"Counties of Whitley and Noble, Indiana. Historical and Biographical" by Weston A. Goodspeed and Charles Blanchard
Published by F.A. Battey & Co. in 1882
Columbia City
H. N. BEESON is a native of Stark County, Ohio, where he was born December 11, 1836, and is one of nine children, six yet living, born to William and Hannah (Hanby) Beeson. The father's occupation was that of scythe and sickle maker, but in later years he followed farming. In 1842, he removed from Ohio to Indiana, locating on a farm one and a half miles from Columbia City, then a small settlement of but six families. Here his death occurred in 1843, after which the family removed to the village, where they all yet reside, with one exception. The oldest son, Benjamin, took up blacksmithing, which he has since followed. H. N. attended school until he was thirteen, when he learned his brother's trade, at which he worked for twenty-nine years in Columbia City. In 1878, he embarked in the drug business, to which he has adhered to the present time, with some changes. From 1879 to 1881 the business was carried on by the firm of Beeson & Co., when the partnership was dissolved, Mr. B. retaining sole proprietorship. His drug house is first class in every respect, making a fine success of the undertaking from the start. Mr. Beeson is a Democrat and a member of the Masonic order, having ascended in that fraternity to the Royal Arch Degree. He was married, February 9, 1860, to Miss Nancy Bodley, daughter of Capt. James Bodley, and lost his wife by death seven years later. In 1869, he married his present wife, and a family of two children - Charles H. and Mary-is the result of this union.
"Counties of Whitley and Noble, Indiana. Historical and Biographical" by Weston A. Goodspeed and Charles Blanchard
Published by F.A. Battey & Co. in 1882
Columbia City
D. R. BRENNEMAN is the son of Abram and Elizabeth (Rush) Brenneman, who were born, reared and married in Pennsylvania and emigrated to Clark County, Ohio, and then, five years later, moved to Champaign County, where they remained until 1850, when they came, with their children, to this township, where they purchased 160 acres of land. There the mother died in 1866, and the father, subsequently retiring to Columbia City, died here in 1876. They had a family of twelve children, as follows: John, who was a prominent politician and who served as Sheriff two years, died in 1864; Barbara Sterling, deceased; Catharine, wife of I. B. McDonald; D. R., our subject; Abram, living in Kosciusko County; Elizabeth Obenchain, deceased; Mary, deceased; Henry, died from effect of wounds received while in battle, at Pittsburg Landing, with his regiment (Forty-fourth Indiana Volunteer Infantry), when he had been in the service about one year; Fanny Schwartz, living in Iowa; Isaac; Levi, a carpenter in town, and Benjamin F., in the grocery trade. Our subject was born in Pennsylvania, Lancaster County, in 1829, and came with his parents to this State in 1850; remained with his father one year, and then went to farming in Washington Township, where he remained till 1880, when he retired to this city. He still owns 100 acres highly cultivated land in Washington, the acquisition of his own industry and enterprise. In 1882, he associated with him his brother Isaac, and engaged in the sale of musical instruments and sewing machines, handling the Patterson, Estey and Shoninger organs; the Fisher, Steinway and Decker pianos, and the Queen sewing machine. He was married, in 1852, to Miss Caroline Plough, a native of Montgomery County, Ohio. She died in 1873, leaving five children - William, Sarah A., Isaiah, Henry and Lydia E. In 1874, he married Mary E. McFarren, of this county, and from this union there is one child living - Florence. Both Mr. and Mrs. B. are members of the Baptist Church, and he is a highly esteemed and valued citizen. Isaac Brenneman, brother of our subject, was born in Champaign County, Ohio, in 1854, and came here with his parents. He remained on the farm till twenty-one, and, in 1864, enlisted as private in Company A, Thirteenth Illinois Volunteer Infantry; fought at Fort Fisher, and served till the war closed. On his return, he engaged in a saw-mill in this township; worked five years; then ran his father's farm two years; then came to Columbia City; engaged in various mercantile pursuits, and is now partner with his brother, D. R., as dealer in musical instruments, etc. He was married, in 1868, to Maggie Schwartz, a native of Stark County, Ohio, and is the father of one child - Erlo O.
"Counties of Whitley and Noble, Indiana. Historical and Biographical" by Weston A. Goodspeed and Charles Blanchard
Published by F.A. Battey & Co. in 1882
Columbia City
ELI W. BROWN is a native of Stark County, Ohio, where his birth occurred in September, 1836. His early educational advantages were limited, although after he had reached Columbia City, in 1852, he continued to prosecute his studies under the tutelage of Rev. A. J. Douglas, a man of fine ability and unquestionable purity of heart. At the age of seventeen, Mr. Brown began teaching school, in the meantime continuing his self-imposed mental culture. In 1858, he had become so well known as to be elected, and twice re-elected, County Surveyor by the Democracy. In 1864, he resigned the position, and two years later purchased a half-interest in the Fort Wayne Daily Sentinel. After a few months he sold his interest in the Sentinel, but during November of the same year, bought the Columbia City Post, which he edited and published until 1881. In 1870, he was elected County Clerk, and for the past eighteen years has been Chairman of the County Democratic Central Committee, and also for six years a member of the State Demoratic Central Committee. There is scarcely another man in the county who has been more active in political work than Mr. Brown. Always a "stalwart Democrat," he has, with signal fidelity, upheld the standard of his party, and persistently maintained Democratic principles. He has done a great deal for the county-to build up its institutions -to disseminate truth -to advance public interests and to encourage the progress of enlightenment and justice. In 1858, Mr. Brown was united in marriage with Miss Nancy, sister of Rev. A. J. Douglas, and has by her three children - Florence, Edith and Carlotta.
"Counties of Whitley and Noble, Indiana. Historical and Biographical" by Weston A. Goodspeed and Charles Blanchard
Published by F.A. Battey & Co. in 1882
Columbia City
VALLOROUS BROWN is a native of Ohio, having been born in Knox County, May 23, 1846. His parents, William R. and Sarah (Pond) Brown were natives of Pennsylvania and Ohio, respectively, and had a family of three children, but two, Hannah E., now Mrs. Yontz, and Vallorus, yet living. The father was a farmer, and moved to Noble County, Ind., in 1848, locating in York Township, where they remained about four years, and then removed to Columbia Township, Whitley County, Ind., and afterward to Thorn Creek Township, where Mr. Brown died, in 1870. Mrs. Brown afterward became the wife of William Ream, and at present resides in Columbia Township. Vallorous Brown was reared on a farm, receiving the ordinary advantages of the common schools. At the age of twenty, he began teaching and continued at that for four years. He was married, March 6, 1871, to Miss Mary Baker, and followed farming for four years. He then purchased a saw-mill, three miles north of Columbia City, which he operated for three years. In 1878, he removed to Columbia City, engaging in the manufacture of lumber near the Eel River Railroad, afterward purchasing another mill near the Wabash depot, and successfully operating the two until April, 1881, when he transferred his field of labor to Albion, until January, 1882, when he disposed of all his lumber interests, and opened a hardware store in Columbia City, at which he is yet engaged. He carries a first-class stock of goods, valued at over $7,000, and does a good business. Mr. Brown is a Democrat, a Royal Arch Mason, and himself and wife are parents of four children - William, Laura, Charles and Daisy.
"Counties of Whitley and Noble, Indiana. Historical and Biographical" by Weston A. Goodspeed and Charles Blanchard
Published by F.A. Battey & Co. in 1882
Columbia City
WILLIAM CARR is a native of Wentworth, Yorkshire, England, where he was born March 30, 1834. He received a common school education, and, at the age of fifteen, served an apprenticeship at the stone-cutter's trade. He emigrated to America in 1854, stopping at different cities, and working at his trade. While in the employ of Saulpaugh & Co., in Nashville, Tenn., he met and married Miss Mary F. Jackson, who was born in Vermont, May 28, 1838. The marriage took place December 21, 1856. In March, 1861, Mr. Carr returned north, and was engaged in the construction of the stone-work of the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne & Chicago Railroad for nearly ten years. He settled at his present home in Columbia City in 1864, where his employment has been that of contractor and builder. His family consists of two daughters - Sarah J., now Mrs. L. C. Mitten, and Ottley A., now Mrs. Dr. L. M. Linvill. Mr. Carr is a Democrat, a member of the Masonic Fraternity, and of Fort Wayne Commandery, No.4. He was elected to represent the people of Whitley County in the State Legislature in 1880, and, although identified with the leaders of progression and improvement, has never aspired to political prominence. Mr. Carr is an honorable, liberal man, of fine feelings and positive opinions, which can be changed only by convincing arguments. Being social and a true gentleman at all times, he occupies an estimable place among the best men of the community of Whitley County.
"Counties of Whitley and Noble, Indiana. Historical and Biographical" by Weston A. Goodspeed and Charles Blanchard
Published by F.A. Battey & Co. in 1882
Columbia City
JOSEPH CLARK is a native of Montgomery County, Ohio, where he was born April 14, 1846, and is a son of Otho and Elizabeth (Oaks) Clark, the former a native of Washington County, Md., and the latter of Franklin County, Penn. They were married in Pennsylvania, and removed to Dayton, Ohio, about 1838, where they resided until October, 1846, when they removed to Huntington Co., Clear Creek Township, Ind., where Mr. C. engaged in farming and shoemaking, residing on a farm of 200 acres, and by his own industrious, energetic efforts from the humblest beginnings, raised himself to a position of ease and comfort in his old age. He now resides in Jefferson Township, Whitley County, where he moved in April, 1866. His wife died December 23, 1880. Of a family of ten children, seven are yet living. Joseph Clark is the seventh child, was reared on a farm, and received a good common-school education. He began teaching at nineteen and taught nine terms. Was married, in November, 1875, to Miss Leah Schinbechtel, a native of Ohio -after his marriage, farming, teaching, assessing and saw-milling until October, 1878, when he was elected Treasurer of Whitley County, re-elected in 1880. He is now serving his second term. He is a member of the Masonic Fraternity, and a Democrat. His family consists of four children - Ida L., Ethan O., Walter L., and one unnamed. Mr. Clark owns 150 acres of land in Jefferson Township, and had three brothers in the late war.
"Counties of Whitley and Noble, Indiana. Historical and Biographical" by Weston A. Goodspeed and Charles Blanchard
Published by F.A. Battey & Co. in 1882
Columbia City
M. E. CLICK was born in Clark County, Ohio, March 19, 1834, and is a son of Jacob and Catherine (Myers) Click. Mr. Click is of German descent, and a native of Rockingham County, Va. Their family consisted of nine sons, all living. The mother died in December, 1852, and Mr. Click afterward married Susanna Ream, who became the mother of five children, three boys and two girls, of whom the sons only survive, making a total of twelve living sons of Jacob Click. He is a wagon-maker and farmer, and himself and second wife reside in Clark County, Ohio. M. E. Click spent his earlier years on his parents' farm, but at the age of twenty, took up the study of daguerreotyping, and has followed it ever since through all the improvements this age of progress necessitated. He traveled extensively in the interest of his profession, and located in Chicago, in 1862, for the purpose of studying photography. In May, 1863, he came to Columbia City, where he located for the practice of his art, and, being a first-class artist, his location has been permanent and successful. He is now owner of considerable town property. In December, 1865, he was married to Mrs. Harriet Nave, and they have one son, Edwin H. Mrs. Click was the widow of Daniel Nave, and daughter of Henry Smith, an early resident of the county. Mr. Click is a Republican, and in Masonry has advanced to the Royal Arch Degree.
"Counties of Whitley and Noble, Indiana. Historical and Biographical" by Weston A. Goodspeed and Charles Blanchard
Published by F.A. Battey & Co. in 1882
Columbia City
CLUGSTON, ADAMS & CO., in April, 1878, with a general assortment of goods, valued at about $12,000, engaged in mercantile business at the corner of Chauncy and Van Buren streets, Columbia City, and met with remarkably good success, and, as trade demanded, they kept adding to the variety and quantity of this stock, till they now carry, without exception, the largest and best assortment of goods of any house in the town, it being valued at $30,000, and consisting of dry goods, silks, hats, caps, boots, shoes, ready-made clothing, carpets, groceries, etc., and they do an average annual trade of $90,000 to $100,000. The senior partner, Asher R. Clugston, was born in New Castle County, Del., December 22, 1839, and is one of four children born to Asher and Catherine (Rittenhouse) Clugston, who were of Scotch descent. He came to Larwill, this county, in 1861, and in August, 1867, married Mary A. Mattoon. To this union have been born three children - Lucia E., Gertrude M. and Arthur W. He is a Democrat, and a member of the Masonic fraterity, being a Knight Templer of Fort Wayne Commandery. John Adams, the second member of the firm, was born in Thorn Creek Township, November 22, 1856, and is a son of Andrew Adams, an old settler of Whitley County, and yet living in Thorn Creek. His early education was gained in his native county; he graduated at Iron City College, Pittsburgh, Penn., and he acquired his business knowledge by clerking in Columbia City.
"Counties of Whitley and Noble, Indiana. Historical and Biographical" by Weston A. Goodspeed and Charles Blanchard
Published by F.A. Battey & Co. in 1882
Columbia City
JAMES S. COLLINS is one of a family of eleven children, and was born in Wayne County, Ind., December 19, 1819. His parents, John and Jane Collins, were natives respectively of Virginia and Kentucky, were married in the latter State and emigrated to the Territory of Indiana in 1806, Mr. Collins finding the air of freedom more congenial to his strong anti-slavery principles. They settled four miles south of where Richmond now stands, and remained until 1836, when they removed to Whitley County, locating one-half mile west of the present site of South Whitley, remaining there until 1846, when they removed to Columbia City, where they afterward died. James S. Collins remained with his parents, assisting them in pioneer labors, until the spring of 1844, when he went to Fort Wayne, and began the study of law with L. P. Ferry, an attorney of that city. He remained there until Mr. Ferry's death, when he came to Columbia City, and began the practice of his chosen profession. He was admitted to the bar at the fall term of Whitley County Circuit Court in 1844, and has since devoted his time to practice, with the exception of three years, in which he was actively employed in the construction of the Eel River Railroad, of which he was President. Mr. Collins was married, in 1849, at Richmond, Ind., to Eliza J. Fleming, and a family of six children was the result of this union - Jane H., Reginald H., Dorothy, Howard, Sophia Du P. and William James, all living except Howard, who died at the age of six years. Mr. Collins was formerly a Whig in politics, but is now Republican - was elected to the State Legislature in 1860, and served in the regular and special sessions of 1861.
"Counties of Whitley and Noble, Indiana. Historical and Biographical" by Weston A. Goodspeed and Charles Blanchard
Published by F.A. Battey & Co. in 1882
Columbia City
RICHARD COLLINS was born in Wayne County, Ind., May 8, 1815, and is a son of John and Jane (Holman) Collins. His early life was spent in Wayne County, where he received all the advantages the schools of that early day had to offer. He came to Whitley County with his parents, September 25, 1836, locating in Cleveland Township, which has since been his home. He was married, May 8, 1844, to Mary Rhodes, who became the mother of two children - Walter S. and Mary E., both deceased - the mother dying August, 1847. In the month of April, 1850, Mr. Collins married his present wife, Catherine Hildebrand, who is the mother of eight children, but four surviving. At the time of his marriage, Mr. Collins was County Clerk as well as Recorder, and served as such until November, 1855. He was the first Sheriff elected in Whitley County; in addition to these, he has filled various local offices of honor and trust. He was engaged in milling and merchandising in Columbia City for some time, until recently he changed his occupation for that of a lumber dealer, which business he still follows. He is one of the first and most highly honored citizens of Whitley County; he is a Republican, but previous to the organization of that party was identified with the Whigs. He is a man possessing the confidence of all who know him.
"Counties of Whitley and Noble, Indiana. Historical and Biographical" by Weston A. Goodspeed and Charles Blanchard
Published by F.A. Battey & Co. in 1882
Columbia City
T. J. CUPPY was born in Cleveland Township, Whitley County, Ind., August 3, 1844, and is one of six children, three yet living, of the family of Abraham and Sarah (Collins) Cuppy. The father, Abraham Cuppy, was a native of Ohio, born in Clermont County, May 25, 1810, and his parents were among the first settlers of Ohio and Indiana. He was a man of much natural ability and fine powers of mind. He was married in Wayne County, December 30, 1830, to Miss Sarah Collins, a native of Indiana. Mr. Cuppy was the first County Auditor, Clerk and Recorder of Whitley County, and also served as Legislator and State Senator. He died at Indianapolis, Ind., January 15, 1847, while holding the last office. Mr. Cuppy was a prominent Democrat, a large land owner, and a member of the Masonic order. One son, William H., was Captain of Company E, Forty-fourth Indiana Volunteer Infantry, in the late war. He was wounded at Fort Donelson, and, after months of suffering, died at his home in South Whitley, July 15, 1862, universally regretted. He had been highly educated, was of superior promise, and was sacrificed on the altar of his country. T. J. Cuppy early assumed life's responsibilities. During the war he was employed by the Government in various positions, and in 1870 began work on the Eel River Division of the Wabash Railroad, then called the Detroit, Eel River & Illinois Railroad; here he remained eight years, when he embarked in the grain trade along the line of the Eel River Railroad, with headquarters at Auburn, DeKalb County, Ind., at the same time establishing himself, as dealer in agricultural implements, in Columbia City and South Whitley, which business he is now exclusively engaged in in Columbia City,
carrying the largest stock in Whitley County. Mr. Cuppy was married, January 9, 1881, to Miss Frances Stahl, a daughter of George W. and Nancy (Carr) Stahl, a native of Indiana, and of the Presbyterian faith. Mr. Cuppy is a stanch Republican, and a Sir Knight of the Apollo Commandery, No. 19, of Kendallville. He is also a member of the I. O. O. F. and of the O. F. Encampment.
"Counties of Whitley and Noble, Indiana. Historical and Biographical" by Weston A. Goodspeed and Charles Blanchard
Published by F.A. Battey & Co. in 1882
Columbia City
EDWARDS & ANDERSON, hardware dealers. This partnership was formed December 7, 1874 and the firm began operations with a stock of hardware valued at $3,500, meeting with assured success from the start. Their stock is now valued at $8,000, and they do a yearly business of from $40,000 to $50,000. In addition to this the firm established a lumber yard in 1878, which business they still follow, and in January, 1882, with their characteristic enterprise, and at considerable expense, they started their present hub factory, which is steadily assuming larger proportions, and in time promises to be one of the leading manufactories of the place. They are introducing the latest and most improved machinery, and furnish employment for fifteen men, only first-class workmen being employed.
"Counties of Whitley and Noble, Indiana. Historical and Biographical" by Weston A. Goodspeed and Charles Blanchard
Published by F.A. Battey & Co. in 1882
Columbia City
MILLARD F. ANDERSON is a native of Richland Township, where he was born January 25, 1848. After acquiring a good practical education, he left home at the age of 20, learned telegraphy, and was employed as a station agent for nearly five years in Iowa and Columbia City. In 1874, the partnership of Edwards & Anderson was formed, which has continued to the present time. In June of the previous year, he was married to Miss Jennie H. Morrison, daughter of Andrew Morrison (deceased), an early settler of Allen County, Ind. They have two children - Fred S. and Georgie J. Mr. Anderson has relied entirely on his own industry and business ability, and by persistent effort, combined with unfailing courtesy, has established a fine paying business, reflecting credit on himself and of benefit to the community. Mr. Anderson is a Republican and a member of the 1. O. O. F., also the O. F. Encampment.
"Counties of Whitley and Noble, Indiana. Historical and Biographical" by Weston A. Goodspeed and Charles Blanchard
Published by F.A. Battey & Co. in 1882
Columbia City
C. S. EDWARDS, the senior member of the firm of Edwards & Anderson, was born in Franklin County, Penn., December 14, 1835, and is one of a family of ten children, five yet living, of James and Elizabeth (Beaver) Edwards, who were natives of Pennsylvania, and of Scotch-Irish and German descent respectively. They moved to Fort Wayne in 1841, where Mr. Edwards carried on the shoe business for some years. He died in Allen County in 1860, his widow following in 1861, and both are buried in Lindenwood Cemetery. C. S. Edwards spent his early years in Fort Wayne, and in 1861 enlisted in the Thirtieth Indiana Volunteer Infantry, as Drum Major. He was in the battle of Shiloh and other engagements; received his discharge in 1863, when he went to Montana, where he engaged in mining, teaming and merchandising, until 1867, when he returned to Columbia City, and formed a partnership with Dr. D. G. Linvill in the hardware business. In 1869, having disposed of his interest in that line, he opened a livery business, which he followed for five years, when the present partnership was formed. Mr. Edwards was married in Columbia City, in 1870, to Miss Elizabeth White, and they have one daughter, Anna M. Mr. Edwards is a Republican and a member of the A., F. & A. M., of Columbia City, a man of fine business ability, and highly esteemed by all.
"Counties of Whitley and Noble, Indiana. Historical and Biographical" by Weston A. Goodspeed and Charles Blanchard
Published by F.A. Battey & Co. in 1882
Columbia City
CHARLES J. EYANSON was born September 20, 1839, in Versailles, Ripley Co., Ind. A year or more after his birth, his parents returned to Philadelphia, Penn., from which place they had previously removed. Here Charles J. acquired his education, and, in 1853, engaged in the dry goods trade, which he continued for three years, after which he learned the tailor's trade, which he has since followed, with the exception of an engagement as general agent for a sewing machine company, when he traveled over the South, establishing local agencies. In 1860, he formed a partnership with his brother, Thomas E., in Huntington, Ind., in merchant tailoring, where he remained until 1862, when he went to Roanoke, to carry on the same business. In 1865, his partnership was resumed with his brother, at Columbia City, on an extended scale, under the firm name of Eyanson Brothers, at the same time carrying on the manufacture of woolen goods in the woolen mills at the same place. The partnership with his brother was continued until January, 1874, when it was dissolved, Charles J. continuing the business alone. Besides his tailoring establishment with its dozen employes, he carries a large and general assortment of readymade clothing, cloths, hats, caps and gents' furnishing goods, doing a successful business. November 20, 1866, he contracted marriage with Miss Magdaline Zimmerman, a native of Blumenfeld, Baden, Germany, and they are parents of six children - Charles J., Stephen T., Walburgh M., Frank E., Lewis and John N. Mr. and Mrs. Eyanson are of the Catholic faith. Mr. E. is a Democrat; has held the office of Township Trustee, and is the present Town Treasurer. Mr. Eyanson's great-grandparents, on the father's side, came from the vicinity of Dublin, Ireland to America, with Lord Baltimore, and John Eyanson, our subject's grandfather, was born in Cecil County, Md., in 1753, and served eight years in the Revolutionary war. A brother of John, our subject's grand-uncle, William, also served in the Revolution, and was taken prisoner at New York; was afterward exchanged, but died from the effects of starvation.
"Counties of Whitley and Noble, Indiana. Historical and Biographical" by Weston A. Goodspeed and Charles Blanchard
Published by F.A. Battey & Co. in 1882
Columbia City
F. H. FOUST is one of the early settlers of this place, and came from Delaware Co., Ohio, to Whitley Co., Ind., in the fall of 1849, locating in Columbia City, and, in partnership with Adam Wolfe (formerly of Morrow Co., Ohio, now of Muncie, Ind.), engaged in the manufacture of fanning-mills. In 1853, they established a partnership in the dry goods business, which was most successfully continued for ten years -Mr. Foust taking entire charge, as Mr. Wolfe never resided here. After the settlement of the affairs of this firm, they established, in November, 1867, a banking firm, under the name of F. H. Foust & Co., and known as the Columbia City Bank. This institution is one of the permanent features of the city, as the individual members are known to be men of undoubted honor and integrity, and solid financially. For the past two years, Mr. James G. Williams has been a partner in the bank. They erected their present three story brick in 1873, and own a two- fifths interest in the new brick adjoining on the east, known as Foust's Block. The partnership existing between Messrs. Wolfe & Foust is one of the most harmonious on record, having existed since 1849. Mr. Foust was married, December 12, 1850, in Columbia City, to Miss Moxie A. Jones. His birthplace was Delaware County, Ohio, where, on January 10, 1825, he entered this existence. His parents - Henry and Mary (Olds) Foust-were among the early settlers, dating back to 1807, and were of German descent. Mr. Foust is owner of the old homestead. He is a strong Republican, but has no aspirations for political prominence.
"Counties of Whitley and Noble, Indiana. Historical and Biographical" by Weston A. Goodspeed and Charles Blanchard
Published by F.A. Battey & Co. in 1882
Columbia City
THEODORE GARTY, dealer in black walnut and hard-wood lumber and furniture manufacturer, was born in Lorraine, France, and was the son of John and Catharine Garty. The father died in Lorraine, and the mother afterward married Victor Crouser. They emigrated to America in 1856, and located in Stark County, Ohio, and three years later removed to Columbia City. Here our subject began to learn cabinet-making with Henry Snyder, working three years; then went to Fort Wayne and worked three years; thence to Cincinnati, St. Louis, Quincy, Ill., Hannibal, Mo., Verona, Mo., and various other points, engaging in sundry branches of his trade, and embracing a period of about eleven years. In 1872, he returned to Columbia City, and became associated with Henry Snyder in the furniture business. In 1876, he formed a copartnership with George Steerhof, which was continued about two years, when he again formed a partnership with Mr. Snyder. In 1880, he became sole proprietor, and is now engaged largely in manufacturing, and employs about twelve men on the average. He was married, in Hannibal, Mo., in 1371, to Miss Christina Blume, a native of Missouri, and five children are now living born to their union, viz.:
Nettie, Edwad E., Celeste, Robert and Menna. In 1880, Mr. Garty was elected City Clerk, and is now serving his second term. He has proven himself a shrewd business man and consequently a successful one, and is favorably known for his upright dealings and business integrity.
"Counties of Whitley and Noble, Indiana. Historical and Biographical" by Weston A. Goodspeed and Charles Blanchard
Published by F.A. Battey & Co. in 1882
Columbia City
JAMES M. HARRISON was born in Beaver County, Penn., August 8, 1837, and is a son of Samuel and Polly (McDowell) Harrison, who were farmers, and the parents of eight children, James M. being the youngest. The father was a native of County Down, Ireland, near Belfast, emigrated to the United States about 1812, married and located in Virginia, where they lived until their removal to Gallipolis, Ohio, and afterward to Pennsylvania, where Mrs. Harrison died, about 1859. Mr. Harrison came to Allen County, Ind., where our subject was living, in 1864, and died in Noble County, Ind., in 1872, aged 81. James M. Harrison was reared in Mechanicsburg, Penn., where he acquired a good common-school education. Leaving Pennsylvania in 1855, he went to Noble County, Greene Township, Ind., remaining until 1862, teaching winters and being variously employed summers. He was married March 15, 1860, to Mary J. Richards, daughter of Joseph Richards, who was then a resident of Swan Township, Noble County. In the meantime he had acquired forty acres of land, which he sold in 1862, removing to Allen County, Ind., where he engaged in farming and mercantile pursuits until the fall of 1864, when he farmed exclusively until 1868, the spring of that year removing to Churubusco, Smith Township, Whitley County, engaging in mercantile pursuits until 1878, when he was elected Clerk of the Circuit Court of Whitley County, and removed to Columbia City, where he is now filling that position. Mr. and Mrs. Harrison were parents of the following family - Joseph R., William A., George F., living, and Mary C., James N., Emma J., deceased. Mrs. Harrison died in l872, and the year following Mr. Harrison married his present wife, Janetta De Poy, who has borne him two children - Mary I. and Jessie W. In politics he is a Democrat; owns a farm of 132 acres in Noble County, Swan Township, and town property in Churubusco, this county. He is a member of the I. O. O. F., and Mrs. H. is a member of the Lutheran Church. Mr. H. is of English-Irish stock, and through his energy and industry has materially assisted in building up the town of Churubusco, from the smallest beginnings to its present size of nearly one thousand inhabitants; esteemed by all, he is in every respect a self-made man.
"Counties of Whitley and Noble, Indiana. Historical and Biographical" by Weston A. Goodspeed and Charles Blanchard
Published by F.A. Battey & Co. in 1882
Columbia City
HEACOCK & RUCH are the leading firm in the livery business in Columbia City. The partnership was formed in August, 1879, by the association of Alfred Heacock and Jacob A. Ruch. Mr. Heacock is a native of Columbiana County, Ohio, where he continued a resident until 1877. He is by trade a machinist, and was employed in that calling, together with traveling as a salesman until 1877, when he came to Columbia City, and, in connection with W. H. Liggett, built the "City" Flouring Mill; the partnership lasted for two years, at the expiration of which period Mr. Heacock formed his present business connection. J. A. Ruch is a son of Charles Ruch, one of the old settlers of Whitley County. He has been connected with the livery business all of his life, for several years in association with his father. Messrs. Heacock and Ruch are courteous and obliging business men; have a fine business establishment, and are worthy of the large trade, which by fair and honest dealing they have secured.
"Counties of Whitley and Noble, Indiana. Historical and Biographical" by Weston A. Goodspeed and Charles Blanchard
Published by F.A. Battey & Co. in 1882
Columbia City
D. R. HEMMICK first saw the light in Greene County, Ohio, October 29, 1836, and is a son of David and Catherine (Johnson) Hemmick, who were natives of Ohio and Virginia respectively, and parents of eight children, three of whom are living. David Hemmick was possessed of an ordinary education, a farmer and shoemaker, and was married in Ohio. In the fall of 1859, he emigrated to Columbia City, Ind., having two sons at that place. His death occurred August 1, 1866, at the age of seventy-six years, seven months and seven days. He was a non-commissioned officer in the war of 1812 under Gen. Harrison, a most unassuming and honorable man. His widow yet lives in Columbia City at the advanced age of ninety-one years. D. R. Hemmick is of German-English descent, and received the usual advantages of the day for education. Coming to Columbia City, Ind., in 1857, he worked at cabinetmaking and plastering until the breaking-out of the rebellion, when he enlisted in Company E, Seventeenth Indiana Volunteer Infantry, and was assigned to the Army of the Cumberland, under Gens. Thomas, Rosecrans, et a1. He participated in the battles of Greenbrier, Chickamauga, Shiloh and others; was commissioned Second Lieutenant in 1865, and soon after promoted to First Lieutenant, serving through the war; he was discharged in September, 1865; succeeding that, Mr. Hemmick returned to Columbia City, where he engaged successively in plastering, livery, dry goods and hardware business. In 1874, a partnership was formed to carryon the dry goods and grocery trade under the firm name of Neely & Hemmick. In 1877, this firm assisted in establishing the City Mills, and have retained their interest ever since. Mr. Hemmick was married, April 26, 1866, to Miss Lucy A. Watson, a native of Ohio, and to this union were born two children - only one, Rena, yet living. The mother died in the spring of 1870, and Mr. Hemmick married his second wife, Margaret Daniels, a native of Richland County, Ohio, in 1872, she dying the same year. Mr. H.'s present wife was Mrs. Sarah Ellen (Jones) Parrett, whose former husband was killed at the battle of Fort Donelson in 1862. Two children have blessed his last marriage; but one, Cora Ruth, surviving. Mr. Hemmick is a stanch Republican, a member of the I. O. O. F., No. 176, Columbia Lodge, and himself and wife are members of the Lutheran Church.
"Counties of Whitley and Noble, Indiana. Historical and Biographical" by Weston A. Goodspeed and Charles Blanchard
Published by F.A. Battey & Co. in 1882
Columbia City
HON. ADAMS Y. HOOPER (deceased) was born at Athens, Ohio, in January, 1825. His father was a clergyman of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and he was an only child. The youth of the lad was largely passed on the farm of his father in Perry County, Ohio, but, at the age of eighteen or twenty years, he attended the Somerset Academy, though he afterward finished his academical course at Westerville Academy, Franklin County, Ohio. He afterward read law with H. H. Hunter, Esq., of Lancaster, Ohio, and, soon after his admission to the bar, was married to Edith B., daughter of Amos T. Swayze, the nuptials being solemnized in February, 1848. During the following year, he went to Huntington, Ind., but, in the autumn, came to Columbia City, where he lived and labored until his death. He became a prominent lawyer, and during his life was a practitioner for some twenty-five years. Soon after his arrival in the county he taught school, and from the first won the hearts of all who knew him. He was appointed Postmaster of Columbia City by President Fillmore, and was an ardent Whig and Republican during his life. He occupied many minor positions of trust, always serving with scrupulous fidelity. In 1852, he was elected to the Lower House of the State Legislature, representing the counties of Whitley and Noble. In 1854, he was elected County Auditor, and about this time became connected with the Republican, through which paper his rare elements of mind and heart first became known to his fellow-citizens. In 1868, he represented Whitley and Kosciusko Counties in the State Senate with great credit to himself. After many years of faithful service in the county, he died of consumption, in March, 1875. His widow is yet living in Columbia City, as are also two of his children Emma B. and Amos L. The other children, Almeda M., Webster, Emily G., Orvilla, Cassius B. and Kate R., are with their father. Perhaps no death ever occurring in the county was so widely and sincerely mourned as that of Adams Y. Hooper. He was so admired, so respected and so loved that his early death was regarded as a public calamity. This was due to the noble characteristics of the man, to his purity of heart, to his "unfaltering faith in the all-conquering power of a principle," to the devotion of his active mind in the diffusion of public faith and honor, and to those warm elements of mind and heart that kindled the respect and love of those who met him in business or in social life. The county will not forget the name of Adams Y. Hooper.
"Counties of Whitley and Noble, Indiana. Historical and Biographical" by Weston A. Goodspeed and Charles Blanchard
Published by F.A. Battey & Co. in 1882
Columbia City
MARTIN IRELAND, M. D., is a native of Ross County, Ohio, where he was born November 29, 1821; son of Stephen and Elizabeth (Carmean) Ireland, both natives of Maryland, and the parents of twelve children, eight of whom are yet living. They came to Ross County, Ohio, about 1805; were identified with the early settlement of the county. Mr. Ireland followed the occupation of farming during life. The mother passed away in Ross County, and the father, in 1848, moved to McLean County, Ill., and from there went to Missouri to look after some property in 1857, where he died April 3 of that year. Martin remained on the home farm until twenty-one years of age, receiving such education as the schools of that day afforded. After leaving home, he engaged in teaching winters, and was variously employed during the summer months. He was married, September 23, 1847, to Sarah Fellers, a native of Virginia. She came to Ohio at the age of four years, and to Whitley County when thirteen. Dr. Ireland came to Whitley County, Ind., the fall of 1846, and taught the first school in the first school building erected in Columbia City. The next year he decided to perfect himself in the study of medicine, to which he had paid some attention previously; and, in 1849, attended medical lectures in Cincinnati. He located for the practice of his profession in Fayette County, Ohio, remaining six years, after which he returned to Columbia City, practicing here for over seventeen years, when he removed to Nokomis, Ill., remaining there seven years; but, in April, 1880, Dr. Ireland and family returned to Columbia City, where they have since resided. Their family consists of nine children - Augusta V., Arabella A., Clara V., Wooster M., Franklin S., John M., Sarah J., Merritta W. and Homer A. Dr. I. is a Republican; a member of the A., F. & A. M., of Columbia City, and a graduate of the Wooster Medical University of Cleveland.
"Counties of Whitley and Noble, Indiana. Historical and Biographical" by Weston A. Goodspeed and Charles Blanchard
Published by F.A. Battey & Co. in 1882
Columbia City
WILLIAM W. KEPNER, one of Columbia City's successful business men, and a retired merchant, is a native of Juniata County, Penn. and was born in 1811. He was the son of Benjamin and Elizabeth (McCullough) Kepner, natives of Pennsylvania, where they died, members respectively of the Lutheran and Presbyterian Churches. The father was a respected and trusted citizen; was a farmer and merchant, quite successful in the accumulation of property. Our subject was the second child in a family of eight, and the eldest son. He was reared upon a farm, and at his majority went to boating on the canal, owning and running a boat for four years. He then ran a hotel in Ohio about six years; then came to Columbia City, in 1846, and engaged in merchandising and dealing in furs, there being but a few families in the town. This he continued about twenty-two years, farming in the meantime upon his land in the township. In 1868, he withdrew from trade, and made investments in Kansas lands, and country and town property. He also, for several years, kept a hotel in town, and has made a success of life, having now retired from active business. He is owner of 350 acres of land in the county; eighty-six in Stark County, and 400 in Kansas, and also considerable town property, which he is improving. In 1836, he married Miss Ann Pfoutzs, a native of Perry County, Penn., who has proved a faithful helpmate, in every way forwarding the interests of her husband. They have had seven children, of whom three are now living, viz.: John H., grocer; Charles A., one of the proprietors of the Main House, and Jennie Chambers, residing in Delphos, Ohio. Mr. Kepler and wife are members of the Lutheran Church, and since his coming has always been identified with the progress of the town, and has aided liberally, with time and money, in all laudable, public movements.
"Counties of Whitley and Noble, Indiana. Historical and Biographical" by Weston A. Goodspeed and Charles Blanchard
Published by F.A. Battey & Co. in 1882
Columbia City
DR. N. I. KITHCART was born in Ashland County, Ohio, January 16, 1857, and is one of ten children, five yet living, born to Thomas and Anna (Ernst) Kithcart, who were natives respectively of Ashland County, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. The parents are farmers, and yet live in Ashland County, and are of Scotch-Irish descent. N. I. Kithcart remained on the farm until he was sixteen years of age, receiving all the advantages of the schools of that day, and attending the Greentown Academy, at Perrysville, Ohio, until twenty-one, in connection with the study of medicine under Dr. J. W. Griffith, since deceased. In 1872, he attended medical lectures at the Cincinnati Medical College, Ohio, for two years. While visiting a cousin, Dr. J. F. Gard, at Wawaka, Noble Co., Ind., he was induced to locate for the practice of medicine at Coesse, Whitley County, where he remained until the spring of 1876, when he returned to Cincinnati, and on March 28, of that year, was united in marriage to Miss Emma C. Busey, who was born in Covington, Ky., October 20, 1852. They located in Columbia City, where Dr. Kithcart has since enjoyed a large and successful practice. The Doctor, like the majority of Ohio, is Republican.
"Counties of Whitley and Noble, Indiana. Historical and Biographical" by Weston A. Goodspeed and Charles Blanchard
Published by F.A. Battey & Co. in 1882
Columbia City
RICHARD KNISELY, deceased, was a native of Bedford County, Penn., where he was born March 15, 1803. With his father's family, he came to Tuscarawas County, Ohio, in 1804, where his grandfather founded the town of New Philadelphia. Here Richard Knisely was reared, educated, and learned the carpenter's trade, and June, 1841, came to Whitley County, Ind., working for Judge Henry Swihart, who yet resides here. In 1845, Messrs. Knisely and Swihart were elected Associate Judges, serving in that capacity acceptably until the office was abolished. He was married, June 7, 1846, to Miss Amy Norris, of Richland Township, after which he purchased a farm one and a half miles west of Columbia City, where he made a home and passed the remainder of his life. He divided his time in making improvements on his farm, and served as County Surveyor for several years. He was formerly a Whig, but identified himself with the Republicans, after the organization of that party, and was a zealous supporter of Lincoln's administration. Judge Knisely was well known by all old citizens of the county as a man of ability, honesty, and sterling integrity. He passed away from earth January 24, 1882, leaving a precious memory. Mrs. Knisely died in May, 1871, and was the mother of seven children who mourned her loss - William H., Emanuel, Alexander, Gabriel, James C., Mary E. and George. The oldest, William H., was born May 20, 1848, spent his early years on his father's farm, teaching winters and working summers. He was married, October 19, 1869, to Ruth McNear, and they remained on the farm until 1880, when they removed to Columbia City, where they have since resided. Mr. Knisely has been engaged in the trade of agricultural implement for ten years; in connection with William Reed for four years, afterward with his brother, under the firm name of William H. Knisely & Bro. In April, 1879, he became a partner in the firm of Knisely, Krider & Liggett, since changed to Knisely, Reider & Co. Mr. and Mrs. Knisely are parents of four children - Laura D., Frank, Walter and Eddie L. Mrs. Knisely is connected with the U. B. Church. Mr. Knisely is a Republican, and a man universally esteemed and honored by all.
"Counties of Whitley and Noble, Indiana. Historical and Biographical" by Weston A. Goodspeed and Charles Blanchard
Published by F.A. Battey & Co. in 1882
Columbia City
WRIGHT LANCASTER was born in Wayne County, N. C., June 27, 1819, and is a son of Rex Lancaster, and grandson of Wright Lancaster, of English descent. Rex Lancaster was by trade, a wagon-maker. He married Pharaba Henby, and in 1820 removed to Wayne County, Ind., in a wagon of his own manufacture. The country, at that time, was new, and a log cabin in the wilderness, with the attendant hard work of clearing was the best to be had. Here they spent their days, rearing a family of seven children, four of whom are yet living. Wright Lancaster, the eldest, assisted in the support of his father's family until his marriage with Margaret Grimes, in 1844, they living on a rented farm in Wayne County for seven years, when they removed to Cleveland Township, this county, locating on a partly improved farm, which he had previously purchased. On this place Mrs. Lancaster died from cerebrospinal meningitis, having been the mother of eight children - Indiana, John H., George G., Alexander G., Frank Rex, Ralph P., Mary V. and William S., all of whom are living except John. Mr. Lancaster married his present wife, Mrs. Sarah A. Grimes Mitchell, a half sister of his former wife, June 24, 1869, and two children are the result of this union - Nora., deceased, and Walter. Mr. Lancaster has been a constant resident of Cleveland Township since his arrival, and followed farming for an occupation, dependent entirely upon his own resources for success, and has always commanded the respected and esteem of all who knew him. He has always been identified with the Republican party, occupying, at different times, nearly all the township offices of Cleveland Township, and is the present honorable incumbent of the office of County Recorder, to which he was elected in 1878.
"Counties of Whitley and Noble, Indiana. Historical and Biographical" by Weston A. Goodspeed and Charles Blanchard
Published by F.A. Battey & Co. in 1882
Columbia City
J. G. LEININGER came to Columbia City in 1866, as stock dealer, and, being favorably impressed with the country, the following year moved his family here, where they have since resided, with the exception of one year spent in Missouri, where Mr. L. was engaged in farming and buying stock in that State. He is, at present, owner of seventy acres of land in Union Township, one and a half miles east of Columbia City, and for several years operated a meat market in town, but now devotes his attention exclusively to farming and stock-raising. He takes an active interest in the welfare of the county, and all laudable enterprises find in him a warm supporter. His political bias is Democratic, and he is, at present, President of the City School Board, and has filled the office of Township Trustee for three years. Mr. Leininger was born in Stark County, Ohio, February 7, 1826, and is one of six sons, all yet living, of John and Margaret (Goss) Leininger, who were of Franco-German descent. John Leininger was a blacksmith, but engaged in farming in later years. He died in 1870. Mrs. L. is yet living in Mercer County, Ohio. When they came West, in 1833, and later, to Jay County, Ind., in 1837, the country was wild and unbroken, and they endured all the inconveniences and dangers attendant upon pioneer life. Game must have been abundant for J. G., when a boy of fourteen, shot and killed seventy-two deer in twelve months. Here he was reared, educated and married. January 13, 1848, Miss Elizabeth Broom became his wife; she died June 2, 1863, having been the mother of six children, three surviving her. To Mr. Leininger's second marriage with Sarah Hough, December 1, 1864, have been added five children, four yet living - Effie S., David A., Margaret E. and Silas E.; Sarah E., deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Leininger are both members of the Lutheran Church.
"Counties of Whitley and Noble, Indiana. Historical and Biographical" by Weston A. Goodspeed and Charles Blanchard
Published by F.A. Battey & Co. in 1882
Columbia City
LIGGETT & CRIDER. This partnership was formed between John H. Liggett and N. W. Crider in July, 1881, and was but the culmination of previous business moves by John H. Liggett. In September, 1877, he purchased the stock of Warren Mason, consisting of books and stationery, which was kept in the post office. This stock he removed to the room now occupied by Beeson's drug store, continuing the business alone, and making additions for nearly two years, when he purchased the stock of W. H. Smith, and removed all to the room now occupied by the present firm. Here they do a first class business, and besides a general stock of books and stationery, they are agents for the Domestic Sewing Machine and for the Mason & Hamlin Organ. Mr. Liggett is also agent for the Pacific Express Company. N. W. Crider, the junior partner in this firm, was born in Smith Township, Whitley Co., Ind., May 27, 1838, and is a son of John and Rosanna (Tulley) Crider. Mrs. Crider was the first female white child born in the county. N. W. received a good practical education in youth, and began teaching at the age of twenty. After teaching three terms, he concluded to change his occupation. In the fall of 1872, he removed with his parents to Columbia City, where he has since resided, and has assisted materially in the business and social prosperity of the city. Mr. Crider is a member of the Grace Lutheran Church, and votes the Republican ticket.
"Counties of Whitley and Noble, Indiana. Historical and Biographical" by Weston A. Goodspeed and Charles Blanchard
Published by F.A. Battey & Co. in 1882
Columbia City
W. H. LIGGETT is a son of Alexander D. and Delithe Liggett, born in Highland Co., Ohio, August 4, 1838, one of a family of twelve children. A. D. Liggett was a farmer -an honest, industrious man- and himself and family emigrated to Wabash County, Ind., in 1854, where he died July 12, 1870, highly respected by all. His wife resides in Columbia City. W. H. Liggett grew up on the farm, until, at the age of sixteen, he came with his parents to Indiana, where he taught school winters and worked on the farm in the summer months. November 29, 1860, he married Rebecca Jane Mills, a native of Preble County, Ohio. In April, 1863, Mr. Liggett moved to Cleveland Township, Whitley Co., and continued farming and teaching until October, 1874, when he was elected Sheriff of the county on the Independent ticket, serving two terms in succession. In the fall of 1877, he, in connection with Thomas and Alonzo Sharp and Messrs. Meely & Hemmick, of the dry goods firm of Meeley & Hemmick, began the erection of what is now known as the "City Mills," under the firm name of W. H. Liggett & Co. The mill was completed in February, 1878, and is a two and a half story and basement, 3.5x50, with engine room attached, 35x20. It has a manufacturing capacity of seventy-five barrels per day, with the latest improvements for first-class work. In 1878, Mr. Liggett formed a partnership for the sale of agricultural implements, under the firm name of Knisely, Krider & Liggett, which has since been changed to Knisely, Reider & Co., Mr. L. still retaining an interest, although devoting himself to milling since his term of office expired. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity and a Republican in politics, which accounts for his defeat as Legislator in a county having a Democratic majority of from four hundred to five hundred. His family consists of five children - Emma, Edith, Elizabeth, Mabel and John A. - and are highly esteemed by neighbors and friends.
"Counties of Whitley and Noble, Indiana. Historical and Biographical" by Weston A. Goodspeed and Charles Blanchard
DR. DAVID G. LINVILL is of Welsh descent, his ancestors coming to this country about the time of William Penn's advent. Three brothers, William, Benjamin and Solomon, settled in Pennsylvania. Benjamin was the great-grandfather of the subject of our sketch. Himself and brothers were hunters by occupation, and, in 1730, they discovered a creek in Virginia, which has since been called Linvill Creek in their honor. Here Benjamin settled in 1756, and reared a family. One son, the grandfather of Dr. Linvill, was named Benjamin, after his father. He married a Miss Matthews, who bore him a family, and lived and died at his home on Linvill Creek, a large plantation and slave owner. Of a family of nine children, Benjamin, the third son, was the father of Dr. Linvill. After his father's death, the homestead was sold and Benjamin, taking the proceeds, went into Ohio, and purchased a section of land on Rush Creek, in Fairfield County, to which place the family removed previous to the war of 1812. Here Benjamin married Sarah Swayze, a daughter of Judge David Swayze. He was a miller by occupation; served in the war of 1812, and is yet living in New Salem, Ohio, at the advanced age of ninety. His wife died in 1872. They were parents of four sons and one daughter, all living except one son, who died from disease contracted while in the army. Dr. D. G. Linvill was born on the banks of Rush Creek, Fairfield County, Ohio, February 1, 1821. Until he became of age, his time was variously occupied as miller, clerk and in perfecting his education. At this time he began the study of medicine with his uncle, Dr. Swayze, and graduated at the Western Reserve College, at Cleveland, in 1849, and the same year formed a partnership with his uncle for the practice of medicine at Columbia City, Ind. This partnership continued until 1855. Dr. Linvill has been eminently successful in his practice, both as surgeon and physician. He became a member of the American Medical Association in 1874, and is also a member of three local societies. He holds liberal views on politics and religion, and is a member of the M. E. Church, and also belongs to the mystic brotherhood of Royal Arch Masons of Columbia City. He was married June 24, 1854, to Martha J. Myers, daughter of Abram Myers, and fifteen children have been born to them; but eight now living, viz.: Lewis, David, Frank, Eddie, Hayes, Benjamin, Elbertine and Josephine. Dr. Linvill has been more than ordinarily successful in life, and is one of the most prominent and highly respected citizens of Whitley County.
"Counties of Whitley and Noble, Indiana. Historical and Biographical" by Weston A. Goodspeed and Charles Blanchard
CHAUNCEY B. MATTOON is a native of the "Old Bay State," and was born in Northfield November 2, 1839. He is one of five children, all yet living, of Hezekiah and Mary (Maynard) Mattoon, grandson of Hezekiah and Penelope (Lyman) Mattoon, great-grandson of Philip Mattoon, the family having been in America since 1676, and has identified itself with the political, military and general history of our country. C. B. Mattoon remained in his native town, and engaged in house-painting, until April, 1861, when he enlisted in the Fifteenth Regimental Massachusetts Band, and, together with his regiment, went immediately to the front, where he participated in the battles of Ball's Bluff, Fair Oaks and all through the Peninsular campaign. By special act of Congress, discharging bands, he received his discharge in 1862. He then went to Boston and worked in the sewing-machine shops of Grover & Baker until March, 1864, when he came West, and located in Larwill, Whitley County, Ind., where he was employed in the manufacture of staves. In 1869, he came to Columbia City, and, for a time, was in the employ of the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne & Chicago Railroad, when he went to Fort Wayne in the employ of the Adams Express Company, returning to Columbia City upon the completion of the Eel River Railroad, where he has since remained, with the exception of two years spent in Logansport. He is now station agent at Columbia City, and his varied experience has peculiarly fitted him for the position. Mr. Mattoon was married June 10, 1871, to Miss Mary S. Keefer, who died September 1, 1880, leaving three children - Grover, John and Harry. Mrs. Mattoon was a daughter of Peter Keefer, a native of Pennsylvania, and of German descent.
"Counties of Whitley and Noble, Indiana. Historical and Biographical" by Weston A. Goodspeed and Charles Blanchard
Published by F.A. Battey & Co. in 1882
Columbia City
Published by F.A. Battey & Co. in 1882
Columbia City
Published by F.A. Battey & Co. in 1882
Columbia CityDeb Murray