History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
J. W. Martling was born in New York city Oct. 14, 1816, and is a son of John and Martha (Lockwood) Martling, the former a native of Greensburg, N. Y., and the latter of New York city. J. W. removed (with his parents) to Buffalo, N. Y., in 1831, came to this county in 1837, and returned to Buffalo in 1838. His occupation through life has been that of a mason. He was in the employ of the L. S. & M. S. R R. Company for some time. He met with an accident upon a steamboat while in New York, which disabled him for two years. He was married in 1838, and is the father of 9 children, of whom 6 are living, namely: Elizabeth A., George H., John W., Isabella M., Sarah E. and Harvey A. In 1844 Mr. Martling returned to Mishawaka, and during the gold excitement in 1851, he went overland to California, returning the following year by the Panama route. He also went to Pike's Peak during the rush there. He is now doing a good business in grain, lime, cement, hair, marble-dust and salt, in Mishawaka.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
Archa Mason was born in Lake county, Ohio, March 5, 1853, and is a son of William Mason of Mishawaka. His mother (deceased) was Harriet (Graham) Mason. Archa was brought up on a farm, and educated in the common schools of this tp., where his parents brought him in 1857. He was married in 1874, to Miss Ella Laidlaw, daughter of John Laidlaw, of Mishawaka, of whom we have made further mention elsewhere in this work. They have one child, Eddie. Mr. Mason is engaged in farming and stock-raising, on sec. 31, and owns 90 acres of valuable land.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
Ewin G. McCollum, attorney at law, Mishawaka, was born in La Porte county, Ind., Aug. 10, 1836, and is a son of S. and Achsa B. (Wing) McCollum, natives of Otsego and Rensselaer counties, N. Y., respectively, who emigrated to La Porte county in 1835; he was reared on a farm, and educated in Asbury University at Greencastle, Ind., graduating in 1861. In 1862 he began the study of law in La Porte under Bradley and Woodward, admitted to the 1862, began practice in La Porte in 1864, and in 1874 removed to Mishawaka, where he has built up a good practice. He was married in 1862 to Miss Fannie A. Hurlbut, daughter of Esquire Hurlbut, of Mishawaka. They have one child, Clarence E. Mr. McC. is Democratic, in politics.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
Rev. Samuel McKee, pastor of the Christian Church, Mishawaka, was born in Knox county, Ind., and brought up on a farm. In his childhood days he seemed impressed with the duty of entering the ministry when he should become a man. This impression seemed never to leave him for a moment, for he early began to prepare himself for the work. He attended Hanover College in this State for some time, and graduated at Jefferson College, at Cannonsburg, Pa. He also graduated at the Western Theological Seminary, at Allegheny, Pa., in 1861, and entered the ministry the same year, in the Indiana Church in Knox county, which was the first Presbyterian Church organized in the State. He remained there two years. He was a delegate from Indiana for the U. S. Christian Commission, and was with the army for seven weeks. In 1863 he visited the convalescent camp at Nashville, Tenn., and the hospital at Chattanooga. He has a cane made from the wood of the first Presbyterian church that was built in America (1808). After acting as pastor for the Churches at Kendallville, Waynesville, Ill., Gilman, Ill. and Buckley, Ill., he came to this charge in 1878. He was married June 28, 1858, to Miss Husannah C. Vanatta, by whom he has had 8 children, 6 living, viz.: Mattie M., Carrie B., William N., Julian, John A. and Flora B. The deceased's names were Ella G. and Jennie R.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
James McKnight, sec. 11; P.O., Mishawaka; is a son of John and Sarah (Tilfer) McKnight, who came to Indiana about the year 1814. He was born June 16, 1824, in Franklin county, Ind., and received his education in a log house, with slab seats, puncheon floor and a huge fire-place in one end of the room. He came with his parents to this county in 1834, where he has since resided. He married Miss Eliza McCreary in 1847, and they have had 4 children, viz.: Sarah, deceased; John T., Ida A. and Mollie. Mr. McKnight has not confined himself to anyone particular business; for several years he butchered during the fall. In general he is a farmer, but is now engaged more or less in lending money and buying notes. He owns 267 acres of land, which is managed by his son. Mrs. McKnight is a worthy member of the M. E. Church, and he is a Republican straight.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
Milton McKnight, P.O., Mishawaka; was born in Franklin county, Ind., May 3, 1833, and is a son of John and Sarah McKnight, the former a native of Rockbridge county, Va., and the latter of Indiana county, Pennsylvania. They settled in Southern Indiana, which was then a Territory, in 1814, and came to this county in 1834. Mr. McKnight died in 1840, and Mrs. McKnight in 1866. Milton was reared on a farm and attended district school three months each year when a boy. His father entered about 600 acres of land, and moved first with his family of 8 children into a small log cabin, containing but one room. Mr. McKnight was married in April, 1860, to Miss Lucinda Finch, by whom he had 2 children, Robert and Anthony D. He resides on the homestead on sec. 11, engaged in farming. Mr. and Mrs. Knight are members of the Valley M. E. Church.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
S. B. McQuillen was born in Tecumseh, Mich., July 4, 1851, and is a son of John and Mary McQuillen, of Mishawaka. They removed to Lima, Ind., in 1853, then to Wisconsin, where they remained over eight years. S. B., the subject of this sketch, was educated in Mishawaka; clerked for Clark & Whitson, dry-goods merchants of Mishawaka, for two years, and two years for V. Beige in this place; he began busiuess for himself in December, 1875; he carries a stock of $1,800, consisting of groceries, queen's-ware, glassware, notions, etc., and also runs a bakery. He does a good business. He was married Dec. 31, 1879, to Miss Lillie M. Towle.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
Lawrence Meixell, sec. 35; P.O., Mishawaka; was born in Cumberland county, Pa., Dec. 28, 1847; was reared on a farm and educated in the common schools. His parents came with their family to this county in 1848, where they still reside. June 12, 1867, he married Miss Jane Smyser, daughter of Cornelius Smyser, of whom we make further mention in this work. They have had 6 children, 3 of whom are living, viz.: William, Lizzie and Belle. He is engaged in farming and owns 80 acres of land. Mrs. Meixell is a member of the M. E. Church. Jacob Meixell, the father of the above, was born in Cumberland county, Pa., May 12, 1816, and is a son of John and Mary Meixell, deceased. His boyhood days were spent on a farm, and his educational advantages were snch as were furnished by the common schools. He was married April 13, 1843, to Miss Evaline Westfall, by whom he had 10 children, 7 now living, viz.: Mary, Lawrence H., George, John, Jake, Leroy and Ann. Mr. M. came to this county in 1848, where he still resides. In his younger days he followed threshing to some extent. He now has 150 acres of land, and has given farms to his children. Mr. and Mrs. Meixell are worthy members of the Christian Church. In politics he was a Whig, and now, of course, is a Republican.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
Adam Miller, sec. 25; was born near Zanesville, O., Jan. 8, 1819, and is a son of Adam and Sarah (Prior) Miller, who removed with their family to this county in 1830. He was reared to hard work and received a limited education in a subscription school taught in a log house, with slab seats, and a board snpported on pi ns in the wall for writing desks. His teachers were of the "ox-gad persuation". He was married in December, 1838, to Miss Mercy A. Mead, by whom he has had 8 children. Those living are Eli, Leen, Anna and Julius. He is engaged in farming and stockraising, and owns 30 acres of land. Mr. and Mrs. Miller and all their children are members of the Christian Church.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
Joseph Miller was born in Lebanon county, Pa., Feb. 27, 1823, and is a son of Henry and Catharine (Harper) Miller, also natives of Pennsylvania. Their ancestors came to America with William Penn, and Mr. Miller is of the fifth generation from the Pennites; his early educational advantages were very limited; his school education was obtained on a slab bench in a little log cabin, whose windows were about 12 inches high and about six or seven feet long. He came to this county in 1837, and resided where South Bend now stands; he also resided awhile in Michigan. Oct. 4, 1844, he married Miss Martha A. Scott, by whom he has had 2 children, Elizabeth A. and Mary C. The latter is deceased. She was drowned with a party of three others when boat-riding at South Bend, the boat being drawn through the broken dam by the current. Mr. Miller is a miller by trade; for an account of the mill, see page 795.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
Jacob Minnick, farmer, sec. 33; was born in Pennsylvania Nov. 6, 1816, and is a son of Jacob and Susan (Hanie) Minnick; he was reared on a farm, and received a limited education in a subscription school in Stark county, Ohio, where his parents removed when he was but six weeks old. The country there was new and he was obliged to work hard and undergo many hardships and privations which pioneer boys are heir to. His father died when he was quite small and he began working by the month as soon as large enough to make a hand, at $7 a month; worked many a day in the harvest field from sunrise until the gathering darkness, for 50 cents. In 1845 he married Miss Mary Becker, by whom he has 6 children, viz.: Louisa, George, Amanda, Ruhama, Ellen and Laura. Mrs. Minnick is a worthy member of the Catholic Church. They removed to this county in 1849, settling in Penn tp., where they still reside. Mr. Minnick owns 170 acres of land, and has given his son 60 acres; he began in life poor, but has been very successfu1, making all by his own exertions.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
Jonn Monroe was born in New York city Jan. 16, 1817; his parents were Abraham and Sarah (Butters) Monroe, also natives of New York; he was reared on a farm and had no educational advantages until he was married; he came to Columbiana county, Ohio, in 1837, where, in 1842, he married Miss Mary Topper, and they have had 6 children,5 living: William, Elizabeth, Margaret, James and Lucinda. He came to this county in October, 1850, where he still resides, and is engaged in farming and stock-raising on his farm of 180 acres, sec. 6, Penn tp. Mr. Monroe has worked hard in improving this country. In politics he is Democratic.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
Calvin Moon was born in this county May 16, 1849, and is a son of James Moon, who came to this county in 1834. He was reared on a farm and educated at Valparaiso College; was a member of the engineer corps in the employ of the C. & C. So. R. R., for three years; was married in December, 1876, to Miss Cynthia Stonehill, by whom he has one child, Sewell. In June, 1877, Mr. Moon was elected County Superintendent of Public Instruction, for St. Joseph county, and in June, 1879, he was unanimously re-elected to the same office by acclamation.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
Nelson Moon, farmer, sec. 6; P.O., Mishawaka; was born in Yates county, N. Y., Jan. 1, 1816, and is a son of Reynolds and Nancy (Briggs) Moon, deceased, natives of Rhode Island; the former was a soldier in the war of 1812. Mr. Moon was brought up on a farm, and educated in a common school; for many years he was a contractor for furnishing wood to the Lake Shore and other railroad companies. He was married Aug. 31, 1837, to Miss Betsey Hoard, daughter of James Hoard, dec., a soldier in the war or 1812. They have had 9 children; 6 are living, viz.: William, Caroline, Sarah, Alice, Emma and Nelson. Mr. Moon came to this county in the year 1839, and settled in Penn tp., where he still resides, and owns 175 acres of valuable land. This part of the connty was covered with a heavy growth of timber at that time, and the pioneers had an immense amount of very hard labor to perform in preparing their lands for the plow, and in improving the country, of which Mr. Moon has done his share. Few men have performed the amount of labor than he has, and remain active as he, at the advanced age of 65 years. He has been a member of the Masonic order for over 30 years.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
Solomon Moon, deceased, was born in New York, March 25, 1825, and was a son of Wanton and Barbara Moon; he was reared on a farm and received a common-school education; came to this county about the year 1855, where he engaged in farming; settled in the timber in Penn tp., and labored hard in making a home for himself and family. He was married June 26, 1861, to Miss Charlottie Hollingshead, by whom he had 9 children; of these, but 4 are living, viz.: Annie, George, Ira and Laura. During the last few years of his life, Mr. Moon was afflicted with the consumption, and traveled through the West and South to find relief, but, Dec. 25, 1872, death called him to a land of rest. He was a consistent Christian and worthy member of the M. E. Church for several years. He was a very generous man, always giving as he was prospered in life, to the support of the gospel, to missionary causes and other benevolent enterprises. It can truly be said that the country is better for his having lived in it.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
Eli O. Newman was born in Tuscarawas county, Ohio, Aug. 19, 1839, and is a son of Thomas and Fannie (Weeks) Newman; his father died when Eli was but 3 years old, and he then went to live with his uncle, John Low; most of his early life was spent on a farm. His uncle was a miller, and he was early placed in the mill to work, and consequently enjoyed limited educational advantages. He engaged in furnishing wood, by contract, to the railroad company for over four years; he served in the late war in Co. I, 9th Ind. Vol., and participated in the battles of Stone River, Chickamauga, Lookout Mountain, Mission Ridge, Atlanta campaign Franklin, Nashville, and others, twenty-eight in all. He was married in 1862, while on a furlough from the army, to Miss Caroline Moon, daughter of Nelson Moon, and they have had 6 children, of whom 4 are living, viz.: Clara A., Howard W., Anna E. and Julius A. Mr. Newman is engaged in farming; and stock-raising, on sec. 1, Penn tp.; he and Mrs. Newman are worthy members of the M. E. Church.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
Charles C. Niles was born in Maysville, Wisconsin, May 1, 1852, and is a son of John and Ellen D. (Bennett) Niles, the former a native of Vermont, and the latter of New York. Mr. Niles was reared in Mishawaka, as his parents located here several years ago; he was educated at Racine College, Wisconsin. September 10, 1875, he married Miss Annie M. Stoner, by whom he has one child, Rushton D. Mr. Niles is a member of the Episcopal Church, and Mrs. Niles of the Baptist Church. M. N. is a prominent citizen, and a stockholder in the St. Joseph Manufacturing Company.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
Thomas Norman was born in Clinton county, N. Y., April 7, 1833, and is a son of Thomas Norman, deceased. He was reared on a farm, and received a common-school education; is an engineer by profession, but at present is engaged in teaming in Mishawaka; came to Mishawaka in 1855, and for 12 years thereafter he run a threshing-machine. He was married July 5, 1857, to Miss Anna E. Crooks, daughter of James Crooks; she is a worthy member of the M. E. Church.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
Dr. Byron R. O'Connor, physician and surgeon, Mishawaka; is a native of Cleveland, Ohio, born Aug. 12, 1838. His parents were Washington and Elizabeth ( Delle) O'Connor; the former a native of Dutchess county, N. Y., and the latter of Virginia; he came to Grand Rapids, Michigan, in 1848, and to Mishawaka in 1855; he received his literary education in Mishawaka, and graduated from the medical department of the University of Pennsylvania, at Philadelphia, in 1867; he began practice in 1865 in Mishawaka, having attended two courses of lectures prior to this; he married Miss Fannie Stiles, daughter or Dr. John M. Stiles, deceased, so well known in the early history of this county; they have had 3 children, 2 living: Eugenia M. and Armon S. The Doctor began poor, and in 15 years he has laid by $20,000, besides paying security of $3,000.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
August Bernard Oechterling, the youngest son of Gerhard H. and Therese Benning (Maiar) Oechtering, at Rheine, Province of Westphalia, Prussia, Sept. 8, 1837. He completed his studies at the college of the Rheine in 1858, and in July of the same year came to America to prepare himself for the extensive mission of the Catholic Church, forwhich he always felt a great desire. For this purpose the newly appointed Bishop Luers, of Fort Wayne, Ind., to whom he had applied for admission into his diocese, sent him to the seminary of Mount St. Mary's of the West, near Cincinnati, where he completed his theological studies in May, 1861. On the 17th of the same month he was ordained priest in the Cathedral at Fort Wayne by Bishop Luers. Soon after his ordination he was appointed Rector of the much neglected mission of St. Joseph's Church at Delphi, Carroll county, Ind., where, from May 26, 1861, until Dec. 22, 1865, he labored with good success in building up a good congregation and school. At the same time he also attended several small missions in the surrounding country eight to twenty-five miles distant. In 1864 he accompanied his kind friend, Bishop Luers, to Europe, where, after an absence of six years, he visited his aged parents, who at that time celebrated their golden wedding, on which occasion the family held a reunion of all the 8 children and their families. In 1865 Mr. Oechtering was appointed Rector of St. Mary's Church at Avilla, Noble county, Ind. While there he labored for 18 months with 11 different congregations, scattered over four counties. In Waterloo, DeKalb county, Ind., a new church was erected, and in Kendallville, Noble county, a house was purchased of the Baptists and fitted up for Catholic worship. He also labored at several other places at the same time. During his short stay in Avilla he delivered many lectures upon Catholic doctrines, such as Confessions, Popery, the True Church, etc., in the different missions, thus clearing away many prejudices that many people held concerning the Catholic doctrines and Catholic customs, and silencing many false accusers. In 1867, at the request of the Bishop, he took charge of the St. Joseph's Church at Mishawaka, where he has since labored with good success. In December, 1879, the Bishop at Fort Wayne, Dr. Dwenger, tendered him a much larger and more remunerative field of labor; but he declined it, as he had formed an attachment to his people in Mishawaka and preferred remaining with them. In 1875 Rev. Oechtering again went to Europe. While there he visited Rome and had an audience with the venerable and saintly Pius IX. He also traveled through France, England and Ireland. This last journey he refers to frequently as one of much benefit to himself.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
P. J. Perkins was born in the mountains of Warren county, N. Y., near Lake George, April 13, 1824. His parents were Newman and Elizabeth (Tanner) Perkins, natives of Rhode Island, who came to Lenawee county, Mich., in 1815. P. J. was reared on a farm in New York; he worked in an ax manufactory in the village of Cohoes, near Troy, for five years; there he was married, in 1848, to Miss Elizabeth Skiff, by whom he has 2 children, Charley and Edward; he removed to Kane county, Ill. in 1854, and to this county in 1871; he became interested with his brother, P. C. Perkins, in the manufacture of axes in Mishawaka, in 1869, and in 1871 they began the manufacture of the PerkiIls windmills in the same place. Mr. and Mrs. Perkins are members of the Presbyterian Church. There are eight brothers in the Perkins family, all of whom united with the Church before arriving at the age of 16 years.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
Abner J. Pettit was born in Miami county, Ohio, June 18,1830, and is a son of David and Elizabeth (Blue) Pettit, also natives of Ohio; he was brought up on a farm and received a common-school education; he came with his parents to Mishawaka in 1835; he engaged in cabinet-making for eighteen months, then worked at the carpenter's and joiner's trade for a time; he clerked in a store two years, when he bought and moved "onto" a farm; in 1871 he engaged as ticket and freight agent with the Grand Trunk R. R. Co., taking charge of the Mishawaka station, which position he still holds. He was married in 1860 to Miss Ann E. Smith, by whom he had 2 children: Hattie L., deceased, and Carrie Alberta. Mr. and Mrs. Pettit are worthy members of the Presbyterian Church, and he is clerk of the session.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
Melvin R. Phillips was born in Essex county, N. Y., Aug. 17, 1826, and is a son of Reuben and Lydia (Cole) Phillips, also natives of New York. Mr. Phillips was brought up on a farm and educated in the common schools; when a boy, just prior to merging into manhood, he went upon the lakes and sailed for several years; he also pursued various other avocations. He came to this county in 1846, and engaged in farming; in 1852 he married Ruth A. Cook, and they had one child, Jay; he again married in 1859, this time Louisa Headley, by whom he had 2 children: Frank and Myron. Mr. Phillips is a prominent stone-mason, and generally has charge of all the masonry in improving the mill-race at Mishawaka, and for the different manufacturing companies here; also did the mason work on both of the new iron bridges at Mishawaka. He resides on sec. 1, range 3 east, and is engaged in farming.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
Henry S. Plumb, merchant, Oceola, was born in Delaware county, Ohio, Aug. 23, 1827, and is a son of George and Abbie Plumb, natives of Massachusetts and Ohio, respectively; he was reared on a farm and educated in Elyria, Ohio. In 1848 he left his parental roots spending three years in Iowa, three years in Illinois and three years in the late war, in Co. A, 17th Ill. Vo1.; he participated in the battles of Fort Donelson, Shiloh, siege of Corinth, siege of Vicksburg and others; he came to this county in 1864, and married Miss Alma A. Bancroft, the next day after arriving here; he had previously become acquainted with her when visiting in this locality; they have had 3 children, but one of whom is alive, Ahbie E. In 1870 Mr. P. engaged in the mercantile business in Oceola; he carries a general stock of $2,000, and is doing a good business.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
Charles K. Pulling was born in Monmouth county, N. J., May 15, 1811, son of Samuel and Charlotte Pulling, natives of New Jersey. He was reared on a farm and received a common-school education; was in the railroad company's employ for some time, and in 1853 came to this county. He was married in Philadelphia in 1836 to Miss Mary A. Nailer, by whom he had 12 children, 6 living, viz.: George, Emeline, Annie, Henrietta, John and Ellen. He owns 235 acres of valuable land, and is engaged in farming and stock-raising on sec. 8. His sons, George and John, were soldiers in the late war. Mr. and Mrs. Pulling are worthy members of the Baptist Church at Mishawaka.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
John H. Quigg, of the firm of Quigg & Beemer, was born in Wayne county, Ind., Nov. 25, 1830, son of Henry and Amanda (Ireland) Quigg, who came to this county in 1833 and to Mishawaka about 1835. He was educated in Mishawaka; labored as a common laborer for some time; attempted to work at the tailor's trade but failed in health; he ran on the St. Joseph river for ten years upon different boats; he was married in 1851 to Miss Ida Julian, daughter of John Julian, deceased. He served in the late war in Co. H, 138th Ind. Vo1., for six months; was Deputy Provost Marshal in Mishawaka up to the time of his enlistment; clerked in a store in Mishawaka for fifteen years. He formed a partnership with Mr. Beemer of this place in 1879, and engaged in the sale of dry-goods, staple and fancy notions, carrying a stock of $4,500, and is doing a good business.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
Geo. W. Redding was born in Benton county, N. Y., July 4, 1824, and is a son of James I. and Rhoda (Ketchum) Redding. He came to this county with his parents in 1836, settling on a farm, and receiving a common-school education. Being somewhat of a lover of music, Mr. Redding improved his talent in this direction by taking lessons under Professors I. B. Woodbury, Foote, Baker, Tuttle and other leading vocalists. For the last 35 years he has successfully taught vocal music in St. Joseph county, and is also agent for some of the most popular organs and pianos. He was married in 1845, to Miss Mary Eller, daughter of J. Eller, deceased. The professor is also engaged in farming and stock-raising on his beautiful farm, on sec. 18. He teaches in the winter, and attends to his farm during the summer seasons. Mrs. Redding is a worthy member of the M. E. Church.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
Jacob Rhoads, sec. 8; P.O., South Bend; was born in Huntington county, Pa., Feb. 27, 1825, and is a son of John and Margaret Rhoads, also natives of Pennsylvania. Mr. Rhoads was brought up on a farm, and educated in the common schools. His parents removed with their family to Ohio in 1835. About 1849 or '50 Mr. Rhoads came to this county on a visit, and being favorably impressed with the country he removed to Madison tp. in 1851. In 1857 he married Miss Rosetta Watkins, and removed to this tp. They have had 8 children, of whom 7 are living, viz.: Ida A., Lillie B., Minnie L., Mark W., Keturah, Margaretta and Lucy. Mr. Rhoads has resided in this county since 1851, except five years, which time he resided in Elkhart county. He owns 80 acres of Innd, and is engaged in general farming. Mr. and Mrs. Rhoads are worthy members of the M. E. Church.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
Samuel Ritter was born in Butler county, Ohio. His parents were Jacob and Sarah (Writter) Ritter, the former of Pennsylvania, and the latter of Virginia. Mr. Ritter was brought to this county in May, 1832, when about nine year's of age; in 1844 he married Sally Jones, daughter of Samuel and Polly (Terson) Jones, of this county; her father died in 1850, and her mother is now living with her. She was born in 1802 in North Carolina and came to this county in 1830. Mr. and Mrs. Ritter have 6 children living, and 5 deceased. The former are members of the Penn Township Grange, which now meets in South Bend. Mr. R. owns 116 acres of fine farm land, worth $100 an acre. He is a Republican.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
John Robbins was born in Ohio April 18, 1813, and is a son of William and Mary (Nichols) Robbins, natives of Pennsylvania; he was brought up on a farm and educated in the common schools. He came to this county in 1835, having married Miss Precious Jenkins the year previous. They had 3 children: Delila, Samuel and Mary A. Mrs. Robbins died Jan. 6, 1845. Mr. Robbins married a second wife, Miss Rachel Jackson, by whom he has had 4 children, 3 living, viz.: Calvin C., Sarah and J ohn W. Mr. Robbins began poor, worked hard, and managed well, and now has a good farm of 160 acres.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
Aaron Rogers, deceased, was a native of Ireland. He came to America about 1840, and located in Mishawaka, where he worked on the new mill-dam, which is still standing. He was married to Miss Catharine Loomans, by whom he had 7 children; 4 living viz.: John, William, David and Oliver. He died in March, 1874, and Mrs. Rogers died in September, 1879. John, who is a subscriber for this work, resides on the old home place, sec. 5, and conducts the farm. He married Miss Mary Kizer in April, 1880.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
Frederick A. Rohleder was born in Germany Jan. 6, 1846; was reared and educated in the village of Yollmershain, Germany. He came to this place (Mishawaka) in 1860, where he followed carpentering for 13 years. In 1873 he erected a brick block in Mishawaka, and kept a bakery and grocery with Mr. Russ for 6 years. In 1869 he engaged in the dry-goods trade here and is doing a good business, with a capital stock of $5,500. He married Miss Sarah Wees in 1873; they have 3 children, Emma, Walter and Emma.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
James A. Roper was born in St. Joseph county, Mich., Dec. 15, 1846. His parents were John and Cornelia Roper, the former a native of England, and the latter of Onondaga Co., N. Y. They came to this county when he was but three months old, where he has since resided. He was educated in Asbury University, at Greencastle, Ind.; was married in 1868, to Miss Ella M. Dowling, by whom he had 4 children: Henry C., Clarence A., Harry D. and Eugene. Mr. R. served three years and eight months in the late war in Co. F, 48th Ind. Vol. Inf., and participated in the battles of Iuka, Corinth, Raymond, Jackson, siege of Vicksburg, Tunnel Hill and others, and accompanied Sherman's army in his noted march to the sea.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
Gustavus Rosenwinkel, Pastor of the Lutheran Church, Mishawaka, was born Feb. 10, 1850, at Hesse Cassel, Prussia. His parents were Henry J. and Anna (Hoff) John, who died on shipboard while on their way to America in 1854. He was then but four years old and was taken and adopted into the family of Henry Rosenwinkel; was reared on a farm in Du Page county, Ill., until 15 years of age, when he entered Concordia College at Fort Wayne, Ind. Here he remained at hard study for six years; he then took a three-years' course in the Concordia Theological Seminary at St. Louis, Mo. He began his ministerial labors in 1874, in the town of Warsaw, Wis., where he labored for two years and three months with success, having four congregations under his jurisdiction. In November, 1876, he began his labors with the Mishawaka Church. He also has charge of the Church at Woodland, in Madison tp. He was married in April, 1875, to Miss Catharine Katt, by whom he has 3 children, viz.: Gustavus, Hugo and John.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
John J. Schindler was born in Buffalo, N. Y. Feb. 11, 1851; his parents were Andrew and Rosa Schindler, natives of Germany; he was educated in St. Joseph Academy; came to Mishawaka in 1864, and engaged in the flouring mills of Mishawaka for eight years; then, in 1872, established a hotel and saloon in company with his brother, the real estate being owned by their mother; they also carry a stock of groceries, and do a good business. Mr. S. is, besides, an insurance agent, and agent for ocean steamship lines. He was married, May 4, 1879, to Miss Christina Flerstos, by whom he has one child, Ollie; they are members of the Catholic Church.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
Charles F. Shinn was born in Mahoning county, Ohio, May 23, 1837, and is a son of Abram and Margaret (Wilkins) Shinn, natives of New Jersey; he was reared on a farm until thirteen years old; at this time he began in life for himself, working by the month for different parties; in 1870 he brought a portable saw-mill to this county and located with it upon sec. 31, Penn tp., where he operated it until 1879, and sold it. It is now owned and run by W. Cook. Mr. Shinn was married Feb. 16, 1860, to Miss Mary Boner, daughter of Andrew Boner. He is now engaged in farming on the original place (sec. 31), and owns 60 acres of valuable land.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
John W. Smith was born in France May 1, 1814; his parents were George and Margaret Smith, who came to America with their family in 1828. They remained in Canada three months, when they removed to Stark county, Ohio. In 1835 they removed to this county, where they found plenty of hard work to do in clearing away the logs and brush and preparing the way for the prosperity of future generations. Mr. Smith was married in 1833 to Miss Lucy Ann Weaver, by whom be has had 10 children; 9 are living, viz.: Susannah, Catharine, Mary A., Lucy A. and Eliza, Adam, Geo. W., John M. and Helen. Mr. Smith is engaged in farming and stock.raising on sec. 32, and owns 120 acres of valuable land. Mr. and Mrs. Smith are members of the Lutheran Church.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
William O. Smith was born in Clinton county, Ind., June 27, 1838; is a son of John and Margaret (Logan) Smith, the latter a daughter of John Logan, one of the pioneers of Clinton county. The first ten years of his life was spent on a farm; he went to Champaign county, Ill., in 1857, but soon returned; he peddled cook-stoves throughout Northern Indiana for two years, and in 1863 came to Oceola, where he engaged with the L. S. & M. S. R. R. Co. as watchman; he soon afterward became the agent at this place, and except five years, has held that position; was married in 1861 to Miss Adelia James, by whom he has had 5 children; Chas. A., William J., Marion W., Minnie M. and Cora Bell, who was scalded to death when two years old. In 1863 Mr. Smith lost his right arm when in the act of coupling cars.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
Cornelius Smyser was born in Adams county, Pa., ten miles east of Gettysburg, Dec. 20, 1820; his parents were Michael and Rebecca (Terree) Smyser; he attended school with the Studebaker Bros.; was brought up on a farm until 17 years old, when he learned the carpenter's trade; but this not agreeing with his health and taste, he abandoned it at the age of 20. He went to Wayne county, Ohio, with his parents in 1838, and in 1841 he went to Cincinnati, Ohio, and engaged in gardening. This he afterward abandoned and worked in a lumber yard awhile. He was married in 1845 to Miss Ann Eliza Wilson, by whom he had 8 children; 7 living, viz.: Alonzo W., Melissa J., Eliza, Ida, Josephine, Emma and Albert. He came to this county in 1852, and is engaged in farming and stock-raising. Mr. S. resided 11 months in Pike county, Ill. Mr. and Mrs. Smyser are members of the M. E. Ohurch.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
Jacob C. Snyder, mechanic and farmer, Mishawaka, was born in Marion county, Ohio, Sept. 17, 1825. The first eleven years of Mr. Snyder's life was spent on a farm; at that early age he manifested such a desire to use edge tools that he was apprenticed to a carpenter. At the age of 18 years he had so mastered his trade that he superintended the erection of a large barn for his father, who, in consideration of that work, gave him his time. He followed his profession until 1850, when he married Miss Catharine E. Arthur, and removed to Madison tp., this county. Here he engaged in farming until 1865, when he removed to Mishawaka to educate his children, of whom there were 6; there are 5 now living, viz.: John W., Arthur B., Henry J., Schuyler H. and Sarah M. Mr. Snyder pursued his profession in Mishawaka until 1879. He is this year (1880) attending to his farm adjoining Mishawaka. His sons are all mechanics also. Mr. and Mrs. Snyder and their children, Henry J. and Sarah M., are worthy members of the Baptist Church at Mishawaka.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
John Squires was born in Butler county, Ohio, June 12, 1810, and is a son of Burges and Sophia (Case) Squires, natives of Vermont. He was brought up on a farm and educated in a subscription school, which was taught in a round-log cabin; the seats in this pioneer school-house consisted of split logs, as also did the writing desks and the floor; the fire-place was very large and in one end of the room; the chimney was made of sticks and mortar on the outside of the house; the base of the chimney was in a triangular shape, built up for five or six feet with split logs or puncheons, inside of which were placed dirt and stone. In 1828 Mr. S. removed to Elkhart county, Ind., settling on Pleasant Plain, near where Elkhart now stands. He states that there was then an Indian burying ground on the present site of the town of Elkhart. In 1830 he visited McCoy's mission in Michigan, near where Niles now stands; while there he helped husk corn; he came to this county in 1831. He was married in September, 1837, to Miss Frances Furrow, by whom he has 9 children, yiz.: Mary, Sarah A., A. Helen, Benjamin D., Norman N., Charles E., John S., Frances A. and Ida E. For 20 years Mr. S. engaged in the lumber bnsiness, but is now engaged in farming and stock-raising on sec. 6. Another historical fact in connection with the history of Mr. Squires should have a prominent place in this biography. He was in Fort Stevenson with General Harrison when that place was attacked by the British, and states that Harrison would not attempt to hold the fort, and was on the point of evacuating it, when one Col. Croghan asked for 100 volunteers to help him defend the fort. This number he readily obtained and successfully held fort, while Harrison and the remainder of his army retired into the woods some distance away to await the result. He says that the honor of defeating the British at that, time rightly belongs to Col. Croghan and his 100 brave volunteers, instead of to Gen. Harrison, as history gives it.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
N. L. Strong was born in St. Joseph county, Mich., Aug. 23, 1847, and is a son of Elisha and Maria (Stevens) Strong, the former a native of the State of New York and the latter of Ohio. Elisha Strong emigrated to Michigan in 1834, and now resides in Oregon. N. L., the subject of this sketch, was reared on a farm a part of the time. He received his education in Michigan and in Salem, Oregon. He came to Mishawaka in 1870, where, in July, 1878, he married Miss Mary Chandler, by whom he has one child, George. He engaged in the livery business for some time in Salem, Oregon; he is now in the same business in Mishawaka, and is doing well, with a capital stock of $3,000.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
John C. Strunk was born in Bedford county, Pa., Dec. 16, 1837, and is a son of Joseph and Catharine Strunk, natives also of Pennsylvania. Mr. Strunk was reared and educated in Greensburg, Ohio, receiving a portion of his education in Greensburg Seminary. For 13 years he taught during the winte'r seasons, working at the milling business during the summer seasons. He removed to Elkhart in 1860, where he kept grocery for three years. He was married in 1862 to Miss Mary J. Johnson, daughter of Henry Johnson. He came to Mishawaka in 1864, and is the present City Marshal for this place, serving his second term. In 1878 he made a trip to York county, Nebraska, bought some land and returned. He is a member of the I. O. O. F.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
James L. Tharp was born in Cass county, Mich., May 18, 1836, and is a son of James M. and Prudence Tharp, natives of Delaware, who emigrated to Michigan in 1834, and returned to Delaware in 1837, where James L. was reared on a farm until 12 years old, when his father died. He then lived with his uncle, William Tharp, then Governor of Delaware. He received his education at the Milford (Del.) high school. He came to Cass county, Mich., in 1854, and in 1858 to Milwaukee, Wis. He there was in the employ of the omnibus company until 1865, when he located in Mishawaka. He was married in 1868 to Miss Julia A. Young, and they have 5 children: George, James, Emma, Frank and Ida . He runs a respectable saloon in Mishawaka, and has a large custom.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
R. T. VanPelt, M. D., was born in La Porte, Ind., May 4, 1850; was reared in La Porte and Kankakee county, Ill. , where he received his education; his parents are Ryan and Catharine Van Pelt, of Walkerton, this county. He read medicine under Dr. Smith and Prof. Gunn, of Chicago, and graduated at the Rush Medical College, of Chicago, in 1876; he then practiced one year in the hospital at Chicago, also one year in Kokomo, Ind., and in 1878 located in Mishawaka, where, by close attention to husiness he is building up a good practice.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
Daniel Vrooman, sec. 17, was born in Schoharie county, N. Y., March 11, 1811, and is a son of Bartholomew and Hannah Vrooman, natives also of New York. He was reared on a farm, but early learned the molder's trade in Ohio, where his parents had moved when he was but five years old. He first came to this county in 1832, but returned soon. He was married in 1834 to Miss Huldah Whitney, by whom he had 5 children: James, Martha, Adaline, Fannie and Charles. He removed to this county in 1845, and worked at his trade five years. Mrs. V. died May 29, 1875; and he again married Sept. 9, 1876, this time Mrs. Rhoda Gay, who had 6 children by her first husband; 5 of them are living, viz.: Frank, Anna, Ira, Eddie and Hattie. Mr. Vrooman owns 149 acres of land, besides some town property in Mishawaka, and has made it all by his own exertion .
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
Christian Wambach was born in Germany March 27, 1840, and is a son of Gustus and Anna E. Wambach. He early learned the shoemaker's trade; came to Trumbull county, O., in 1860, and to Mishawaka in 1868. He was married Feb. 23, 1868, to Miss Margaret Dielman, by whom he has had 6 children; of these, 5 are living, viz.: Annie, Johnnie, Louisa, Minnie and Emma. Mr. W. is engaged in the boot and shoe trade in Mishawaka, and does a good busi ness.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
Henry Weis was born in Penn tp. Feb. 26, 1847, and is a son of Christian and Anna Weis; was reared on a farm and educated in the common schools. In 1874 he married Miss Eliza Beyler, daughter of George Beyler, of Marshall county, and they have 3 children, Mary A., George I., and an infant girl. Mr. W. owns 120 acres of valuable land on sec. 28, and is engaged in farming and stock-raising; he and his wife are members of the Evangelical Association. Christian Weis, deceased, father of the above, was born in the town of Berne, Germany, in 1803. In 1831 he emigrated to America and located at Canton, Ohio, where he engaged in farming. In 1833 he married Miss Anna Heim, by whom he had 11 children, 9 of whom are living, viz.: Christina, Elizabeth (now Mrs. Zimmerman of Mishawaka), Ulrich, Peter, John, Henry, Mary (now Mrs. Kuss, of Mishawaka), Joseph and William. He came to Marshall county, Ind. in 1840, and to this county in 1847; he was a successful farmer and stock-raiser, and a very hard-working, industrious man. Prior to his death he owned 385 acres of land. He died Sept. 17, 1876, loved and respected by all. He was a worthy member of the Evangelical Association. Mrs. Weis is a meniber of the same Church.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
J. H. Whitson was born in Lancaster, Pa., Oct. 7, 1830, and is a son of Micah and Mary (Mercer) Whitson . He was reared on a farm, and educated in the common school and at Kennet Square, Chester county, Pa. At the age of 14 years he was apprenticed to a machinist, and he soon learned his art and became very efficient. He afterward engaged in lumbering for a few years. In 1852 he became foreman in the Toledo Iron Works, which position he held until 1856, when he came to Mishawaka. He was married in August, 1854, to Miss Emma Zimmerman, by whom he has one daughter, Jessie. Mr. Whitson was brought up a Friend. Mrs. W. is a member of the Episcopal Church.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
Wm. Whitson, superintendent of the wood works of the St. Joseph Manufacturing Company, was born in Lancaster county. Pa., Jan. 23, 1818, and is a son of Micah and Mary (Mercer) Whitson, deceased. He was reared on a farm and educated in the common schools. He early learned the use of tools, and has always been a mechanic, although he never served an apprenticeship. He was married in 1839 to Miss Elizabeth Fulton, a distant relative of the renowned Robert Fulton. They have 7 children, viz.: Anna, Elva, Loretto, Mary and Adell (twins) Wilzue and Viola. Mr. Whitson came to Mishawaka in 1869, where he has since been foreman, as above stated. He now has his second wife, formerly Mrs. Jane C. Wright, a native of Adams county. Pa. They are both members of the society of Friends.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
John W. Wiggins, farmer, sec. 4; was born in Canada Dec. 3, 1840, and is a son of William and Margaret (Glenney) Wiggins, the former a native of England, and the latter of Ireland; he was raised on a farm, and received a common-school education; went to New York in 1865, and came to this county in 1867. He was married in New York in 1867, to Mrs. Antoinette Gay, by whom he has had 4 children; one living, viz.: Jennie. Mrs. Wiggins died in January, l875, and in September of the same year Mr. W. married Fannie Glover, and they have had 3 children, two of whom are living, viz.: Nora and Edith. Mr. Wiggins is a member of the M. E. Church, while Mrs. Wiggins is connected with the Christian Church. He owns 90 acres of land and is engaged in farming and stock-raising; in politics he is a Republican.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
Simon Yenn was born in France May 11, 1840, and is a son of Theobald and Christina Yenn, who emigrated to Stark county, O., in 1845. Simon was reared on a farm, and educated on a farm. He was married in 1862 to Miss Josephine Roth, by whom he has had 9 children, 8 living: Simon M., Mary J., Harriet E., Clara O., William H. and Franklin J. (twins), George E. and August B. He came to Mishawaka in 1863. He commenced the grocery business in 1868, and now carries a stock of $3,000 to $4,000, consisting of groceries, provisions, crockery, glassware, etc., and is doing a large business.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township
Charles Zimmerman was born in Germany Feb. 3, 1827; was reared on a farm and educated in the public schools of his native country; is a tailor by trade, and came to Mishawaka in 1868, where he carries on merchant tailoring, and is doing a good business. He was married in 1856 to Miss Magdalena Linsenmyer, by whom he had one child, Magdalena. Mrs. Z. died in 1857, and in 1861 he married Elizabeth Weise, by whom he has 5 children: William, Emma, Mary, Edward and Clara.
History of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & Co.
published in 1880
History of Saint Joseph County
Penn Township