Dr. Denton was reared amid rural surroundings, his father being a Huntington county farmer, and from early boyhood showed evidences of his love for and skill in the handling of animals. As a youth he decided upon his career, and after completing the curriculum of the Wayne township public schools became a student in the Indiana Veterinary College, at Indianapolis, from which institution he was graduated after three years, with the degree of Doctor of Veterinary Medicine. Doctor Denton entered upon the practice of his profession at Payne, Ohio, remaining there one year, and then went to Red Key, Indiana, where three years were passed in successful practice. In November, 1911, Doctor Denton came to La Fontaine and opened offices, and here has continued to the present time. Almost immediately after his advent here his abilities were recognized, and his practice has enjoyed a distinctly satisfying and healthy growth, so that today he is in the enjoyment of a large professional business. He uses the latest scientific methods in his treatment, and keeps himself fully abreast of the inventions and discoveries of his calling, subscribing to a number of the leading veterinary journals and maintaining membership in the Indiana Veterinary Medical Association, of Indianapolis. His excellent success in a number of complicated cases has won him the confidence of the people of his community and the esteem of his fellow practitioners in the state.
Dr. Denton was married to Miss Harriet Coon, of Grant county, Indiana. They have no children. In those things which make for good citizenship, Doctor Denton has not been found lacking, and his community may rely upon him to support good movements. In political matters he generally supports the principles and candidates of the republican party, but is inclined to be independent in matters of a local character, preferring to use his own judgment in his selection of men fitted for public service. Since coming to La Fontaine he has formed a wide acquaintance, and in it numbers many warm friends.
"History of Wabash County, Indiana"
Clarkson W. Weesner
Lewis Publishing Co.
Chicago and New York
published in 1914
Mr. Stoner was born at Warsaw, the metropolis and judicial center of Kosciusko county, Indiana, on the 10th of September, 1861, and is a son of Christopher C. and Barbara A. (Pfeiffer) Stoner, the former of whom was born in the State of Pennsylvania, and the latter in Germany, their marriage having been solemnized in the old Keystone State, from whence they came to Indiana in 1857. They established their home at Warsaw, Kosciusko county, where they have continued to reside during the long intervening period of nearly sixty years and where they have ever commanded the high regard of the community. The father, who is now living retired, being venerable in years, was for many years successfully engaged in contracting and building, having learned the carpenter's trade when a young man, and he had much to do with the physical development and upbuilding of Warsaw, where he has also wielded benignant influence as a loyal and public spirited citizen. His intrinsic patriotism led him to tender his services in defense of the Union when the Civil war was precipitated on a divided nation, and enduring honor is his for the faithful and gallant service which he rendered in support of a righteous cause and in perpetuating the national integrity. He first enlisted in the Twelfth Indiana Cavalry and later was transferred to a regiment of infantry, with which he took part in numerous engagements and continued in the ranks until virtually the close of the war. He perpetuates the more gracious memories of his military career through his active affiliation with the Grand Army of the Republic, and his political proclivities are indicated by the stalwart support which he has given to the Democratic party. Christopher C. and Barbara A. Stoner became the parents of eight children, all of whom are living and concerning whom the following brief data is given: Mary, who was born in 1856, is the wife of John Goldsmith and they reside at Warsaw, Indiana; Agnes B., who was born in 1858, is the wife of A. D. M. Hare, of South Bend, Pacific county, Washington; Charles W., of this review, was the next in. order of birth; Kate L., who was born in 1864, is the wife of Richard Lendrum, of La Fontaine; Alice M., who was born in 1868, is the wife of Herbert Brant, of Warsaw, this State; Horace O., who was born in 1872, maintains his residence in the city of Battle Creek, Michigan; Rose, who was born in 1874, is the wife of William B. Morrison, of La Fontaine; and Miss Martha remains at the parental home.
Charles W. Stoner was reared to maturity in the city of Warsaw and there he attended the public schools until he was fourteen years of age, when he became dependent upon his own resources in making provision for a part of his maintenance. He entered the employ of a lumber firm in his native place and at the beginning he received the princely stipend of fifty cents a day in recompense for his services. Through faithful and efficient service he won rapid advancement and eventually commanded a liberal salary. He remained in the employ of the one firm for the long period of fifteen years, and for the ensuing ten years he was in the service of another representative lumber corporation in Warsaw. As may well be understood, he had through this protracted and practical experience gained a thorough knowledge of an details of the lumber business, in connection with which he matured an authoritative judgment as to values of all lines of building material.
In March, 1901, Mr. Stoner organized the La Fontaine Lumber Company, of which he has since been the executive head, and through his progressive policies and fair and honorable methods he has built up a large and prosperous business, the major part of his time and attention being given to the management of this important and representative enterprise.
With no predilection for prestige in the domain of political activity, Mr. Stoner accords a stanch allegiance to the democratic party, and his civic loyalty has caused him to not deny service in official position of local order, as he served four years, 1908-1912, in the village council at La Fontaine. He is affiliated with Lake City Lodge, No. 430, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, of which he is past grand and which he has represented in the grand lodge of Indiana. In the Improved Order of Red Men he is past sachem of Peashwa Tribe, No. 83, at Warsaw, and he has represented this local organization in the Indiana great council of the order. Mr. Stoner has further extended his fraternal associations, as is evident when it is stated that he is past chancellor of La Fontaine Lodge, No. 211, Knights of Pythias, and is a member of the local tent of the Knights of the Maccabees.
On Christmas eve of the year 1885 was solemnized the marriage of Mr. Stoner to Miss Alice Spencer, who was born in Whitley county, this State. They have one daughter, Ruth, who was born August 1, 1891, and who, after completing the curriculum of the La Fontaine high school was graduated also in the Marion Business College, at Marion, Grant county. She is now the wife of Frank Roberts, of Marion, and they became the parents of one son, Morris S., who was born May 2, 1913.
"History of Wabash County, Indiana"
Clarkson W. Weesner
Lewis Publishing Co.
Chicago and New York
published in 1914
John L. Johnson attended the common schools of La Fontaine, and after his graduation from the eighth grade began his business career as a clerk in a drug store conducted by J. W. Hackney. Three years later he removed to Wabash, Indiana, and for ten years continued his activities as a drug clerk, then attaching himself to a civil engineering corps, with which he worked for eight years in different states, principally in surveying electric lines. Returning to La Fontaine in the winter of 1907-8, Mr. Johnson has continued to be engaged in the drug business to the present time, and is now in the enjoyment of an excellent trade, built up by his good judgment, courtesy and general ability. He has a modern, up-to-date establishment, with a full line of drugs and such other articles as are usual to the stock of a first-class pharmacy, and his careful preparation of prescriptions has gained him a substantial trade in this line. His associates have every reason to trust him implicitly, for he has never betrayed a confidence nor failed to be true to an engagement.
"History of Wabash County, Indiana"
Clarkson W. Weesner
Lewis Publishing Co.
Chicago and New York
published in 1914
Mr. Roby was born November 26, 1860, in Waltz township, Wabash county, Indiana, and is a son of Elias H. and Mary B. (Grover) Roby, the former born in Ohio, of German descent, and the latter a native of the East. The parents of Mr. Roby were early settlers of Waltz township, where for many years they were engaged in agricultural pursuits and were known as people of sterling worth. They had a family of five children, namely: Alice, who is the wife of Jesse Oldham; John, who is engaged in farming operations in Waltz township; Bert, who is a resident of Wabash; Asa; and Ira, operating a farm in Noble township, this county.
Asa Roby was reared on his father's farm in Waltz township, his education being secured in the district schools of that vicinity, and when nineteen years of age began operations on his own account on the homestead, which he rented from his father. He continued to reside under the parental roof until his twenty-seventh year, and at that time, January 3, 1887, was married to Miss Ursula Lines, the daughter of Pleasant A. Lines, one of the old and honored residents of Liberty township, a review of whose career will be found on another page of this work. Mrs. Roby was born in Liberty township and after completing her studies in the common schools attended the high school at La Fontaine, from which she was graduated. One daughter has been born to Mr. and Mrs. Roby, Ethel, who was given good educational advantages, attending the graded schools of Liberty township, the high school at Wabash and De Pauw University at Greencastle. She married Robert Langston, who is a graduate of Purdue University, through which he worked his own way and is now an architect and draughtsman in the shops of the Pennsylvania Railroad, at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
Following his marriage, Mr. Roby settled on the farm on which he now resides. His early ventures were of a modest character, but each succeeding year found him adding to his acreage, his improvements and his stock, and at this time his farm, located one and one half miles south of Treaty, is one of the attractive and valuable properties of this part of Wabash county. An excellent judge of stock, Mr. Roby has concentrated his energies upon the breeding of Double Standard Polled Durham cattle and Oxford Down sheep for the market, where his excellent stock has attracted to him a prosperous business. His dealings have always been of such a nature as to inspire confluence in those who have had transactions with him and his knowledge of stock affairs and conditions has caused him to be frequently consulted by his fellow cattle raisers of this locality who rely absolutely upon his judgment. The greater part of his product is used for breeding purposes.
Mr. Roby is a republican, but has never taken an active part in politics. He is a man of solid and reliable traits of character, generous and consistent in his contributions to worthy causes, and a vigorous promoter of good citizenship, morality and education.
"History of Wabash County, Indiana"
Clarkson W. Weesner
Lewis Publishing Co.
Chicago and New York
published in 1914
James S. Crow was born in Putnam county, Ohio, the son of poor but honorable people of the Buckeye state. As a youth he was called upon to work hard in order to contribute to the family support, and as a result his education was of a limited character, although he made the most of every opportunity that presented itself for study. He was a youth of enterprise and progressive ideas, and when a young man joined his brother in dealing in potatoes, from the proceeds of the sale of which he really received his start, coming with this money to Wabash county in 1888 and investing it in land in Liberty township. He had come to Indiana in 1884, but had lived in Grant county four years. His first venture was of a modest nature, but as time went on and his resources permitted he added from time to time to his holdings, his equipment and his stock, until today he has one of the really valuable properties of the county, with good buildings and the latest improvements of all kinds.
Mr. Crow is known as a man of charitable impulses, and not only gives freely to benevolent institutions, churches and educational institutions, but also to worthy persons who are in straightened circumstances, although he is a modest man, not given to display, and the amount of his benefactions in this line is known only to himself. He has long been a lover of live stock and is, perhaps, one of the best judges of animals in this part of the county. He has a herd of fine Hereford cattle and some of the finest horses in Wabash county, as well as a good grade of sheep and swine, it being Mr. Crow's boast that he has never kept a poor animal. His buildings are of modern, handsome architecture and well and substantially built. Mr. Crow is shrewd in his dealings and never misses an opportunity, but has always been honest and upright and has not taken advantage of those who have been unfortunate to further his own interests. With those in his employ he has been liberal and generous, and as a result he is widely popular in his community. While farming and stock raising have been given the greater part of his attention, he has also engaged in other ventures, and has for some years been interested in the La Fontaine Bank, in which he was one of the original stockholders, for some years vice president and now a member of the board of directors. In political matters Mr. Crow is a republican, but public life has held out no attractions for him. Mr. Crow is unmarried.
"History of Wabash County, Indiana"
Clarkson W. Weesner
Lewis Publishing Co.
Chicago and New York
published in 1914
Jacob Sailors, the grandfather of Jacob of this review, was born in North Carolina and in young manhood emigrated to Rush county, Indiana, and in 1845 came to Wabash county, locating on a farm in section 20, Liberty township. The remainder of his life was passed in the pursuits of agriculture, and through a life of energy and industry he gained a handsome competence, so that at the time of his death, in July, 1876, he was the owner of a valuable and highly improved property and was known as one of the substantial men of his locality. He married Anna M. Milner, of Rush county, who died in February, 1876. Both were consistent members of the Baptist church and were honest, God-fearing people, who held the respect and esteem of their neighbors and acquaintances. William M. Sailors, father of Jacob Sailors, was born in Rush county, Indiana, September 28, 1838, and was a lad of seven years when brought to Wabash county, his education being secured in the primitive district schools of that day and his boyhood and youth being passed amidst pioneer rural surroundings. Early adopting farming as his life work, he continued to be engaged therein during a long and active career and when he died had accumulated a good farm. He was the father of five children, of whom two are living at this time: Jacob of this review, and Luella, who is the wife of Emerson Jackson, of Frederick, Oklahoma. Martha A., who was the wife of C. E. Morrow of Wabash county, died in September, 1909, and Mary and Charlotte both died in infancy.
Jacob Sailors resided on the farm which he now owns until reaching the age of four years and was then taken away to a farm one-half mile south, there continuing his residence until he was twenty-seven years of age. His education was secured in the public schools of Liberty township and the high school at La Fontaine, which he attended for one year, thus qualifying for the teacher's vocation in which he was engaged during eight winter terms, in the meanwhile farming during the summer months in Liberty township. Mr. Sailors was married to Arminda J. Tyner, who was born at North Manchester, June 4, 1896, and there reared. After his marriage he secured his present farm from his father's estate, although at that time it consisted of but fifty-seven acres, and to this he has continued to add from time to time until he now has 220 acres of as fine land as is to be found in the township. He has made numerous improvements of a substantial and attractive character, and has devoted his attention to general farming and the raising of stock, along both of which lines he has been successful because of his intelligent methods and constant industry.
Mr. and Mrs. Sailors have been the parents of three children, of whom two survive. Marie, the oldest, died aged four years, and Ruth and Russell, twins, born August 12, 1903, are attending school. Mr. and Mrs. Sailors are also raising a niece, Mazie J. Morrow, who is a daughter of Mrs. Martha A. (Sailors) Morrow. Mrs. Morrow left two daughters. Lora E. Morrow, who is now Mrs. Ray Shideler, of Liberty township, and Mazie J. Morrow. Mr. and Mrs. Sailors are members of the Baptist church at La Fontaine, in which he is clerk and a deacon. Politically a republican, in 1908 he was elected trustee of Liberty township, and since that time has served continuously in this office, in discharging the duties of which he has met with the highest commendation by his fellow townsmen. Few men have rendered more faithful or conscientious public service and none has won the respect and esteem of his associates in greater degree.
"History of Wabash County, Indiana"
Clarkson W. Weesner
Lewis Publishing Co.
Chicago and New York
published in 1914
Pleasant A. Lines was born in Rush county, Indiana, January 16, 1840, a son of Thomas H. and Nancy (Sailors) Lines, natives of that county, where they were reared, educated and married. In 1842 the ¬grandparents of Alvah Lines came to Wabash county, locating in Liberty township, where the grandfather entered 119 1/2 acres of wild land, which he subsequently developed into a good and valuable property. The remaining years of his life were passed here and his activities resulted in his becoming one of the substantial men of the township. Ten children were born to the grandparents, of whom four are still living: Pleasant A.; Marshall, who resides at La Fontaine; Martha A., his twin also living at this place, who is the wife of Tobe Miller; and Monroe, who is engaged in farming in Liberty township.
Pleasant A. Lines was a child of two years of age when brought by his parents to Wabash county, and here his education was secured in the early district schools of Liberty township, which he attended during the winter months while spending the rest of the year in work on the home farm. When twenty years old he embarked upon a career of his, own, first engaging in clearing land, later running a threshing machine with his father and brother, then splitting rails for several years, and finally engaging in agricultural pursuits, in which he has continued to be engaged to the present time. He is now one of the most substantial men of Liberty township and with his wife is the owner of 650 acres of fine land. In political matters he is a republican, and with his wife and children attends the Antioch Baptist church. He is a man of high integrity and has the esteem and respect of all with whom he has come into contact. Mr. and Mrs. Lines were the parents of three children, of whom two are living: Ursla, who is the wife of Asa Roby of Liberty township; and Alvah.
The youngest of his parents' children, Alvah Lines was educated in the district schools of Liberty township and the high school at Treaty, Indiana, thus receiving a thorough training and being well fitted for any position in life which he might be called upon to fill. He remained under the parental roof and assisted his father until reaching the age of twenty-one years, at which time he embarked upon a career of his own, and since that time has continued to be successfully engaged in general farming and stock raising, in both of which ventures he has met with prosperity. At this time Mr. Lines is the owner of a well-cultivated tract of eighty acres, upon which numerous modern improvements have been made, including a good set of substantial farm buildings. For a number of years Mr. Lines was affiliated with the republican party, but in 1912 transferred his allegiance to the progressive party. He has not cared for office, but has never failed to do his share in promoting his community's interests and in contributing to its welfare.
Mr. Lines was married to Miss Grace Dawes, a sister of L. A. Dawes, who was born on a farm which is now a part of White's Institute, September 6, 1874, and was educated in the schools of Wabash. One child has been born to this union: Pauline, educated at La Fontaine and Wabash, and now the wife of Rufus Clark, of Somerset, Indiana, and the mother of one son, Garnet.
"History of Wabash County, Indiana"
Clarkson W. Weesner
Lewis Publishing Co.
Chicago and New York
published in 1914
Dr. James L. Dicken was born in Fayette county, Indiana, April 15, 1821, and died at his home in La Fontaine, March 24, 1900, aged seventy-eight years, eleven months, nine days. His parents, Henry and Bettie Dicken, were born in Virginia, and moved from there to Kentucky, and afterwards to Fayette county, Indiana, in the year 1821, where their son James spent his boyhood days and a part of his manhood days. Early in life he showed a partiality for books and after attending the schools of those pioneer days, taught a few terms of school near the place of his birth. He was the youngest of a family of ten children, all of whom are deceased. On November 29, 1842, Doctor Dicken married Mary Thompson, at her home in Rush county, Indiana. In August, 1841, he became a member of the Church of Christ, at Little Flat Rock, in Rush county, and in that same year came to Wabash county on a visit and while here taught a term of school near the present site of the Boundary Line Christian church, one and one-half miles north of La Fontaine. At the close of his term of school, Doctor Dicken returned to Fayette county, and in the year 1846 moved with his family to Huntington county, where he resided a short time on a farm five miles south-east of La Fontaine, but soon afterwards moved to Marion Indiana where he studied medicine under the preceptorship of Dr. William Lomax. In the winter of 1848-9, he attended a course of lectures at Laporte, Indiana, resided for a short time at Marion, and removed to Somerset, Indiana, in 1849. He attended a second course in the Ohio Medical College in the year 1850-1, at which time he graduated, and after practicing medicine a few years attended a post-graduate course in the Ohio Medical College in the winter of 1859-60. In the latter year Doctor Dicken moved to Wabash, and was, October 21st, appointed and commissioned by Governor O. P. Morton to the office of surgeon in and for the Forty-seventh Regiment, Indiana Volunteer Militia, and served his country faithfully until receiving his honorable discharge from the service, October 23, 1865, at Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Being blessed with good health, he was never off duty a day during the whole time of his army service. He ranked as a major and was the ranking surgeon from Cairo to Key West, in the Department of the Gulf, and was chief surgeon of the Second, or Hovey's, division of the Thirteenth Army Corps. He accompanied General Canby from the Red River expedition to New Orleans at the time the general was severely wounded. He served longer in the Civil war than any other surgeon in Indiana.
Doctor Dicken became a member of the Grant County Medical Society in 1852, and of the Wabash County Medical Society in 1854. After the close of the war he returned to his home in Wabash and resumed the practice of medicine. He was the father of eleven children, of whom four are living: Nancy J., who married James Stitt and lives at Wabash; Mrs. Mary F. Kidd, of Roann, Indiana; Dr. C. L., of this review; and Clara B. Dicken, of La Fontaine. On February 17, 1881, Doctor Dicken removed to La Fontaine and continued the practice of medicine with his son, C. L. Dicken. He had been in continuous practice until the last eighteen months previous to his death, covering a period of fifty years of faithful service in the medical profession. Medical books and journals were his loved companions. Doctor Dicken was a member of the board of examiners of pensioners at Marion, Indiana, during President Harrison's term of office, and was the secretary of the same board of examiners at the time of his death. He lived to see his wife, two sons and three daughters around his bedside in his last illness. He loved his calling, enjoyed the meeting of a brother in the profession, was liberal in his views and was always ready to impart what he had learned from careful study and experience to others that he might benefit mankind. He wanted to live as long as his Master was willing, and was ready to resign to the will of God. As a father he was considerate, loving and true, and devoted a life in planning for the education, comfort and happiness of his children. He was generous to a fault and devoted to his friends, was an able man in his profession and a skilled surgeon. He had no sympathy for those who practiced hypocrisy in the medical or social fraternity. In time of distress he always was ready to give words of comfort and cheer. He lived to be useful to his God, loyal to his country and kind and thoughtful to his family. He was a model of morality and temperance.
Dr. C. L. Dicken was fourth in order of birth of the eleven children of his parents and his early education was secured in the public schools of Wabash. He early displayed a predilection for the medical profession, and after some preparation under his father's preceptorship entered Rush Medical College, from which noted institution he was graduated in 1879 with the degree of Doctor of Medicine. At that time he began practice in Wabash county, and in 1881 came to La Fontaine, which has continued to be his field of practice to the present time. He is a close and careful student and a steady-handed surgeon, and keeps himself thoroughly abreast of the constant advances being made in his calling through subscribing to various medical journals and maintaining membership in the Wabash County Medical Society, the Indiana State Medical Society and the American Medical Association. He is a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and the Knights of Pythias, and in the latter fraternity is past chancellor and has been a delegate to the Grand Lodge.
Politically he is a republican and has taken an active part in the movements of his party, serving as township chairman and a member of the Republican County Central Committee. During the past ten years he has served as a member of the board of pension examiners of Wabash county. He is one of La Fontaine's most public-spirited citizens, and can always be found in the front rank of any movement which will prove of benefit to his profession, to the cause of education or to his duty.
On May 27, 1885, Doctor Dicken was married to Miss Effie L. Rowan, daughter of William and Rachel Rowan, both of whom are deceased. She was given good educational advantages in the public schools, and for several years prior to her marriage was engaged in teaching school. Two children have been born to Doctor and Mrs. Dicken: Warren E., a graduate of the high school, who took a business course at Fort Wayne, and is now connected with the International Harvester Company, at Columbus, Ohio; and Bertha, who is the wife of C. L. Martin, of La Fontaine. The members of the Dicken family are all affiliated with the Christian church.
"History of Wabash County, Indiana"
Clarkson W. Weesner
Lewis Publishing Co.
Chicago and New York
published in 1914
Mr. Poston was born November 26,1865, in Liberty township, Wabash county, Indiana, and is a son of Amos F. and Maria (Hays) Poston, natives of Kentucky, who came to Rush county, Indiana, as young people and were there married. They came as early settlers to Liberty township, and here passed the balance of their lives in the development of a home, becoming known as good and reliable people of true and sterling worth. They were faithful members of the Baptist church. Mr. and Mrs. Poston were the parents of eleven children, of whom six are living at this time: Angeline, commonly known as Annie, who is the wife of John Banister, of La Fontaine; Eva, who is the wife of M. E. Hunt, of La Fontaine, Indiana; Dora, who married W. S. Howard, of Swayzee, this state; Myrtle, who married Bert Cline, a resident of Huntington; O. W., whose home is in Chicago, Illinois; and Charles W.
Charles W. Poston grew up on the farm on which he was born and attended the district schools of his home locality. On reaching manhood he embarked upon a career of his own, and throughout his life has continued to reside on the home place, now owning 170 acres, located one and one-half miles northwest of La Fontaine, on the Wabash and La Fontaine gravel road. In addition to general farming and stock raising, Mr. Poston has met with a satisfactory measure of success in breeding fast horses, for which he has always found a ready market.
Mr. Poston was married January 22, 1896, to Miss Nancy M. Emery, who was born and reared in La Fontaine and educated in the public schools, daughter of John R. Emery. The one child born to this union died in infancy. Mr. Poston is a member of La Fontaine Lodge No. 295, F. & A. M., and a charter member, past chancellor and master-at-arms of La Fontaine Lodge No. 211, Knights of Pythias. In political matters he is a democrat, but has never found the opportunity to take much active part in public affairs. As a business man he bears a high reputation for integrity and honorable dealing, and his skill as an agriculturist is evidenced by the handsome appearance and great productiveness of his farm. In all things that make for good citizenship he is entitled to a place among the representative men of Wabash county.
"History of Wabash County, Indiana"
Clarkson W. Weesner
Lewis Publishing Co.
Chicago and New York
published in 1914
Born in Bavaria, Germany, March 19,1859, Adam R. Sundheimer is the son of Andrew and Elizabeth (Hickman) Sundheimer, both of whom lived and died in Germany, the father a farmer. Their six children were as follows: Adam R., Andrew, John, Elizabeth, Karl, and Catherine. The sons Adam, Andrew and John came to the United States.
Adam R. Sundheimer grew up on a farm, had the training which is characteristic of German boys, attending the common schools, and at the age of eighteen entering upon an apprenticeship at the cabinet maker's trade. Between the ages of twenty-one and twenty-four he served his three years in the regular army of the Empire, and when his term of enlistment expired, he had not a single dollar. Ambitious to make better use of his abilities than was possible in the old country, he borrowed forty-one dollars and came across the ocean as a steerage passenger. After three months of work he was able to return the money which he had borrowed to get him to America. He left Germany on April 1, 1883, and arrived at Wabash on April 17, of the same year. When he arrived in the city the city hall was in course of construction and he saw the removal of the jail. On April 21, four days after his arrival, he began working at his trade in the shops conducted by old Mr. Curtis, in the manufacture of school furniture and church furnishings. That was his regular line of employment for the following seventeen years, and in that way he laid the basis for his present substantial prosperity. Eventually he became foreman for the firm of Hildebrand & Latchem, in their stone and lime plant. At the end of five years when the firm sold out, Mr. Sundheimer engaged in the butcher business in the old Karnes Building at Wabash. After six years he left the city and moved to his present farm, where he was engaged in general agriculture, and has a finely improved property.
On December 7, 1884, Mr. Sundheimer married Barbara Hildebrand, a daughter of Jacob and Elizabeth Hildebrand. Of the eight children born into their household, two died while children, and the others are as follows: Lucy, who married Harry Palmer, living in Wabash; Reuben, who married Hazel Areer, and has two children, Miriam and Thomas; Ella, wife of Luke Miller of Wabash; Walter; Ruth; and Paul. Mr. Sundheimer affiliates with the local lodge of the Maccabees, is a member of the Evangelical church, and in politics votes independently. Besides his country home, Mr. Sundheimer is owner of one of the finest residences in the city of Wabash, where his daughter, Mrs. Lucy Palmer, resides. This home is filled with substantial furniture, all of which was made by hand by Mr. Sundheimer himself. In these days it is a rare thing to find so complete a collection of handmade furniture, except in the homes of the very wealthy, and this furniture has been exhibited at local fairs, and is of a character that will make it a permanent possession for Mr. Sundheimer's descendants for many years.
"History of Wabash County, Indiana"
Clarkson W. Weesner
Lewis Publishing Co.
Chicago and New York
published in 1914
For eighteen months during his first residence in this country he was employed in a bakery, and then came to Wabash, Indiana, and took any honorable employment which was offered during the following five years. By that time he had a small amount of capital, was familiar with American conditions and business affairs, had the confidence of those who had employed him and was ready to start upon his independent business enterprise. In 1868 Jacob Hildebrand formed a partnership with John B. Latchem, whose name figures large in the early commercial activities of Wabash, and with other associates they engaged in the stone and lime trade, under the name the Treaty Creek Stone & Lime Company. Hildebrand & Latchem finally acquired all the stock in the extensive enterprise, and it proved a very profitable business for many years and gave the foundation to Mr. Hildebrand's prosperity.
In 1851 Jacob Hildebrand married Miss Elizabeth Geible. They were married in Germany, and shortly afterward the husband came to America. He worked in New York until he obtained sufficient money to send for his wife, about a year later. Of their union were born seven children, four of whom married into the Sundheimer family. Jacob Hildebrand had worked his own way up from poverty to plenty. He was known for his honest and upright dealing, and was one of Wabash's most prominent German citizens. He died November 5, 1897; but is still remembered by many of the older people in this community.
"History of Wabash County, Indiana"
Clarkson W. Weesner
Lewis Publishing Co.
Chicago and New York
published in 1914
John Philip Pence, best known throughout his section of Wabash county as Philip Pence, comes from the Old Dominion state, having been born in Rockingham county, Virginia, May 3,1878, a son of John P. and Mary E. (Shutters) Pence. His parents belonged to old and honorable Virginia families and spent their lives within the confines of their native state.
Philip Pence received a public school education and was reared on a farm, dividing his time between attendance at the public schools and assisting his father in the numerous duties pertaining to a Virginia homestead. At the age of nineteen years, desiring to see the country lying farther toward the west, he came to Indiana and soon became so satisfied that he decided to remain here. Enterprising and industrious, he had no difficulty in finding employment among the farmers of Waltz township, in which community he has spent his entire time. In 1901 he came to the farm of his father-in-law, David C. Ridenour, and his energetic methods soon brought about such a desirable condition of affairs that Mr. Ridenour placed him in full charge of what is generally regarded as one of the finest farms in the township. Since then there has been a record of constant improvement, including the erection of a modern residence, the enlargement of the barn, and the institution of various changes which have added to the value of the estate. Mr. Pence classifies himself as a general farmer, but the profits come chiefly from cattle raising, and the stock which is found on the farm and goes every year to market is practical evidence of his skill and judgment as a breeder of cattle. Progressive in all things, Mr. Pence favors the use of modern machinery and appliances, and his reputation as a businesslike farmer is well established in the community.
On February 28, 1901, Mr. Pence married Miss Anna Ridenour, daughter of David C. and Catharine Ridenour of Noble township. To their union have been born three children namely: David C., named for his grandfather, born August 21, 1903, and now attending the public schools; Mary Catherine, born May 26, 1905, and also in school; and Harold Emerson, born June 26, 1911. All were born on the Ridenour homestead. Mr. and Mrs. Pence are faithful members of the Lutheran church, and he is serving on the board of deacons. In political views he is a democrat, but his only interest in public matters is that taken by every good citizen in those things that affect the community.
"History of Wabash County, Indiana"
Clarkson W. Weesner
Lewis Publishing Co.
Chicago and New York
published in 1914
The above named Philip H. Goodlander is the oldest native son of the family in Wabash county . He was born on the farm he now occupies, February 24, 1843, a son of Philip and Clarissa (Webb) Goodlander. His paternal grandfather was Jacob Goodlander and his maternal grandfather Forrest Webb. Philip Goodlander first came to Wabash county in the year 1834. At that time the smoke rolled up from only a few scattered log cabin homes; and the work of the early settlers had only fairly begun. Philip Goodlander entered one hundred and sixty acres of Government land, wild and uncultivated, and presenting a discouraging task to any but men of the hardy old stock of which the Goodlanders were sterling representatives. Having secured his land, Philip returned to his former home in Fayette county and lived there until 1839. In that year he came as a permanent settler, making the trip from Fayette county with a cart and a yoke of oxen. He also brought with him one horse. It required ten days to make the journey. After leaving Wabash he had to blaze a trail through the woods and across the swamp, and was two days before he reached his prospective farm in Noble township. Judge Jackson went with him and helped to clear the road, which required three days. On a clearing in the woods he erected a log cabin, and that was for some time the shelter of himself and family. His household provided for, Philip Goodlander and sons set to work to hew a farm from the forest, and during the following years endured all the hardships incident to pioneer life, and also found a reasonable degree of prosperity before his death. That old homestead is one of the oldest in Wabash county in the continuous possession of one family. The son of the pioneer, Philip H., finally came into possession of this farm. Philip Goodlander, the father, was likewise a prosperous farmer citizen and became one of the foremost men of his township. The old log cabin which had first stood on the farm was replaced with a brick house, which was destroyed by fire about seventeen years ago. Philip Goodlander and wife were active members of the Methodist Episcopal church, and it is a pioneer fact that should be mentioned that their first home was in later years occupied and used as a church for the newly organized society of Methodists, and it also did service as a schoolhouse. Philip and Clarissa Goodlander became the parents of nine children, of whom brief mention is made as follows: Susan married Captain Levi Ross, who served in the Mexican and Civil wars with honor and distinction. Mary A. is the wife of L. W. Murden. Nancy D. married Green Story. Forrest M. was a Civil war veteran, a member of Company A, Eighty-ninth Indiana, and he married Lyda Nance. John W. married Mary E. Kimbell, and was also a soldier in the Civil war in Company F of the Eighth Indiana Infantry. Philip H. was the sixth among the children. Jacob S. married Emma Lynn. George W. married Anna Maxwell. Oliver P. married Mary Myers. All the children were born in Fayette county except Philip H., Jacob S., George W. and Oliver P., who were born in Wabash county.
Philip H. Goodlander, like some of his brothers, saw active service in the Union army during the Civil war. He was a member of Company A in the Eighty-ninth Indiana Volunteer Infantry, enlisting in 1862 and remaining with his regiment until discharged at Mobile, Alabama, in the latter part of 1865. He was a corporal in this com¬pany, and the only injury he sustained was the breaking of an arm as the result of a fall. It is the proud record of his regiment that it never retreated and was never defeated, and that record is a source of satisfaction to every soldier who composed that gallant organization. Since his service as a soldier Mr. Goodlander has applied his time and energies to the cultivation of the old homestead, and he has long been one of the most substantial agriculturists in Noble township. The old Goodlander place, where all his children were born, and endeared to the family by associations of several generations, comprises about one hundred and sixty acres of land, is well improved and highly cultivated, and has a group of excellent farm buildings, all of which have been erected under the direction of its present owner.
Mr. Philip H. Goodlander married Emma J. Stone, a daughter of Silas H. and Emmeline (Carothers) Stone. Her death occurred on January 10, 1896. Their five children are: Homer R., the oldest, married Pearl Needham, and has one child, Emma. Elbert also married. Anna L. became the wife of Arthur Palmer, and they live in California. Guy H. married Estelle Morrison, and they have two children, Enid and Philip. Lola, the youngest, is the wife of Homer H. Hoover, and is the mother of two children, Lois and Harold G.
Mr. Goodlander has long been a member of the Methodist Episcopal church, and that society in Noble township has for many years been largely supported by the Goodlander family. His chief service in a civic capacity has been as supervisor of roads, and much credit is due him for the excellent condition of the public highways in this section of Wabash county. All his life, since casting his first vote when a soldier of the Union, he has been devoted to the principles and policies of the republican party.
"History of Wabash County, Indiana"
Clarkson W. Weesner
Lewis Publishing Co.
Chicago and New York
published in 1914