History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
William K. Clark was born in Colbourn county, Canada, Feb. 11, 1835, and is a son of Seth and Caroline (Merriman) Clark, natives of Connecticut, who moved to Canada in 1838. Seth Clark was a chair-maker and painter. He made the first chair in Mishawaka. He located on a farm near Elkhart, and died March 21, 1878. William M. was educated in Mishawaka; was employed at the age of 15 as clerk for Mr. Judson, a merchant, for several years; engaged in business for himself in Mishawaka in 1863, forming a partnership with A. M. Wing. Mr. Whitson bought Wing's interest in 1864, and in 1869 the firm of Clark & Whitson sold out their store, and are now engaged in banking.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
Henry Crofoot was born in Lake county, Ohio, July 8, 1830, and is a son of Vernon and Diantha (Fuller) Crofoot, the former a native of New York, and the latter of Pennsylvania. He was reared on a farm and educated in the common schools. He carne to this county with his parents about 1840; engaged in burning charcoal for some time; in 1853 he went by ship to California, and returned the same year. He then went to Southern Indiana to burn charcoal on a salary of $40 a month, when ordinary wages for that kind of labor was from $12 to $15 per month. He returned in the fall, bought 160 acres of timber and proceeded at once to clear 125 acres of it, utilizing the timber for saw-logs, wood, etc. He was married Sept. 18,1856, to Miss Nancy Pruner, by whom he had 11 children; 10 are living, namely, Schuyler, Hester, Clara, Viola, Willard, Linnie, Olive, Lona, Vernon and A. C. Mr.Orofoot is now engaged in farming and stock-raising on sec. 4, owning 240 acres of valuable land. In politics he is a Greenbacker.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
Robert H. Crooks, farmer and stock-raiser, sec. 28; was born in Holmes county, Ohio, Nov. 15, 1834, and is a son of James and Mary Crooks, natives of Pennsylvania. He came with his parents to Noble county, Ind., in 1841, where he remained seven years. They then removed to La Porte county and remained until 1855, when they came to this county. Robert H. went to Illinois in 1857 and worked on a farm. He was married in April, 1860, to Miss Emily Vesey, daughter of George Vesey, of this tp. They have 4 children: Olive A., Lucius M., Mary E. and Gracie M. Mr. Crooks has been very successful in business, and now owns 200 acres of valuable land, which is well improved. His barn, 42-1/2x64 feet, cost him $1,200, and his honse was erected at an expense of $2,000.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
Alex. Curtis was born in this county Nov. 25, 1834, and is a son of James and Nancy Curtis. He was reared on a farm and received an education in the common schools of this county. In 1857 he married Miss Catharine Eggins, and they have had 5 children: Flora K, Martha J. (deceased), James D., Wil1iam W. and Alex. B. Mr. Curtis removed to Fulton county, Ind., where he resided one and a half years. He is engaged in farming and stock-raising on sec. 29, and owns 90 acres of valuable land. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis and their daughter Flora are worthy members of the Baptist Church. In politics he votes as his father did, who was a Jacksonian Democrat.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
Edwin Curtis was born in Elkhart county. Ind., Dec. 6, 1836, but has always resided in this county. He labored hard and endured many privations, as all pioneer boys do. He went to Californ in in 1850, and returned in 1860, and the same year went to Pike's Peak; in 1877 he went to the Black Hills, and returned. He was married in 1866, to Miss Lucetta Mason, a native of Painesville, Ohio. They have had 3 children: Charlie, Edna, and Hattie (deceased). Mr. Curtis is engaged in farming and stock-raising, on sec. 21, and owns 120 acres of land. His father, James Curtis (deceased), was born in Miami county, Ohio, Jan. 17, 1807. He had no educational advantages, but was always a hard worker. He came to this county in 1831, when the Indians were numerous, and the timber thick and heavy. The noted chief Raccoon was a frequent caller at his residence, and was buried on the farm of Mr. Curtis, near his house. A son of Mr. Curtis, knowing the exact locality, many years afterward exhumed the skeleton and procured the jawbone of that noted chief, which is now in Mishawaka. Mr. Curtis was married Sept. 11, 1829, to Miss Nancy Byrkit, by whom he had 11 children, 10 sons and one daughter. He was a highly respected citizen; and there was one thing connected with his life of which but few can boast, - i. e., he never had a lawsuit. He died Jan. 12, 1878.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
John L. Dayhuff was born in Sandusky county, O., Nov. 27, 1836, and his parents were Moses and Hannah Dayhuff, natives of Maryland and of German descent. Mr. Dayhuff was brought up on a farm, and received a common-school education. He was but seven years old when his father died. He came to this county in 1848, and was married in March, 1859, to Miss Mary Varney, by whom he has had 8 children; of these, 5 are living. viz.: Emma J., Minnie B., William A., John B. and Charles E. Mr. D. has engaged largely in putting in wells and cisterns, and in 1864 he was employed in the sale of pumps. He began poor and now has a good home, with all the necessary comforts of life. He now has his second wife, whom he married in June, 1875. They have one child, Lulu.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
Harlow Dodge, deceased, was born in Oneida county, N. Y., in 1815. The early part of his boyhood was spent upon a farm. He began as an apprentice at the trade of millwright when he was 14 years of age. He came to Michigan in 1836, and to this county in 1840. He was a contractor on the L. S. & M. S. R. R. having built all the depots for this road between Bristol and La Porte, and between Elkhart and Toledo. He was married Jan. 23, 1845, to Miss Elizabeth Luce, by whom he has had 5 children; of these, 4 are living, viz.: Mary, Wallace H., Nellie A. and William W. Mrs. Dodge's father was Sprowel Luce. For some years prior to his death, Mr. Dodge was engaged in manufacturing in Misha waka.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
Wallace W. Dodge, son of the preceding, was born in Mishawaka, July 10, 1849; he was educated at Notre Dame, Ind. He engaged in the hardware business in Mishawaka for 13 years. July 13, 1870, he was married to Miss Hattie Vessey, daughter of J. M. Vessey. He is manager and proprietor of the Dodge Manufactory already mentioned.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
A. Eberhart was born in Wayne county, Feb. 4, 1821. His parents were Frederick and Elizabeth (Weltner) Eberhart, natives of Pennsylvania. The former was a glass-blower, as was his father and all of his uncles, who lived to a very old age. Mr. E.'s grandmother died at the age of 99 years, after living 30 days without food or drink. She was not sick, but simply lost her desire for food and drink, and to live any longer in the world. Mr. Eberhart was married April 21, 1847, to Miss Sarah A. Boyd, by whom he had 9 children; of these, 4 are living, viz.: Flora, James, Frederick and Everett G. Mr. E. came to this county with his parents in 1836, where he has since resided. He owns an interest in the Ripple Mills at Mishawaka, already described. His mother still lives, at the advanced age of 80 years, and is very spry.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
John H. Eberhart, brother of the preceding, was born in Yates county, N: Y., Oct. 8, 1825. His educational advantages were very 1imited, there being but three months' school in the winter seasons. He came with his parents to this county in 1836; they had started for Illinois; John took sick, which caused them to stop here for a season. They were well pleased with the country, and remained. He was married in August, 1850, to Miss Mary A. Pembroke, and they have had 2 children, both deceased. Mrs. Eberhart died in Odober, 1857, and he again married in December, l859, this time Mrs. Mary McCan, by whom he has 2 children: Hattie L. and Nellie M. He is one of the principal stockholders in Ripple Mills, at Mishawaka.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
Jacob Eby, farmer, sec. 4; P.O., Elkhart; was born in Waterloo county, Province of Ontario, Oct. 18,1816, and is a son of David and Elizabeth (Bechtal) Eby, natives of Lancaster county, Pa., who went to Ontario about 1800. He was brought up in a new country, and hence his educational advantages were very limited. He wore boots made of untanned leather, or raw hide and buckskin pants, in his boyhood days. He then could see 100 times as many Indians as whites. He chopped logs from 100 acres of heavy-timbered land himself, and helped clear 300 acres ready for the plow. He was married April 7,1840, to Miss Polly Bingeman, by whom he has had 8 children; 7 are living, viz.: Enoch, Seth, Saruch (same as Abraham's grandfather), Jacob, John, Joseph and Noah. The name of the deceased was Simon. Mr. Eby came to this county in 1861, where he is engaged in farming and stock-raising, at which he has been very successful. He owns 282 acres of valuable land.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
Jacob Eckstein was born in Baden, Germany, Feb. 12, 1837. His parents were John, and Eva Eckstein; the former was a cabinetmaker, and the subject of this sketch early learned the use of tools. He received a common-school education, completed his trade, and emigrated to America in 1854. He came to Randolph, Portage county, Ohio, first, where he remained four years. He then came to Woodland, this county, remaining there one year, and moved from there to South Bend, where he resided 18 months. He spent nine months in Cass county, Mich., when, in 1861, he removed to Mishawaka, where he stil1 resides, engaged in the manufacture of furniture. He was married May 10, 1864, to Miss Mary A. Haubert, by whom he has had 8 children; of these, 7are living, namely: Jacob, Francis X., Gertrude, Peter, Nicholas, Wilhelmina and Helena. The name of the deceased child was William. Mr. Eckstein is leader of the Mishawaka Cornet Band, and a worthy member of the Catholic Church.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
Elom Eller, farmer, sec. 29; was born in Miami county, Ohio, Sept. 14, 1826, and is a son of Jacob and Elizabeth Eller, natives of North Carolina. He was reared on a farm and educated in the common schools. He came with his parents to this tp. in 1831, where he endured the privations that pioneer boys are heir to; was married in 1849, to Miss Sobrina Patterson, by whom he has had 2 children, one now living, Warren A. The deceased's name was Charles R. Mr. Eller owns 250 acres of land, and is engaged in farming and stock-raising. In politics he is a Republican.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
James S. Ellis, undertaker, Mishawaka, was born in the town of Starkey, Yates county, N. Y., Dec. 20, 1843, and is a son of Stephen and Mary (Schenck) Ellis, natives also of the Empire State. He was educated in Penn Yan Seminary, and at early manhood engaged with his father in the undertaker's and furniture business in Dundee, N. Y.; came to Mishawaka in 1870; followed cabinetmaking until 1877, when he embarked again as undertaker and furniture dealer, repairer, etc. He was married in 1873.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
John Ernst, farmer and stock-raiser, sec. 27; was born on St. Valen tine's day, 1835, and is a son of Martin and Christina Ernst, natives of Baden-Baden, Germany. He was reared on a farm, and educated in a common school. He went to Canada in 1840, where he engaged in farming until 1862, when he came to this county. He married Miss Magdalene Buchheit, in February, 1864. They have had 7 children, of whom 6 are living, viz.: Mary, Christina, Leo A., Rosa, Matilda and Frank. Mr. and Mrs. Ernst are worthy members of the Catholic Church.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
George Eutzler, sec. 26. This enterprising farmer was born in Jackson county, Ohio, June 18, 1829, and is a son of George and Elizabeth (Holmeshead) Eutzler, who removed with their family to this county in 1831. Mr. Eutzler was brought up on a farm, and received a common-school education. He was married April 6, 1853, to Miss Anna Vesey; they have had 3 children, 2 living, viz.: Elizabeth and Enos. The deceased's name was Erastus. Mr. Eutzler has a fine farm of 560 acres, and as a raiser of small grain, has been eminently successful. He is an honored member of the order of Freemasons at Mishawaka. His father died Jan. 1, 1861, and his mother lived until Nov. 5, 1876.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
John Feiten was born in Germany Feb. 4, 1840, where, when he was an infant, his father died; he was reared on a farm and educated in the village of Demerath, Prussia. He came to Mishawaka in 1853, and without attending an English school, he has obtained a fair English education, and writes a very legible hand. At the age of 17 years he learned the business of chair-maker; this he pursued for eight years, and in 1865 he engaged in the furniture and undertaking business in Mishawaka, in which he is still engaged, and is doing a good business. He manufactures a splendid rocking-chair of his own invention. In 1872 his property and stock was burned, but he still prospers. He was married in 1866 to Miss Isabella Black, by whom he had 4 children, viz.: Nellie, Gertrude, Eugene A. and Mary B. In 1873 Mr. Feiten built a new house, valued at $1,400.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
Rev. H. J. Finch was born in Essex county, N. Y., April 26, 1836, and is a son of Hiram and Eliza Finch, the former a native of New Hampshire, and the latter of Massachusetts. Mr. Finch was reared on a farm and received but a common-school education, save that which he obtained through self-culture and hard study. He came to this county with his parents in 1846; was married Oct. 8, 1857, to Miss Jane Antrim, by whom he had one child, Olive; Mrs. Finch died June 28, 1860, and he again married Oct. 19, 1861, this time Miss Sarah Fuson, by whom he has had 7 children; 6 are living, viz.: Isaac B., Norman E., Lucinda J., Eliza Y., L. Landora and John W. At different times Mr. Finch felt called to the work of the gospel ministry, and accordingly, in 1868, he began preparing himself for the work. He began by supplying the pulpit at Sumption Prairie, before either having license or being ordained. He held a series of meetings at Sumption Prairie the following winter, and many souls were converted and added to the Church. His second series of meetings was held at Jamestown, near Elkhart, Ind., and with like results. He then became convinced that God had a work for him to do, and he more thoroughly prepared himself, and in 1872 received license to preach, and was ordained in 1873. He took the pastorate of the Mishawaka Baptist Church in 1876, which position he still holds besides having charge of three other Churches. His labors are very great, preaching three times each Sabbath.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
M. M. Fisher was born in Williams county, Ohio, August, 1848, and is a son of P. C. and Lydia Fisher, the former a native of Ohio, and the latter of Virginia. Mr. Fisher was reared on a farm and educated in the common school and the normal high school of Bryan, Ohio. By the age of 16 he entered the army, Co. A, 189th O. Vol., and served until the close of the war. He came to Mishawaka in 1870, and the following year, Dec. 25, married Miss Libbie A. Miller, by whom he has one child, Irabelle. When Mr. Fisher came here he engaged as a laborer for the Perkins Windmill and Ax Company until 1873, when he became one of the joint-stock company that was incorporated at that time, and is now General Superintendent of the manufactory. He is a zealous worker in the cause of temperance. Mr. and Mrs. Fisher are worthy members of the Presbyterian Church.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
Jacob Fulmer, farmer, sec. 3, was born in Stark county, Ohio, Dec. 12, 1843, and is a son of Martin and Mary Fulmer, deceased, natives of Germany; he was but eight years old when his father died; was reared on a farm and received a common-school education; came with his parents to this county in 1850; worked very hard in clearing away the brush and logs to make the farm. He was married March 27, 1866, to Miss Louisa E. Beiger, by whom he has 5 children, viz.: Ledean, Clarence W., John H., Martin D. and Jacob H. Mr. Fulmer is engaged in farming and owns 135 acres of valuable land. Mr. and Mrs. F. are members of the Evangelical Association.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
J. N. Galor was born in Rensselaer county, N. Y., Aug. 5, 1809; he was but two years old when his father died; came with his mother and step-father to Rising Sun, Ohio county, Ind., in 1815, and to Dearborn county, Ind., in 1816; in 1835 he came to this county, and drove the first wagon south of Mishawaka into the heavy timber, where he labored hard and long in clearing np a farm, thinking, as others did in those days, that the prairie land was worthless. He also engaged in the collier business for some time; as there was a blast furnace at Mishawaka, he found ready market for all his timber that he turned into charcoal. He was married Nov. 18, 1830, to Miss Cynthia Crouch, by whom he had one child, Eleanor, who became the wife of Daniel B. Jewell, and afterward died, leaving one daughter, Luzetta. Mrs. Galor died Sept. 9, 1832, and Mr. Galor again married Sept. 26, 1833, Azubah Ferris. They have had 3 children, 2 living: Albert and Sarah A. Mr. Galor is now living a quiet, retired life in Mishawaka.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
F. X Ganser is a native of Baltimore, Md., and was born June 14, 1850. His parents were Joseph and Anna Ganser, natives of Germany, who removed with their family from Maryland to Pennsylvania in 1851, and to Mishawaka in 1861. Mr. G. worked in the cabinet shops in Mishawaka for 12 years. He then engaged for a time as a dry-goods clerk for Bingham & Hudson. He was married in 1872 to Miss Catharine Zuber, by whom he has had 3 children, 2 living: Lawrence and Otto. Mr. Ganser rnns a first-class saloon and billiard hall, and does a large business. No drunkenness is allowed around his establishment.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
Joseph Ganser, Jr. This enterprising young druggist was born at St. Mary's, Pa., Nov. 13, 1848. He received his education at St. Mary's and at Philadelphia. He came to Mishawaka in 1861, where he engaged as a dry-goods clerk for Whitson. He bought Dick's drug-store in 1873, which he still runs, and carries a stock of $3,500 in drugs, paints, oils, wall-paper, notions, books , etc., and is doing a large business. He speaks the German language, and being a Catholic he gets the trade from the German and Irish citizens. He was married July 27, 1871, to Miss Christina Hernichs, by whom he has had 6 children, 5 living: August, Leo, Cecelia, Edith and Anna. Mr. G. is a musician and sings in the choir.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
Albert Gaylor was born in this tp. May 9, I841. His father is Jacob M. Galor, who, it will be observed, omits the y in spelling his name. Mr. Gaylor was reared on a farm and received his education in the common-schools and at Carlisle College, of New Carlisle, this county. He early learned to labor on the farm, which occupation he pursued until 1874. Was married Oct. 31, 1865, to Miss Mary A. Keiffer, by whom he has 4 children, Vickie, John L., Ralph and Mabel E. In 1874 Mr. Gaylor removed to Mishawaka, where he engaged in the grocery business, and the manufacture of wood pulp. The former he discontinued in the spring of 1880, but continues the latter. He is superintendent of the pulp manufactory in South Bend, and also president of the one located at Mishawaka. He has held several offices of trust at the hands of the people; has been City Trustee for Mishawaka for the past three years, and is the present Trustee for Penn tp.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
Albert J. Gernhart was born in Worcester, Mass., June 17, 1855, and is a son of Matthias and Catharine Gernhart, of this tp., who removed with their family to this county in December, 1855. The subject of this notice was reared on a farm and educated in the common schools of this county. In 1879 he engaged in butchering in company with his brother, and they do a large business and furnish the people of Mishawaka and vicinity with the best of meats.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
Robert Gilliland was born in Seneca, Ontario county, N. Y., Aug. 1, 1822. His parents were Thomas and Jane (Carson) Gilliland. He was brought up on a farm, and was early employed in lumbering, as this was a part of his father's vocation. He came to Hudson, Mich., in 1863, where he worked in a spoke factory for six and one-half years. He was married Oct. 10, 1844, to Miss Caroline Torrance, by whom he has had 8 children, of these, 7 are living: Ezra T., James F., Wm. T., Maria A., Agnes O., Emma J. and Vonna B. The first three are connected with the telephone manufactory at Indianapolis, and Ezra T. was a co-laborer with Edison for two and one-half years, rendering him valuable aid. Mr. Gilliland owns an interest in Edison's electric pen.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
James B. Greene, M. D., was born in the town of Fremont (then Lower Sandusky), Ohio, May 29, 1846, and is a son of Judge John L. Greene, deceased, formerly Judge of the Northwestern Ohio Circuit for many years, and who fell dead on his way to the court-room, Nov. 8, 1879. His mother was Marie Du Combe, of French birth. Dr. Greene is the 7th of 12 children, all living, and "scattered from the Atlantic to the Pacific." At 13 years of age the Doctor went to 1earn the watch-maker's trade, but remained only two years. At 15 years of age he was appointed Deputy County Recorder of his native county, with the sole charge of the office. While in that capacity he began the study of medicine. In the fall of 1863 he entercd the army in the 3d Ohio Cavalry, as a private, and in one month he was transferred to the pay department of the Army of the Mississippi. In Jannary, 1864, he was promoted Hospital Steward, and in July, 1865, he was commissioned Assistant Surgeon of the 137th U. S. Colored Infantry. He graduated from the Cleveland Medical College in 1867. When he began practice in Mishawaka he had no money or horse. His proceeds for the first year's practice were $56. His practice now amounts to over $2,000 annually. In 1874 he was nominated by the Republican party for Recorder of this county. The Doctor has paid security debts to the amount of nearly $3,000. In 1876 he published a work on "Diseases of the Rectum," which reached an issue of 5,000 copies. He is a member of the St. Joseph Valley District Medical Association, and also of the Elkhart Medical Association. He was twice elected delegate to the meeting of the American Association, and twice to that of the State Association . He was married Jan. 9, 1868, to Miss Mary E. Hagey, and they have had 4 children, 3 of whom are living: Philip, Rosetta and Grace. The Doctor has acquired the German language himself - save 20 lessons which he took in 1879, and has thus gained large practice among the Germans.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
James F. Grimes, M. D., is a native of Frederick county, Md., and was born April 13, 1825. His father, James Grimes, was a miller in Maryland, but abandoned his occupation on account of failing health, and engaged in farming. The subject of this notice was brought by his parents to Seneca county, Ohio, in 1833; was reared on a farm and educated in Tiffin, Ohio. In 1852 he graduated from the Eclectic Medical College at Cincinnati, Ohio. He came to Mishawaka in 1853 and began the practice of medicine. He then had $9 in money and no horse, and was obliged to attend to pmctice on foot. He has won a large patronage, and now has considerable property. He was married in 1851 to Miss Caroline E. Harris, by whom he has had 6 children; of these, 4 are living, viz.: Rebecca E., Harriet E., John H. and Mary.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
Silvanus Hall, farmer and stock-raiser, sec. 5, was born in Maine July 16, 1815, son of John and Data (Knox) Hall, natives of Massachusetts. He was reared on a farm and educated in the common schools of Dearborn county, Ind., where his parents removed in 1822. They, however, left Maine in 1818, residing in Cincinnati, Ohio, for four years. Mr. Hall was married in 1835 to Miss Eliza Matthews, a native of Maine, who was brought to this State by her parents in infancy. This union has been blessed with 9 children, of whom 8 are living, viz.: Salathiel, Rhoda A., Jonas, Sarah, Thaddeus, Etfa J., Susan M. and Ezra D. In his younger days Mr. Hall worked at the blacksmith's trade for three years; he also followed boating on the Ohio and Mississippi rivers tor three years . In 1843 he had visited every town between Pittsburg and New Orleans. In 1845 he removed with his family to this tp., where he still resides.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
Wm. Harris was born in Yates county, N. Y., Dec. 12, 1815, and is a son of Steven and Susan Harris, also natives of New York, in which State the former died; the latter died here. Mr. Harris came to this county in 1854, and settled on the Mishawaka and Elkhart road, where he kept travelers for several years. He was married Dec. 5, 1839, to Miss Loretta Hall, by whom he had 2 children, George (deceased) and John E. His first wife died and he again married, this time Miss Priscilla Hall, sister of his first wife. By her he has 4 children: Libbie, Steven, Robert and Henry. He buried his second wife, and married a third time in 1875, Mrs. Flutilla Rogers, who is a worthy member of the Baptist Church. Mr. H. is a member of the M. E. Church.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
Peter Haubert was born in Brooklyn, N. Y., Nov. 6,1844, and is a son of Nicholas and Catharine (Blaicer) Haubert, natives of Germany, who removed with their family to Illinois in 1854; they afterward returned to Mishawaka. Mr. Haubert clerked for business men here until 1871, when he opened a grocery upon his own responsibility. He sold his grocery store in January, 1872, and the following December he established a restaurant, which he now runs, and does a good business. He also has a soda fountain in connection with the restaurant. He was married in 1871 to Miss Mary C. Black.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
Peter Hendershott, deceased, was born in Pennsylvania June 11, 1813. His parents removed to Harrison county, Ohio, when he was quite small. He was reared on a farm, and as the country was new he had no educational advantages, but learned to read and write, etc., by his own efforts. When a young man he learned the carpenter's trade, which vocation he pursued for the most part during the remainder of his life. He was married in June, 1834, to Miss Mary B. Merriman, by whom he had 9 children; 7 of these are living, viz.: William M., Mary E., Patience M., James T., John H., Almira F. and David B. He came to this county in 1852, resided in South Bend 18 months, when he removed into the country. After residing in various localities he purchased a farm in this tp. in '57, and settled upon it the same year, where he died in July, 1874. He was a member of the United Brethren Church prior to his removal to this county. His son, William M., who is a subscriber for this work, is taking care of his mother and farming the home place. He was born in Wayne county, Ohio, March 20, 1836. He early learned the use of carpenter's tools and worked at that trade abou t 20 years; for the last 10 years he has been farming. July 9, 1879, he married Miss Rachel, daughter of Widow Holderman.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
Henry D. Higgins was born in Onondaga count.y, N. Y., March 15, 1832, and is a son of William and Hannah (Avery) Higgins. The former was once a wagon-maker, at which Henry D. worked some in his yonnger days, but was a carpenter and painter by trade. He married in April, 1846, Miss Nancy Barnes, by whom he has had 4 children; of these, 2 are living, viz.: Sarah and Susie. He came to this county in 1846; engaged in painting four years, and in 1850 he went to California, but returned in 1851. In 1864 he engaged in dentistry in Mishawaka, in company with his son Charles, who was accidentally shot by an employee June 19, 1873. Mr. Higgins owns and carries on the jewelry store in Mishawaka, and is doing a good business. He also has a large sum of money at interest.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
Aaron Hoover was born in Ohio Jan. 21, 1810. His parents were James and Elizabeth (Knee) Hoover, with whom he came to Wayne county, Ind., about 1819. As he had to work hard, and his parents were poor, he had no educational advantages. He came to this county in 1834, where he has since resided. He was married in 1829, to Miss Charity Harris, by whom he had 9 children; of these but 4 are living, viz.: Phoebe A., Henry, William and Charity. Mrs. H. died April 7, 1852. Mr. Hoover has since buried two other wives, and now has his fourth wife, who was Mrs. Fannie Keasey. He is a farmer and stock-raiser, but since January, 1869, has been retired, and resides in Mishawaka. Mr. and Mrs. Hoover are both worthy members of the M. E. Church.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
Albert Hudson was born in West Hartford, Conn., Dec. 1, 1815, and is a son of Benjamin and Harriet (Dickinson) Hudson, the former a native of Massachusetts, and the latter of Connecticut. The early part of his boyhood was spent on a farm. He went to Western New York in 1825 or '26, where he learned the shoemaker's trade; came to this county in 1835; engaged in shoe-making in Mishawaka for nearly 40 years; built Hudson's block, which was destroyed in 1872 by the fire; he rebuilt soon after. He is now president of the St. Joseph Manufacturing Co. He was associated with Mr. Perkins, of this place, in the manufacture of windmills for five years. He was married in Brockport, N. Y., Jan. 1, 1835, to Miss Louisa Tuttle, and they had 8 children, 4 living: George R., now treasurer of the Milburn Wagon Company, at Toledo, Ohio; Hattie L., Carrie L. and Emma, now Mrs. Col. Bingham. Mr. Hudson began with little or no capital, and has made all his wealth by his own exertions.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
Harris E. Hurlbut. Being an old settler in this county, Mr. Hurlbut is entitled to more than a passing notice in onr county history. He was born Dec. 11, 1810, in Hartford, Conn., and is a son of Ebenezer and Fannie (Brewster) Hurlbut. The latter was a descendant of Mr. Brewster, of Mayflower renown. Mr. H. was educated at Hartford. He went to Buffalo, N. Y., in 1826, and clerked for Mr. Flagg, a cousin of his, for three years. In 1829 he went to Rochester, N. Y., and to Onondaga county, N. Y., in 1831; learned the tinner's trade; came to this county and purchased 160 acres of timber land; worked at the tinner's trade for ten years; served as Justice of the Peace from 1840 to 1861; was elected by the Republican party to the Indiana Legislature from this county in 1843-'4; was Postmaster from 1849 to 1853; practiced law in Mishawaka for 24 years; in 1874 retired from active business, having accumulated a large fortune, and now living in comfort.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
David O. Hutchinson was born in Willoughby, Ohio, Sept. 4, 1819. His parents were William and Sally (Bond) Hutchinson; he was reared and educated in Willoughby, and there married Miss Harriet Woodard, by whom he has 2 children: John and Hale. He engaged in farming for a time in Ohio, but is also a painter by trade . He went to Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, in 1850, where he engaged in painting, and a portion of the time he was employed in a picture gallery. He came to Mishawaka in 1866, and has executed large contracts of painting, to the entire satisfaction of his employers, at times employing from seven to ten hands to assist him. He made graining a specialty. Is now retired, having accumulated a handsome amount of this world's goods.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
S. I. H. Ireland. This old and respected citizen of Mishawaka was born in Bourbon county, Kentucky, June 28, 1807. His parents were Andrew and Elizabeth Ireland. His early educational advantages were very limited, there being none but subscription schools in the locality where he spent his boyhood days. He removed with his parents in 1816, to the heavy timber of Preble county, Ohio, where his father died in 1822, which threw a great responsibility upon him. He was married in 1828 to Miss Sally Ireland, by whom he has had 5 children; but 2 are living: Mary and Clarissa. He came to this county in 1831, and has witnessed many changes, and noted many reminiscences of the past, some of which he has related to us for insertion in this work; and for this he has our hearty thanks. He worked hard in clearing away the brush and logs on his land, and followed farming until 1851. He has since engaged in various avocations. At one time, in the early days of Mishawaka, he was salesman for the St. Joseph Iron Company (now St. Joseph Manufacturing Company), located at this place. He was also auctioneer for some years. Mr. and Mrs. Ireland and their two daughters are members of the Christian Church at Mishawaka.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
Ed. A. Jernegan, editor and proprietor of the Mishawaka Enterprise, was born in La Porte, Ind., Jan. 27, 1846, and is a son of Thomas Jernegan, editor of the Michigan City Enterprise. His mother is a native of Nantucket Island, and his tather of Martha's Vineyard. They came to South Bend about 1840. Mr. Storey, now of the Chicago Times, was then editor and proprietor of the Mishawaka Tocsin, which press Mr. Jernegan purchased and removed to La Porte, where he published the Tocsin for about two years. During this time, at La Porte, Mr. Ed. A. Jernegan was born. He then removed it to Michigan Oity and began to publish the Enterprise, which he continues to do. The su bject of this notice there learned the printing business. He served 11 months in the late war, in Co. K, 73d Ind. Vol. Inf., where he was transferred to the navy department, on steamer Commodore Varney, where he acted as Paymaster's Clerk. He returned home and entered Co. D, 138th Ind. Vol. Inf., in which he served but five months. He became assistant editor of the Michigan City Enterprise, which position he held for four years. He was married Sept. 6, 1869, to Miss Nannie C. Sherman, by whom he has had 4 children; of these, 3 are living, viz.: Sherman, May and Ralph. He purchased the Mishawaka Enterprise press in 1872, and although beginning under very unfavorable circumstances he has made a valuable paper, and has a handsome support from the people of St. Joseph county. His press was destroyed by fire the same year he began, but he has succeeded in procuring another. He does all kinds of job work in the best of style.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
Aaron Jones was born in German tp., this county, Sept. 9, 1838, and is a son of Samuel Jones, a native of North Carolina, who came to this county in the spring of 1830, and settled in German tp., and who, after he labored hard for several years, died in 1850. Aaron, our subject, was reared on a farm and educated in the common schools and at Franklin College, Franklin county, Ind. He also attended Antioch College at Yellow Springs, Ohio, for some time. He was married in 1860 to Miss Maggie W. Wiley, by whom he has had 5 children; 2 living, Aaron and Mary. He owns over 400 acres of land in this county, and about 100 acres in Iowa. He has been very successful as a farmer and stock-raiser, and resides on sec. 32, Penn tp. He is master of the State Grange, of the order of Patrons of Husbandry, and is a very prominent man in the locality in which he resides.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
Daniel Judie, son of Samuel and Catharine Judie, deceased, was born in this tp. March 22, 1842. His parents were natives of Pennsylvania, and came to this county in a yery early day. Mr. Judie was brought up on a farm, and educated in the common schools; was married in 1867 to Miss Margaret, daughter of John W. May. She is a native of Germany, and a member of the Lutheran Church. He owns 90 and she owns 44 acres of valuable land. Mr. Judie has made his start in the world all by his own exertions. For several years in his early life he operated a threshing-machine. He served three years in the late war, in Co. F, 29th Reg. Ind. Vol. Inf., and participated in many of the most bloody battles. His cap was shot from his head in the battle of Shiloh.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
Samuel Judie was born in this tp. Dec. 17, 1836, and is a son of Samuel and Catharine Judie (dec.), who came to this county in 1831, and labored hard in preparing the way for the prosperity of future generations. The subject of this sketch was reared on a farm and educated at Dutch island in this county, a school usually taught by inferior teachers in those days, and which was mostly taught by subscription. In the early part of his manhood Mr. Judie engaged in farming and operating a threshing-machine. He was married in 1860 to Miss Martha, daughter of Daniel Vroman, of this tp. They have had 6 children, of whom 3 are living, Hattie, Emma and Pardon. Mr. J. is engaged in farming and stock-raising on sec. 12, and owns 130 acres of valuable land.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
Stephen H. Judkins was born in Sullivan county, N. H., Aug. 26, 1808, and is a son of Stephen and Anna Judkins (dec.), a1so natives of New Hampshire. He was raised to work in the wagonmaker's shop. As soon as he was able to handle a hatchet and saw he was put to work. He followed this business for the most part until 1850. He came to Mishawaka in 1837. He was married Oct. 8, 1834, to Miss Phrebe A. Simons, bvywhom he has had 4 children; of these, 2 are living: Wi1liam H. and Malvina (now Mrs. L. F. Cole, of Neenah, Wisconsin). In 1859 he engaged in the grocery business, which he still carries on. He lost $2,700 in the fire of 1812. He carries a stock of $3,500 in groceries, provisions, etc., and is doing a good business.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
A. F. Kizer was born in Wayne county, Ohio, Oct. 6, 1825, and is a son of Peter and Catharine Kizer, natives of Pennsylvania, who emigrated to Ohio about 1818. Mr. Kizer was reared on a farm and received most of his education in a subscription school. He was married in 1849 to Miss Caroline Hoffheine, daughter of John Hoftheine. They have had 6 children, but one of whom is living, Elhanan W. He came to this county in 1852, since which time he has resided here save two years that he resided in Michigan. He owns 90 acres on sec. 28, and is engaged in farming. In politics Mr. Kizer is a Greenbacker. Mr. and Mrs. Kizer are worthy members of the M. E. Church.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
John Klein Jr., Mishawaka. This enterprising young dealer in and manufacturer of boots and shoes was born in Mishawaka June 2,1850, and is a son of John and Mary Klein, also of Mishawaka. He is of German descent; he early learned the shoemaker's trade, which he now follows, and also carries a fine stock of ready-made boots and shoes, and gents' furnishing goods. He is doing a good business, which is on the increase.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
Michael Klein was born in Prussia Sept. 29, 1818; reared on a farm and edncated in German in his native country; came to America in 1836; remained in New Orleans five years, working in a restaurant; came to Stark county, Ohio, in 1840, where he remained until the fall of 1841, when he came to this county, locating in this tp., in the heavy timber. He has worked very hard, and made for himself and family a comfortable home. He was married in 1850 to Miss Mary Rieff, who has borne him 8 children, namely: Henry, Caroline, Jacob, Josephine, Mary, Albert, George and Laura. Mr. and Mrs. Klein are members of the Catholic Church.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
George Kuhn was born in Erie county, N. Y., June 18, 1837, and is a son of Bonafanter Kuhn, a native of Switzerland. He "was raised in the woods," and therefore had no educational advantages; what education he has he obtained by hard study, without a teacher. He came to Mishawaka in 1859, and in 1861 built the St. Joseph flaming-mill, mentioned in the history of Penn tp., on a preceding page. He was married Sept. 18, 1862, to Miss Margaret Michels, by whom he has had 7 children; 6 are living: John, George, Peter, Joseph, Edward and August.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
Wolfgang Kunftman, deceased. This prominent and useful man was born in Byron, Germany, June 9, 1828, and was a son of John Kunftman. At the age of 14 years he was apprenticed to a lock-maker; he became master of this art and exhibited great skill in his work. He came to Mishawaka in 1853, where he acted as foreman in the St. Joseph Iron Works, rendering valuable scrvices for several years. He was married in 1854 to Miss Sophia Shafer, daughter of Conrad Shafer. She was born in Germany also, and came to America with her parents at 11 years of age. They had 7 children, namely: Katie: Julia, Ferdinand (dec.), Philip, Sophia, Lizzie and George. In 1868 Mr. Kunftman removed to his farm on sec. 7, where he engaged in farming and stock-raising, and was eminently successful. He died Nov. 7, 1877, loved and respected by all. He was a very benevolent man: always ready to assist in the promotion of charitable institutions. The family lost a kind husband and father, and the community a valuable member of society, in the death of Mr. Kunftman. He was a consistent Christian, and a worthy member of the Lutheran Church for many years prior to his death.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
William Kuss was born in Russia Feb. 27, 1846, and is a son of John Kuss, deceased. He was brought up on a farm, and educated in the village of Ruhden. He came to Mishawaka in 1868, where he began in the bakery business in 1873, in company with Mr. Rholeder. This firm dissolved in 1879, and Mr. Kuss continues it alone. He carries a capital stock of $2,600 in groceries and provisions, queen's-ware, etc., in addition to the bakery, and is doing a large business. He was married March 26, 1874, to Miss Mary Wies, by whom he has 3 children: Charley, Edward and Anna.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
Alexander Laidlaw. Being a native of this county Mr. Laidlaw is identified with its history, and therefore is entitled to more than a passing notice in a work like this. He was born in this tp. April 15, 1846, and is a son of John Laidlaw, of Mishawaka, whom we mention elsewhere. Alexander was reared on a farm and educated in the common-schools of this county. He was married March 10, 1868, to Miss Elizabeth Burrus, daughter of George Burrus, of Elkhart. This union has been blessed with 5 children, of whom 4 are living, viz.: Ada, George, John and an infant son. Mr. Laidlaw resides on sec. 29, and is engaged in farming and stock-raising, owning 110 acres of valuable land.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
John Laidlaw is a native of Blainsley, Scotland, and was born Jan. 5, 1812. His parents, John and Susan Laidlaw, removed with their family to St. Lawrence county, N. Y., in 1818. He was brought up on a farm and educated in the common schools; came to this county in 1836; during the first winter he worked for the St. Joseph Iron Company, and worked afterward as a common laborer, for a time, at various avocations. When he arrived here he had $175 capital. He bought a small piece of timbered land, and by hard work and wise management has accumulated a fortune. He was married in 1837 to Miss Sally Shaw, by whom he has had 13 children; of these, 10 are living;. viz.: Susan, Lydia, Edwin, Alexander, Caroline, Jane, Mary, Ella, Emma and John. Mr. L. owns 610 acres of land besides a large amount of town property. He now resides in Mishawaka, in his beautiful residence.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
Chauncy W. Lamport was born in Genesee (then Orleans) county, N. Y., April 1, 1814, and is a son of Wil!iam and Belinda Lamport, natives of New England. He was reared on a farm and educated in a common school in Ohio, where his parents removed about 1823. He was married in 1846 to Miss Adaline D. Barber, daughter of Chauncy and Persis (Whiting) Barber, natives of Connecticut. Mrs. Lamport was born in Marcellus, N. Y. In one week after marriage they started for this county, and arrived in due season. They have 4 children: Belinda P., now Mrs. Henry Boles, of this tp.; Hortensius M., pastor of the M. K Church at Bristol, Ind; A. Lamar, principal of the high school, Waterloo, Ind; and Emma R., at home. Mr. Lamport knows all about the hardest of labor, of which he has done a great deal. He is now retired, and reaides in Oceola. Mr. and Mrs. Lamport are worthy members of the M. K Church.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
Frederick Lang is a native of Germany, and was born May 9, 1834. His father was Frank Lang, also a native of Germany. His education was received in the village of Vaihingen, Germany. He came to America in 1850, stopping at Pittsburg, Pa., for about three years, when he came to this county with his father, and located on a farm. He married Miss Ernestina Frank in 1857. They have 4 children: Otto K, Emma C., Minnie and Ottilie L. In 1864 Mr. Lang erected a saw-mill, which he still owns and operates. He, in company with his brother-in-law, Charles Frank, established a lumber yard in Mishawaka, with a capital stock of $15,000, including the saw-mill, and are doing a good business.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
John Lerner.- This enterprising farmer is entitled to more than a passing notice in our county history, as he has been instrumental in bringing into cultivation a large tract of land, heretofore thought to be useless. About the year 1868 he purchased some land in the marsh north of Mishawaka and found a place large enough on which to erect a house; this he did, and moved his family into it; but he made nothing the first year. He then took his family back to Mishawaka, and as fast as he could obtain the means, he ditched his land. He spent hundreds of dollars in ditching, and otherwise improving the marsh, and has made an excellent farm, which produces abundant crops of all kinds. Few men would succeed as did Mr. Lerner, under such discouraging circumstances. He was born in Germany April 7, 1830; first learned to roof houses with slate; came to America in 1852, remaining in New York city three years, and working at the carpenter's trade; in 1855 he came to Mishawaka, where he worked in the woolen mills for 13 years. He was married in 1854 to Miss Dora D. Windel, by whom he has had 7 children; of these, 6 are living, viz.: Wilhelm, Christopher, Henry, Janie, Mary and George. Mr. and Mrs. Lerner are worthy members of the Lutheran Church.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
Albert R. Leslie was born in Columbiana county, Ohio, July 28, 1831, and is a son of Eli and Mary Leslie, the former a native of Ohio and the latter of Harper's Ferry , Va. Mr. Leslie was reared on a farm, and received a common-school education, in Portage county, Ohio, whither his parents had removed when he was but two years old. He was married in 1854 to Miss Jeannette Hudson, by whom he had one child, Amanda, since deceased. Mr. Leslie came to this county in 1853, and has since, for the most part, been engaged in farming. He served nearly three years in the war of the Rebellion, in Co. K, 87th Ind. Vol. Inf., and participated in the battles of Perrysville, Hoover's Gap, Chattanooga, Mission Ridge, Chickamauga, Ringgold, Atlanta, Nashville, Resaca, and others. He was present at the surrender of Johnston to Sherman. At one time he, in Company with a detachment of others to guard a wagon train going for supplies from Ohattanooga, up the Tennessee river, subsisted for 14 days upon parched corn and one day's rations, save a very little that they could pick up along the road on their hurried march.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
Nathan Lighthall was born in Yates county, N. Y., Dec. 17, 1820, and is a son of Julius and Amelia (Jenny) Lighthall, deceased, also natives of New York; he is the yonngest of a family of 11 children. He was reared on a farm, and received a common-school education; carne to this county in 1837; has been a wagon.maker, but is at present, pattern-maker for the St. Joseph Manufacturing Company, at Mishawaka, which position he has held for the past 18 years. He helped erect the first permanent dam across the St. Joseph river at Mishawaka in 1837. He has been married twice, and is the father of 4 children, of whom but one is living, Ellen D., now Mrs. Dr. N. D. Miles, of Elkhart, Ind. Mr. Lighthall is owner of valuable property in Elkhart.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
Levi W. Lott was born in Adams county, Pa., Sept. 22, 1831, and is a son of William H. and Esther H. (Wilson) Lott, also natives of Pennsylvania. He was reared on a farm, and educated in the common and select schools. He taught school for three winters in his native State, and in 1857 came to this county on a visit. He remained but one week, when he proceeded to the vicinity of Niles, Mich., where he engaged in farming for one season. He has taught almost constantly in the winter seasons since 1854. He taught seven terms in the Willow Creek school-house in this county, and four terms in No.9. Mr. Lott is also a miller by trade, at which he has worked for several summers. He also worked at carding wool in Mishawaka, for four summers. He was married in 1862, to Eiizabeth A. Van Buskirk, by whom he has had 5 children; 4 are living, viz.: William T., Charles W., Walter and Bertha E.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
Thomas B. Loughman was born in Licking county, O., near Brownsville, March 26, 1839, and is a son of David and Elizabeth Loughman, natives of Pennsylvania. He began breaking on the Muskingum Valley railroad in 1857, and in 1858 came to this county. He worked at the cooper's trade for two years, and also labored on the farm for some time. He was engaged by the L. S. & M. S. R. R. Company in 1863, having charge of the warehouse for four years; and since that time he has been freight and ticket agent at Mishawaka, making 17 years in the employ of the same company, and at the same place. He was married in July, 1860, to Miss Mary Skinner, by whom he has 2 children: Emma and Ella. Mr. and Mrs. L. are members of the M. E. Church.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township