Much doubt and uncertainty envelope many of the events which go to make up the early history of a new country. The solitary wilds of an unexplored region afford few opportunities for making those notes and records which as time advances become valuable to the seeker after historical truths; and as a general thing the explorers and settlers of our great West have been men little accustomed to literary pursuits, and less desirous of literary honors. Besides, the arduous labors and engrossing duties of pioneer life leave little room or opportunity for that quiet and leisure indisensable to scholarly habits. Thus it is that a large portion of interesting events and. reminiscences of our first settlements have faded from the memory of man, or are only handed down as traditions distorted by this uncertain medium, or mystified by the lapse of time. So it is with the pioneer history of Penn township; for we have found conflicting statements in some particulars regarding pioneer days and events; but by interviewing the most reliable authorities, the pioneers themselves we are enabled to give a sketch which we hope will meet the approbation of all.
Penn township is a timbered country, and in the pioneer days when there were no railroads, telegraph wires, or even wagon roads, it was difficult for the settlers to go from one cabin to another without becoming lost. On one occasion a gentleman had gone some distance from home to a near neighbor's on an errand, and night overtaking him on his return he got lost, and wandered in the dense forest all night, while the wild lightnings flashed around him in a threatening manner. He was not found until late the following day. If the thick timber had been the only barrier to a rapid growth of settlement and improvement in this township, the obstacle would have soon been overcome; but there was a large amount of marsh land in the township, and it was almost impossible to traverse the marshes with a team; and the traveling was done by circuitous routes to avoid these marshy tracts of land. Many of these marshes have been drained, and now constitute a portion of the most fertile land in Penn township. The same land that now yields abundant crops was then a quagmire and a pit for explorers to fall into. It would be in keeping here to remark that there is a large marsh extending from the St. Joseph river near South Bend toward the southeast, almost the entire length of the township, or to within a half mile of the eastern line of the township. This marsh varies from three-fourths of a mile to two miles in width. Near its center is an elevated, oblong tract of land consisting of 200 to 300 acres, which is under cultivation and known as the "Island." This peculiarly shaped marsh is regarded by the citizens of this township as once forming an arm of Lake Michigan. This is perhaps true, as the indications are such as to lead any thinking person to such conclusions.
During the .first settlement of the township the pioneers got their mail at Edwardsville, Cass Co., Mich., which was carried on horseback from Fort Wayne to that point. It here intersected the mail route between Detroit and Ohicago. The residences of the pioneers consisted of log huts, and some were so poor that they made bedsteads of round poles. They did their cooking by the fireplace. A stick was fastened across the chimney at some distance above the fire, and the kettles were suspended from this by means of iron hooks or chains. The bread was baked in a" Dutch oven."
Although these sturdy pioneers of the forest had to undergo many privations, they were a jovial class of people, and had their amusements and enjoyments, though in a rustic way, as do the people of the present day. The mill at which they first got their wheat ground was located below Niles, Mich.
In those days there were ten Indians to one "pale face," yet they were not troublesome, save to beg and steal a little when an opportunity presented itself, which is a characteristic of the" noble red man of the forest."
The noted chief "Raccoon" was buried near the house of Mr. James Curtis, in the eastern part of the township, and for weeks his tribe would bring their provisions to his grave, and sing and dance around the grave for some time, and then eat their dinners and return to camp. Raccoon's skeleton was exhumed a short time since by the Curtis boys, who took the jaw bone to Mishawaka, where it can now be found in the Enterprise office.
At the beginning of the Black Hawk war the settlers of Penn township, knowing the great chief Pokagon and his warriors to be very powerful, sent a delegation to confer with him, and to learn what his plan of action should be for the coming campaign. He sent the glad news back to the half frightened settlers that he would remain neutral during the contest. A German who could not understand all the English vocabulary readily, was standing by and heard Pokagon's reply announced, when he became very much excited and insisted that "that damt neutral is now not 20 miles from here."
While some were busily engaged in making farms, others erected mills, and thus aided in improving the new country. In 1831 or '32 a saw-mill was built on Bawbawgo creek, near where the village of Oceola now stands. Several years after this, another mill was built a little lower down; and by extending the same race, the one dam answered for both mills. This last mill was erected by Zelotes Bancroft; bnt the date is not certainly known.
In 1856, this mil1 having been discontinued, Mr. Bancroft and his brother William erected a saw and grist-mil1 on the same site. It is now owned and conducted by a nephew of the preceding. Its capacity is 25 barrels per day. Mr. Bancroft is a life-long mil1er, and makes the best of flour. The saw-mill attachment is also run in connection with the flouring mill.
Penn township formerly contained Harris and Madison, and a portion of Centre and Portage townships. The first settlers were William and Timothy Moat, who located here about 1828 on section 17. Soon afterward came William Holt, Jesse Skinner, S. L, Cottrell, James Curtis, the Byrkits, Irelands and others. The first church edifice was built in Mishawaka. The first election was held in 1832, and Alpheus Ireland was one of the first justices of the peace. Nathan W. Young was also among the first settlers. He pre-empted land wben the surveyors were at work here, and also carried chain for the Government surveyors. The beautiful prairie in Michigan known as Young's Prairie was named for him. Mr. Young is a natural genius, and is the anthor of several useful inventions, but not being financial1y able to have them patented, other parties are reaping the fruits of his labors. He now resides in Mishawaka.
In July. 1833, A. M. Hurd laid out and platted the village of " St. Joseph Iron Works," about four miles above South Bend, on the south bank of the St. Joseph river. Jan. 1. 1835, an election was held. and James White, John J. Deming, Samnel Stancliff, Henry De Camp and Alexander Sanderlands were elected village trustees. This was the first village organization in the county. During the same year William Barbee, of Ohio, laid out an addition to the east side of the village, and on the west side another addition was made, known as Taylor's Addition. In 1836 Joseph Bartell, James R. Lawrence and Grove Lawrence laid out the town of Indiana City, on the north Ride of the river, opposite St. Joseph Iron Works. This land (being school land), where Mishawaka now stands, upon petition of the settlers to the School Commissioner, ,was purchased Jan. 1, 1833, by Mr. Hurd, who had promised to erect a blast furnace upon the site. The following spring, he in company with William L. Earl, procceded to erect the furnace. At the end of the year houses and shanties enough were erected to accommodate 100 persons. In the spring of 1834 a postotfice was established and the Indian name "Mishawaka" was given it at the suggestion of Mr. Yerrington, who was appointed postmaster. The term "Mishawaka" was the name of an Indian village that once occupied Taylor's Addition to the village of St. Joseph Iron Works, and it signifies" Swift water," or as some render it," Thickwoods rapids." Either interpretation would be descriptive of the location, as the water at this point in the river was very swift, and also the land on either side was covered with a dense growth of heavy timber. The Indians had a small tract of land cleared where their village of Mishawaka stood, and the large corn hills, which were of a conical shape, and about two feet high, remained there for several years after this coun try was settled.
While houses were being erected, and settlers and prospecting parties flocking in, the work upon the furnace was fast approaching completion, and was finished in 1834. The dam was built by the St. Joseph Iron Company in 1835, which was the first dam on the St. Joseph river, and is still standing. This company was incorporated Jan. 22, 1835. Prior to this the river was navigable, and both tow and steam boats plied the limpid waters of this crystal stream for several years, as far up as Three Rivers, Mich.
The first flouring-mill was erected in 1835 by Mr. Taylor. In 1834 a hotel was erected and run by Orlando Hurd. The first bridge across the St. Joseph river was built at Mishawaka in 1837.
In 1839 St. Joseph Iron Works with its two additions, and Indiana City were incorporated as one town, and named Mishawaka. The town is situated on both banks of the St. Joseph, within about a mile of the most southern point of that river. The site is one of very great natural beauty, and art and taste have added largely to its original loveliness. On the south side there is a gentle upward slope from the river bank, far off beyond the limits of the town. Here, embowered beneath a profusion of natural and cultivated trees, shrubbery and flowers, is built the main portion of Mishawaka. On the opposite side the banks are more precipitous, forming a high table land, seemingly designed by Nature for its present uses. To the lover of the beantiful and the sublime, a visit to the Riverside Park is one not only to be enjoyed, but a visit to be remembered. Standing among the beautiful oaks and cedars that nature has planted upon that elevated p1ain, his eyes are greeted by many beautifnl sights at almost the same instant. Looking direetly south he sees the original Milburn Wagon Works, that tower several stories above the basement, whose walls are made bright by the ref1eetion of the sun from the crystal waters of the beautiful St. Joseph. Then a little beyoud he observes many church spires pointing toward the skies, seeming to say," Behold the Lamb of God." And as he tums his eye to the southeast he is again impressed with the wonderful advancement in art, for here his eye falls upon a neatly constructed iron bridge, with hundreds of pedestrians, equestrians and teamsters passing over it daily. When he has completed his stroll in Riverside Park on the north side, as the sun gradually sinks toward the western horizon, and as he wends his way back to the Milburn House, he is struck with wonder and delight while crossing the bridge, for, looking into the swift-running water beneath, he sees hundreds of fish swimming in all directions whose golden sides almost dazzle his eyes when turned to such an angle as to throw the reflection of the sun's rays to his view.
The St. Joseph Iron Company continued to operate their blast furnaces until 1856, when the supply of ore failed. They also established a foundry, and put in operation uther machinery which has been of great benefit to the place. After the exhaustion of the ore they began the manufacture of plows, cultivators, etc., and machinery. Capital stock, $200,000. Albert Hudson is president, and J. H. Whitson general superintendent. In 1868 the name was changed to St. Joseph Manufacturing Company. The hydraulic power at this place is unsurpassed at any point on the river, and the facilities for erecting mills are most excellent. The town is situated upon the Michigan Southern and Grand Trunk Railroads, and is easily accessible from East or West. The surrounding country is one of extraordinary fertility, and the healthfulness of the place is undisputed.
In early times there was great rivalry between Mishawaka and South Bend. They were less than four miles apart, and the advantages they offered differed very slightly, except that the latter had the honor of being the county-seat. The hitterness of those days has, however, subsided, and it is now seen that the interests of the two places are identical.
Before many years the borders of the thriving- towns will meet, and it is not at all improbable that in the course of time they will be joined in one municipality.
Many years ago the steamboat Diamond was wrecked by running against a pier of the old Mishawaka bridge, and one life was lost.
The river at Mishawaka is about 100 yards wide, and the fall over the dam is eight feet. The natural fall at these rapids, in a distance of but a few rods, has been accertained by actual measurement to be two feet and nine inches. The race on the south side is about 400 yards in length, and the one on the north side over 200 yards. On either side there is room for further extension, and there is at all times an abundance of water for all conceivable purposes. Indeed, but a very small portion of this valuable power has, as yet, been utilized. The manufactories are, however, gradually and successfully increasing, of each of which we shall speak a little further on.
The population of Mishawaka in 1860 was 1,486; by the last census (1880) it was 2,640.
In 1872 the great fire destroyed 32 buildings in the business part of town, valued, together with their contents, at over $80,000. New brick buildings immediately arose upon the ruins, and about 24 new stores were opened in the brick blocks thus erected. Scarcely had the citizens of Mishawaka recovered from the terrible effects of the fire, when the great and noted Milburn Wagon Works were removed from their town to Toledo. This was another severe shock upon the growth and prosperity of Mishawaka. But her citizens are not to be discouraged, for they have pressed forward until everything is .life and bustle again. New manufactories occupy the old Milburn stand, and every enterprise seems to prosper.
Mishawaka Mills.- This mill was erected in 1836, and is now owned and operated by Joseph and William Miller, who purchased it in 1876. They have recently refitted and painted it, and it presents a striking appearance. They run five sets of burrs, making about 225 barrels of flour daily. The flour is of excellent quality, standing at the head of the market, both in the East and West.
St. Joseph Mill.- This structure was erected in 1861 by George and Casper Kuhn, and August Kellner. It is now owned and operated by Mr. George Kuhn, who is doing a good business. He does mostly a jobbing business. Capacity of mill, 150 barrels in 24 hours. He makes patent flour, as also do the other mills in Mishawaka.
Perkins Windmill and Ax Company.- This establishment manufactures edge tools, pumps, and water tanks; but its principal business is the manufacture of the Perkins windmill, which was invented and patented by P. C. Perkins in 1869. In 1878 there was a joint company formed for its manufacture. They are doing a large business.
Dodge Manufacturing Company.- The Dodge Manufactory was established in 1878, and incorporated in 1880. They manufacture school furniture, wooden ware, etc. From Jan. 1, 1880, until Aug. 1 of the same year, tbey took 2,000,000 teet of lumber from the stnmp, and sawed and worked it into goods. The company is now behind with their orders, and business constantly increasing.
St. Joseph Valley Furniture Company.- The business of this firm was established in a wing of the Milburn Wagon Manufactory in 1878 ,with a capital stock of $50,000. They make drawer work a specialty. This firm is shipping their chamber-suits and bedsteads mostly to Ohio aud the East, and they are behind with their orders, which are• accumulating upon their hands. J. A. Roper is president.
Telegraph Insulator Manufactory.- This is of recent advent into Mishawaka. It was removed from Hudson, Mich., to this place in the summer of 1880, by Robert Gilliland. The business is a thriving one, and adds material wealth to Mishawaka.
School Furniture Manufactory. - A. H. Andrews & Co., of Chicago, established a branch manufactory in Mishawaka in 1871, and are doing a good business in the manufacture of school furniture.
Bostwick Refrigerator Company. - This enterprising company is engaged in the manufacture of refrigerators of all kinds, safes, mouse-traps and furniture, and is doing an extensive business under the direction of Joseph Bostwick, the principal stockholder.
Ripple Mills. - The Ripple Mills were erected by A. Cass & Co., who owned them for several years, but recently passed into the hands of J. H. and A. Eberhart, who are doing a large business. They have five run of stones, with a capacity of 225 barrels in 24 hours. They make the best of flour, and have a large trade in the East.
There is also in Mishawaka a stave factory, a wood-pulp mi11, a woolen factory, a wagon manufactory, a barrel factory, and several smaller cooper shops and minor manufactories of various kinds. All departments of trade and business are represented in Mishawaka, the most prominent and leading representatives of which we wi1l mention in the biographical department of the history of Mishawaka and Penn township.
This beautiful table land, which we have already referred to, is situated on the north bank of the St. Joseph river, opposi te the Milburn Wagon Works. As yet there has been nothing done to beautify the grounds, save what nature alone has done. In 1879 one Mr. Robbins Battel1, of Hartford, Conn., sent Thomas McClunie, an experienced architect, here, who surveyed and platted the proposed park. Battell proposes to donate it to the town if the citizens will make of the land a park, after the prescribed improvemen ts or specifications in the plat. This gentleman anticipates erecting a female seminary directly west of the park.
The first couple married in Mishawaka were Hiram Rush and Miss Inwood, by Rev. N. M. Wells. Indiana Yerrington was the first child born, receiving his name in honor of the State. The first death was that of a Mr. Moore.
Mishawaka has a fine cornet band, which discourses strains of that which "hath charms to soothe the savage ear." It is ably led and conducted by Mr. Jacob Eckstein, a first-class musician of Mishawaka, and, by the way, a subscriber for this work, whose sketch appears in the biographical department.
The Freemasons and Odd Fellows have a fine, well-furnished hall in the third story of the Phrenix Block.
The Masonic lodge was organized May 26, 1852, A. L. 5,852. The names of the officers at the organization were as follows: R. S. Alden, W. M.; D. H. Smith, S. W.; J. Holdridge, J. W.; J. E. Ho11ister, Treasurer; T. S. Cowles, Secretary; .A. C. Foot, S. D.; W. M. Wood, J. D., and A. L. Brimsmaid, Tyler. The society is in a flourishing condition, and adds materially to the sociability and refinement of the community.
Odd Fellows – St. Joseph Lodge No. 27, I.O.O.F., was organized about 1843. Among its members were Dr. Eddy and John Niles, deceased, Albert Cass, H. E. Hurlbut, A. H. Long and James Easton, still members of the order. This lodge ceased to work, and Monitor Lodge, No. 286, was instituted Aug. 13, 1867. The charter members were A. H. Long, James Easton, Washington Gibson, Philip McElvain and Thomas S. Long, the latter being the first Noble Grand. The Lodge hall was destroyed by the fire of 1872, with all the furniture; since then the lodge has furnished a new hall in the Phoenix block, as above stated, which is an honor, not only to the lodge, but also to the order generally. The lodge has over a hundred members and is in a prosperous condition.
There is also a lodge of the Knights of Pythias, of recent organization in Mishawaka.
We shall now revert to the pioneer days of Mishawaka and Penn township.
There soon came a time amid the rush of business, the foundation of homes, and making of farms, when the enterprising settlers of this locality turned their attention to the all-important duty of educating their children. There seellled now to be something else for the little prattlers to do besides gathering nuts and acorns from under the lofty trees of the dense forests of Penn township. The pioneer school house was soon erected. It was a small, round-log cabin, with a puncheon door hung upon wooden hinges. The floor was also made of puncheons, as were the writing desks, which were supported by pins in the wal1. The seats consisted of split logs, supported upon pin legs. They sat upon these with their hacks resting against the edge of the desks; and when they wished to write they just "flopped around, right about face.” But the smaller ones sat upon these rustic seats with their feet dangling a foot above the floor, and with nothing against which to rest their little bowed-up backs.
The room was warmed by a huge fireplace, which occupied the entire end of the house, and was fined with logs that the boys drew into the room upon a sled. The roof consisted of clapboards, which were fastened or secured by means of poles laid lengthwise with the roof, about three feet apart, separated by chunks or knees. The chimney was made of "cat and clay" (mud and straw) and sticks. The windows of the pioneer school-house consisted of a log removed nearly the entire length of the building, and greased paper pasted over the aperture for lights. The text-books consisted principally of a speller, Testament and an arithmetic. In those days the children did not need to dress in fine clothes, in order to rival some classmate in that direction, but all alike wore garments to school, spun and woven by their mothers.
The schools were first tanght entirely by subscription, and the teachers were principally of the"ox-gad persuasion," using force rather than affection as a means of obtaining and preserving good order. The first school-house in the township was erected in 1832. The schools, as well as all branches of industry, have greatly changed since then.
In Mishawaka there had been more interest taken in the public schools than in any other part of the county, and with good success. The first school-house was built here in 1834, which was a small frame building; and the first teacher was a Miss Sheldon, of White Pigeon. The schools of Mishawaka have reached a high degree of excellence, under the wise management of Prof. Elisha Sumption, who has had charge of them for seven years, but has lately resigned on account of failing health. Mishawaka has a fine high-school building, that cost about $50,000, containing 12 rooms and offices. This is one of the finest school buildings in Northem Indiana, and speaks well for the enterprise of the flourishing town of Mishawaka.
There are 14 school districts in Penn township. There were formerly 15, but No.7 was, in 1880, discontinued and attached to district No.9 and to Mishawaka.
The County Superintendent of Public Instruction, Mr. Moon held his annual county teachers' institute in the high-school building at Mishawaka, in August, 1880, and teachers were favorably impressed with the very able instructions there given to them by professors from Indianapolis, Terre Haute, Valparaiso and New York. The educational interests are thus being promoted, not only in Mishawaka and Penn township, but throughout the entire county.
Mishawaka Baptist Church. - There was an organization of this Church in Mishawaka prior to 1840, hut it has since become extinct. The present Church was organized May 14,1867, by Elders T. P. Campbell, of South Bend, and B. P. Russell, of Niles, Mich., and brethren from the Churches of South Bend, Niles and Penn township. There were 18 charter members; Rev. M. T. Lamb was the first pastor, P. C. Perkins first clerk, and J. C. Snyder the first treasurer. The nrst deacons were John Merriman, A. J. Ames and J. C. Snyder. Rev. F. Moro was pastor of the Church from December, 1870, to November, 187l. Rev. B. P. Russell became pastor in 1874. In 1868 this society erected a house of worship, valued at $5,000. Sabbath-school each Sabbath at 12 M.; and services each alternate Sabbath morning and each Sabbath evening, by Rev. H. J. Finch, pastor. Present number of communicants, 101.
First Baptist Church of Penn Township. - Feb. 11, 1837, a meeting was held in the house of Eli B. Mead, for the purpose of constituting a Baptist Ohurch in Penn township. Rev. Price, of Ewardsburg, Elan S. Colby, of Lockport, and Mr. Alger of Mishawaka, were present. Rev. Price was chosen moderator, and Mr. Colty made clerk of the meeting. The following persons presented letters of commendation, and expressed a desire to unite in Church fellowship: Isaiah Ferris, Jacob M. Galor, Jonatban Buck, John Barton, Lucinda Ferris, Sr., Elizabeth Ferris, Azubah Galor, Anna Buck, DeIinda Barton and Parmelia Ferris. Elder Price examined them, extended to them the right-hand of fellowship, and pronounced them a Church, to be known as "The First Baptist Church of Penn Township." John Barton was the first clerk and B. J. Ferris the first treasurer.
Messrs. Galor and Buck were elected trustees to attend to selecting ground and erecting a house of worship. In 1838 the society erected a small log house in which to worship. Rev. Adam Miller was the first pastor, they having worshiped for some time without a minister in charge. The preseut house was erected in 1849, a large frame building, about 4-1/2 miles south of Mishawaka. The Church grew weaker by deaths, emigration and removals to Mishawaka, until it is now extinct. It was the first Baptist Church organized in the county, and now it is numbered with the things that were. Its only survivors are Jacob M. and Azubah Galor, of Mishawaka; Parmelia Ferris, now Mrs. Moore, of Pleasant Valley; and Delinda Barton, of Kansas.
Pleasant Valley Baptist Church was organized about 1852. They have a neat little frame house of worship in the northeastern part of Penn township; Elder H. J. Finch is the pastor. Number of communicants, 20.
Christian Church. - The Christian Church at Mishawaka was organized about 1843. The first elders were H. E. Hurlbut, A. Alden and Morris Hartwick. The first deacons were S. B. Hutchinson, A. L. Wright and C. Hartman. The pioneer ministers of this denomination, who occasionally held services in Mishawaka, were R. Wilson, C. Martin, J. Martindale, P. T. Russell, H. E. Hurlbut and William T. Horner. The latter began in 1854, and preached nearly regularly for two years. During the next twelve years Elders Lane, New, Beggs, Green, Shepard and Hurlbut, respectively, preached to the Church. In 1867 I. J. Chase became pastor, remaining for two years, when Elder William B. Hendrin took his place and remained for the same length of time. Elders R. Fauret, Sutten and S. K. Sweetman also officiated as pastors. This Church owes much to Dr. O'Con nor and S. I. H. Ireland for its prosperity. The house is valued at $5,000. The society sustains weekly prayer meetings and Sabbath-school, besides services each Sabbath by the pastor, Elder C. P. Hendershot. Communicants,120.
St. Joseph's Catholic Church, at Mishawaka. The first organization of this society dates back to 1848, although services had been previously held here by that denomination. A house had been erected on the north side of the river, and was that year dedicated to the Most High. Revs. W. Zevers, J. F. Gouesset, W. Masters and the Father Superior of Notre Dame, Very Rev. R. E. Sorin, and others were instrumental in establishing this Church. The society had no pastor until 1857, when Rev. John Mayer was appointed to this charge; but in 1859 he accepted the pastorate of St. Peter's Church in Chicago. In December, 1859, Bishop Right Rev. John H. Luers, of Fort Wayne, appointed Rev. H. Koening to the pastorate of this Church. In March, 1860, the house was destroyed by fire, which was a severe blow upon the young Church. By the united efforts of priest, the Church, and some of the wealthy citizens of Mishawaka, another house was erected on the south side, which is the present commodious structure. Special mention should be made of George Milburn, who gave liberally to this enterprise. The house is 92 by 41 feet, and 25 feet high. Many improvements were made during the administration of Rev. Koening, including a parsonage, and a building for a parochial school. In May, 1867, Rev. A. B. Oechtering entered upon the duties of pastor of this Church. In 1871 two fine bells were purchased, and in 1872 another was added, which make the town resound with their melody as they call the good people together. In 1872 the walls were frescoed, and still further improvements made. The pulpit and altar in this Church are unsurpassed for beauty and grandeur in the United States. On this are represented the 14 principal scenes of the passion and death of our blessed Lord.
Catholics do not worship these pictures and images, as many suppose; but as they look upon them they meditate upon the Buffering Master and his love for poor mankind.
The Church now supports two schools, and owns a library of 600 volumes. It still continues to prosper under the fatherly care of Rev. A. B. Oechtering, who has been tendered a more remunerative situation, but preferred to remain here. The communicants now number over 200 families.
Evangelical Association, at Mishawaka, was organized in 1846 by Rev. G. G. Platz, with 15 charter members. The first presiding elder was Rev. G. G. Platz, and the first pastor was Rev. William Kolb. They erected a house of worship in 1857. The Church grew and prospered fur a time, but by death and emigration it became very much weakened. There are now but 34 members. They sustain weekly prayer-meetings and Sabbath-school; services each Sabbath by the pastor, Rev. Henry Arlen. This society erected a new church edifice in 1872.
Coal Bush Evangelical Association, three and a half miles south of Mishawaka. This society, of which there is one in Mishawaka, is not known m their records by the name of "Church," any more than the term Odd Fellows, or Good Templars is known by that name; bnt nevertheless it is a Church as much as any other Christian organization. It was organized in 1847, by Rev. G. G. Platz. The house was erected in 1856. At one time this society was one of the strongest in the North Indiana Conference; but by death and emigration it has been weakened until the membership nnmbers but nine. Services each alternate Sunday, by Rev. Henry Arlen, pastor. The rules and regulations of this Church are much the same as that of the Methodists. In fact, many persons call them German Methodists, thinking them to be indentical with that denomination.
St. Andrew's Evangelical Church, of Mishawaka. - This organization differs materially from the" Evangelical Association." It was organized in 1864 with 25 members, by Rev. Philip Wagoner. They erected a house the same year. Services each alternate Sunday, by the pastor, Rev. Philip Wagoner. Communicants about 25.
Lutheran Church, at Mishawaka, was organized prior to 1848 by Rev. Philip Bernreuther, with about 12 members. This society sustains services each Sabbath in summer, and each alternate Sabbath in the winter seasons. In the winter they also have a Sunday or catechism school, for children, and sustain also a denominational day school four days each week during winter. Communicants about 20. Rev. Gustavus Rosenwinkel, pastor.
Mishatwaka Methodist Episcopal Church was organized in 1835. The charter members were Richmond Tuttle and wife, Joseph Skerritt and wife, Susan Hurd, and a brother whose name is lost. They at first worshiped in an empty store building, which was also used by the Presbyterians. The first house of worship was erected in 1836, another in 1844, which is now occupied by the Mishawaka furniture store. The last and present structure was erected in 1872, which is a credit, not only to the Methodist Church, but also to the town of Mishawaka. Sabbath school each Sabbath, and services each Sunday morning and evening, by the pastor, Rev. Mr. Cone. They also sustain a weekly prayer meeting and class-meeting.
Tamarack Methodist Church, seven miles southeast of Mishawaka. - This class was organized in a log school-house, Dec. 19, 1855, by Rev. E. P. Church, with 11 charter members, viz.: A. B. Lamport, A. M. Lamport, Roxy Lamport, Wi11ard Rockwell, Deborah Rockwell, Elam Crouch, Benjamin Pickard, Isaac Ghrist, Esther S. Ghrist, Edwin Sawyer and Phoebe Sawyer. They worshiped in the Tamarack school-house until the fall of 1880, when they erected a substantial house 34 x 50 feet. There are now 56 communicants. Sabbath-school each Sabbath, and services each alternate Sunday by the pastor, Rev. J. H. Jackson.
Free Methodists, of Mishawaka. This peculiar sect was organized in Mishawaka in 1877. They are a branch of the M. E. Church, or rather have separated themselves from that Church. There are about 16 or 18 members, and they worship in an old dwelling-house, fitted up for their purpose.
Presbyterian Church, at Mishawaka. This Church was organized July 25,1834, by Rev. N. M. Wells, who died in Detroit in 1879. The organization took place in the honse of Philo Hurd. The following is a list of the charter members: Rev. N. M. Wells, Elias Smith, Alna Smith, Levi Dean, Polly Dean, Philo Hurd, Martha Hurd, Alanson M. Hurd, Sarah L. Hurd, Wil1is S. Garrison. Philo Hurd and Elias Smith were the first elders, and Philo Hurd the first deacon. Jan. 29, 1835, John J. Deming was received into the Church as an elder, and elected c1erk. There is now in the church a chandelier presented to the society by Judge Deming's daughter, Mrs. Charles Crocker, of California. The first house of worship was erected in 1837, and another one in 1845, which was destroyed by the fire of 1872. The present structure was erected in the fall of 1872. Services each Sabbath morning and alternate Sabbath evenings by the pastor, Rev, S. V. McKee, Sabbath-school each Sabbath. Communicants, 90.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
Zelotes Bancroft was born in the town of Castile, N. Y., Oct. 23, 1831. At a very early age he was placed at work in a flouring mill, which vocation he has followed for the most part during life. He came with his parents to this county in 1837. He was married June 1, 1865, to Miss Sarah Masten, by whom he has had 4 children, one living, viz.: Zelia. He is proprietor of Bancroft's flouring-mill at Osceola, of which we have given a history. William Bancroft, deceased, the father of Zelotes, was born in Granville, Mass., was a carriage and wagon-maker by trade; he removed to New York in 1826, where he engaged in lumbering as well as the prosecution of his trade. He was married Dec. 24, 1828, to Miss Emeline Belden, by whom he had 6 children; 5 of these are living: Zelotes, Alma, Ruth, Emeline and Louisa .
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
Stephen J. Batchelder, M. D., was born in Clinton county, N; Y., Nov. 21, 1833, and is a son of Stephen and Polly Batchelder, natives of New Hampshire. The former was a shoemaker. The subject of this notice was reared on a farm and received a commonschool education. He came with his parents to Noble county, Ind., in 1850, and removed to Jasper county, Iowa, in 1853. He labored as an assistant in a saw-mill in Iowa, where he had one hand crippled by the saw. He afterward read medicine under Dr. Hiram Parker, of Greencastle, Iowa. He graduated at the Keokuk Oollege of Physicians and Surgeons in 1856. He began to practice in Greencastle, Iowa, in 1869, and in March of the same year he came to Oseola, Ind., where he remained ten years, except one year, which he spent in California. In April, 1879, he came to Mishawaka, where he has a good practice. He and wife own 142-1/2 acres of land in Penn tp. He was married in 1856 to Rothilda Cole, by whom he has 3 children: Squire J., John H. and Rosey E. He again married in 1876 Mrs. Eliza Griffitts . Mrs. B. had 2 children by her first husband, namely, Frank and Carrie.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
Harrison G. Beemer was born in Sussex county, N. J., June 11, 1838, and is a son of Moses and Susan (Ayers) Beemer, natives also of New Jersey. He was brought up on a farm and educated at Holmesdale and University of Bethany, Pa.; taught school three years in Pennsylvania; clerked for Lloyd & Taylor, New York city, for four years. He then went to Marion, Ohio, and was employed as clerk for Johnson, Uhler & Co. for three years. He served in the late war in Co. G, 136th O. Vol. Inf., in 1864-'5. He afterward went to Lima and engaged in the dry-goods business, in company with Mr. Holmes. In 1868 he bought Holmes' interest. He was manied Sept. 22, 1865, to Miss Malinda Garvin, and they have had 3 children, 2 of whom are living: Nellie Estella and Georgianna May. Mr. Beemer came to Mishawaka in 1869, and engaged in the dry-goods business with his brother-in-law, Mr. Garvin, until 1875, when he bought Garvin's interest and took Mr. J. Quigg as a partner in October, 1879. At the fall election in 1879 he was elected to the office of County Recorder.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
E. V. Bingham, Justice of the Peace, Mishawaka, was born in this tp. Aug. 1, 1844, and is a son of Alfred and Ann (Miller) Bingham, the former a native of New York, and the latter of Pennsylvania. Mr. B. was brought up and educated in this place. He was admitted to the Bar in November, 1876, and began the practice of law soon after. He was elected to the office of Justice of the Peace in 1872, and is now re-elected for the third term. He was married Dec. 7, 1872, to Miss Harriet E., second daughter of Dr. Grimes, of Mishawaka. They have one child, Katie. He entered the late war in Co. G., 48th Ind. Vol Inf., and was afterward promoted to Sergeant Major; was with Sherman on his noted march to the sea; was in the battle of Bentonville, and at Raleigh at the time of the Sherman and Johnston agreement.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
John Boles, P.O., Oceola; was born in Wayne county, Ohio, Nov. 22, 1826, and is a son of James and Jane (Lawrence) Boles, the fanner a native of Ireland, and the latter of Pennsylvania. He was reared on a farm and educated in the common schools. He came to this county in 1844, and worked at the carpenter trade for 18 years. He was married in 1867 to Miss Mary Smith, by whom he has 3 children: Elmer, Lizzie and Johnnie. In 1859 he drove an ox team to California, and returned in 1860, and engaged in farming. He resides on see. 17, Penn tp., and owns 140 acres of valuable land. He cast his first vote for Polk, and has ever since voted the Democratic ticket.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
Lewis T. Booth was born in Seneca county, N. Y., Sept. 16, 1821; his parents were David and Ann (Darrow) Booth, natives of Connecticut. Mr. Booth was reared on a farm and educated at Waterloo, N. Y. He worked at the coopering business in New York, but has since been a carpenter and manufacturer of furniture. He was married in 1853 to Miss Sarah Boys, by whom he has 5 children, viz.: John, George, Mary, Mattie and Hattie. He came to Mishawaka in 1841, and returned to New York in 1846. He again came to Mishawaka in 1852, where he subsequently engaged in making coffin sets for the Eastern markets until 1859, when he became a member of the Mishawaka Furniture Company. He now deals in furniture and lumber, and has a good business. He also owns a saw-mill here, by which he is doing well.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
John Borough, M. D., was born in Wyandot, Ohio, March 17, 1843, and is a son of Henry and Sarah (Critz) Borough, the former a native near Martinsburg, Virginia, and the latter of Stark county, Ohio. He was reared on a farm and educated in the common school and in Findlay, Ohio. He served one and one-half years in the U. S. A. Signal Service during the late war. He taught school seven years, during the last two of which he read medicine. He then clerked 18 months in a drug store. He graduated at the Cleveland Homeopathic College in February, 1874. He came to Mishawaka in July, 1874, and has built up a good practice. He was married Feb. 3, 1876, to Miss Helen E. Close.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
Joseph Bostwick, proprietor of the Bostwick Refrigerator Manufactory, which we mention in the history of this tp.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
Henry Burket, farmer on sec. 32; P.O., Mishawaka; was born in Elkhart county, March 19, 1833, and is a son of John and Susannah Burket, natives of Ohio. Mr. B. was brought up on a farm and received a common-school education. He was married Jan. 8, 1858, to Miss Phobe A. Heckman, by whom he has 6 children, viz.: Milton A., Levi, Sarah A., William H., John W., and Benjamin T . Mr. Burket owns 90 acres of valuable laud and is engaged in farming and stock-raising. In politics he is a Republican. Mr. and Mrs. Burket are members of the German Baptist (or Dunkard) Church.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
James A. Burt is a native of England, and was born May 12, 1832. His parents, John and Harriet (Parsons) Burt, emigrated to Lake county, Ohio, in 1836. He was a hard-working boy and had no educational advantages. His education he has obtained by his own exertions. He began to work at the butcher's trade when 16 years old, at which he still is engaged. He came to Mishawaka in 1857, and in 1858 married Miss Edith Crofoot, by whom he has had 2 children; one of these, Milroy, is living. He owns a large first-class meat market and is doing a good business.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
William W. Butterworth, M. D., located in Mishawaka in June, 1847, for the purpose of practicing his profession. He came an entire stranger in the beginning of his manhood. “The town then was in the height of its prosperity," with a larger manufacturing interest than any other place in all Northern Indiana. The medical field was then occupied by a strong corps of educated and popular physicians, as well as by a number of "root-and-herb," and "steam" doctors. - Fresh from his pupilage and medicallectures, Dr. Butterworth "flung out his sign," and with great self-reliance, ambition and industry sought the confidence and patronage of the people. He had come to stay, and was a success, almost from the beginning, in getting a fair share of business and good patronage. The prominent physicians of Mishawaka then were Drs. Styles, Vaughn, Badger and Eddy, all now deceased. They were well advanced in medical science. The latter named gentleman afterward became distinguished in State and national politics. Until 1861 and during the war, Dr. Butterworth always maintained a first-class rank in his profession in Northern Indiana. In 1862 he, with a few other medical men from different parts of the State, was commissioned by Gov. Morton, by authority of the War Department, to visit Indiana troops in the field and hospital, then suffering so terribly from typhoid disease, and in that capacity rendered efiicient aid at the battle-field and camp of Pittsburg Landing. In the summer of 1862 he accepted a commission as Surgeon of the 99th Reg. Ind. Vol., and served as such to the close of the war. The last year of his service he was detailed for hospital work, principally at Marietta. Ga., and Alexandria, Va. Dr, Butterworth is now President of the St. Joseph Medical Society, and President of the St. Joseph Valley District Medical Society, composed of doctors from the counties of Elkhart, St. Joseph and La Porte, Ind., and Cass and Berrien counties, Mich. The Doctor's papers read before medical societies were always among the best, some of which were published in the Peninsular (Mich.) Medical Journal, and the Lancet, of Cincinnati, Ohio. He is a terse, expressive writer and public speaker, though never with much ambition or self-confidence in the latter capacity. In his writing and speaking, he is very sure to leave a "web" for hostile or friendly criticism.
In 1872 Dr. Butterworth's name was favorably mentioned in several papers as a candidate for Congress; but he felt unable to afford the expense necessary for the uncertain race, and he therefore declined the proposed honor. He is a Republican, and represented his county in the Legislature of Indiana from 1870 to 1874 with distinction. At the present time he is measurably indifferent to professional work, and devotes much time to the management of his farming interests.
He was born in Warren county, Ohio, in 1824, and comes of a sturdy family of Virginia. When a boy the family emigrated to La Porte county, Ind., where he learned much business, common sense and economy by farm work. He received a good commonschool edncation, and was fitted for college and entered the Asbury University, where one year was spent, after which he studied medicine and graduated at the Indiana Medical College. He subsequently took a partial course of lectures at the University Medical College, of New York.
The Doctor has been twice married, and his present wife, formerly Mrs. S. E. Kennedy, late of Mississippi, is a daughter of the Hon. Milo Smith. He has two sons and a danghter, a nice home, and a fair share of earth's treasures, and now, in excellent health, is taking, so far as possible, his comforts "as he goes along."
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
Geo. V. Byrkit was born in Penn tp. Feb. 20, 1837, and is a son of Edmund and Catharine (Bumgardner) Byrkit, natives of North Carolina. The former emigrated to Ohio with his parents when quite small, and the latter came first to Kentucky, then to Ohio. Mr. Byrkit was reared on a farm, and received his education in a cabin made of round logs, covered with clapboard, with slab benches for seats, a puncheon floor, and the light was admitted through a window, one light in height and extending the entire length of the room. His first teachers were of the "ox-gad persuasian," and wielded a large hickory withe. He was married in May, 1860, to Miss Jane Boles, by whom he had one child, Jane, now a gradnate of the Mishawaka high school. Mrs. Byrkit died June 30, 1862. Mr. B. again married in 1863, this time Mrs. Susan Curtis, and they have one child, Edmund B. Mr. B. owns 216 acres of valuable land, and resides on sec. 14, where he is engaged in farming and stock-raising. Mr. Byrkit's father came to this county in 1830, when there were numerous Indians in the county. He then selected his location, planted some apple seeds, and returned and brought his fami1y the following year. The first trip he made on horseback. He was born in the year 1800, and died in 1873.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township