil, reared their children in respectability and spent the rest of their lives. James Moreland was influential in local politics. He was a skilled mechanic and spent much of his life engaging in this line of work, which, in those pioneer days, was a great treat to the early settlers for they were remote from large towns where gunsmiths, etc., could be found to do their repairing. Mr. Moreland was not only skilled in his work, but, owing to his thoroughly honest dealings with all his neighbors, he established a reputation that brought him many customers who invariably remained his friends.
To Mr. and Mrs. James Moreland nine children were born, four of whom are living in 1909, viz.: Rebecca (Mrs. Murphy), Ira (the subject), Joseph, of Jackson township, and Thomas, also of this township.
Ira Moreland was reared on the farm which he assisted in developing when he became of proper age, beginning work in the fields when but a mere lad. He had a limited opportunity to attend school, but he improved such as he had. When a young man he learned the plasterer's trade, becoming very proficient in the same and for many years his services were in great demand and he did contracting in Putnam, Montgomery, Boone and Hendricks counties, some of his contracts being large ones, and he was enabled to lay by a competency at this which enabled him to buy a farm of seventy acres later in life, which he now owns and which he manages in such a skillful manner that he reaps abundant harvests from year to year. He has a good home and is very comfortably situated to enjoy old age in peace and surrounded by plenty. Besides farming, he raises and feeds stock for the market, in which he meets with gratifying success.
Mr. Moreland was married to Sarah Morgan, who was born in 1845 and reared in Fountain county, Indiana, where her people were well established. This union has resulted in the birth of two children, William and Nellie O., both single and at home.
Mr. Moreland is a charter member of the Carpentersville Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and he also belongs to the encampment. Politically he is a Democrat. During his long and useful life in Putnam county he has witnessed many momentous changes and he has played well his part in the subsequent development of the locality, for when he was a boy the country was in its primitive state, abounding in vast forests through which roamed wild beasts and much wild game, and it has been just such sturdy pioneers as he who have reclaimed the country and brought it to its present high state of prosperity. He is well known here and his life has been led along honorable lines at all times.
"Weiks History of Putnam County Indiana" by Jesse W. Weik. 1910
B.F. Bowen & Co., Publishers, Indianapolis IN
Hesekiah Evans was one of the old and greatly esteemed pioneers of Putnam county who have now passed on to the undiscovered mystic land, leaving behind a priceless heritage, the memory of good deeds and an exemplary life, for he was a type of man seldom met with now - sterling, rugged, honest and hard working, kind to his neighbors and hospitable alike to friends and strangers.
The first one of the Evans family of which there is any authentic record was Thomas Evans, Sr., great-great-great-grandfather of Simpson F. Evans, born at Delornes, Wales, about 1662, and died in December 1756, at the age of ninety-four years. He married Sarah Martha Elizabeth Roberts at Philadelphia in 1730, and she died in Pennsylvania on June 1, 1803, at the age of one hundred and eleven years.
Thomas Evans, Jr., their son, was born in Pennsylvania in 1739. He ran away from home and joined the army under Col. George Washington and fought under him in the French and Indian wars. He served during the whole Revolutionary struggle, 1776-1783. He died in Kentucky in 1825. He was married in 1762 to Sarah Clark, born March 1, 1743, and died at Russellville, Indiana, June 5, 1834. Rev. John Evans, their son, born October 25, 1763, died at Russellville, July 2, 1841, aged seventy-eight years. He was married in Kentucky to Susanah Prater, who was born in 1766 and died at Russellville, Indiana. October 25, 1831.
James Evans, their son, was born June 1, 1797, in Bath county, Kentucky, and died August 22, 1878, aged eighty-one years. He was married February 11, 1822, to Ruth Vanschoiack, born in Nicholas county, Kentucky, September 21, 1802, and died March 24, 1867. Hesekiah Evans was the son of James Evans and Ruth Vanschoiack.
He was born January 18, 1826, and received a limited education in the primitive schools of his day, coming to Putnam county when a young man. Here he met and on April 19, 1858, married Hannah M. Pratt, who was born September 9, 1837, she, too, came to this county with her parents, when young, in 1837.
James Evans bought land in section 6, he and Mr. Forgy buying a tract of three hundred and twenty acres in one body, dividing the same between them, it being agreed in the division that the last half was the better and to make an equal division, the west part was to contain one hundred sixty-seven and one-half acres and the east half one hundred and fifty-two and one-half acres. Tossing coppers for choice, Mr. Evans secured the first pick of the land and chose the east side. On this he erected a log cabin, cleared the land and began farming which he followed all his life in connection with stock raising, being one of the best known stock men of his day. He was a breeder of fine horses, keeping the best in his neighborhood. Politically he was a Republican and he and his wife were both members of the Methodist church for a period of about sixty years. He died at the age of eighty-one years, falling dead on the fair grounds which he had leased from a neighbor for the purpose of holding fairs. He and his wife were the parents of seven children, five boys and two girls; it was a coincidence that the two previous generations of his ancestors had families of five boys and two girls, making the same in numbers for three succeeding generations.
The father was reared to manhood on the home farm and attended the common schools of his day. His wife was the daughter of Austin Pratt, of Parke county, Indiana, and she and Mr. Evans began their married life on a farm in Brown township, Montgomery county, on one hundred and sixty acres which Mr. Evans purchased. The father and sons worked together, helping each other until each son had his own farm. Hesekiah Evans later added one hundred acres to his place, owning then two hundred and sixty acres when his father died. He and his brother Daniel bought the heirs out and later the father bought the interest of his brother and gave his attention to the feeding of shorthorn cattle. He showed them at the county fairs and took a number of premiums. Mr. Evans reached the advanced age of eighty-one years, retaining his active faculties to the last, dying May 8, 1907, and was buried in the cemetery at Russellville. His widow makes her home among her children. They are, James W., born February 22, 1863, married Lena Summers and they have the following children: Harold, John, Howard and Vernon, the last named being deceased; Henry G., born June 30, 1864, married Florence Allen and they have two children, Lee and Josephine; Simpson F., whose sketch appears elsewhere in this volume.
"Weiks History of Putnam County Indiana" by Jesse W. Weik. 1910
B.F. Bowen & Co., Publishers, Indianapolis IN
The above named gentleman was born in Woodford county, Kentucky, November 21, 1802, and died January 2, 1889, at the advanced age of eighty-seven years. He was the eldest son of James Stevenson and Margaret (Campbell) Stevenson. His mother was a daughter of Alexander Campbell, a pioneer of Kentucky. His paternal grandfather, Benjamin Stevenson, of the eastern shore of Maryland, was, during the war of the Revolution, a soldier of the patriot army, and soon after that conflict removed from Maryland to Kentucky, when the latter was a territory of Virginia. His son James entered the United States army in the war of 1812, as a private, and in that struggle endured such hardships that he ever afterward remained an invalid. This fact made the subject of this sketch, while yet a boy, the stay and support of the family. This constant labor and training gave to him a splendid physical and intellectual manhood. Educational advantages he had but sparingly. The schools of Kentucky in that day were but indifferent and seminaries and colleges distant and expensive he therefore made nature his principal text book, and acquired wisdom and diligence from her precepts. He was strongly opposed to slavery and the injustice of that institution made strong impressions on his mind, and he determined to seek a home in a land of free institutions, where to labor was honorable. Impelled by this principle, he, at the age of nineteen, in 1821, left Kentucky and came to Indiana seeking a location. He entered land northward from where Rockville now stands. He was not disappointed with the country and from that time regarded Indiana as his home. After satisfactorily prospecting the Hoosier state, he returned to Kentucky where he was induced by his family to study medicine. On completing his course he entered Transylvania University at Lexington, Kentucky, and subsequently received his medical degree at that institution in the days when the illustrious Dr. Benjamin Dudley was the head of the school and in the height of his surgical renown.
After receiving his medical degree Doctor Stevenson practiced his profession for a short time in his native state, but in 1826 he set his face for final residence in Indiana. On his return he was most favorably impressed with the situation and advantages of Greencastle and the "blue grass" lands surrounding. These considerations induced him to cast his lot with the people of that place, where he engaged in the practice of his profession and in other pursuits for a period of more than three-score years. On his arrival at Greencastle he was without money, friends or acquaintances, but he had good health, excellent medical attainments and energy, with determination to succeed, reinforced with all the natural shrewdness and business capacity requisite to bring about the result. Riding a borrowed horse loaned by a relative, he halted at the village tavern and said to the proprietor. "I am a doctor, my name is Stevenson, from Kentucky. I desire to locate with you, but have no ready means to pay my way, but if you will board me and my horse for the first six months and use your influence for me in the community I will give you half I make." As there were two physicians from the West, well stocked with the necessary outfit required to practice medicine in that early day, already established in the locality of the tavern, the keeper hesitated to accept his proposition, but told him to stay all night with him anyhow and he would think the matter over. Being favorably impressed with his personal address and conversational powers, he concluded the following morning to accept the arrangement. Doctor Stevenson was soon actively engaged in the treatment of diseases incident to a new country. Numerous incidents might be cited to show that he was a man for emergencies, and he was not required to wait long until opportunities presented themselves to allow his judgment, decision and ability as a physician and surgeon. He rose rapidly to eminence in his profession and as a surgeon was without a peer. His parents came to him in Indiana, and he, with them, brought from Kentucky the slaves owned by his father and gave them their freedom, and they remained in Indiana until after the constitution of 1850 was adopted. That instrument, as he thought, restrained them of liberty and he aided them to a home in the colony of Liberia. In his own life total abstinence had been the rule, and he felt that moral suasion was the true remedy. A man of strong will and unquestioned courage, these convictions soon impelled him into conflict with intemperance, and this conflict was life-long. He it was who delivered the first temperance lecture in this county, and the novelty of it brought friends and foes to hear. Men brought with them whisky, in bottles and drank bumpers to each other and to the speaker, while he, in nothing daunted, hurled anathemas at the traffic and deplored the evils of intemperance.
Careful investigation and thorough study convinced him that free institutions were wholly dependent on morality, integrity and intelligence. This conviction made him the friend of common schools and higher education. In the securing of Asbury University for Greencastle he was a liberal and active co-worker and contributor, became a member of its first board of trustees; saw ten years continuous service as such, three years of which time he was the president of the joint board. He was an active participant in securing free schools for Indiana, and did much to bring his adopted county into line in favor of that system. Some educational opinions then entertained by him were in advance of the times. Insisting that the common schools should be thorough and facilities for higher education ample, he, in an address, urged the necessity for schools in which complete training in agriculture and mechanical arts could be acquired. This brought him in conflict with some leading educators, but time has demonstrated the wisdom of his thought, as Rose Polytechnic Institute and Purdue University evidence.
Eminent as a physician. his lucrative practice enabled him to acquire a large estate in wild lands. This he did preparatory to returning to agriculture as a profession. From these lands the inferior timber was removed and the land set in blue grass. This at that time was considered a waste by many, but he reaped from it afterwards abundant harvest of rich pasture and fat cattle. Though engaged in an arduous profession, he, through study, became a believer in and an advocate of the American system of Mr. Clay. This brought him early into political prominence as he had the courage of his convictions, the result was that in 1831, 1832, 1844 and 1845 he represented his county in the Indiana House of Representatives and in the last term was speaker of the house. In 1839, 1840 and 1841 he was the Whig candidate for lieutenant-governor of Indiana. In 1850 he was elected to the convention that framed the constitution of Indiana in 1851, and was active in the deliberations of that body. His services in this convention closed his political career. He sympathized with labor and with men too intensely to readily reconcile himself to the compromise measures of 1850, and never again became a candidate. In 1860, however, he earnestly advocated the election of Lincoln and gave to his administration an earnest, loyal and enthusiastic support. Shortly after the Civil war he was the caucus nominee for United States senator, with certainty of election to that high office, but declined the honor. In 1843 he removed from Greencastle to his farm two miles east of that town, and gave up his medical practice as rapidly as his patients would permit. Thence forward he devoted his time to farming and stock raising. For a time he edited an agricultural department in a newspaper, and in this way, as well as in public addresses, sought to introduce better modes of farming. More through his effort than of any other was the Putnam County Agricultural Society organized. He introduced into the county and bred large flocks of Spanish Merino sheep and for a time made sheep husbandry most prominent. While thus engaged he endeavored to organize an incorporated company for the purpose of importing and breeding Shorthorn cattle. Not succeeding in this through defects in Indiana law, he began that enterprise alone. In 1848 he purchased and brought into Putnam county the first thoroughbred Shorthorn cattle. In 1847 he was commissioned by Governor Whitcomb a member of the Indiana state board proper and was himself a member of the board for several years, during three of which he was honored as president. It was while he was a member of the board that the plans were matured and action taken which have enabled that body and its agencies to accomplish so much for the stock breeding, agricultural, mechanical and mineral interests of Indiana. And in these labors he assumed his share, doing his full portion of the work. In 1853, at his own instance and cost, he went to England, inspected the principal Shorthorn herds of that kingdom and bought for himself a small herd of the best and brought them to Putnam county, and this was the first importation of Shorthorns direct from England into Indiana. His prominence as a stock grower caused him to become prime mover in calling the Indiana Shorthorn Breeders' Convention, which assembled at Indianapolis on May 21, 1872. He was made president of the convention and was afterward president of a national organization of the same kind. His efforts were not wholly confined to stock raising. He organized the company that built in 1867 the first gravel road in the county. The line was nineteen miles long, and is yet operated, though its success was originally doubtful. Now in the county are maintained over one hundred fifty miles of improved roads. From 1840 until about 1880 Doctor Stevenson was a man of wealth, but wishing to administer on his own estate, he divided his lands and goods among his twelve children, giving to each an equal share, and reserving for himself and wife a modest competency during the remainder of their lives. He was always delighted with employment and instructed his children to labor, often himself going with them to the fields and by precept and example showing them how to accomplish the best results. He was from early life a consistent member of the Methodist Episcopal church. Liberal in his views, clear in convictions, logically a reasoner, far-sighted and methodical in business, firm and persistent in purpose, able and persuasive in argument, careful of the rights of others, of profound thought power, industrious, hospitable, courteous and
generous, a good husband and a kind father, he made firm and lasting friends and led a successful life. He lived to see his county acquire and maintain high rank among the best in the Hoosier state.
"Weiks History of Putnam County Indiana" by Jesse W. Weik. 1910
B.F. Bowen & Co., Publishers, Indianapolis IN
Y. N. NEW, M.D.
There is no class to whom greater gratitude is due from the world at large than to those self-sacrificing, sympathetic, noble-minded men whose life work has been the alleviation of suffering that exists among humanity, thus lengthening the span of human existence. There is no known standard by which their beneficent influence call be measured; their helpfulness is as broad as the universe and their power goes hand in hand with the wonderful laws of nature that come from the very source of life itself. The skillful physician, then, by the exercise of his native talents and his acquired abilities, is not only performing a service for humanity, but is following in the footsteps of the divine teacher himself.
One of the best known and most successful practitioners of medicine in the northern half of Putnam county is Dr. Y. N. a resident of Jackson township, who was born in Hancock county, Indiana, November 26, 1869, the son of John J. and Hannah (Newhouse) New, a well established family, who moved to Boone county, this state, in 1870. The Doctor while yet a mere lad began assisting with the work about the home place, attending the district schools during the winter months. He was an ambitious lad and studied hard, passing through the district schools. Later he entered the schools of Valparaiso, Indiana, then took a preparatory course in medicine in the Danville Normal Sch001, having made a splendid record in all these institutions. For five years he followed teaching very successfully, but he did not take kindly to this line of work and he began the study of medicine in earnest, entering the School of Medicine at Louisville, Kentucky, from which he was graduated in the year 1893, and in 1894 he located at Barnard, Putnam county, Indiana, and he has since been engaged in the practice here, his success having been gratifying from the first, and he is now enjoying a very extensive and increasing patronage. He is deserving of a great deal of credit for the eminent success he has attained owing to the fact that he is purely a self-made man and was compelled to work his way through college.
Besides an attractive home at Barnard, he is the owner of a valuable farm of one hundred and twenty-six acres in Jackson township, this county, his wife also owning a tract of twenty acres in Clinton township, this county.
Doctor New was married in 1896 to Naomi Wilson, born February 8, 1873, daughter of B. F. and Mary A. (Carman) Wilson, a highly respected family of Barnard, this county, where Mrs. New was born and reared. She is a graduate of the common and high schools and is a woman of culture. This union has been blessed by the birth of one child, Cecil A., born March 10, 1898.
Doctor New is a member of the county and state medical societies, and politically he is a Democrat. His career has been fraught with much good to the people of Putnam county and he is held in high esteem by all classes.
"Weiks History of Putnam County Indiana" by Jesse W. Weik. 1910
B.F. Bowen & Co., Publishers, Indianapolis IN
SHELBY H. BLAYDES. Although a Kentuckian by birth, Shelby H. Blaydes, a successful and highly honored agriculturist and stock man of Jackson township, has been deeply interested in its general progress since locating here, having at heart the well being and improvement of Putnam county, using his influence wherever possible for the promotion of enterprises calculated to be of lasting benefit to his fellow men, besides taking a leading part in all movements for the advancement of the community along social, intellectual and moral lines. He has won a host of warm friends since coming here, which he retains, being popular with all classes in his community where he maintains a home that is comfortable, substantial and pleasant in all its appointments and which is regarded as a place of generous hospitality and good cheer; all this he has made himself by hard work and proper business principles persistently applied.
Mr. Blaydes was born in Hardin county, Kentucky, September 2, 1850, the son of John S. and Nancy D. (Cash) Blaydes, each coming from a fine old Southern ancestry and highly honored in their community.
Shelby H. Blaydes was reared on a farm in his native state, and when a mere lad began working on the same and he has ever followed this line of endeavor in a manner that stamps him as a master of modern agricultural details. He attended the public schools of his neighborhood and received a fairly good education. In the fall of 1865 he came to Putnam county, Indiana, arriving here with only fifty cents in his pocket; but he was a courageous lad and he set to work with a will, nothing daunted, and soon had a foothold in the new country. He began here as a farm hand at one dollar per day, working with his brother, John W. Blaydes, for a period of two years.
Mr. Blaydes married, on December 31, 1860, America A. Dean, who was born and reared on a farm in this county and received a common school education here. She was called to her reward on April 16, 1909, after proving to be a most faithful and kind helpmate, no children being born to this union. He was married January 18, 1910, to Mrs. Sophia A. Simmons, widow of George T. Simmons, and the daughter of John S. Michael, a prominent farmer of Floyd township, this county.
Mr. Blaydes is the owner of a fine farm of one hundred and nine and one-half acres, and he is worth about nineteen thousand dollars, all of which he has made himself, being an excellent manager and straightforward in his dealing with his fellow men. He formerly dealt extensively in livestock and made considerable money in this way. He has a well improved and highly cultivated farm in which he has always taken a great pride. His place is called the "Jackson Park Farm," and is located three miles from Roachdale. Here often come admirers of his fine Poland-China hogs, for which he has long been noted.
Politically Mr. Blaydes is a Democrat and he has always taken more or less interest in local political affairs, although too busy with his farm and stock to waste any time seeking office; however, he desires to see good men in the local offices and assists the best he can to this end.
"Weiks History of Putnam County Indiana" by Jesse W. Weik. 1910
B.F. Bowen & Co., Publishers, Indianapolis IN
Although William B. Modlin does not claim Putnam county as his place of birth and his honored ancestors lived, wrought and died in another commonwealth, he has been deeply interested in the general progress of this locality and has ever stood ready to do his part in carrying on the splendid work begun by the first settlers. He has a neat little farm which he so manages as to make a very comfortable living from year to year. He was born in Tennessee, January 19, 1867, the son of Edmund and Martha (Owens) Modlin, who spent their early lives in Tennessee, coming to Putnam county, Indiana, in 1869 and settled in Jackson township, where Mr. Modlin still lives. He at first rented land until he got a good start. He has been very amply rewarded for his toil here and has a pleasant home. He is highly honored in his community.
William B. Modlin was reared on the farm which he worked when merely a lad and he therefore took naturally to this line of endeavor and has always followed it for a livelihood. He attended the district schools in the winter time and received a fairly good education.
Mr. Modlin was married on October 25, 1890, to Sarah E. Boner, who was born and reared in this county and educated in the public schools and DePauw University. The young couple immediately located on a farm and they have now a good little place of forty acres, well fenced and otherwise well kept, located in one of the richest sections of Jackson township.
Mr. and Mrs. Modlin are members of the Methodist Episcopal church at Roachdale, this county, and Mr. Modlin belongs to Roachdale Lodge, No. 602, Free and Accepted Masons, also Roachdale Lodge, No. 397, Knights of Pythias. They are both members of the Pythian Sisters, Mrs. Modlin having passed all the chairs in the local lodge, and has been a delegate to the grand lodge. Mr. Modlin is a past chancellor of his lodge. Politically he is a Republican, but does not take any special interest in the affairs of his party or aspire to public office. He and his wife are well liked by their neighbors for they are kind and honorable to all. Their daughter, Alice, is spending her second year in high school and is also a member of the Methodist church.
"Weiks History of Putnam County Indiana" by Jesse W. Weik. 1910
B.F. Bowen & Co., Publishers, Indianapolis IN
By a life of persistent and well applied industry, led along the most honorable lines, the gentleman whose name appears above has justly earned the right to be represented in a work of the character of the one at hand, along with the other men of Putnam county who have made their influence felt in their respective communities.
Simpson Fletcher Evans was born September 24, 1866, in Montgomery county, Indiana, and was reared to manhood on his parents' farm in this county, receiving a good common school education. August 21, 1889, he married Ella May Kendall, daughter of Philip and Nancy Jane Kendall, natives of this county, both now deceased, Ella May being the third in a family of five children, namely: Horace R., Stella, Ella May, Rose and Nell. Three children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Evans, named as follows: Shirl, born December 7, 1892; Hesekiah Earl, born November 20, 1894; Olive, born October 31, 1899.
Mr. Evans owns and lives on the old home place, consisting of one hundred and fifty-three acres, near Russellville, which is valued at one hundred and twenty-five dollars per acre. It is one of the best farms in the community, having been carefully tilled and well managed, so that the soil is just as productive as formerly. He has a neat, comfortable home and is regarded as one of the township's best citizens. Considerable attention is paid to stock raising, he being an extensive breeder of shorthorn cattle, which are admired by all, and with which he makes a very creditable showing at the county, fairs, having taken many premiums, and no small part of his annual income is derived from the judicious handling of stock.
Mr. and Mrs. Evans and two sons are members of the Methodist church at Russellville. Politically Mr. Evans is a Republican.
"Weiks History of Putnam County Indiana" by Jesse W. Weik. 1910
B.F. Bowen & Co., Publishers, Indianapolis IN
Of the men closely identified with the early commercial history of Greencastle no one has contributed more to its proper development and success than the late Louis Weik, who died at his home in that city April 11, 1898. Mr. Weik was born in the grand duchy of Baden, one of the little states or divisions of the German empire, June 18, 1830. His birthplace was called Bischofsheim, -in English, the Bishop's Home,- a village near the eastern bank of the Rhine and about seven miles from the city of Strassburg, famed alike for its great cathedral and its memorable siege during the Franco-German War of 1870. His father was the village baker, as also was his grandfather - in fact, for generations back, that industry had been controlled by the Weik family. Even today the business is still carried on by a member of the present generation and in the same room in which the common ancestor, Christian Weik, erected the oven and molded bread in the latter half of the eighteenth century. After learning the trade, the subject of this sketch crossed the Rhine into French territory, where he found work in Strassburg, near the house where Gutenburg, the inventor of printing, experimented with his "movable types." Meanwhile he had been an earnest and diligent student at the public schools of the day and by virtue of persistent application had made unusual progress in his studies. In the curriculum of the German schools great stress has always been laid upon mental arithmetic and in this regard the young pupil was remarkably apt and proficient.
There being thirteen children in his father's family, of which he was the fifth in order of birth and also the eldest son, Louis Weik conceived the idea of setting out in the world for himself and thus making a little more room for the already crowded household. Besides, he yearned longingly, for a sight of the great, unsettled and inviting land across the Atlantic. In due time his opportunity came. Two of his friends having determined to emigrate to America, he secured the consent of his parents to join them. Accordingly, on the 1st day of August, 1848, he bade his family and friends farewell, took a seat in the diligence for Paris and rode away from his birthplace destined never to see it again. Two days later he sailed from Havre in the good ship "Aurore" bound for New York.
An ocean voyage in those days was no inconsequential matter, especially if one shipped as a steerage passenger; and. in this instance, it was forty-three days before the young immigrant passed through the gates of Castle Garden in New York harbor. A few days later he left the great city on Manhattan island en route to his destination, Cincinnati. The journey was long and tedious, by river, canal, lake and rail; but once arrived, he promptly went to work at his trade. The river traffic of that day outstripped all other kinds of inland transportation and Cincinnati, being the most important point between Pittsburg and New Orleans, was indeed the Queen City and reigned supreme. It was a splendid school for the young artisan, eager, vigorous and determined to win. After several years spent in Cincinnati he decided to try life in a county town and accordingly accepted a situation in Greencastle, Indiana, to which place he removed in the spring of 1853. It was the last removal he ever made. For several years he followed his trade, being employed by John Weinhart, Jesse Holmes, J. F. Duckworth, Pleasant Hubbard and John Burley in succession till 1858, when he became the partner of the last named in a business already established. In 1862 he withdrew from the firm and formed a partnership with William W. Lyon, which continued till 1875. From the latter year until 1880 he was associated with Edward Allen, after which he carried on the business himself, with the assistance of his sons, until his death.
On February 11, 1854, Mr. Weik was married to Mary E. King, who gave birth to a daughter July 11, 1855, and died December 17th in the same year. On November 17, 1856, he was united in marriage with Katherine Schmidt, who died October 10, 1881. Of this latter union were born seven children, one daughter and six sons, two of whom died before attaining manhood.
Before he had left Cincinnati Mr. Weik had joined the order of Odd Fellows and also the Everett Street Methodist church and shortly after his removal to Greencastle he became a Freemason. After 1861 he affiliated with the Republican party, but never sought any sort of political reward or preferment. The only public office he ever accepted was that of city councilman, to which position he was chosen by his fellow citizens and neighbors without his solicitation and despite his refusal to become a candidate.
Louis Weik was a splendid type of the foreign-born American citizen. Although he had passed through the fanaticism and violence of the Knownothing period and had endured the opprobrium and abuse heaped upon those who happened to have migrated from beyond the national boundaries, yet he was, from the beginning, a steadfast, uncompromising and unyielding champion of America and American institutions. He had unquestioned faith in the people and the profoundest affection for the government and allowed no man to surpass him in loyalty, zeal and veneration for the country of his adoption. At the same time he was not ashamed of the land of his nativity in fact was proud of her history and her achievements.
Born to labor, he took pride in his calling and in every way strove to elevate and improve it; he was honest and invariably square in all his dealings, thereby winning and maintaining the approval and good will of his neighbors; instinctively modest, he never boasted, never prated of his own doings; candid and sincere by nature, he could not flatter, could not cajole; unremitting in his devotion to his family, and sacrificing much that they might receive the best education and training that his means would admit, he labored to the very end and. although he could bequeath to them no great estate, he left them that which is beyond all material accumulations – the aroma and sanctity of a good name.
"Weiks History of Putnam County Indiana" by Jesse W. Weik. 1910
B.F. Bowen & Co., Publishers, Indianapolis IN
(By Sara McG. Rand.)
In the absence of county historical societies, many important facts and events in the lives of the men who helped to make history in the early days of the statehood of Indiana, which were once as familiar as household tales, are entirely forgotten. After the lapse of many years it is impossible to give a clear and connected review of a life where no records are available. The reader, bearing this in mind, will be indulgent to the writer, who undertakes this work of love, deploring the negligence of the past in not securing information from living witnesses, and who now attempts to record the meager facts at hand.
The parents of Edward W. McGaughey were Arthur O. and Sarah (Bell) McGaughey. His father was born on March 3, 1788, and came from Johnstown, Pennsylvania, to the West when a very young man, with a company of "Rangers" - I presume a military company, armed for protection. At Corydon, Indiana, in about 1810, he married Sarah Bell, who was born in Kentucky on June 11, 1790. Their family consisted of six children – William B., Edward W., Thomas D., Mary Jane, John and Harriet. Mary Jane McGaughey was the first white child born in Putnam county. The records of Putnam county show that the first term of court held in that county was at a private house about sixteen miles south of town, on the 3d of June, 1822, and that Arthur McGaughey was clerk of the court, and that the first case taken to the supreme court was by Arthur McGaughey. He held this office for twenty-three or four years and lived on a farm about three miles south of Greencastle up to the time of his death, May 2, 1857. His wife was a woman of strong character and keen intellect, and was well known for her independent and fearless frankness and energy in the discharge of her duties. She was a stanch member of the Baptist church, and was a familiar figure, mounted on her gray mare, on her way to attend meetings and associations, in sunshine or rain. During one of her absences on Sunday an old soldier made a visit to her husband, who was very fond of a practical joke. He drew the man out on his favorite subject of conversation - his war experiences - and about the time he expected his wife's return he said to the soldier: "Now take a piece of charcoal and mark out on the floor the plan of the battle of Lundy's Lane, so I may know just the position of the British and American forces." The old man obeyed, and was so absorbed in his work, explaining it as he drew the heavy lines on the clean, white boards, that he did not notice the exit of his host, nor the entrance of the host's wife, till he heard her indignant tones demanding the cause of his defacing her floor! and ordering him to desist at once.
The life of the pioneers was very prosaic and practical, and devoted almost exclusively to the useful arts, but by some means an industry was introduced in this household that bordered on the ornamental! in the cultivation of silk-worm cocoons. A large mulberry tree furnished the nourishment required, and the experiment was successful. The thread was prepared and knit into gloves. A pair yet remains that was given to her son, Edward, who took pride in showing the handiwork of his mother. He manifested his love for his parents and his thoughtfulness for their welfare in providing for them in his will.
Edward W. McGaughey was born in Putnam county, Indiana, on January 16, 1817. He was principally self-educated, as he entered his father's office as deputy clerk at a very early age. He was married to Margaret Matlock on January 18, 1838, at Greencastle, she being the daughter of James Matlock and Rosanna (Wood) Matlock, of Danville, Indiana. He signed his own marriage license, "Arthur McGaughey, Clerk, per E. W. McGaughey, Deputy." His father was opposed to his marriage on account of his youth. At the March term, 1835, the records show that E. W. McGaughey produced a certificate of good character and, after examination, was admitted to the practice of law in Putnam county at the age of eighteen years. In the fall of 1840 Thompson killed Rhynerson. He was arrested, indicted, tried and hung, all within thirty days. The trial was in January, 1841, and the hanging in February, 1841. E. W. McGaughey defended Thompson.
In 1842 E. W. McGaughey made his first race for office - that of state senator - and w-as elected, defeating Albert G. Hutton. When the Legislature convened his first effort was to have the congressional district in which he was residing changed, so as to give the district to the Whigs, which was done. He resigned to make his first race for Congress. This, I think, was in 1843, when his opponent was Joseph A. Wright, who won the election by three votes. In looking over a copy of the Western Visitor, July 20, 1843, published at Greencastle, I find it brim full of this race, and as it was a Whig paper it was very sanguine of the election of its candidate. It says: "But the citizens of old Putnam raised Ned McGaughey, and well may they be proud of him. They are; and they will not be ashamed to own it on the first Monday in August next." In this same paper is a reference to R. W. Thompson from the Wabash Courier, which refers to a speech made there, and to his intention of making Terre Haute his residence.
Mr. McGaughey was elected to the twenty-ninth Congress, which convened in December, 1845, and also to the thirty-first, which convened December 3, 1849. I think he was a candidate for the thirty-second Congress and was defeated by John G. Davis, of Parke county. He was a strong opponent of the Mexican war and delivered a strong speech on the subject in Congress.
President Taylor nominated him governor of the territory of Minnesota, but he failed of confirmation by the Senate, in consequence of his attitude on the war question. His rejection caused great excitement and indignation among the Whigs of Indiana. In speaking of the distinguished men of Parke county, the Rockville Tribune, in May, 1896, had this to say of Mr. McGaughey :
"There was another, also an adopted son of Parke county, and though the number of years he spent within her borders was comparatively few, yet we claim him with as much pride as if he was to the manor born. No one who has come down from a former generation but remembers with a glow of enthusiasm and admiration the gifted, clear-headed, courageous, ambitious and brilliant Ned McGaughey. His triumphs at the bar were the fireside talk of those early days. His defiant and chivalric contests on the stump were the pride and glory of his friends and the terror of his political enemies. In person he was about five feet seven inches in height, slenderly made, had a sallow complexion, dark hair, was thin visaged and slightly stoop-shouldered. His voice was not mellow or musical, but had about it a nasal Yankee twang –clear, piercing and penetrating. He was a prodigy of industry and energy.
Day and night his active and acute mind was on the alert, devouring and absorbing the principles of law and politics.
"He seemed to dwell entirely in the region of the intellectual. His mind and body were disproportioned; the hungry, grasping, aggressive intellect did its work clearly, positively, completely, but at the expense of a delicate and feeble constitution. His brain seemed to outrun his body, and, as a consequence, he died comparatively in early life. The leading characteristics of his mind were great clearness of mental vision, and an unyielding, uncompromising and absolutely logical method of mental operation. No flights of imagination or flowers of rhetoric adorned his arguments before the bar and the people; he made no efforts at rounded periods, or the mere graces of oratory to attract, amuse or please; but a bristling point was in every sentence, defined by exact language, and enforced by the power of pure reasoning. Either knowing or caring nothing for the sensibilities, his field of battle, in his intellectual contests, was in the realm of the intellect and the will, save at times when he let fly a glittering sentence of sarcasm or invective, which cut right and left, like a Damascus blade, or scratched ant1 scathed and blistered and shivered like a molten bolt of lightning."
"Edward W. McGaughey was born in Putnam county, and practiced law in and was elected to Congress from that county. He came to Parke county about the year 1848, and entered into partnership with Governor Wright in the practice of the law. He was elected to Congress while a resident of this county, but in a subsequent race for congressional honors was defeated. He was mortified and chagrined over his defeat, and it largely influenced him in his determination to remove to another field. He turned his face toward the sunset land and determined to cast his lot and exercise his great talents in the state of California, to which state he finally went. But the overworked and delicate constitution at last gave way before his career in that distant land began. The lamp of his life, brilliant and constant to the last, went out in darkness forever. His remains sleep on the golden slopes of that far-off state, but time nor distance can efface from the memory of our people his talents and his brilliant public service, or abate the tithe of a hair our claim that his ashes and his fame are the common property of the people of Parke county."
Mr. McGaughey was at one time an applicant for the appointment of commissioner of the general land office, but failed. The story is thus told in the "Life of Lincoln," by W. H. Herndon and Jesse William Weik:
"Lincoln says: 'I believe that, so far as the Whigs in Congress are concerned, I could have the general land office almost by common consent; but then Sweet and Dan Morrison. and Browning and Cyrus Edwards all want it, and what is worse, while I think I could easily take it for myself I fear I shall have trouble to get it for any other man in Illinois. The reason is that McGaughey, an Indiana ex-member of Congress, is here after it, and being personally known he will he hard to beat by any one who is not." ' The authors say: "But, as the sequel proved, there was no need to fear the Hoosier statesman, for although he had the endorsement of General Scott and others of equal influence, yet he was left far behind in the race, and along with him Lincoln, Morrison, Browning and Edwards. A dark horse in the person of Justin Butterfield, sprang into view and with surprising facility captured the tempting prize."
The death of Hon. Edward W. McGaughey is thus recorded in the San Francisco Whig of August 7, 1852:
"It is our painful duty to record the demise of Hon. E. W. McGaughey, who arrived in San Francisco on the 4th inst. by the 'Winfield Scott.' He died at James' Hotel yesterday morning at one o'clock of Panama fever, with which he was attacked on the passage. Doctor Greathouse, of Kentucky, Judge Hammond, of Indiana, and other kind friends, who were with him on board the steamer, were unremitting in their attentions to him, and slight hopes were entertained that he would recover on reaching this place. Immediately on landing, Doctor Aldrich, of this city, was called on to assist in attending to him and exerted every means that medical skill could suggest for his restoration. But he had become so emaciated and enfeebled that all was without avail. He did not die among strangers. Old acquaintances and friends were around him and paid him every possible attention. Among them were Hon. George C. Rates, ex-Governor McDougal and Hon. P. W. Tompkins. Col. E. D. Baker, who had known him familiarly, was not in town at the time of his death. Mr. McGaughey was formerly a Whig member of Congress of Indiana, and one of the youngest members of that body, and of more than average talents. He had embarked for California with the intention of prosecuting his profession of law and politics."
The following letters, one from W. D. Griswold, and one from the late Governor Joseph A. Wright, tell of the esteem in which he was held by his contemporaries :
"Mrs. E. W. McGaughey:
"Dear Madam: I am deputed to transmit to you a copy of resolutions adopted by members of the bar of this circuit at this place during the recent session of court in memory of your dear deceased husband. These resolutions you will find enclosed with this. Having taken part in their adoption, it is almost unnnecssary for me to express further any sentiments I entertain in relation to the sad event which called them forth. Yet I can not refrain to say to you that the unexpected news of Mr. McGaughey's death impressed me mournfully. We were of nearly the same age and we commenced our professional careers together in the same courts. During some thirteen or fourteen years we were on terms of uninterrupted friendship. I therefore could not but feel that the blow that struck him down fell very near to me.
"I deeply sympathize with you and pour dear children in this bereavement. Your husband and their father was a man of talents and a man of honor. Ambitious as he was, I believe that he never swerved in his integrity or in his fidelity. His death is greatly a public loss - greatly a loss to his friends and associates, but principally yours. The memory of his virtues will comfort you. You can with truth and fidelity hold out to your children the example of his life for their guidance and emulation. In this exercise I confidently believe you will realize much consolation in the dark hours of your widowhood.
"Believe me with sincerest sympathy and regards, your friend and servant, W. D. GRISWOLD."
"Mrs. E. W. McGaughey:
"Madam: I have neglected on account of my absence from home in sending to you before this my tribute of respect for the memory of your beloved husband. I can most fully appreciate your loss. I know the anguish of pour heart, the ties that are broken, and can unite with you in the warmest sympathy of condolence.
"I knew your deceased husband in all the various relations of life, perhaps better than any other person, not related to him. And in view of all this, can say the country has lost one of her brightest jewels, society an active, industrious and useful citizen, and to you and your fatherless children the loss is not only that of husband, father, friend, brother, guardian and protector, but he was, in that more intimate and close relation, your all, the head of your family.
"You must look to the source from whence comes all our blessings, the father of the widow and the fatherless. He alone is able to heal up all our wounds, administer to us consolation in the darkest hours. Without His aid we are liable any moment to go astray. May He comfort, sustain and encourage you in this, your dark hour of trouble.
"When I visit your place I will call and deliver in person what I can not on paper, the warmest expression of my sympathy. Accept this humble tribute from one who has lately passed through the same affliction, and who most heartily joins in wishing you peace, prosperity and happiness in this life of trouble.
"Your friend, "JOSEPH A. WRIGHT."
Edward W. and Margaret McGaughey were the parents of five children, namely: Sara M., Mary, Edward W., Charles O. and Thomas Corwin. Sara M. became the wife of George Dester Rand, of Burlington, Iowa, the wedding occurring at Greencastle, Indiana, on December 25, 1862. In a few days Mr. Rand received his commission as paymaster in the United States Volunteer Navy and reported on board the gunboat "Silver Lake," on the Ohio river at Smithland, Kentucky, under Commodore Leroy Fitch. In about a year he received his commission as paymaster in the United States Regular Navy. In 1864 he was sent to the upper Tennessee river in charge of four gunboats, which were to keep the river open from Decatur, Alabama, to Chattanooga and Knoxville, Tennessee. He served till the close of the Civil war, when he resigned. Remaining in the South, Mr. Rand engaged in the lumber business at Bridgeport, Alabama, and Gadsden, the same state, until 1880, when he came to Keokuk, Iowa, where he was manager of the Carson & Rand Lumber Company. He was elected mayor of the city on the Republican ticket. During his term of service a large tract of land was bought by the city, and the city council named it Rand Park in his honor. Mr. Rand was vice-president of the State Central Savings Bank, of which bank William Logan is president. Mr. Rand died November 12, 1903, and is buried in the City cemetery at Greencastle, Indiana.
Mary McGaughey was married to Henry Christian Heine on October 2, 1866, at Indianapolis, Indiana. After the close of the Civil war they moved to Bridgeport, Alabama, and Mr. Heine was employed by the Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis railroad. After Edward W. McGaughey, who was railroad agent there, moved to Chattanooga, Tennessee, Mr. Heine was appointed agent, which position he still fills. Mr. and Mrs. Heine became the parents of three daughters and one son, namely: Sophie, Mary, Pauline and McGaughey. Mary married Jefferson Washburn, of New York, and both died in 1904. Mrs. Heine died in June, 1903. Pauline, alone of the children, survives. She was married to James Earls, of Tennessee, in June, 1900, and they live at Tullahoma, Tennessee.
Edward W. McGaughey, Jr., was a student in old Asbury University, at Greencastle, Indiana, but during the Civil war he left college and joined an Indiana battery, seeing hard service in Kentucky. He was transferred to the United States Navy as midshipman and served till the close of the war. He was telegrapher in the railroad office at Bridgeport, Alabama, and afterwards was appointed agent. He was promoted to freight agent at Chattanooga, and later he resigned to accept a position with the Big Four railroad as traffic manager, with headquarters at Chattanooga, Tennessee, which position he held at the time of his death, which occurred on December 17, 1890, at Chattanooga. On October 26, 1869, at Bridgeport, Alabama, Edward McGaughey was married to N. A. Troxell, and they had three daughters, Sallie Rand McGaughey was married to John Harlan Morris, of Greencastle, Indiana, on December 28, 1898, and one son, John Raymond Morris, is the only child. Mrs. Morris died May 5, 1904, and is buried at Keokuk, Iowa. Margaret lives with her mother at Keokuk. Edith Genevieve married Sam V. Cox, at Keokuk, on July 27, 1899, and they have three daughters living, Genevieve R., Ruth E. and Grace E. They live at Keokuk.
Charles Oliver McGaughey was married to Abbie Linton, at Indianapolis, Indiana, on June 29, 1873. On October 19, 1897, at Bridgeport, Alabama, he was married to Anna Belle Hall. One son, Charles O., is the only child. Charles O. McGaughey died at Bridgeport, Alabama, on April 25, 1906, and is buried in Forest Hill cemetery at Chattanooga, Tennessee.
Thomas Corwin McGaughey was married to Lydia Gilchrist in Indianapolis on February 22, 1872. They lived in Chattanooga, Tennessee, a number of years, but now are living in St. Louis, Missouri. They have two daughters. Margaret married William McCarthy in Chattanooga, Tennessee, on September 3, 1895, and they have one son, Raymond. Pearl was married to James D. Leahy, at Chattanooga, Tennessee, on June 7, 1905. They have two daughters, and live in St. Louis, Missouri.
"Weiks History of Putnam County Indiana" by Jesse W. Weik. 1910
B.F. Bowen & Co., Publishers, Indianapolis IN