Edward Newgent, of this review, was ten years old when his father died. He remained with his mother during her lifetime, but spent ten years on another part of the farm. When the division of the home place was made in 1875, Edward got the home and forty-nine acres and there he and his mother lived until the latter's death; he delighted in caring for her, although she was helpless for many years. He had added eighty acres which adjoins the home place, having made farming his principal life work; he has been somewhat handicapped for years by failing health. He has kept the old place well improved and has kept the buildings well repaired. His barn was built the year he was born, 1843, of solid hewn timbers.
Edward Newgent was married on November 29, 1863, to Martha Jane Holland, daughter of Thomas and Jane (Gooden) Holland, farmers of Clinton township, where Mrs. Newgent was born and reared, her birth occurring in 1849, she being sixteen years old at her marriage; her death occurred March 5, 1903. The following children were born to this union: Helen, wife of Charles Maddox, who lives on part of the old Newgent homestead; William Warren is a farmer in Clinton township; Lizzie married John Knauer and died, leaving three children; Thomas H., who works part of his father's farm, married Millie Cricks; John lives at home with his father and assists in operating the home place.
Mr. Newgent is a Democrat, but has not been an office seeker. He is a peace loving, honest man, never brought suit nor had one brought against him, and he was never called to serve on a jury except before a justice of the peace.
"Weiks History of Putnam County Indiana" by Jesse W. Weik. 1910
B.F. Bowen & Co., Publishers, Indianapolis IN
Among the representative farmers of Putnam county is Jonathan Houck, who is the owner of a fine landed estate in Washington township, and is carrying on the various departments of his enterprise with that discretion and energy which are sure to find their natural sequence in definite success, having always been a hard worker, a good manager and a man who would quickly grasp an opportunity when it arose, and being fortunately situated in a thriving farming community, it is no wonder that he stands today in the front rank of the agriculturists and stockmen of this favored locality.
As is noted elsewhere in this volume, the Houck family is and for generations has been one of the leading and most influential families of Putnam county and owing to complete records of David Houck, father of Jonathan, also Oliver N. and James E., brothers of Jonathan, appearing under separate captions here, this review will deal exclusively with the immediate subject.
Jonathan Houck was born in Clinton township, this county, two miles south of Clinton Falls, May 31, 1852, and he spent his boyhood days on the home farm, remaining there until he was twenty-four years old, associated with his father. He attended the home schools during the winter months and got a fairly good education, to which he has added constantly by home reading and contact with the world at large. Early in life he decided to follow the vocation of husbandman and he and his brothers, Edward and Henry, bought a farm of their father, consisting of two hundred acres, the land that joins Jonathan Houck's present farm, and this trio of brothers worked the same very successively for several years; they also farmed some in Madison township and dealt in live stock extensively, buying and feeding large numbers from time to time. He and his brother Edward bought his present farm and continued to work together six or seven years. Together they bought the father's old farm, and divided it. Edward taking the old home part at Hamrick Station and Jonathan the present place, the old Thomas Gilmore farm, his widow having built the fine house that still adorns the place, some fifty years ago; it stands on a bluff overlooking the beautiful valley of Walnut creek and is one of the finest homes in the township. Although built a half century ago, it is still substantial and attractive, having all modern conveniences which Mr. Houck has added, located near the interurban line, seven miles southwest of Greencastle. It is not only known as one of the most attractive places in the county, but also as a place of hospitality, Mr. Houck and his family being genial and free-hearted entertainers to friends and wayfarers who by chance pass this way. The farm contains two hundred and six acres, one-half of which lies in the bottom. It is all under excellent improvements and has been so skillfully cultivated that the richness of the soil has in no wise diminished. Here Nr. Houck carries on general farming in a very successful manner, sometimes handling stock in partnership with his brother Edward, dealing in large numbers of both cattle and hogs, often as many as three car loads of cattle and three hundred hogs at a time; they are widely known as buyers of stock cattle. Mr. Houck has in every way improved his farm, by laying some tile, etc., to make it rank with the best farms of the county, and it is one of the "show" places of his locality. He has given it his exclusive attention, not caring to lead a public life.
Jonathan Houck married, on January 6, 1876, Alice Landes, daughter of Christian and Elizabeth (Hillis) Landes, both now deceased, the family home being now owned by Christian Stoner, who was named for his grandfather. For further details of this family see sketch of John L. Hillis.
To Mr. and Mrs. Houck two children have been born, namely: Laura, died in May, 1899, at the age of sixteen years; Lloyd, who is assisting his father on the home place, was born October 12, 1885.
"Weiks History of Putnam County Indiana" by Jesse W. Weik. 1910
B.F. Bowen & Co., Publishers, Indianapolis IN
Among the intelligent, enterprising and successful agriculturists of Putnam county, none stands higher in public esteem than Herbert S. Allee, who operates a well cultivated and productive farm in Jefferson township. A native of the township in which he lives, he has always enjoyed the confidence of all who know him and he justly merits representation in this work.
Mr. Allee was born in Jefferson township, this county, on August 22, 1876, and is a son of Francis M. and Sandy E. (Sandy) Allee, who receive specific mention elsewhere in this work. Mr. Allee was reared under the parental roof and secured his education in the public schools, being a graduate of the high school at Mt. Meridian. He became a practical farmer under the intelligent direction of his father and he remained on the home farm until 1903, when he located on his fine farm of two hundred and forty acres in section 21, Jefferson township, where he now resides. On this place he erected a commodious, well arranged and attractive residence and the place is otherwise well improved in even respect, its general appearance indicating the owner to be a man of sound judgment and excellent discrimination. He is progressive in his methods and keeps in close touch with the most advanced ideas relating to the science of husbandry, being considered one of the leading farmers of the township.
On January 11, 1897, Mr. Allee was united in marriage with Efie Dorsett, a daughter of Robert and Mary (Hurst) Dorsett. Robert Dorsett was a son of Abijah Dorsett and a brother to Henry C. Dorsett, both well known in this part of the state. Mary Hurst was a daughter of Mahlon and Lucretia Hurst, and for detailed reference to the Hurst family the reader is referred to the Hurst genealogy, which appears elsewhere in this work. To Mr. and Mrs. Allee has been born a son, Noble Franklin Herbert Allee. The family stand high in the social circles of the community, being esteemed by all because of their genuine worth.
"Weiks History of Putnam County Indiana" by Jesse W. Weik. 1910
B.F. Bowen & Co., Publishers, Indianapolis IN
To be a successful news-writer requires much more innate ability and stronger qualities of character than the superficial observer might think. Journalism is a profession into which many enter but few remain, the recruits to its ranks dropping out before they have made a showing of any consequence owing to their lack of proper attributes. One of the Putnam county newspaper men who has proved his mettle in this particular sphere of endeavor is Oliver Hampton Smith, reporter and writer on the Greencastle Banner, who was born June 2, 1830, near Harrisburg, Fayette county, Indiana. His parents were Mr. and Mrs. John Smith, who, with a colony of homeseekers, came from the state of New York in the early twenties of the nineteenth century and settled in Fayette county. His father died when he was five years old and his mother when he was fifteen. This left him at a tender age to battle alone in life's struggles. His boyhood education was limited, consisting only of the meager three months' winter schooling such as the Hoosier boys and girls received sixty and seventy years ago. In these schools the teacher was paid by subscription and "boarded around." The price of tuition was seventy-five cents, one dollar and one dollar and fifty cents per "scholar" according to the age of the pupil.
When sixteen years old Mr. Smith accompanied a relative to the vicinity of Indianapolis and soon after this was indentured as an apprentice to learn the cabinetmaker's trade with Joseph I. Stretcher in that city. At that time, 1846, the population of our capital city was only six thousand.
Young Mr. Smith served his time out and worked two years at his trade. About this time he became acquainted with a man who proved to be the best friend he ever had. He was a lover of young men, a Methodist preacher and pastor of old Wesley Chapel, Methodist Episcopal church, now Meridian Street church, Indianapolis. He took occasion frequently to talk to his young friend about the future and life's duties. He persuaded him to seek a better education and offered some inducements to go to college. The result was that Mr. Smith entered the preparatory department of Asbury University (now DePauw), at Greencastle, Indiana. This was in 1851 and from this historic institution Mr. Smith was graduated in 1856 with the degree of Bachelor of Arts, and he immediately began teaching, and spent over forty years in that work and the ministry in Indiana, Arkansas and Missouri, doing a great amount of good and becoming well known in both lines of endeavor. About fifteen years ago he quit professional work, and seven years ago he came from Maryville, Missouri, and entered upon his present line of work.
In December, 1857, Mr. Smith was married to Elvira Allen, second daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. J. R. M. Allen, of Greencastle. To this wedlock were born five children and all are living, namely: Willis P., commercial traveler, wholesale drugs, Portland, Oregon; Arthur A., editor and proprietor of the Tribrune-Times, Port Angeles, Washington; Harry M., editor and proprietor of the Weekly and Daily Banner, Greencastle, Indiana; Mrs. Harry E. Lippmann, of Seattle, Washington; and Mrs. John M. Saunders, of Kansas City, Missouri.
Mr. and Mrs. Smith celebrated their "golden wedding" on December 27, 1907. Both are in excellent health and bid fair to add yet a good1y number of years to their already extended wedded life.
"Weiks History of Putnam County Indiana" by Jesse W. Weik. 1910
B.F. Bowen & Co., Publishers, Indianapolis IN
Few men of past generations succeeded in impressing their personality more forcibly upon the people of Madison township, or left behind them a cleaner record, than the late John Mills Walker, noted among his neighbors and friends alike for his hospitality, industry and strict honesty. He was born in Putnam county October 10, 1846, and he spent his life on his native heath, from which he passed to his rest September 15, 1893, at the age of forty-seven years. He was the son of Hiram and Frances (Mills) Walker, the father born in Maysville, Kentucky, and they grew to maturity in that state, marrying at Bowling Green. They came to Putnam county, Indiana, in an early day, and located amid primitive surroundings in Madison township, and there their son, John M., was born. He did not have much opportunity to attend school, but made the best of what he did have. He assisted with the work of developing the home place and remained there until he reached maturity. On October 31, 1888, he was married to Lucy B. Stoner, daughter of Joseph and Martha (Hall) Stoner, a neighbor girl. He became the owner of three hundred and sixty acres, on which he carried on general farming, raising a great deal of corn on the bottom lands, which he fed to large numbers of hogs and cattle and he became well-to-do. When twenty-one years of age he started out for himself, earning his first five dollars by milking for his neighbor. John M. was but a lad when his father was killed, but he soon began managing his mother's affairs and he remained with her until his marriage, then she made her home with him; she did not look to him in vain for every possible care, for it was his chief delight to minister to her wants. She reached an advanced age, dying April 1, 1894; she had lived to bury eight of her ten children, having experienced a great deal of trouble resulting from much sickness in the family, but she was a woman with a strong body and mind, kind, noble and good, and bore affliction patiently.
John M. Walker was not a public man, yet he took a delight in seeing his county progress and supported any legitimate measure looking to the general good. He was a Republican in politics and he died in the faith of the Christian church. He was so full of energy and persistency that he injured his health and for three years prior to his death was practically an invalid, too close application to farming depleting his energy. He assisted his mother in the rearing of two nephews from childhood to maturity, they were John Young and Artie Call. All that is mortal of this excellent character is sleeping the eternal sleep in the Forest Hill cemetery at Greencastle.
Two children were born to Mr. and Mrs. John M. Walker, James Samuel and Frances Olive, the latter the wife of Ivan Ruark, of Stilesville; she graduated at the Greencastle high school where the son, James S., was also educated later spending one year in Purdue University, at Lafayette, taking the agricultural course, with a view of making farming his life work.
Mrs. Walker rents the home farm, which yields her a good annual income. She is a woman of many pleasing traits of character and has hosts of friends here, as did her worthy husband.
"Weiks History of Putnam County Indiana" by Jesse W. Weik. 1910
B.F. Bowen & Co., Publishers, Indianapolis IN
Energy, sound judgment and persistency of effort, properly applied, will always win the goal sought in the sphere of human endeavor, no matter what the environment may be or what obstacles are met with, for they who are endowed with such characteristics make of their adversities steppingstones to higher things. These reflections are suggested by the career of Oliver J. Shaw, who has fought his way to the front ranks and stands today among the representative citizens of Putnam county. He was born in Knox county, Ohio, in 1842, the son of Upton and Susannah (Branneman) Shaw. She was the daughter of Daniel and Magdalene Branneman, each of Pennsylvania Dutch ancestry. The former came from Vermont and the latter from Virginia. Upton Shaw was born in Maryland, the son of William Shaw, a native of Ireland. Upton Shaw and wife were married in Knox county, Ohio, and came to Indiana in 1843. The log house in which this family spent their first night after arriving here is still standing on the farm of Oliver J. Shaw. Hardly a field was cleared in this vicinity at that time only a few "patches" here and there. Upton Shaw entered three hundred and twenty acres from the government, in section 22, Jefferson township, and there he spent the rest of his days, becoming fair1y well-to-do. His family consisted of eight children, an equal number of boys and girls, named as follows: Leonard; Lyman; Hesten Ann married William Cummings; Louis; Oliver J.; Adeline, who married John Butler; Amelia married William Larkin; Mary married Sam Wright. The father of these children died about 1874, the mother surviving many years, making her home with her son, Oliver J., of this review, until her death about 1892. The reader is referred to the sketch of John Branneman for a full history of Mrs. Upton Shaw's ancestry.
Oliver J. Shaw grew up on the home farm and remained on the parental acres until his marriage, in 1861, to Mahala Ann Runyan, daughter of John and Zaruah (Allen) Runyan. John Runyan came to Greencastle from Virginia. It is believed that his father's name was James, who also came to this county from Virginia in an early day. John Runyan was a tanner and farmer near Fillmore and in later life he died near Mt. Meridian, where his wife died about 1883, he having survived her until about 1895.
One child was born to Mr. and Mrs. Oliver J. Shaw, Florence, who married Albert Farmer, a traveling salesman, and they had one child, Zella; Mr. Farmer died in 1896 and his widow now makes her home in Greencastle. Her mother died in April, 1894.
Mr. Shaw has devoted his life to farming and stock raising and has been very successful in both lines, especially the latter. About 1883 he began keeping stallions and jacks, and now has three stallions and four jacks of excellent grades. He has raised a great number of each also horses, cattle, hogs and sheep, making a specialty of short horn cattle and Poland-China hogs, but he gives most of his attention to breeding horses and mules, and enjoys a wide reputation as breeder of fine stock, always finding a ready market for what he raises owing to their excellent quality. A better judge of all kinds of live stock would be hard to find. He is one of the model farmers of his township, owning a valuable place of two hundred and ninety-seven acres in Jefferson township, near1y all under cultivation, all level and could be put under the plow. It is high grade soil, well kept and under modern improvements. Mr. Shaw has one of the largest, best and coziest houses in this part of the county and the many warm friends of the family frequently gather here, sharing their generous hospitality. Their dwelling was erected about 1878.
Mr. Shaw married, in 1896, Alice Runyan, youngest sister of his first wife, and they have one son, Oliver Upton Shaw, now twelve years old, and a lad of much promise.
Politically Mr. Shaw is a Democrat, and he is a member of Cloverdale Lodge, No. 132, Free and Accepted Masons. He and his wife are both members of New Providence Baptist church. Mr. Shaw is a whole-souled, liberal and genial man, of whom everybody speaks well who have had occasion to know him or have dealings with him.
"Weiks History of Putnam County Indiana" by Jesse W. Weik. 1910
B.F. Bowen & Co., Publishers, Indianapolis IN
A gentleman who is too well known to the readers of this history to need formal introduction by the biographer is Elder Oscar F. Lane, son of Higgins and Angeline (Thompson) Lane, born in section 11, Monroe township, Putnam county, Indiana, May 5, 1848. There he spent his early life on the home farm, attended the common schools of his township during the winter until he was twelve years old, then entered the Bainbridge Academy where he spent two years and a part of a third year. Then for one year he took private instruction in Latin, Greek and mathematics under Rev. E. C. Johnson, of Bainbridge. During the spring of 1867 he entered the freshman class of the Southwestern Christian University, now known as Butler College, of Indianapolis. On account of a physical break-down he was not in the university during 1868; entering again in January, 1869, he had completed the regular course as prescribed and two studies additional, not required in this course, at the close of the fall term of 1870. He was graduated in June, 1871, receiving the degree of Bachelor of Arts. The degree of Master of Arts was conferred upon him by his alma mater in 1874. He is a member of the Sigma Chi Greek-letter fraternity, being an alumnus of Rho Chapter. April 19, 1564, he united with the Christian church at Bainbridge, Indiana, under the ministrations of Elder O. P. Badger. He soon began to take part in the public worship and was given a class in the Sunday school, having been identified with this department of church work from early childhood. For a period of twenty-two years he served as a Sunday school teacher or superintendent and he has delivered many Sunday school addresses. When only sixteen years of age he began preaching, delivering his first discourse at Bainbridge, January 1, 1863. During the fall of the same year he was licensed by the Christian church at Bainbridge to preach. In October, 1869, he was ordained in the Central Christian church at Indianapolis by Elders O. A. Burgess, W. K. Pendleton and Thomas Munnell a regular minister of the gospel. He preached regularly from the time of his license for churches in Putnam county and adjoining counties until he entered college. During the time of his attendance at college he preached for churches within a short distance of Indianapolis, January 1, 1871, he was called to the pastorate of the Christian church of Shelbyville, Illinois. This work he continued until failing health compelled him to resign it. He had over-worked himself while in college. As a sample of his work in college during his last two years there, he mention the fact that he "carried" seven studies, preached nearly every Saturday night and twice on Sunday, held one revival, read four thousand pages of history, took part each week as a member of a college society and prepared and delivered four literary addresses. As a result he had a bad case of insomnia.
During the spring of 1872 he spent five weeks in evangelistic work in Kansas and Missouri. Returning from this trip, he resumed his work at Shelbyville, Illinois, but in a few days he was stricken with cerebro spinal meningitis, and he lingered between life and death for a period of seven weeks; but as soon as he could stand in the pulpit by the aid of a cane, he renewed his work. In a short time the disease returned, which incapacitated him for work for four months - in fact, he has never fully recovered from its effects. After resigning at Shelbyville he received calls during the close of 1872 from Bloomington, Springfield and Mattoon, Illinois, and from Terre Haute, Indiana. But considering these calls involved more than his strength would allow, he declined them. January 1, 1873, he became pastor of the Christian church at Greencastle, Indiana, serving it for one year. January 1, 1874, he accepted a call from the Christian church at Laporte, Indiana, which he served for two years and three months, when failing health forced him to give up regular pastorial work. It was with a struggle and much regret that he was thus forced to abandon the ambition of his life at the age of twenty-seven years. At the time he left Laporte he had flattering calls from four large churches. During the fall of 1876 he moved to the farm where he now lives and began work as a farmer. After one year of moderate outdoor exercise his health was generally improved, but for three years he was able to endure but little mental work. At the close of 1879 he took work as a minister, preaching for two and three congregations. This he continued until 1903. He is now seldom seen in the pulpit with the exception that he conducts a large number of funerals. To January 1, 1910, Elder Lane had preached one thousand and fifty-two funerals, and he had declined to officiate at about as many.
As a public speaker Mr. Lane is dignified, earnest, argumentative, logical, sometimes very impetuous and touching and always inspires thought. Some of his best efforts have been entirely extemporaneous and impromptu, wholly inspired by the occasion. He never memorized a sermon for delivery and rarely ever uses notes in a public address. His nature is positive, what he believes he advocates with all his might. His holds that no man call be true and plead neutrality on moral issues or in regard to any subject involving the well-being of humanity. He believes in doing good and being good; first, at home and then abroad. He believes that no man should endeavor to be more genial and polite to some other man's family than he is to his own. He has all his life been an earnest advocate of temperance and has done much both in pulpit addresses and by personal effort to bring about reform. He believes just as sincerely that God-fearing men and women should not rest until the social evil is eradicated, holding that card parties never result in good, and he has never given policy a place before principle and believes that popularity should not be sought at the expense of right doing; that nothing is worth doing that will not stand the test of infinite years.
Elder Lane has never taught school, but has given private instructions in the languages, and has three times declined the presidency of institutions of learning; however, he is a warm friend of education and is glad to pay for the support of the public schools. He was one of twenty persons to start the Foreign Missionary Society of the Christian church in 1875 by giving one hundred dollars, and is a life member of the society. During the Civil war he twice offered his services to his county as a volunteer, being then fifteen and at his last trial sixteen years of age, but was not accepted on account of physical disability. Politically he is a Republican. While he has had a constant interest in political issues, he never had much ambition for personal preferment or taste for office. He has three times declined nomination for office when he could have been twice elected. In 1908 he yielded to the urgent call of his party to stand for the state Legislature on the temperance issue and he succeeded in reducing the majority of his opponent one hundred and twenty votes from his previous majority.
Fraternally Mr. Lane is a member of Bainbridge Lodge, No. 75, Free and Accepted Masons, having been treasurer of the same for the past five years. In 1890 he assisted in the organization of the Farmers Institute in Putnam county. The first institute had an attendance of fifty, held at Greencastle. The next five were held at Bainbridge. Mr. Lane was county chairman for three years and during his chairmanship the attendance reached six hundred. For a period of fourteen years he was state lecturer for the institute by appointment of Prof. W. C. Latta, state superintendent. During these years he visited nearly every county in Indiana, lecturing in some of them four different times.
Mr. Lane owns the farm on which he was born and is now successfu1ly engaged in general farming on his well tilled and well improved place of five hundred and seventy acres, which lies in sections 11, 13 and 14, Monroe township, having added four hundred and ten acres to his inheritance, proving that he is a good manager and well grounded in modern agriculture. Never robust in health, he has succeeded as a result of strong will power, which has enabled him to accomplish the work of two men, during much of his life. He has a beautiful home in which is to be found a well selected library of the world's best literature.
In November 21, 1872, Mr. Lane was married to Mary E. Wendling, a lady of culture and refinement, a native of Shelbyville, Illinois, and the daughter of Hon. George J. Wendling, a prominent and influential citizen of that place. Mrs. Lane was born April 1, 1852. Her father was born at Strassburg, Germany, and her paternal grandfather was a soldier under Napoleon. Mrs. Lane received a liberal education and is a gifted musician, affable in manners, strong-minded and a favorite with a large circle of friends, having been indeed, a true helpmate in every respect. This union has been graced by the birth of eight children, named as follows: Anna L., Carrie M., Frank W., Edwin R., Oscar Bruce, Nellie Ruth, Elizabeth H. and Ralph. Six of these children are living, Carrie M. and Ralph having passed into the silent land. They have seven grandchildren.
"Weiks History of Putnam County Indiana" by Jesse W. Weik. 1910
B.F. Bowen & Co., Publishers, Indianapolis IN
The gentleman to a review of whose life and characteristics the reader's attention is herewith respectfully invited, is among the successful agriculturists and fruit growers of Putnam county, who, by energy and correct methods, has not only achieved success for himself but has also contributed in a very material way to the industrial, civic and moral advancement of his place of resi- a liberally remunerative enterprise and won the good will of his fellow men.
Samuel A. Hazelett, son of Richard M. Hazelett and wife, whose life dence. (Note, this is not a typo, I believe the beginning of this bio was misprinted in the book). In the course of an honorable career he has established himself in records are to be found elsewhere in this work, was born in Putnam county, October 20, 1849. He attended the district schools and graduated from Asbury (now DePauw) University in 1870, having made a very creditable record in that institution. He then turned his attention to school teaching, which he followed with gratifying success for a period of two years, then moved to the state of Missouri, where he remained several years. Returning to Putnam county, Indiana, in 1882, he took up farming and fruit growing which he has continued with gratifying results, owning a well improved farm of two hundred twenty acres one and one-half mile southeast of Greencastle, and his suburban home of forty acres one mile from Greencastle. He has a fine orchard, well kept and of splendid variety. He is well versed in horticulture, being regarded as an authority on both horticulture and agriculture. He has one of the most attractive, modern and beautifully located homes in Putnam county, it being equipped with all modern conveniences, such as telephone, electric light, city water service, the latter being distributed through house and barn, and the interurban railway makes a stop close by the house.
Mr. Hazelett married Ellen Tuttle, of Homer, Licking county, Ohio, on April 26, 1877. She is the daughter of Ephriam and Judith (Channell) Tuttle, both deceased, a well known family of Licking county, where she grew to maturity and received a liberal education. They were married at Albany, Missouri, where her parents had moved and where Mr. Hazelett was engaged in farming. The following children have graced this union: Nellie, Richard M. married Nellie Savage, now engaged in the grocery business in Greencastle; Richard M. was in the Spanish-American war as a member of Company I, One Hundred Fifty-ninth Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry. He served throughout the war but did not see active service and received an honorable discharge. Earl T., living at Tucson, Arizona, has been engaged in the railroad business since he was seventeen years of age, having filled many positions of trust and responsibility. He has traveled around the world, spending considerable time in China and Japan where he engaged labor for railroad construction work, also engaged in railroad construction in old Mexico. Samuel Jerome Hazelett, who graduated from the Greencastle high school in 1905, is now occupying a position in the Central National Bank of Greencastle. He married Evelyn Dumas, a native of the state of Illinois. Clarence is attending DePauw University. Lawrence is living at home. Mrs. Hazelett, who is a woman of high education and culture, was acknowledged to be one of the most intellectual and charming women in Albany, Missouri, at the time of her marriage. She is prominent in the social and club circles of her community and is an active member of the Christian church. She was one of the organizers and prime movers in the Domestic Science Club of Greencastle and is actively connected with the Woman's Auxiliary of the Farmers Institute, being frequently called to lecture before the institutes.
Politically, Mr. Hazelett is a Republican, but he has never held office, being too busy with his private affairs to take much interest in politics; however, his support may be depended upon in the promulgation of all worthy objects having as their issue the betterment of his county, state and nation. He is a gentleman of pleasing manners and his pleasant home is a place where the many friends of the family delight to gather.
"Weiks History of Putnam County Indiana" by Jesse W. Weik. 1910
B.F. Bowen & Co., Publishers, Indianapolis IN
One of the thrifty farmers and well known citizens of Warren township, Putnam county, is Marion Edgar Cooper, who was born in this community, May 17, 1868, the son of Archibald and Frances (Connely) Cooper. The father, born February 25, 1836, in this county, was the son of Archibald Cooper, who was born in Greenbrier county, Virginia, January 15, 1798, and when quite young moved to Tennessee. When sixteen years old he enlisted in the war of 1812 and served until its close. On April 6, 1823, he married Elizabeth Hodges, and in October, 1834, he moved with his family of eleven children to Putnam county, Indiana, settling in Putnamville the following year. A few years later he moved to a farm in section 10, Warren township, where he resided until his death, which occurred on April 17, 1872. He was a blacksmith by trade and built the first shop in Warren township. Mrs. Cooper was born in Claiborne county, Tennessee, February 14, 1809, and she died January 26, 1868, her ashes now resting beside her husband's in the cemetery at Bethel. Of the eleven children they brought to this county, two of them are now living - Mrs. Margaret Duckworth, of Iowa, and James C. Cooper, of Putnamville. The latter remembers a family tradition to the effect that his maternal grandmother was scalped by the Indians, and although a very small boy at the time the family came to Indiana, he remembers well when his mother placed him in the wagon preparatory to making the long overland journey from Tennessee.
Archibald Cooper, Jr., was married on December 22, 1844, to Frances E. Connely, the daughter of Gilmore and Jane Connely. He moved with his family from Kentucky in 1834 and settled on a two-hundred-and-seventy-acre tract of land, a part of which was the old Cooper homestead. After two years' residence in Floyd county, Mr. and Mrs. Cooper moved to Putnam county, Indiana, locating on one hundred and sixty acres in section 10, Warren township, purchasing the place at the time, and he continued to make his home here for forty years, or until his death, February 11, 1904, his widow surviving until June 26, 1907. Mr. Cooper was a farmer and stock raiser. He was one of the early commissioners of Putnam county. Politically he was a Democrat and he was one of the highly respected men of his township. He and his wife were members of the local Methodist church and they are buried in the cemetery at Greencastle. They were the parents of four children, James Walter, born July 21, 1865, received a common school education and on June 30, 1887, married Frances Williams and one child, Ethel, was born to them on February 22, 1888; J. W. is a farmer in this county. Amanda M. Cooper, now Mrs. Hurst, wife of a Putnam county farmer, whom she married April 15, 1888, is the mother of two children, Bonnie and George. William Albert Cooper was born November 24, 1872, and he has remained single.
Marion Edgar Cooper, of this review, spent his boyhood on the home farm and received a common school education. He was married to Nellie Lewis, daughter of W. Y. and Mary E. (Clearwater) Lewis, December 24, 1899, and they soon afterward moved to an eighty-acre farm in section 10, Warren township, which his father gave him. He has prospered by close application to his work and now owns a fine farm of two hundred and forty-three acres, having made farming and stock raising his principal life work and has been very successful in each. He has a modern, attractive and well located dwelling on the National road and his place ranks well with the best in the township in every respect. He has always had the respect and confidence of all his neighbors and acquaintances. He and his wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal church. They are the parents of four children, namely: Marion L., born August 2, 1902; Mary Frances, born May 27, 1904; Ruth, born April 3, 1906; Cathryn, born December 26, 1907.
"Weiks History of Putnam County Indiana" by Jesse W. Weik. 1910
B.F. Bowen & Co., Publishers, Indianapolis IN