His funeral was held on Monday afternoon from the Presbyterian church, Rev. Mr. Covert officiating. A quartet composed of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Johnson, Mrs.. Paul Pomeroy, and I. A. Brown sang. The church was filled with sorrowing friends of the deceased. Services at the church were in charge of the Order of the Eastern Star, while the Masonic Order was in charge of the services at the grave. Mr. Fringer's comrades of the G. A. R. were also present.
Our little city, and Mr. Fringer's many friends throughout this portion of the country, will sadly mourn his departure from among them. The Pilot editor highly esteemed him as a good personal friend, and joins in the heartfelt sympathy of all to his family in this, their great bereavement.
"Panama City Pilot", Panama City, Florida
March 11, 1923
Submitted by: Barbara Walker Winge
Returning South after the end of the war, Mr. Coleman went to Texas, where, at Douglasville, he was united in marriage with Miss Henrietta Louisa Caldwell, on November 7, 1867. To this union were born nine children, eight sons and a daughter. The surviving children are Dr. W. E. Coleman and Mrs. G. C. Miller of Chipley, Fla.; R. P. Coleman, Montgomery, Ala.; A. L. Coleman, Miami, Fla.; Dr. T. T. Coleman, Okeechobee, Fla.; Dr. A. J. Coleman, Tampa, Fla.; and M. A. Coleman, of this city, with whom he made his home. Mrs. Coleman preceded him in death in November, 1922.
Following his marriage, Mr. Coleman and his bride returned to Alabama and made his home at Clayton for several years and later moved to Geneva, where he engaged in the sawmill and mercantile businesses which he conducted successfully for many years. In 1909 he disposed of his interests at Geneva and with his devoted wife came to Panama City.
Mr. Coleman was a member of the Baptist church and a Mason, although in recent years his failing strength had prevented him from being actively identified with the local lodges... (blotted out)
Mr. Coleman was one of those fortunate people who possess the happy faculty of growing old gracefully. After a long and useful life he viewed the world and his fellow man with a kindness and friendly interest that endeared him to all who came to know the admirable old gentleman. He will be greatly missed and genuinely mourned by a large circle of friends and sorrowing kinspeople.
During recent years, when increasing feebleness restricted his comings and going, he became a regular attendant at the Presbyterian church, with his son, M. A. Coleman, and family, and it was at the First Presbyterian church of Panama City that the funeral was conducted on Saturday afternoon by the pastor, Rev. J. C. Leckemby, assisted by Rev. S. D. Monroe, former pastor of the St. Andrews Baptist church, and Rev. W. C. Wallace of the Presbyterian faith and a warm friend of the deceased.
The large attendance at the funeral service and the many beautiful floral tributes bore eloquent testimony to the high esteem in which Mr. Coleman was held by his fellowtownsmen and friends. Following the services at the church interment was made at Chipley, Florida, beside the last resting place
of his beloved wife.
"St. Andrews Bay News", St. Andrews, Florida
April 30, 1929
Submitted by: Barbara Walker Winge
On Friday, March 19th, at 11 o'clock a. m. at his home in Lynn Haven, Dr. William W. Krape laid aside mortality and took on immortality. The ever busy life, which had been his part, ended, and, his dauntless life beyond the grave began, Lynn Haven had lost a citizen who ever had before him the advancement of his home city, as well as his old home in Freeport, Illinois, which he had always in mind. In whatever he became interested he gave his every energy to carrying out his plans. The benefit of the community, rather than personal aggrandizement, was a prominent feature in his life. This was exemplified in his efforts to organize the Lynn Haven Chautauqua, as well as other public features in the upbuilding of this city, and the work that he has also done in completing the soldier's monument both and Lynn Haven and Freeport.
Of the latter work the following resolution published in July, 1924, tells of what Dr. Krape accomplished: "Whereas, Comrade Dr. W. W. Krape has worked hard for the past several years to have the memorial soldier's monument placed in a first class permanent conditions and he has now succeeded so far as to have eight bronze tablets containing the names of all those who enlisted from Stephenson county and served in the Civil War of 1861 and '64 placed on the monument, he paying one half the cost himself. "Therefore, be it resolved that we tender our Comrade, Dr. William W. Krape our sincere thanks for what he has already accomplished and hope his life will be spared and he will continue in good health until he succeeds in... (blotted out) the monument place in first-class condition." He took a most laudable pride in having these Freeport and Lynn Haven soldiers' monuments erected erected and completed, and this work is now a monument to Dr. Krape also. He was an earnest G. A. R. member, always doing his part.
William W. Krape was born near Freeport, Ill., April 11th, 1847. In a historical work named , "Illustrated Freeport," issued in 1896, there are three pages devoted to Dr. Krape and his work, which includes a fine picture of the doctor, as well as a review of himself and staff, he being at that time the Supreme Captain of the Knights of the Globe, an organization that was formulated and projected in to the fraternal world by Dr. Krape in August 28th, 1889. On the seventh anniversary of the organization of this society it had 9,000 members. Its objects were to "preserve and strengthen kind and fraternal feelings which bind together those who are elected as members. To select none for members except those who have an established reputation and...
At an early day in the life of Lynn Haven he removed to that city, the date being thirteen years ago. Since then he has done much in the way of aiding in the city's development, and death alone ended this work. His own home was one of the ornaments of the city, and he was always adding to its natural beauty. In January, 1925, the doctor and his estimable wife celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary. He is survived by his wife, a daughter, Mrs. Bessie Carnahan, of Freeport, Ill., and a son, Wm. Krape, of Ft. Myers, Florida.
Funeral services were held at his home here, and on Sunday his remains were taken to his old home at Freeport, Ill., for interment.
"Lynn Haven Free Press", Lynn Haven, Florida
March 27, 1926
Submitted by: Barbara Walker Winge
West, whose ancestry dates to 1650 New England, was born in 1845. He grew up in New York and Wisconsin where he obtained a rudimentary education. At 15, West began his career with the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway System.
He also tried his hand at the newspaper business, publishing the Brandon (Wisconsin) Times, followed by the Ripon (Wisconsin) Free Press.
While West worked for the railroad and printed his newspapers, he studied the law and in 1871 was admitted to the Wisconsin bar. But when West discovered practicing law was not as he envisioned, he returned to the railroad, this time as a train dispatcher for the Chicago Northwestern in Escanaba, Mich.
West's successful handling of export tonnage that equalled the size of the port of New York earned him a promotion to assistand division superintendent, in which capacity he continued until 1900.
The proposed construction of the Eufaula & St. Andrews Bay Railway to St. Andrews in 1886 brought West on a visit to the Gulf Coast. He was so impressed with the bay and area that he constructed a winter home along what is now West Beach Drive.
Over the next decades, West made semi-annual visits to his Southern home, via rail lines followed by hack service from Marianna or Chipley to the bay.
West's wife, the former Adella M. Showers, and son, Charles E., lived in the St. Andrews home several months of the year. In 1892 Charles died from complications of diabetes. He left a wife, Eleanor, and son and daughter, Philip and Grace. The Wests helped raise the children.
In 1904, a heartbroken West buried his wife. A year or so later, he married Louella V. Simmons of Chicago. She passed away in St. Andrews in 1908 and became one of the first persons to be buried in the Panama City Cemetery (Oakland) at the corner of Balboa Avenue and 11th Street.
During this time, West received a promotion to superintendent of the Chicago Heights Terminal Transfer Railroad. He remained in that position until 1906 when he retired from the railroad. Then West made a permanent move to St. Andrews intent on finally bringing a railroad to the bay and developing property he slowly acquired at Harrison, the town that would be renamed Panama City in 1906 for the Panama Canal under construction at that time.
West and his investors soon organized the Gulf Coast Development Co. With the help of R.L. McKenzie and A.J. Gay in 1906, West succeeded in convincing sawmill owner A.B. Steele of Georgia to bring his logging railroad from Dothan to the bay. The Atlanta & St. Andrews Bay Railway or Bay Line was completed in June 1903.
One of West's top priorities was the establishment of a newspaper, the Panama City Pilot, in May 1907. In order for the town to grow, West knew a school, bank and telephone service were of the utmost importance. Along withr other pioneers, he aided in securing these facilities then worked with J.H. Drummond of St. Andrews to seek harbor and waterway improvements.
During his leisure time, West gardened and studied nature and local history, He began his library collection at an early age. He loved his books and made them his constant companions. His collection grew to become one of the finest in the state and included books of early fiction and many rare periodicals.
In 1909 West married Lillian H. Carlisle of Callaway. She went on to work with him in the newspaper business, the two also publishing the St. Andrews Bay News and the Lynn Haven Free Press.
In 1922 West penned the book, St. Andrews, Florida. The book, about St. Andrews in the 1800s, still serves as a primer for the early history of the area.
West also wrote Old St. Joe and A Night on a Florida Beach, a booklet that told nore about this area's past.
When West died in October 1926, he was placed in a black velvet casket in the library of his home on Beach Drive. The Pilot of Nov. 4, 1926 eulogized West as a man who "may well be called the Father of Panama City, for it was through his vision that the groundwork was laid, the first railroad brought to our shores, with all its attendant developments."
Rev. D.W. Haskew said, "in the coming and going of the years, West would be loved and appreciated more and more."
Reused with permission of the author, MARLENE WOMACK
Submitted by: Barbara Walker Winge
Henry E. Fielder, 86, Civil War veteran, and pioneer of this county, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. A. J. LeMont, in Dane Prairie at 8 a. m. this, Monday, morning. Death was due to anemia and old age. He had been in failing health for the past six months.
He had spent the past six or seven winters at Lynn Haven, Florida, where he owned a home and where his son, Lester Fielder, resides. He made the trip each time by car and in May 1930 he made the trip from Florida alone in his car in four days and arrived on the eve of his 84th birthday. When his health began to fail last fall the LeMonts drove down and he returned with them to this city.
Mr. Fielder was born, Mary 24, 1846, in Germany and came to America in 1854 with his parents, locating at Cleveland, Ohio, where he lived until he enlisted August 25, 1864, with the marines, served on the Gunboat Jacob Bell until the close of the war. He received his discharge July 6, 1865. He was a member of Seward Post, Pelican Rapids.
He later settled at Fairchild, Wis., where his marriage to Miss Emma Hobart took place April, 1869. Her death occurred about 23 years ago. In 1880 Mr. Fielder came to Otter Tail county and settled north of Pelican rapids in the township of Scambler, owning a farm on the north shore of Sand Lake. He took an active part in civic affairs and held various township offices and also served on the school board. He was a highly respected resident and a man of many sterling qualities, whose death will be greatly mourned.
He was the father of nine children, five daughters and four sons. Two daughters and one son preceded him in death. The children shoo survive are: who. Frank Wright, Mrs. Fred King, Marion Fielder and Guy Fielder, all of Saskatchewan, Canada; Lester Fielder of Lynn Haven, Florida; and Mrs. A. J. LeMont of Dane Prairie.
Besides his six children, he is survived by 23 grandchildren, 49 great grandchildren and three great great grandchildren- 91 descendants. Funeral services will be held Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Barnard Mortuary, the Rev. Henry Johnson officiating. Interment will be made in the Bangor cemetery in Scrambler.
Fergus Falls (Minn.) Daily Journal, June 13.
"Lynn Haven Free Press", Lynn Haven, Florida
July 2, 1932
Submitted by: Barbara Walker Winge
Mr. Dunn died at his home in Barker Heights at noon on Thursday. He was in his 87th year.
Mr. Dunn was born in Summerfield, Noble county, Ohio, in 1845. At the age of 19 he entered the Civil War in the Union Army together with five brothers. He served as fife major of the 116th Regiment, O. V. I., during the war, and afterward completed his education for the teaching profession. In 1911, he retired and traveled extensively abroad, visiting Scotland, Ireland, and Wales, and later touring this country. After a period of residence in Ohio and Florida he came here in April, 1924.
He is survived by his widow, two daughters, Mrs. Harry E. Smith and Mrs. Nellie M. Stewart, of Little Rock, Ark.; two sons, Dr. Waldo Dunn, of Claremont, Calif.; and Howard Dunn, of Cincinnati, Ohio, and six grandchildren. The two daughters were present for the funeral services. - Clipping sent from Hendersonville, N. C.
Mr. and Mrs. Dunn were pioneer residents of Lynn Haven, arriving in 1911 and building a comfortable home on Georgia avenue, now the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Hobbs.
"Lynn Haven Free Press", Lynn Haven, Florida
July 23, 1932
Submitted by: Barbara Walker Winge
Funeral services were held at the family home at 10 o'clock on the morning of December 22nd, the Rev. S. D. Monroe officiating, with interment in Greenwood cemetery.
Mr. Wills is survived by his widow and two sons, Guy, who makes his home here with his mother, and Ralph, who is a quartermaster of the U. S. dredge Wm. T. Rossell, now stationed at Philadelphia. The surviving members of the family have the sincere sympathy of the many warm friends of the deceased in their loss.
"St. Andrews Bay News", St. Andrews, Florida
January 1, 1929
Submitted by: Barbara Walker Winge
Edward Jay Perdue was born in Cleveland, Ohio, January 17th, 1869. He was educated in the public schools of that city, and as his uncle, Eugene Perdue, was president of the Cleveland Leader Company, Edward worked for many years in the plant of that paper as pressman. Being fond of the West he afterwards spent some years in Arizona and New Mexico. After his mother came here to reside, he made her several visits, and in 1915, owing to her widowhood, he came and remained with her for some three years, after which he went to Brownsville, Texas, and entered the Civilian Service of the Quartermasters Department, of the U. S. A., at Fort Brown, where he was employed at the time of the brief illness, which resulted in his death on the 8th.
Mr. Perdue was of a very retiring disposition; kindly to all; and passionately attached to his mother, whom, with his sister, Mrs. L. M. Ware, were the sole objects of his deep affection. He was a great reader, and took much pleasure in talking with his sister upon literature. One of his greatest pleasurers at Camp Brown was the camp library, which afforded him the opportunity of living with the wisest and wittiest writers of the world. It has been said that time and space are annihilated by books, and thus it was with Mr. Perdue. Books, and his mother and sister, were all the world to him.
His remains were brought here for interment, which took place on Saturday afternoon in Greenwood cemetery in the family lot. Services were held at the home of Capt. and Mrs. Ware at 3 o'clock that afternoon, Rev. J. P. Word officiating, the singing being by ladies and gentlemen
of St. Andrews. Undertaker Brake had charge of the funeral. The offerings of flowers were numerous and beautiful, covering the casket, and when placed on the new-made grave, changed it to a mound of beauty, the sympathetic gifts of numerous friends of the family. Many friends accompanied the cortege to our quiet Gods Acre, where, in the closing hours of the departing day, beautiful beyond comparison, all that was mortal of him whose life work was finished, was laid away, leaving with his loved ones, but pleasurable memories of love and affection. The family have in their great affliction the heartfelt sympathy of all who know them.
"Panama City Pilot", Panama City, Florida
August 18, 1921
Submitted by: Barbara Walker Winge
[From the News Herald, May 19, 1998, "Out of the Past", by Marlene Womack]
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