St. Clair Hurst was born in Plymouth County, Ky., March 18, 1815, and is third son of six children, born to William and Mary (Emmons) Hurst. He received a good education and spent his boyhood days on a farm. About 1848, Mr. Hurst came to Rush County and settled on the farm he now owns, and which at that time was a dense forest. Mr. Hurst was united in married June 23, 1846, to Miss Malata J., daughter of George and Margaret Sutton, the former a native of New Jersey and the latter of Virginia. Mr. And Mrs. Hurst are the parents of three children viz: Martha A., now Mrs. J.R. King., born August 23, 1855, Mary E., now the wife of B.F. Kirk, born October 14, 1856, and an infant that died unnamed. Politically he is a Democrat. Mr. And Mrs. Hurst are members of the Christian Church.

Submitted by: Lora Addison Radiches
History of Rush County Indiana 1888
Brant & Fuller Chicago

Sylvester Hilligoss, a prominent farmer of this township, was born in Rush County, April 18, 1834, being the third son born to Levi and Jane (Vensant) Hilligoss, both natives of Kentucky, and who in an early day came to Rush County, and entered the land now owned by our subject. His farm consists of 488 acres, the greater part of which is in a high state of cultivation and his residence is the finest in Walker Township. The marriage of Mr. Hilligoss was solemnized February 28, 1860, to Mrs. Jane Mull, born in Rush County July 9, 1835, daughter of Frederick, and Jane (McDonald) Mull, natives of Virginia and Ohio respectively. To this union four children were born viz: Orato, born September 29, 1862, and died November 17, 1863; Cyrus, born June 18, 1865, Frederick born November 5, 1868, and Elmer, born July 7, 1875, and died January 14, 1877. Politically, he is a Democrat, and he and wife are members of the Christian Church. They are widely known and highly esteemed.

Submitted by: Lora Addison Radiches
History of Rush County Indiana 1888
Brant & Fuller Chicago

Allen W. Newsom, a member of the firm of Hill, Henley & Co., of Carthage, is a native of Ripley Township, born June 7, 1842, being the son of Luke and Cynthia (Bulley) Newsom, who were natives of Randolph County, north Carolina, of English descent. He was reared upon a farm in his native township, and at twenty-one years of age he took up the avocation of a teacher, which furnished his winter's employment for three years. He was married October 5, 1865, to Anna M. White, a native of Shelby County, this State, born April 1, 1847, being the daughter of John and Amanda (Adams) White, who were natives of Ohio and Kentucky, respectively. Mr. And Mrs. Newsom entered upon their married life in Carthage, where the former found employment as salesman in a general store. He was thus employed for a period of thirteen years when he became the partner of his employer, O'Brien Gwynne, and the firm continued to do business for a period of five years, beginning January 1, 1879. It was dissolved by the death of Mrs. Gwynne, September 4, 1884. For three years thereafter Mr. Newsom was engaged settling the business of the firm, still retaining an interest in the store, which had partially fallen into new hands. His undivided attention is now given to the store, which is a large dry goods establishment, conducted under the firm name of Hill, Henley & Co. The first wife of Mr. Newsom died February 18, 1878, and on the 28th day of February, 1883, he was married to Miss Mary E. Pusey, who was born in Ripley Township, November 18, 1847, being the daughter of Jesse F. and Jane (White) Pusey, who were natives of Ohio and North Carolina, respectively. His first marriage resulted in the birth of four children: Winona, Samuel L., Cora B., and Mattie, of whom the last is deceased. He and his present wife have one child: Floyd P. Mr. And Mrs. Newsom are members of the Friends Church. In politicis, the former is a Republican. He possesses good business qualification, and is a reliable, honorable and upright man. He is at this time a member of the Board of Equalization of Rush County.

Submitted by: Lora Addison Radiches
History of Rush County Indiana 1888
Brant & Fuller Chicago

Thomas T. Newby, whose portrait appears in this volume, is a son of Henry and Sarah (Thornburg) Newby. The parents were both natives of Randolph County, North Carolina and of English descent. They were born August 8, 1795, and August 22, 1800. They were married November 29, 1818 and remained in their native State until 1832. In the fall of that year they came to Indiana and located in Rush County where the remainder of their lives was passed. They were industrious, frugal, and were prominent members of the Friends Church. Mr. And Mrs. Newby died September 4, 1874 and December 20, 1876, respectively. They were the parents of ten children of whom buy two are now living. One of these is Thomas T. whose birth occurred May 16, 1834, upon the farm where he now resides. His whole life has been devoted to agricultural pursuits and is characterized by that energy and integrity which everywhere belong to members of the Friends Church. His education was obtained in the subscription schools of early days and was sufficient to enable him to teach three terms in the public schools of Ripley Township. He is the owner of 251 acres of fine land which includes the old homestead upon which his parents located in the spring of 1833. He has provided his farm with the modern improvements for carrying on the occupation of husbandry, and his surroundings are those of a thrifty and successful farmer and stock raiser. In politics, he has always been an enthusiastic and aggressive Republican. His marriage took place November 11, 1875. His wife Parthena J. is a daughter of Willis and Marian (Elliott) Griffin, and was born in Bartholomew County, Indiana, March 2, 1836. But one child has been born to this union, Sarah E., January 9, 1877. They are members of the Friends Church and occupy a high position in the esteem of those who know them.

Submitted by: Lora Addison Radiches
History of Rush County Indiana 1888
Brant & Fuller Chicago

Luke Newsom, deceased, was born in North Carolina, December 12, 1802, being the son of Ransom and Sarah (Tipper) Newsom. He settled in Section 29, Riley Township, this county, in 1829, and there continued to reside until he died. He was twice married—the first time in Randolph County, Kentucky to Elizabeth Hill in 1825. By her he had four children: Martha, Henry H., Jabez H., and Elizabeth, the later of whom is deceased. In 1834 he was married in this county to Miss Cynthia Bulley, who was a native of Randolph County, Kentucky. By her he became the father of eleven children: Elizabeth B., Mary Ann., George W., John G., Allen W., William P., Thomas C., Daniel W., Alban W., Charles H., and Melissa Jane, of whom Elizabeth B., George W., Thomas C., Alban W., and Charles H., are deceased. He owned a good farm and was one of the enterprising and representative citizens of the county.

Submitted by: Lora Addison Radiches
History of Rush County Indiana 1888
Brant & Fuller Chicago

Micajah Binford was born in Northampton County, North Carolina. March 14, 1783. He was the son of James and Hannah (Crew) Binford. In North Carolina he married Sarah Patterson in 1804. He attended the very common schools in North Carolina. The children of this union were: William, Micajah C., Rebecca, married Thomas Jessup; Anna married Henry Winslow. His wife having died, he in 1820 married Miss Morris. The children of this marriage were: Sarah, married Joseph Young, Marion, married Joseph Butler, Martha, married Oliver Andrews; Margaret, married Joseph Butler, Mirian, married Jesse M. Pitts. In 1826, in the spring, he left North Carolina with his family, tarried three months in Belmont County, Ohio, and the same year he arrived in Ripley Township, and moved into the land he had just entered from the government. His family lived in a tent until he had his cabin ready for occupancy. He had a section of land to open and develop. He assisted in building the first meetinghouse at Walnut Ridge, and the first schoolhouse. He was a farmer and a respected citizen. March 25, 1865, he died after a very brief illness. He was a member of the Friend's Church, and a Republican. Micajah Binford, son of Micajah and Sarah (Patterson) Binford, was born July 14, 1812, in Northampton County, North Carolina. At the age of 14 he came with his father's family to Indiana, attended school at Walnut Ridge in Ripley Township, and passed his boyhood in assisting his father in opening up the farm. On the 22nd day of September, 1836, Micajah married Susannah Bundy, daughter of Josiah and Mary (Morris) Bundy. Her parents came from North Carolina and settled in Wayne County, Indiana. Susannah was born there and removed with her parents to Ripley Township where her parents resided until they died. The place is now owned by Sarah Jane Bundy, and her children. Micajah and Susannah began housekeeping on the farm where both now reside, and have continuously for fifty-one years. The old cabin in which they first lived is still in existence. They are the parents of: Ruth, William P., Josiah, Levi, and Micajah M. Mr. Binford is a farmer and has made a success of it. He has settled up numerous estates to the satisfaction of all concerned; was Clerk of the Friends' monthly meeting at Walnut Ridge for twenty-one years; is a member of the Society of Friend's and in politics is a third party Prohibitionist.

Micajah M. Binford, son of Micajah and Susannah (Bundy) Binford was born December 18, 1851 in Ripley Township, Rush County. Indiana. In his youth he attended school at Walnut Ridge, and in 1867 he went to Earlham College, where he stayed one year. When twenty-two years of age he went to Mexico under the auspices of the Friends' Foreign Mission Association of Indiana. In March 1873 he married Susannah Binford, daughter of Oliver and Mary (Foulke) Binford. In December of that year Micajah went to Mexico accompanied by his wife. After remaining in Matamoras nearly two years, he returned to Indiana on account of his wife's health. The result of the marriage is one son, Edward Binford, born March 24, 1877. After returning to Indiana, Mr. Binford remained four years, and subsequently traveled in the Southwest in the interest of the American Bible Society. In 1882 he removed with is family to Lynn, Mass, where he was pastor of a charge for five years. In May 1887, he returned to Indiana, where he now resides. He is now a State Evangelist and belongs to the Society of Friends at Walnut Ridge.

Submitted by: Lora Addison Radiches
History of Rush County Indiana 1888
Brant & Fuller Chicago

Ben F. Kiplinger, the son of John W. and Harriet Kiplinger was born September 20, 1854, in Jackson Township, where he has spent his entire life. At the age of eighteen he began farming as a renter, for himself. On September 28, 1880, he chose for his wife Mary E. Fleener, the daughter of Thomas and Lementine Fleener, both natives of this state and at present residents of Arlington, Rush County, Indiana. Mrs. Kiplinger was born August 4, 1861, in Delaware County, Indiana, but soon removed to this county. This union is blessed with one child, Harriet L., who is living. Mr. Kiplinger is a member of Ivory Lodge No. 27, K. of P., of Rushville. Politically, he is a Republican. He began life a poor man, and has given his attention principally to farming, and now owns a comfortable home in section 12, which is a part of the old homestead; it consists of 160 acres of fine land. He is one of Jackson's successful farmers.

Submitted by: Lora Addison Radiches
History of Rush County Indiana 1888
Brant & Fuller Chicago

Joseph F. Aldridge, farmer and stock dealer, and one of the early settlers of Anderson Township, was born in this county, March 15, 1824, son of John Aldridge, Jr., a native of Ohio, who was born about 1798, and died in this county in 1842. The paternal grandfather of Mr. Aldridge came to Rush County, from Maryland, and died here as did also the mother. The subject of this sketch is the third in a family of nine children. In 1850, Mr. Aldridge located on his present farm, which consists of 276 acres of fine land. For several years he has been engaged in buying and shipping stock. His marriage took place in 1851, to Miss Susan Stines, of this county, born March 10, 1832. They have four children, viz: Marshall H., Daily C., Lucinda P., and Ida I. Mr. Aldridge was formerly a Whig, but is now a staunch Republican. He and wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He is an honest, upright citizen and commands the respect of the entire community in which he resides.

Submitted by: Lora Addison Radiches
History of Rush County Indiana 1888
Brant & Fuller Chicago

Joseph M. Farlow was born in Orange Township, this County, July 22nd, 1841. Is the son of Hiram and Elizabeth (Townsend) Farlow. He is the ninth of twelve children, nine of whom are living. He was raised on a farm and received a common school education. He began working for himself at the age of twenty-one, and for more than ten years rented land. In 1874 he removed to Anderson Township from Orange, and settled where he now lives. He now owns 126 acres of land. In 1864, he was married to Miss Lucinda Bowles, who was born in Fulton County, Indiana, August 12, 1845, daughter of T. J. and Sarah Bowles. To this union have been born six children, viz: Effie M., born in 1872; James B., born 1866; Sarah E., born 1868. Ruby M., born 1872, Mertie A., born 1882, Eda E., born 1877. Mrs. Farlow as a politician is a Democrat. Mr. and Mrs. Farlow are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He has made his own way in life, and has been very successful. He is a representative of one of the first families of this county.

Submitted by: Lora Addison Radiches
History of Rush County Indiana 1888
Brant & Fuller Chicago

Freeman Elstun, the gentleman whose name introduces this biography, is native of Rush County, Indiana, born where he now resides, August 3rd, 1828, son of Eli J. Elstun, who was a native of New Jersey, born in 1798, and died in this county in 1872. The mother of our subject was born in Kentucky, in 1800 and died in this county in 1885. The Elstun family came originally from France and settled in New Jersey, from which place they emigrated to this state and settled in Rush County about 1820, being among the first settlers in this portion of the county. He was reared on the farm, and attended the early schools of Anderson Township. At the age of twenty-one years he began life for himself and now owns the old Elstun homestead, which his father entered in 1820, also 142 acres, near Milroy. The marriage of Mr. Elstun was solemnized in 1852 to Miss Lucindia E. Lyon, a native of Decatur County, Indiana, born in 1833, daughter of John and Margaret Lyon, who came to Indiana about 1822. Mr. And Mrs. Elstun are the parents of the following children: Melissa A., James F., Ida M., and Minnie L., He is an ardent Republican and for more than fifty-eight years has been a resident of Anderson Township. Mr. And Mrs. Elstun are members of the Christian Church and occupy a high position in the confidence and esteem of all with whom they associate.

Submitted by: Lora Addison Radiches
History of Rush County Indiana 1888
Brant & Fuller Chicago

The organization of Rush Circuit Court, took place on April 4, 1822, at the house of Stephen Sims, just south of the City of Rushville. William W. Wick, President Judge, and North Parker and Elias Poston, Associate Judges, presented their certificates of appointment and were all sworn into office. Robert Thompson, as Clerk, and John Hays, as Sheriff, also presented their certificates of appointment and took the legal oath. A rudely constructed device capable of making some unintelligible impression on paper was presented by the Clerk, and adopted by the court as its seal. Court then adjourned to meet at 2 o'clock P.M., at the house of Jehu Perkins, about five miles southeast of Rushville; no reason is known why the court left the county seat to meet five miles away, the late George Sexton, said it was because Perkins kept a distillery there. Court met at the appointed time, and Hiram M. Curry was admitted to the Bar, and sworn as Prosecuting Attorney. The Sheriff brought in a Grand Jury, consisting of William Junkins, Jesse Perkins, Nate Perkins, Christian Clymer, John Walker, Powell Priest, Garrett Durlin, John Lower, Jacob Reed, John Hall, Richard Hackleman, Benjamin Sailors, and Peter H. Patterson. The Grand Jury was sworn and charged and reported no indictments, and were paid 75 cents each for their services. The court then adjourned, to meet next term, at the house of John Lower. At this first term of Court no business was transacted, the Rush Circuit Court in embryo had organized and lasted a single day. Of the Judges, Court Officers, and Grand Jury, of that term, not one is living, sixty – five years after the adjournment.

The October Term, 1822, convened on the fourth of that month at the house of John Lower, about three miles south, and a little west, of Rushville. Lower kept a tavern, and his place was known far and near. Judge Wick, failed to put in an appearance, and the Associate Judges convened the court. John Hays, the Sheriff, did not appear. His mind had become impaired, and while wandering about Hancock County he was arrested and put in the county jail, which he set on fire and perished in the flames. Richard Hackleman, the Coroner, empanelled a Grand Jury, of which Edward J. Swanson, afterward conspicuous in the criminal annals of the county, was foreman. At this term Martin A. Ray, Charles H. Test, Joseph A. Hopkins, James Noble, James Raridan, and Charles H. Veeder were admitted to the Bar. The first case in court was that of Thomas Colbert vs. Rachael Colbert, alias Rachael James, "on libel for divorce." James Noble appeared for plaintiff. The defendant was defaulted, notice of the pendency of the action having been given by publication in the Brookville Enquirer. The court fixed the tavern license at $10.00, and license was granted Jehu Perkins, and Richard Thornburgh. The Grand Jury, at this tem returned several indictments, among them one against John Ray for hog marking. The defendant was acquitted on the ground that the offense was committed before the organization of the county. The court then adjourned to meet next term at the house of Robert Thompson, in Rushville.

The April Term, 1823, met on the 24th of that month, at Robert Thompson's house in Rushville, only the Associate Judges being present. Nathaniel W. Marks, having been appointed Sheriff, entered upon the discharge of his duties. Hiram M. Curry resigned as Prosecuting Attorney, and Charles H. Test was appointed to fill the vacancy. At this term of court, Aaron Anderson, a native of Ireland, renounced his allegiance to George Fourth and became the first person naturalized in Rush County. Oliver H. Smith was admitted to the Bar. Daniel Lawman was convicted for selling liquor without license, and fined $2 in each of two cases. The Judges allowed themselves $6 each for services.

The August Term, 1823, convened on the 14th day of that month with Miles C. Eggleston, President Judge, Parker, and Poston, Associates, and the same Clerk and Sheriff. The case of Israel Cox vs. James Greer, slander came on for trial. The slander consisted of Greer's having charged Cox with stealing his hogs. Charles H. Test appeared for plaintiff, and Oliver H. Smith for defendant. The trial took place in a log court house, and in the course of his argument, Smith said that the speaking of the words had not been shown by the evidence; at this, Greer, who was outside, run his head through the window and yelled out, "Don't lie Smith, I did say he stole my hogs, and I stick to it." Smith then told the court Greer had been drunk ever since the trial commenced, and asked that he be sent to jail until the trial was over. This was done and Smith gained the case.

The April Term, 1824, was uneventful; a number of State cases against Joseph Looney were disposed of Joseph being worsted in all of them. James Greer came into court drunk, and was fined for contempt. Clerk Thompson and Sheriff Marks were each allowed $30 for one year's service.

The September Term, 1824, was held at the house of Robert Thompson, in Rushville. At this term of court the following order was made: "Ordered by the Court, now here, that the prison bounds for the County of Rush shall be the limits of the town play of Rushville, as recorded in the Recorder's office of the County of Rush." This prison limit was made for the prisoner for debt.

The April Term, 1825, was held at the house of Christian Clymer. Hon. Bethuel F. Morris entered upon his duties as President Judge. Rue Pugh was appointed Master in Chancery. Isaac Arnold, a native of "Isle of Wright, Old England." Made his application and was naturalized.

At the September Term, 1825, John Gregg succeeded North Parker, as one of the Associate Judges. Calvin Fletcher, Esq. Presented his commission and was sworn in as Prosecuting Attorney.

At the April Term, 1826, William S. Bussell entered upon the discharge of the duties of his office as Sheriff, and Calvin Fletcher as Prosecuting Attorney. At this term James Divers was tried and convicted of larceny, and given one year in the penitentiary. The business of this term was about all criminals, the defendants being in most cases charges with assault and battery and betting, and were generally found guilty.

The October Term, 1826, was held in the courthouse, in Rushville. James Mitchell presented his commission and was sworn in as Prosecuting Attorney. Sampson Cassady was one of the Grand Jurors. He is now (November 1887) the only man living who served on a Grand Jury at so early a date. William Klumm, and Charles H. Veeder, were indicted, tried and found guilty of an affray. They appealed the case to the Supreme Court where it was reversed. This was the first case appealed to the Supreme Court from Rush County.

At the April Term, 1827, James Whitcomb presented his commission and was sworn in as Prosecuting Attorney. The business of this term as heretofore was mostly criminal. The slander suit of Frances Clark vs. George Taylor was tried and verdict rendered for $50 against defendant.

The Young Murder Trial. The October Term, 1827, convened with Judge Bethuel F. Morris as President Judge, and John Gregg and Elias Poston, Associates. It was at this term that the first murder trial in Rush County took place. Alexander Young had been indicted for the murder of John Points A jury consisting of Robert Groves, Benjamin Heady, Nicholas Barton, Asa Beck, John W. Barbour, Richard Thornbury, Landy Hurst, William Kitchen, George Conrad, John Iier, John Ferris, and Josiah Lee, was empanelled, and the trial prosecuted. The prosecution was conducted by Hon, Oliver H. Smith, and James Whitcomb. The defense was by Charles H. Test, James Raridan, and James T. Brown. The facts in the case were very unfortunate. Young was a thrifty, well to do farmer, and had a beautiful daughter about seventeen years old. Points was a young man of respectability, the son of a neighboring farmer. He was much attracted to Miss Young, but her father would not consent to their marriage, and elopement followed. Young pursued the fleeing couple and by running across the corner of the woods got ahead of them. He concealed himself behind a tree, and when the couple, who were both riding the same horse, came up, Young fired upon them with his rifle. The ball grazed the head of Miss Young, and entered that of Points who died two hours later. From the time the fatal shot was fired Young was completely overcome with sorrow, and expressed such evidence of grief that he enlisted public sympathy in his favor. His defense was so ably conducted that he was only found guilty of manslaughter and received the minimum sentence of the law, one year in the penitentiary. Thus justice had been tempered by mercy. The Governor soon pardoned Young. He returned to his home broken and ruined in fortune and hopes, and it is said he never smiled after he fired the shot. The daughter afterward married, but the strain of her awful experience preyed upon her until her mind became wrecked. For thirty years before her death she was a raving maniac, oblivious to all things, but the memory of June 4, 1827.

The Swanson Case. At the April Term 1829, Edward J. Swanson was indicted and tried for the murder of Elishi Clark. The prosecution was conducted by William W. Wick, and James Whitcomb, and the defense by Charles H. Test. The indictment embodied the essentials of the common law. It was drawn by James Whitcomb, and from it the crushing prosecution escape was hopeless. The jury returned a verdict of guilty, which stands alone in the severity of punishment in the judicial history of the county. The defendants filed a motion for a new trial, assigning as one of the reasons that the Judge had charged the jury "that they were the judges of the facts and the court of the judge of the law." The Judge, Hon. B. F. Morris, over ruled all the motions and sentenced Swanson to be hanged on the following May 11, one month after the trial. Swanson disheartened, yielded to the inevitable and refused to appeal his case to the Supreme Court where there is scarcely any doubt that it would have been reversed. The execution occurred at the time fixed, and Swanson was the only man who ever paid the extreme penalty of the law in Rush County by an ignominious death upon scaffold.

At the October Term, 1829, Hugh Monroe was tried for murder. Monroe and deceased had been on bad terms for some time, and while at a shooting match, deceased while fixing a target was shot and instantly killed by Monroe, who was found guilty and sent to the penitentiary for sixteen years, but was afterward pardoned by the Governor. It was at this term of court that John Greeg, and Montgomery McCall took their seats as Associate Judges.

At the March Term, 1830, Charles H. Test came upon the bench as President Judge. James Perry was prosecutor. Business was very dull at this term. James Tyler was fined for contempt for coming into court intoxicated and talking loud.

September Term, 1830, Alfred Posey having been elected Sheriff, assumes control of the affairs of that office. At this term Judge Test made an examination of the records and gave the Clerk a sound lecturing on account of erasures and interlineations.

March Term, 1832, William J. Brown. Prosecutor. The following order was entered at this term. "James Raridan, Esq, fined $1 for standing up before the fire, in contempt of court" The fine was remitted next day. The courthouse took fire March 22, and created a commotion in court. John F. Irvin and Avanant T. Lewis ventured on the roof and extinguished the flames, receiving therefore the thanks of the court for this brave act. The Grand Jury examined the jail and reported, "It was in a dad state of decay, for several of the logs are much rotted and the door has no lock".

The most important civil case ever-tried in Rush Circuit Court was that to contest the will of John Megee. The plaintiffs were represented by Daniel W. Voorhees, Benjamin F. Claypool and William A. Cullen, the defendants by Thomas A. Hendricks, Leonidas Sexton, Oscar B. Hord, and Abram W. Hendricks. The charges of Judge Jeremiah M. Wilson were excepted to and appealed from. The judgment of the Supreme Court include the entire charges of Judge Wilson, and complimented that distinguished jurist in the following language. "We have given these instructions, repeated, and careful and thorough examination, and we fully indorse them, in all respects fully applicable and warranted by the evidence in and circumstances of the case.

Submitted by: Lora Addison Radiches
History of Rush County Indiana 1888
Brant & Fuller Chicago

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