Any piece of biographical writing should have an autobiographic quality; should be an impression and interpretation, quite as much as a summary of facts. Facts, to be sure, are of use as wholesome correction of prejudice or whimsy, but in the condensed narrative of a life there is danger that they may tyrannize. In studying a clean-cut, sane, distinct character like that of the subject, interpretation follows fact in a straight line of derivation. There is a small use for indirection or puzzling. his character is the
positive expression of a strong nature. A partial revelation of his prolific application, sturdy patriotism, worthy ancestry and eminently successful life will be secured through a perusal of this brief tribute. Wells county may well be proud of such citizens as this popular and honored citizen of Bluffton.
Hugh Dougherty is a native of that state concerning which Senator Depew spoke in the following amusing paraphrase: "Some men are born great, some achieve greatness and some are born in Ohio." Mr. Dougherty was born on the parental homestead, in Darke County, Ohio, on the 28th of July, 1844, his lineage showing the sturdy dual strains of the Irish and German extraction. He bears the full patronymic of his paternal grandfather, Hugh Dougherty, who emigrated from the Emerald Isle and took up his abode in Pennsylvania in 1818, and there, in 1820, was born William Dougherty, the father of the subject. About a decade later, in 1831, the family emigrated to Ohio and
settled on a tract of unreclaimed land in Darke county, where the grandfather died in 1833. There William grew to years of maturity and there on the 7th of June, 1841 was solemnized his marriage to Miss Margaret Studabaker, who was born in that county in August 1821, on the farm which her father had taken up when that section of the Buckeye state was a veritable wilderness, and where there was the menace of Indians and wild beasts to fear, besides the endurance of the privations and vicissitudes incidental to the pioneer days. Grandfather Studabaker was compelled to keep his wife near him in the clearing while he was engaged in his arduous toil, in order to protect her from prowling bands of hostile Indians. He was of stanch German extraction, and the name was one which early became identified with the history of the old Keystone state of Pennsylvania. Margaret (Studabaker) Dougherty passed her entire life in Darke county, where her death occurred on the 15th of
August, 1860. She was survived by six children. Her husband eventually removed to Wells county, Indiana, and settled on a farm near Bluffton, where his death occurred on the 2nd of June, 1879. These were folk of sterling character, and their lives were signally true and noble, though not lived on an exalted plane.
Hugh Dougherty grew up under the sturdy and invigorating discipline and environment of the old home farm in Darke county, where he assisted in the farm work during the summer seasons and prosecuted his studies in the district schools during the winter months. However, his nature was self-reliant and positive, and he was not satisfied with the somewhat meager educational opportunities afforded him in his boyhood, and thus he so applied himself as to become eligible for pedagogic honors when seventeen years of age. He devoted his attention to teaching for some time, being successful in his efforts and was thus engaged when there came the clarion call to
respond to the demands of higher duty, as the integrity of the nation was placed in jeopardy through armed rebellion. In August, 1862, at the age of eighteen years, he enlisted as a private in Company F, Ninety-Fourth Ohio Volunteer Infantry, in which his brother Abraham was already enrolled, and within ten days after his enlistment the regiment proceeded, under orders, by rail to Lexington, Kentucky, and thence by march on toward Richmond, Kentucky, passing the old homestead of Henry Clay, on the Richmond & Lexington turnpike, and on the second day encountering the Confederates, who were moving toward Lexington. In the engagement which ensued Mr. Dougherty’s intimate friend and messmate, Perry Weikle, was killed, and William H. Birely, of the same company was severely wounded. The Union forces retreated to Lexington, and the remnant of the Ninety-fourth numbered about three hundred men, all the others having been killed, wounded or taken prisoners. The survivors
fought their way back to Louisville, where they remained until the regiment was repleted and reorganized, when it was assigned to Buell’s army and participated in the battle of Perryville, being in the thickest of the fray in this spirited engagement. The ranks of the regiment were again decimated by the large number killed, wounded and captured, and after this battle such of the members as were eligible for service marched to Nashville, where they remained twenty days and then proceeded to Stone river and took part in the battle at that point. During this engagement young Dougherty was stationed near Nolensville, guarding ammunition and stores, and the Confederate cavalry made a detour in the rear and captured him and others of the guard. They were immediately paroled, after subscribing to an oath of which the following is a copy:
Nolensville, Tenn., Dec 30, 1862 I, Hugh Dougherty, private of Company F, Ninety-fourth Ohio Infantry, U.S.A., do take a solemn
oath not to take up arms against the Confederate States troops, nor reveal anything I may have learned derogatory to the interests of the Confederate States of America, nor do any police or constabulary duties until I shall have been properly exchanged, under penalty of death. (signed) Hugh Dougherty
Witness: Lieut.-Col. M. H. Hawkins, of General Wheeler’s staff
Mr. Dougherty was then sent back to Nashville and thence to Camp Chase, at Columbus, Ohio, to remain until his exchange could be accomplished. Learning of the critical illness of his soldier brother, Abraham, who had been sent home on sick furlough, he made a visit to his home where he remained until his loved brother yielded up his life to the one invincible foe, death, after which he reported for duty, but was almost immediately attacked with a serious illness, which rendered him ineligible for active service, so that he was soon afterward accorded an honorable discharge, by reason of disability.
After his military career had been thus summarily terminated, Mr. Dougherty returned to his native state, and at Greenville found employment as deputy in the office of the recorder of Darke county, remaining in tenure of this position for a period of three years. His removal to Bluffton occurred immediately after his withdrawal from this office, and after his arrival here he was for six months employed as salesman in a dry-goods establishment. He then entered into a partnership with his uncle, John Studabaker, in the grain and produce business, in which line he continued operations for a period of seven years, doing a large and successful commission business. In the meantime he became assistant cashier in the First National Bank of Bluffton, of which his uncle previously mentioned was president, and this institution was subsequently merged into one of a private character, becoming known as the Exchange Bank of John Studabaker & Co., the interested principals being
Hon. John Studabaker, Major Peter Studabaker and Mr. Dougherty. The Studabakers were among the early settlers and most prominent and influential business men of Bluffton, as is noted in the general historical sketch appearing elsewhere in this work, and they are of the same family line as the celebrated manufacturers of South Bend, this state, and Chicago. This banking firm transacted an extensive and representative business under the able and discriminating management of Mr. Dougherty, to whom all the executive details were entrusted. Major Peter Studabaker died on the 19th of May, 1888, and the surviving partners decided that the demands placed upon their institution by the enlarged and still increasing business rendered a change of system and methods expedient, and accordingly, on the 1st of January, 1895, the proposed changes were made and the institution was given title as the Studabaker Bank, Mr. Dougherty being chosen president, while other officers were selected
for the minor executive duties. The institution is capitalized at one hundred and forty thousand dollars and Mr. Dougherty is still its presiding officer.
The subject has not only gained recognition and prestige as one of the most able and discerning financiers and capable business men, but also has always had an abiding interest in all that touches the material progress and general prosperity of his home city, being known as one of Bluffton’s most progressive and public spirited citizens, and having contributed, both by influence and tangible aid, to all legitimate projects which have tended to conserve the best interests of the community. he was largely instrumental in pushing to final completion the Fort Wayne, Cincinnati & St. Louis Railroad and was superintendent of the construction of the section of the line between Bluffton and Fort Wayne. he was also signally interested in the Toledo, St. Louis & Kansas City Railroad and was associated with James Crosbie in the
building of the section between Bluffton and Warren. He threw the weight of his influence and energy aggressively into the movement for the construction of turnpikes and gravel roads throughout Wells county, an improvement whose value to the county can not be overestimated. He has been active and liberal in the promotion of all material interests in his city and county and has been equally conspicuous in advancing the causes of education and morality. Mainly through his determined personal efforts, while a member of the board of school trustees, the handsome and commodious school building of Bluffton was secured.—in fact, it was through his individual credit that the money was procured for its construction, as no public funds were available at the time. In January, 1866, Mr. Dougherty became a member of the Methodist Episcopal church and in 1871, when was essayed the task of providing for the erection of a new church edifice in Bluffton, he was selected as financial manager
during the period of building the spacious and beautiful structure, which met the requirements of a progressive church society for a score of years. The edifice proved finally inadequate for the demands placed upon it, and in 1892 it was rebuilt and greatly improved, very largely through the financial aid and active management of the honored subject of this sketch. His name appears on a tablet, let into the interior walls of the church, and the inscription in the connection gives a perpetual evidence of his earnest and successful efforts in effecting the erection of the original building and also the new and imposing edifice evolved from the former.
In politics Mr. Dougherty has ever accorded an unequivocal allegiance to the Democratic party and for more than a quarter of a century he has been an active and valued worker in behalf of its cause, prominent in the councils of its leaders. His advice and assistance in partisan affairs of the county and district have been
freely sought and in his mature and conservative judgment great confidence has been placed. He was made a member of the Democratic executive committee of the state in 1890 and served in this capacity until 1896. In 1870 he was elected to the state senate, from the district embracing Wells and Huntington counties, and he served with signal acceptability for four years, doing much to further wise legislation and to advance the interests of the state at large. He voted in favor of the famous Baxter bill, providing for the controlling of the liquor traffic in the state through local option on the part of the several counties, and in this action showed to a marked degree the courage of his convictions and that he could not be swerved by any matter of personal expediency or political policy when the matter of conscience was involved, for his party was intensely opposed to the bill. He has had no occasion to regret his action in the premises, but, on the contrary, adheres firmly
to the principles which he advocated in supporting that law. In 1878 he was a candidate in the nominating convention for member of congress, and was defeated by only five votes, after one hundred and fourteen ballots had been taken in the convention. In the opinion of his friends he could have received the nomination in the convention of 1886, had he not peremptorily declined when his name was presented. He was a delegate to the national convention of his party, in Chicago, in 1884, to that held in the same city in 1892, and also at Kansas City in 1900, in which he was a delegate at large from the state. Mr. Dougherty was nominated by the Democratic state convention for the office of state treasurer, but went down to defeat with the balance of the ticket, though running over two thousand votes ahead of the ticket, the latter fact indicting his personal popularity.
In 1887 Mr. Dougherty was appointed by a commission, composed of the government and other state officers,
as one of the commissioners of the soldiers’ monument, provided for by act of the legislature and erected in the state capital, and though fully appreciative of the honor conferred he felt constrained to decline the appointment, by reason of impaired health and the insistent demands of his business. When the state tax board, under the law of 1891, undertook to require all banks to furnish to assessors a written statement giving the names of all the depositors, with the amounts of the respective deposits, the associated bankers of the state decided to resist the demand by legal process, deeming the action inquisitorial and unconstitutional. Mr. Dougherty was selected to represent the private banks, with Volney T. Malott of Indianapolis, representing the national banks, and Philip C. Decker of Evansville, representing the state banks, to test the constitutionality of the law. The result of the litigation was finally summed up in an order from the court vacating and setting aside the order of
the state tax board—this showing the ability with which the three reprsentatives were enabled to present the case.
The organization of a company in Bluffton for the development of natural gas, and its subsequent action, which resulted in supplying the city with such gas, were largely accomplished through the leadership and persistent energy of Mr. Dougherty. Popular confidence in his judgment and extraordinary executive ability enabled the company to raise in the town the capital of one hundred thousand dollars required to consummate the project. He was selected by the associated gas companies of the state as one of a committee to direct the resistance of the Chicago Natural Gas Company to pipe gas out of the state, the result being that the movement was delayed for two years, though the Chicago company was eventually successful. In the autumn of 1894 the Bluffton Gas Company was consolidated with that of Fort Wayne and the stock passed into the hands of
an eastern syndicate, which selected Mr. Dougherty as its Indiana representative on the board of directors, in which position he has continued to serve until the present. He was at one time a part owner of the Indianapolis Sentinel, being one of the directors of the company. Mr. Dougherty is also president of the United Telephone Company, with an actual paid-in capital of three hundred thousand dollars, and of the Federal Union Surety Company of Indianapolis, with a paid-in capital of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars.
In June, 1895, Governor Matthews appointed Mr. Dougherty a member, from the state at large, on the commission to arrange for the proper celebration of the centennial anniversary of the organization of the territory of Indiana, and he made exceptional effort to make the laudable project materialize in success, but owning to unfortunate apathy the observance of the centennial as a state function was finally abandoned. At a meeting of the Indiana
Commander of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion, held at Evansville, Indiana, December 19, 1895, Col. Eli Lilly, of Indianapolis, offered a vigorous and interesting address in response to the toast, "One Hundred Years of Indiana," and incidentally incorporated the views—as expressed in an interview—of Mr. Dougherty as touching the centennial celebration of Indiana territory, and it is eminently appropriate that space be given to perpetuating these sentiments in this connection. Referring to the spirit which inspired the Indiana Centennial Commission in its work, Colonel Lilly said: "I cannot do my subject, or the state, a better service than by quoting the words of our comrad, the Hon Hugh Dougherty, commissioner for the state at large:"
Indiana is the pulse state of the Union. Through her the great throbbing veins of commerce, which nourish every part of our national body, flow. Her geographical location and physical features are such that the East and the West traverse
her territory in passing to and fro. Her capital is the largest inland railroad center in the world. The center of our country’s population is within her borders. Her position among her sister states is unique, and her marvelous progress since her organization as a territory calls for a centennial jubilee of such character as will best enable her sons and daughters to appreciate the heritage of a hundred years.
There is no way in which we could more effectively kindle that wholesome state pride which must underlie the noble action of her present and future citizenship than by a parade of her achievements and a fresh revelation of her early struggles. The latter are now matters of recorded history to most of us, and a retrospective view of the heroic struggles of our fathers would be an eloquent lesson to patriotism. In their tolls, their sufferings, their hardships, their conflicts, momentous questions were at stake and issues vital to the future world.
In appearance they were insignificant at times, but in reality, copious and full of benevolent consequences. Acting at the springs of our future greatness, instruments otherwise weak became mighty for good, and our pioneer fathers, obscure to the world, proved to be agents of destiny. They entered an untamed wilderness with vast wastes of forest verdure to make a garden for their children, and the hills then silent in their primeval sleep now echo the music of happy homes of industry. Those hardy sons of toil, whose school was the forest, whose trade was barter with savages, whose social life was that of the camp-fire, whose daily lesson was self-sacrifice, conquered the territory of Indiana for civilization. Such memories as these ought to kindle a burning enthusiasm in every loyal Hoosier breast to join in the proposed observance of our anniversary. Such an observance would be of more than local consequence. it would be a formal way in which our state could give evidence to the world of her
worthiness of a place in the family of states comprising our great republic. Our exhibit would say: "This is our achievement," and of this we need not be ashamed. With an agricultural productivity unsurpassed,; monumental manufacturing industries’ natural resources inexhaustible, among which are lumber, stone, coal, natural gas and petroleum; a school system which is an object lesson to the world; an intelligent, industrious, patriotic, Christian citizenship; populous cities, with every modern improvement,--in fine, all that constitutes the highest degree of prosperity and civilization to be found on the globe,--the people of this great state may be exceedingly glad to make a representative exhibit of the fruit of their labors and say to the world: "Behold the heritage of a hundred years."
Then, let us celebrate the event which has led to such marvelous consequences—an event, contemporaneous with the beginning of a century which has seen greater commercial development, more extensive manufacturing
enterprises, more valuable invention and discovery, more fruitful agricultural activity, more widespread intelligence, more altruistic feelings, and more application to the agencies thata make possible complete living than all the centuries that preceded; and in the observance of this historic event let us show that Indiana has contributed her full share toward achieving this unparalleled progress.
Fraternally Mr. Dougherty is identified with Lew Dailey Post No. 33, G. A. R., and through his active association with the organization he keeps in touch with his old comrades in arms and perpetuates the more grateful memories of the days when he was serving as a leal and loyal son of the republic in the greatest internecine war known in the annals of history. In the midst of the thronging cares and demands of a busy life Mr. Dougherty is always approachable, being gracious in his association with his fellow men and enjoying personal popularity which is a natural result of his
characteristics. he has gained a reputation as a man well equipped equally with the solid and the brilliant qualities essential to material success, but above this he has ordered his life on a high plane, having a deep sense of his stewardship and an appreciation of the responsibility that canopies every life. He is a man of fine intellectuality and is a wide and discriminating reader of the best literature, while as a writer and speaker he has facility and east in the employing of choice and effective diction. He has been devoted to the public service and to the improvement of his town and county, is beloved by his friends and admired and esteemed by the community. His generosity, unswerving integrity and pronounced ability have gained to him a distinctive position as one of the truest and best citizens of Bluffton. He has traveled extensively and has studied men and affairs with intelligence and interest. His career has been crowned with usefulness and sustained by
genuine popular approval.
On the 25th of October 1877, Mr. Dougherty was united in Marriage to Miss Emma Gilliland, the only daughter of Theodore F. and Elizabeth (Sheldon) Gilliland, both of whom were natives of the state of New York and of stanch Scotch-Irish extraction. Mrs. Dougherty was born in Sterling, Illinois, on the 22d of June, 1857, and is a woman of gentle refinement and gracious presence, taking an active part in the social and religious life of her home city and holding the appreciative regard of all who come within the sphere of her kindly and helpful influence. Since her girlhood she has been a member of the Methodist Episcopal church. Mr. and Mrs. Dougherty have one daughter, Elizabeth, who was born on the 23d of March, 1885, and who is one of the popular young ladies in the social circles of Bluffton.
Biographic Memoirs of Wells County, Indiana 1903, B. F. Bowen, Publisher
Submitted by: Colleen Rutledge
JOHN WEINLAND. Ranking among the prosperous agriculturists of Wells County, the record of whose lives fills an important place in this volume, John Weinland owns and occupies a well-improved and productive farm in Liberty Township, it being located four miles west of Bluffton. A native of Pennsylvania, he was born, January 9, 1847, in Dauphin County, Pennsylvania.
His father, John Weinland, Sr., was born, reared and married in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. He began life on his own account in Dauphin County, living there until 1856, when he came as far west as Clark County, Ohio, where both he and his wife spent the remainder of their days. A man of much intelligence, he was active in the affairs of the Reformed Mennonite Church. To him and his wife, whose maiden name was Elizabeth Farror, eight children were born, three of whom are now, in 1917, living, as follows: Christian, of Clark County, Ohio; Jacob, of Canada; and John.
Ten years of age when his parents moved to
Ohio, John Weinland completed his early education in the common schools of Clark County. Choosing farming for his occupation, he made a practical study of the different branches of agriculture, which he subsequently pursued for awhile in Darke County, Ohio. In 1880 Mr. Weinland came with his family to Wells County, Indiana, and purchased eighty acres three miles west of Poneto in Liberty Township. In 1909 he sold that and moved to this farm of forty acres and has since been industriously engaged in his favorite occupation, and as a tiller of the soil has met with exceptionally good results, his annual harvests comparing most favorably with those of his neighbors.
Mr. Weinland married, in Darke County, Ohio, Margaret A. Dougherty, a sister of Hon. Hugh Dougherty, their wedding having been solemnized February 22, 1870. He continued his residence in that county for a time, but afterwards migrated to Montgomery County, Ohio, where he continued as a farmer until
coming to Wells County. Of the eight children born of the Union of Mr. and Mrs. Weinland, three have passed to the life beyond, one having died in infancy, and five are now living, namely: William of Liberty Township; John, Jr., of Harrison Township; Mary, living with her father; Myrtle is the wife of Chester Redding of Liberty Township; and Hugh D. of Dunkirk, Indiana. Mrs. Weinland passed to the life beyond January 26, 1911 at a comparatively early age, her death being a loss not only to her family, for which she had so faithfully lived and labored, but to a host of warm friends and acquaintances. Religiously Mr. Weinland is an influential member of the Reformed Church, which he is serving as an elder. He is a stanch republican in politics.
Standard History of Adams and Wells Counties Indiana The Lewis Publishing Company, 1918
Submitted by: Colleen Rutledge