of them. A party of motorists from Lander, and the railroad section men at Natrona helped to extricate them from the wreck. Floyd’s arm was hurt some – not seriously – and Minnie was unconscious. They took her back to Natrona and phoned for an ambulance. They had a doctor there in a short time and when the ambulance came, took her on in to Casper, where she died without regaining consciousness. No marks were on her. We are heartbroken. Glenn is taking car of the two little girls, Bertha and Dorothy.
On July 6 I attended the annual lay conference of the M.E. church (called quarterly conf.) and obtained a “license to preach.” Am now organizing a Methodist Community Church here accepting as members, people of all other evangelical churches. The Methodist church is not to require that all doctrines purely Methodist be accepted, Page 68 – It requires all to help in the upkeep of the church, through attendance, and in a material-financial way. Anyone leaving here, may receive their letter of transfer into whatever church they originally belonged to.
I am taking the first year of study required for “Local Preachers.” I cannot belong to the conference. They are still a little hide-bound20 regarding that – have not fully accepted women into the work, yet.
Mrs. McPherson21, one of the greatest, if not the greatest evangelist in the world, is carrying on a wonderful work in Los Angeles, California – preaching and healing. My “call to preach”, although not accompanied by any miracles, is nevertheless a very definite one; a power greater than myself seems forcing me into it – I cannot rest with ordinary achievement – ordinary faith – ordinary citizenship. Sometimes it is almost terrible in its intensity – this call. I must answer it – I pray God to be with me, and bless his work in me.

March 25, 1927 – Time passes so swiftly I can hardly realize it has been almost two years since Minnie was killed, and since I wrote in this diary. I have been so busy with so many duties. Minnie’s two little girls are both well – Floyd has a housekeeper, a Mrs. Brown, whose husband runs a barber shop (etc.???) in Lysite.
Our little church is making slow but steady progress towards establishing the Kingdom of Heaven in this community. Page 69 -- we now have

20 Hidebound – 1. Stubbornly prejudiced, narrow-minded, or inflexible. 2. having abnormally dry, stiff skin that adheres closely to the underlying flesh. Used of domestic animals such as cattle. 3. having bark so contracted and unyielding as to hinder growth. Used of trees.
21 Aimee Semple McPherson
16 or 17 members. Our progress has, however, been greater than the gain in numbers would seem to indicate.
We now have a Ladies Aid of about 25 members. The spirit of Christianity is gradually being diffused throughout the country. My studies go on, apace. I am in my second year’s worth of the “Local Preacher’s Course.”
I find myself handicapped in a measure by my secular employment – the post office – to which I have added mail carrying depot to post office. My husband is out with his 300 (about) head of ewes – eventually we will have a real flock.
Son – “Henry Edward Jensen” is at Laramie, attending the University his first year. Keeping him there is quite a task for me – the money question, I mean. He likes the University. They have compulsory military training there, a thing I do not like. I do not believe in war.
In February two of my Uncle Ed Swaim’s sons – Ora and Clarence, were sentenced to the penitentiary for robbing a box car. Their lives and characters are wholly a result of their up-bringing – almost everything wrong in the home and training that you can name except divorce. My uncle is a good man, but evidently weak, or he would have ruled his family. There is such a thing as being too patient and “easy-going”. Uncle erred in that way.
I have been writing elsewhere than in this diary of my ideals, beliefs, etc. You, dear son, are to have all of my “writings” when I am through with them.
Page 70 -- I am now 36 years old. It has been more than 14 years since I began writing in this book. I was then 22 years old. Have been reading back over this diary; I find some foolish things, and some interesting things.

May 26, 1931 – It has been more than four years since I wrote in this book. Poor Uncle Ed Swaim, of who’s sons I spoke on page 69, is about dead with cancer – a wart on his wrist – knocked off – never healed up – improper care by doctor – we expect to hear any day of his death. We expect to hear any day of his death. He is a fine old gentleman with a sweet and gentle voice – it makes me heartsick.

Jan 11, 1932 – Ed Swaim Uncle Ed lived until July 3rd and was buried a few days later.
My Divorce – I see I have not mentioned the fact that I divorced Henry. I got it on Oct. 29, 1928 – over three years ago. I lived in hell for almost 22 years, and am thankful to be out of it. Infidelity, improvidence, ungoverned temper, quarrelsomeness, laziness, dishonesty, gambling --- these and other causes were my reasons for divorce. What a relief


these past three years have brought me though he threatened to kill me if I would not marry him again. I had rather be dead than married to him.
Milton Swaim’s death – Father just got word today that his brother Milton Swaim is dead. He was past 81 years old. 81 last August, Father says.
Son was out of school for a couple (2 ½ ) years – but is back to school again at the University at Laramie, Wyo.
I am here most of the time, now – taking care of the post office and living quietly. I study and read a good deal. Have discontinued my church work. It was too hard for me to do along with my other work. Am feeling well – when I take care of myself and do not overwork. But am sick if I do not take care of myself. Page 71 – Am trying to help son along in school and that keeps me short on extra funds. Just now, I am treasurer of the school district here, and by special vote at the annual school meeting, I get $75.00 per year, which helps out some.
Depression – There is a great depression on all over the United States (and worse in the rest of the world) just now – and we are all wondering how it will all end. A good deal of literature on the Russian form of government is being read just now all over the U.S. – the Communists may, eventually, win the day. Monte Nugent, a mail clerk tells me that a lot of the business men of Billings (Mont.) are secretly reading the Communist literature and signing up the system. The Communist system is based on cooperation, and the present economic system here is based on competition. Of course, the Capitalists, and those dependent upon the Capitalistic system will fight the Communist system.. I certainly should not be at all surprised if the Communists seized the reins of the government at the first opportunity. The system seems ideal to me, though it is so revolutionary in its character that I expect it will take two or three hundred years for it to get to working nicely, especially with the royalist type of religious bodies – like the Roman Catholic, fighting it tooth and nail. (9-4-1935 I do not believe now that the Russian system of Communism would succeed in the U.S.A. although some of the ideas now being put into practice by the Democratic party certainly in some respects seem to border on Communism.
Have read much along other lines,22 also – religious – and scientific. Darwin, Herbert Spencer, Dorsey, text books of various kinds – Read books on

22Love begins listing and outlining books here that she has read. All but about 10 pages have been included because she also inserts personal comments or other diary entries. It is also interesting to observe her development as she reads.

travel, philosophy – history – many different kinds – I get so much enjoyment out of study.
May 28, 1932 – This is a continuation of my three “Thought Books,” (spelling books which I used to record my thoughts and to make notes on my reading) on the books I read. Am continuing herewith occasional notes on Durant’s “Mansions of Philosophy”. In the chapter , “On Praise of Freedom,” he uses some very poor logic (incomplete thought processes) on Prohibition. Again, he says, that we will either rule or be ruled – (Socrates saying) He (Durant) says, “Civilization is in part the establishment of order and custom, limiting the use of the weak by the strong” and again, “Every invention strengthens the strong, and the unscrupulously clever in their manipulation of the unintelligent, the scrupulous and the weak.” He thinks that “perhaps all the channels of the economic life should be under such national control, and every vital artery between producer and consumer should be withdrawn from the strangling dominance of the entrenched and irresponsible individuals. Production itself, should remain free.” (Durant is against Socialism – he says it can not be done.) “Order is a means to liberty, and not an end.” Again, “If we let our economic lives be limited we ought to guard, a hundred times more jealously the freedom of the mind.” “The time must come when men will understand that the highest function of government is not to legislate, but to educate.”
Durant is not altogether logical in his reasoning. I see traces of his Catholic training all through his arguments. In one place he will make a dogmatic statement and in another place will refute it, in substance. His arguments on the human need for wine are childish and show a lack of serious thought on the subject.
Durant compares democracy with aristocracy. In the chapter on “Aristocracy” he says, “Even the democrat has in heart an admiration for what is vaguely called aristocracy of the soul, a vigor and yet ease of carriage, a sureness of touch in judgment and taste, a readiness of wit and phrase, with reserve and moderation of speech, an unassuming dignity and an unfailing generosity; above all, and always, the courtesy of the gentleman. No wonder that ‘every’ Englishman loves a lord, and that, in the words of Anatole France, ‘There is nothing that a democrat esteems more highly than noble birth.’ Page 73 -- The surest road to social success in democracy is to behave like an aristocrat. The surest road to success as a speaker in America is to talk like an Englishman.”
… “Generally, the aristocracies have been more favorable to the arts and science, and have patronized more lavishly and discriminatingly the


exceptional individual. Tarde has agreed that aristocracies are the first to accept new ideas; that innovations, though they may originate anywhere find there earliest shelter among the educated few, from whom they spread by contagion and suggestion to the ranks below.”
Durant seems to believe that a socialist like civilization could be achieved if prejudice against communism or socialism could be overcome. Ch. “Is Socialism Dead?”
In the chapter on “The Making of Religion,” he lists five elements in the origins of religions: animism, magic, totemism, taboo, and ancestor worship.
Aphrodite, the Greek goddess, was taken over from the Babylonian’s goddess, Ishtar. Chapter 23 …
“>From Confucius to Christ” I. Various Chinese religions are mentioned. Chinese Buddhism, Chinese, Mohammedanism, religions of images and spirits – and a totemism of sacred animals; ancestor worship, and Confucianism. Confucianism is the religion of the educated class. The religion of Tao Tse is almost the same, in essence, as Christ’s and the so called religion of Confucius is strangely like the thought of the great Greek (Socrates). Confucius gave the world, not a theology, not a creed, but a lofty and aristocratic moral code. “The Way of the Superior Man.” In only a few sentences does he resemble Christ… but he resembles far more Socrates, Aristotle and Goethe; he identifies morality with intelligence, and preaches, not humility and gentleness, but the full development of personality. II Mysticism. Brahmanism. In this doctrine, only Brahma, the definite Reality exists; all else, all individual separatism of persons or things is Maya – illusion. When you can feel your little personality melting away… you become a part of God, yourself, you are lost in the Divine Infinity.” Then there is sex worship, and polytheism. “loads and loads of gods.” Then Buddha taught absolute ending of desire, and achievement of Nirvana – oneness with the whole. He is said to have been born of a virgin – “Every god, it seems, must by his birth, cast aspersions upon natural motherhood…” Page 74 -- III Judaism. This religion began as all other religions – in animism and superstition. The earliest Jews that we know of worshipped rocks, cattle sheep, and the spirits of caves and wells. They reverenced fetishes like the Teraphim --- and practiced a primitive magic. --- Phallic worship had its share, too. Durant has one of his characters to say that “Socialism will be the religion of the world when Christianity is dead.” IV. Christianity --- At first he preached of a social order and the kingdom of heaven within. – later, he seemed to become bitter and preached everlasting hell – etc.

Durant says that Christ’s moral code cannot be accepted completely – “take no thought for your life…” etc.
(9-4-1935 – I now believe that he is right in this. There are other tenets of the Christian faith that are equally impossible in a world of selfish people. Where one man learns through kindness and love, a thousand, no, millions – learn from trouble, hardships, etc. Love cannot teach all things. Hardship, trouble – strengthens.)
Durant has one of his characters say, “Doubt inhibits and contracts; faith expands, improves the appetite and the circulation; every sceptic has a bad stomach. Hence optimism, which is a form of faith, is more widespread and spontaneous than pessimism, which is a form of doubt.
Most beloved writers are in Napoleon’s phrase, “dealers in hope.” Doubt is work, and man is lazy. Mentally the masses are parasites, and the few do most of the work. Only the strong can afford to doubt; nothing is so exhausting.” Again, “There are four stages of development in the understanding of religion. The first he calls emotional belief; the second metaphysical belief; the third, absolute disillusionment; the fourth esthetic understanding.” “‘The next great task of science’ says Lord Morley, ‘is to create a new religion for humanity.’ Religion will not disappear; we shall go on looking for something greater than ourselves that we may worship. --- Yes, it is physics and biology that will give us a new god. Physics that finds abounding vitality in every atom; biology that shows us the everlasting miracle of growth.”
In the chapter on “Is Life Worth Living?” the author says, “As for love, it is again our own immaturity that makes us expect that it will last forever; an ounce of biology should teach us that once we have mated, nature withdraws from love the fancies that supported it and leaves its continuance to the resources of our own intelligence. How can we fare well in love if we seeking women not the qualities that make a family and a home, but those more, ever more visible – chorus that arouse our tired flesh? Page 75 -- We cannot spend our gold and blood on Lorelies, and count on them for any tenderness that shall survive our purse; we cannot expect a flapper to make a faithful wife, a good mother, or even a safe cook. (9-4-1935 – They do however. Human nature is fairly stable in its reactions.) Marry a modest girl, Jacques, if you can find one; the other sort will cuckold you in a year. ….And see to it that a child or two shall come very soon to keep you awake o’nights, and pestered by day; those troubles will give you a strange and unreasonable happiness”….


“Quiet and deepen yourself with your native literature and generosity, for woods and books and debtors, do not answer back. If you must be an intellectual, make friends of genius, and invite to your home, as permanent guests, Socrates, Plato, Euripides, Aristophanes, Epicurus, Lucretites, Peretronius, Deutarch, Omar, Vasari, Rabelais, Montaigne, Cervantes, Shakespeare, Bacon, Spinoza, Moliere, Voltaire, Boswell, Gibbon, Sterne, Goethe, Schopenhouer, Byron, Keats, Shelly, Balzac, Hiene, Flaubert, Renan, Saint-Beuve, Toine, Nietzsche, Thackery, Turgenier, Dostoievski, Emerson, Thoreau, Whitman, and Anatole France. Here is the outline of a library that shall make you mature, and make you laugh, that shall teach you to know the worst, and believe the best. What if it costs you half a thousand dollars? Have you not spent more than that on the gold coasts of Broadway?” He speaks of the “New World” that was “happy in the health of his flesh. It knew the body must come before the soul. Security before gentleness, and wealth before art. It gave all its energies to growth and worshipped the men who made it master of the earth. And now it stands in its rich mansions, whose every room is crowded with beauty crested by alien hands. It tries so hard to love that beauty, to understand it, to imitate it, even in its scourge to equal it; but it cannot, and begins to wonder whether it has found happiness after all” … Let us not deny ourselves too much. Let us swear that we shall never injure or offend any one, and for the rest, let the commandments defend themselves!! Durant believes we should get our happiness out of Instinct and Understanding.. He lists the subject thus. Of the instincts he mentions eating, fighting Page 76 – (he says no man can be a success who has not the instinct to fight.) Anger is good – at times. The mating instinct. This instincts to action – work – walk – play. Laughter – a sense of humor. Keep healthy. (I am merely outlining his general idea). He says happiness lies in action rather than in thought. The instinct of approval of our fellows – sociability. Love – to love or be loved.
The joys of understanding. (He says happiness is unconscious because it comes only when we are natural). “Do not require too much of the universe; there are other demands made upon it, which may conflict with yours… cultivate your garden. Do not place your happiness in distant lands or in grandly imagined tasks… And while you cultivate your garden, prepare a harvest for the mind (study). Follow your own bent – pursue your curiosity bravely – express yourself – make your own harmony. Happiness does not come from imitation or conformity, though a clever man will pretend to conform, and will cover his heresies with a hundred courtesies.” (Clever, isn’t this?)

“…Education is not a task, it is a lifelong happiness… If in youth we fill in love with beauty, in maturity we can make friends with genius.”
I have not begun to plumb the depth of wisdom of the philosophy of Durant. Am sorry that I could not copy the book verbatim to impress it on my mind. I do not agree with him in all respects, but reading his two books has been a delight to me. The other book of his that I read was “Transition”. Also, have finished reading “Wages and Wealth,” by Roy Dickinson, published by the Princeton University Press – 1931. (A book on the present depression.)
Am going to try to follow out Durant’s suggestion of reading the philosophers and authors mentioned on page 75 -------------------------------------
June 7, 1932 – From Theron Q Durant’s, “The Psychology of Personal Magnetism”. P. 22, 23 – “You can never control another unless he or she is negative to you. (Out of my own experience. . Be positive at first to people. Often you can do this – then if they are against you, after kindness suddenly become negative – it always brings them into line – friendliness). Rules for developing a magnetic personality. 1. Commit this to memory: “I am power. I am equal to anything that may come up in my life. I will unfold personal power. I am creating within real dynamic personal power.” The more power you think you possess, the more actual power you will unfold, and it will be the kind that will bring you dividends. Rule II. Make up your mind to believe in yourself. Page 77 -- Let your whole manner denote action; confidence, courage, and the ability to do things. III. You can never hope to increase your personal magnetism until you first familiarize yourself with the tools pertaining to the power. The tools are those of your own organism. Watch others in order to correct yourself of faults, etc. IV. Be careful what you say. Never take for granted that it is the truth because someone told you so… Say what you have to say to the person’s face. V. You will never find a selfish man with a winning personality. VI. Use tact. “The ready power of appreciation and doing what is required by circumstances. Make yourself so agreeable that no one can be disagreeable to you. VII. Become a good mixer. A good mixer has to be willing to meet the other fellow’s tastes and desires, not as a condescension but as a great pleasure. If he meets someone with a hobby, he interests himself for the time being, at least in the same thing. A great deal of diplomacy must be exercised by one who is ambitions to develop a winning personality. VIII. Have an open mind. Do not try to convert others to your way of thinking. Avoid all interference with another’s tastes, beliefs, political affiliations, recreations, business affairs, etc. I do not mean that you must go out of your way to do things which are


objectionable to you when you do not have to, but it is well to “do as the Romans do when you are in Rome.… Refrain from expressing your dislikes …” IX. Avoid the following: sarcasm, impertinence, ridicule, hot temper, profanity, roughness, brutality, vulgarity, a loud voice, and grouchiness. Make a point of cultivating the exact opposites of these traits. Be these qualities. Be genuine. X. There is nothing so detrimental to the development of a magnetic personality as lack of self-control. It is not so much what you say, as how you say it, that counts. XI. Look people straight in the eye. Look into the mirror and think of something pleasant. Practice this.
Train your voice to express vibrant beauty – low toned. Learn to converse well. But do not talk too much. Learn to listen. Watch your positions while sitting, standing, walking – be graceful.
Don’t BeBe
Indifferent Friendly
Page 78 – Be agreeable to everyone, regardless of position in life. Be careful not to use slang or profanity. If you feel superior to someone else, never show it. Keep cool, and you will be master of the situation. Avoid all false notions. Be careful of your reputation. Do nothing to mar it. Be careful of your looks – clothes, etc. Be well groomed. Wear what becomes you. Study your own style. Dress in harmony with your surroundings. The real instruments of magnetism are, 1. Making the best of yourself. 2. Strong resolution. 3 Decision. 4. Reserving your energy. 5. Unwavering persistence. Be on the lookout for opportunities to develop your best self at all times. Don’t take risks when you don’t have to. Keep your poise. Cultivate punctuality. Aim for the highest. Get alone, inventory yourself – make plans.
There is a universal law of supply and demand. Demand that you shall unfold your natural magnetism and try for it, and you will. “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.” = keep your thoughts and motives pure and right. If you wish to control others – or another – learn his nature and habits and you will know his weakness and disadvantages, and you will thus know how to persuade him. Do not try

to control others unless your motive is right. Follow the golden rule in this. Don’t be jealous or envious. Keep to yourself any unpleasant opinions of others. Don’t display your temper. Don’t be sarcastic. Don’t make remarks about another that you would not make to his face, nor say anything that will injure him. Be careful how you joke – not in an offensive way. Don’t make remarks that you would not make before a lady. Don’t make promises unless you can keep them. Always keep your word if possible, but if you cannot, don’t be afraid to explain why. Don’t relate your troubles to others – nor your hobbies. Don’t try to make a man go against his grain. Let an irritated person return to his normal condition before contradicting him, even if he is wrong. Don’t argue – unless peacefully. Every person is entitled to his own views. Don’t sneer at anything. Don’t form a hasty opinion. Look for people’s good points – not bad ones. Always grant a favor if it is right and possible. Use pleasant words – Find the best way, and do it. Every day – exercise – eat right, breath right, bathe, drink water.
Page 79 -- Exercises: 1) Stand erect, chest up, hands at sides, raise hands until they meet above head, inhaling. Relax letting hands fall, exhaling. 2) Fold arms across chest – raise body gently up and down on toes/ 2 times – but don’t let heels touch floor. Hold breath while taking the exercise. 3) Stand arms out in front – palms together, swing them backward as far as possible, bringing them as near together in back as possible. Simultaneously, rise on toes and inhale. Relax and exhale when coming down. 4) Lie on back on floor, bring knees up toward chest as far as possible inhaling. Let legs go back down, exhaling – 10 times. 5) Stand on balls of feet, fold arms, sink to sitting posture – exhale going down. Inhale rising 7 times. 6) Inhale deeply holding breath while you raise shoulders up and down 5 times. Exhale slowly. 7) Stand, hands over head, palms front, bend forward, touch floor, knees stiff whole. Exhale when rising. 8) Go through running actions. 9) Bend down, touching fingers to floor, walk around as a dog. Good for reducing. Take these in morning before breakfast. Cultivate habit of expecting great things – of doing whatever you set out to do. Make up your mind you are going to make money, and you can. Self confidence succeeds. We most not only believe in ourselves, but we must have others believe in us.
Personal magnetism makes others believe in us. Cultivate a strong, vigorous, self complacent air. Let others follow – do not follow them. You can increase your ability by self suggestion. It is possible for you to attract money, love, business, health, wisdom, harmony, happiness, strength, and anything else you wish.


June 23, 1932 – Will Durant’s book, “The Story of Philosophy” In the introduction, he says, quoting Bacon, “Seek ye first the good things of the mind, and the rest will either be supplied, or the loss will not be felt.” Again, “Science seems always to advance, while philosophy loses ground yet this is only because philosophy accepts the hard and hazardous task of dealing with problems not yet open to the methods of science. Every science begins as philosophy, and ends as art. It arises in hypothesis and flows into achievement. Philosophy … is the front trench in the siege of truth. Science is the captured territory, and behind it are those secure regions in which knowledge and art build our imperfect and marvelous world. Philosophy seems to stand still perplexed, but only because she leaves the fruits of her victory to her daughters the sciences, and herself passes on, divinely discontent to the uncertain and unexplored… Science is analytical description, philosophy is synthetic interpretation .. to observe processes and to construct means is science; to criticize and coordinate ends is philosophy. .. for a fact is nothing except in relation to desire; it is not complete except in relation to a purpose and a whole… Science gives us knowledge, but only philosophy can give us wisdom.” Page 80 – Logic is the study of ideal method in thought and research; … Ethics is the study of ideal conduct. He quotes Emerson: “Do you know the secret of the true scholar? In every man there is something wherein I may learn of him; and in that I am his pupil.” Plato: Critias was a pupil of Socrates, and an uncle of Plato. Socrates was poor – hardly anyone knew how he lived. He never worked – neglected his wife and children. He would say, “Only one thing I know, and that is that I know nothing.” If …good meant intelligent, and virtue meant wisdom.
(My own thought, not related to the above. I feel a sense of separation from other individuals because my awareness and my memory include only the things I experienced; I can approach a semblance of unity of mind and body with others only as memory or awareness assists me in reconstructing their experience in my own mind and living them, though but momentarily, as my own.
“The Beauty of the New Testament” by Burris Jenkins (Borrowed from Mrs. J. F. Patterson.)
Chapter titles: 1) Artistry in the N. Test. 2) Birth and Infancy of Jesus. III) A Character Sketch – The Baptist. IV) Jesus Chooses his friends. V) The Poetry of Jesus. VI) Short Stories of Jesus. VII) Some

Beautiful Miracles of Jesus. VIII) Some Epigrams23 of Jesus. IX) More Epigrams X) Jesus Dealing with Men. XI) Jesus dealing with Women. XII) Supreme Tragedy XIV) Birth and Infancy of the Church XV) Dawning Use of Universality. XVI) Gospel Carried to Rome. XVII) Oratory in the Early Church. XVIII) The Great Preaching of Paul XXIV) Paul a writer of Letters. XX) What shaped Paul’s Style. XXI) Paul’s plan of an Epistle XXV) Literary Ways XXIX) Paul’s Life Told by his Letters. XXV) The Anonymous Letter to the Hebrews. XXVI) The Fiery St James. XXVII) Letters of Hope and Love. XXVIII) The Glories of Revelation XXIX) The Long Way We Have Come.
Chapters 12 and 13. The four acts of the Supreme Tragedy are divided as follows: Acts 1 & 2. Act 1 Scene 1 – The Triumphal Entry Scene 2 – Driving the Money Changers from the Temple Act 2 Scene 1 – The Passover – Judas Bargaining. Scene 2 Jesus sends two disciples to seek a room. Scene 3 – The Passover itself. Page 81 -- Scene 4 – Singing in the upper room. Jesus departure for the olive garden. The prayer – betrayal. Act 3 Scene 1, 2, 3 – The three trials of Jesus. Scene 4 Crucifixion Act IV – After Death, at the base of Calvary, In the Garden, the Empty Tomb. Darkness, Breathlessness, the Angel, Jesus. Galilee, Doubting Thomas, The walk to Emmaus, Did not our hearts burn.
(Mrs. Patterson wanted me to read this book. I did not really read it, but took this outline of it. It makes good drama. I appreciate the dramatic possibilities of it, whether I believe in it or not.)
July 16, 1932 – I have found a “kindred spirit” in many ways, in Mrs. Patterson. (Mrs. Mabel Wear Patterson) We have so many tastes in common. We have joked about her, Mrs. Herold Day, and I being the “intelligentsia” of the town – but in one sense it is true. Mrs. Phelp is also one of “us”. Mrs. Patterson is a graduate of North Western University and a remarkably fine woman. I run up to see her nearly every day, because I carry the mail to and from the depot. I think she is not very happy, and since I am so happy, myself, I am able to pass on to her some of my own buoyant sprits. I think I invigorate her, as I do Mrs. Herold Day, and others. It is pleasant to feel that I am able to do this. Mrs. Patterson writes, has had a good deal published – mostly short articles.
Am feeling so well now – better than I have felt in years. Am learning to live in a sane way, and have learned enough of human nature and of life to

23 Def: 1. A concise poem dealing pointedly and often satirically with a single thought or event and often ending with an ingenious turn of thought 2. a terse, sage or witty and often paradoxical saying.


make me somewhat of a philosopher. Am afraid I no longer have my old religion – Knowledge has dissipated many of those mists; but then, so long as I am happy I do not need creed and dogma – I am satisfied with joyful goodness. I am going to reform a little more, and Page 82 – try to be a little more selfish than I have been in the past. Miss (Allie) Davis says that if some people do not love others any more than they love themselves they do not love their friends very much. She speaks of the people who are so unselfish that they never give themselves a square deal.
I am going to claim for myself what I want others to have. I have been too unselfish in the past. It has made a good character of me, but has spoiled my family, and associates – some of them anyhow.
I have a very interesting book on “The Mastery of Success” by Dr. Willis G. Sheeman. It is very good. Much of it is on food values in their relation to health. I believe I mentioned that I have Dr. Marie Stopes book, “Married Love.” Have sent for another of her books, “Enduring Passion,” that treats of the right relationships in married life for enduring happiness and love.
August 1932 Delineator has an article, “The Beautiful Escape, by Celia Caroline Cole, in which I find this phrase, “It’s (the diaphragm) the floor, from which your voice arises like a lovely dancer to pour itself through your throat.” The article is on the loveliness of the voice, when properly controlled, and watched. The author says to “listen, breathe, relax” for beautiful voice – for a voice with charm and color. In another place the Delineator says that in the fashions, “Bows, the bigger, the smarter, and the better we like them.” Personally I detest bows on the front of me, unless they are so inconspicuous as to cause no annoyance. Bows placed where they obstruct my view – annoy me, and I will not have them on. I took one off my new dress, just recently. Too many dangling pieces on a dress make it look cheap to me.
Continuing Durant’s, “The Story of Philosophy”. Plato was a pupil of Socrates, who was poisoned because he denied the gods, and said there was only one god. He could have escaped by recanting, but would not. Page 83 – (Judith Wharton, in her book, “The God’s arrive”, says, “Happiness is a work of art. Handle with Care.” Plato was 28 when the master (Socrates) died. He scorned democracy - and believed the ruler should be he who is wisest and best. His efforts to save Socrates marked him for suspicion and so he left Athens for twelve years, traveling, and learning. Returned when 40 ripened in wisdom. Plato was full of the qualities he condemns. – In his book, “The Republic,” he

speaks on modern subjects – metaphysics, theology, ethics, psychology, pedagogy, politics, theory of art, communism, socialism, feminism, birth control, and eugenics. Emerson says, “Plato is philosophy, and philosophy is Plato.”
Book: “Numbers, Their Meaning and Magic” by Isadore Kiminsky (lent to me by Robert R. Owens.) Published by G.P. Putman’s Sons. Aug 13, 1932 – This evening Bertha (Logan) said to me, “O, that new book I’m reading, Aunt Love, is just gorgeous! The hero is the son of a wonderful sweet woman, and a “shooting” father. He (the hero) starts to shoot someone, sees his mother’s sweet face before him, gets tenderhearted, and shoots only the man’s little finger off.” She says the funniest things. Aug. 18 -- 2:40 am – Rather early in the morning – This; I woke and being sleepless as usual took refuge either in reading or writing. This time writing.
Economic Situation -- My sister, Glenn – Beatrice Glenn Swaim Lewis – is working at the Bighorn Sheep Company store. She told me last evening that they were not supposed to give, or extend, credit to people, but they would “tab” me – the CB & T depot agent – etc. because we have steady incomes; It makes me heartsick to think of it. Of course, the Bighorn has many times offered me credit, but I have refused to accept it – except for a day or so at a time, when I didn’t happen to have along with me sufficient money to pay for something extra which I bought. But I always have refused regular credit. Page 84 -- And now, I am being offered temporary credit again – not because I am any more honest than other people, but solely by virtue of my job! … a steady job. What a condition the country is in! And the Bighorn cannot help this attitude – they too, who have always had unlimited credit with the wholesale houses, have been put on a cash, and a 30 day credit basis.
I fear very much that the trouble is with the system under which we exist in the U.S.A., a wholly competitive system. I can see where a wise combination of competitive and cooperative systems would be by far the best plan of government. Right now, all over the United States, various co-operative movements – on small scales – are beginning to be worked out. Up in Minnesota (I think) a Methodist Minister is organizing the people – farmers too, into a cooperative organization. I wish something of the sort might be worked out here. This country is chiefly agricultural – mostly sheep raising, some cattle, and I think, enough farming to maintain the population, if properly distributed. There are a number of small


manufacturing enterprises in Wyoming. Several excellent coal mines., oil in large quantities (though the oil belongs to the large corporations, and the people here would need it). Canning factories are at Lovell (and in that part of the country). Wyoming produces the finest grade of honey. Sugar beets are raised, and there is a sugar factory at Worland. We have sawmills, mines of various kinds. I have not begun to name them all. But we need woolen mills, and iron and steel mills… I wonder if it could be done here?
By the way, did I mention that I have written a small Home Demonstration playlet? We put it on in our Club program recently, where Miss Oller, our County Demonstrater, and Miss Collopy, one of the state women from the Extension department of the University at Laramie, were here. I had charge of the program, also Miss Collopy wants me to write a series of playlets – or else a series of pageants, illustrating the various phases of the work. She says I have talent for that sort of work! Miss Collopy, herself, is a writer – had a column in the Denver Post for a long time – Miss Oller also asked me for an outline of the little speech I made at the program – and I sent it to her.
Page 85 -- Well, it is now 3:25 – perhaps I can sleep again. I am going to think over that co-operative movement more. Aug 19—My Playlet –Just got a letter from Miss Ponds Home Management Specialist, at Laramie, commenting very kindly upon my little playlet. She is Home Management Specialist for the whole state of Wyoming – She sent me three mimeographed copies of the play. I have one each to Cunningham’s and to the Quin Golder’s. Mrs. Cunningham and Livia played Mrs. Biggs and Sylvia, and Mr. Golder played Mr. Biggs. We may put it on next month in our country Achievement Day program.
Frazie’s “Golden Bough Vol. 1” -- Sir James George Fraser’s book – “The Golden Bough” Vol. 1. I think I have read elsewhere practically everything in this book, but is here list chapters and names, and later will sketch through the book. Ch or C = Chapter. § = Various headings in chapter. Ch. 1 – The King of the Wood. § Diana & Virbius; §Artemis & Hippolytus; §Recapitualaton. Ch. 2 – Priestly Kings. Ch. 3 – Sympathetic Magic. §The principles of magic; § Homeopathic or Imitative Magic; §Contagious Magic; § The Magicians Progress. Ch. 4 – Magic and Religion Ch. 5 – The Magical Control of the Weather. § The public Magician; §The Magical Control of Rain. § The Magical Control of the Sun. §The magical Control of the Wind. Ch. 6 – Magicians as Kings. Ch. 7 – Incarnate Human Gods. Ch. 8 – Departmental Kings

of Nature. Ch. 9 The Worship of Trees. §Tree Spirits; §Beneficent Powers of Tree Spirits. Ch. 10. Relics of Tree Worship in Modern Europe. Ch. 11 – The Influence of the Sexes on Vegetations. Ch. 12 – The Sacred Marriage. § Diana as a Goddess of Fertility; § Marriage of Gods. Ch. 13 – The Kings of Rome and Alba. § Numa & Egeria; § the King as Jupiter. Ch. 14 – The Succession of the Kingdom in Ancient Latium. Ch. 15 – The Worship of the Oak. Ch. 16 – Dianus & Diana. Ch. 17 – The Burden of Royalty. § Royalty & Priestly Taboos.; §Divorce of the Spiritual from the Temporal Power. Ch. 18 – The Perils fo the Soul. §The Soul as a Mannakin; §The Absence and Recall of the Soul; §The Soul as a Shadow and a Reflection. Ch. 19 – Tabooed Acts. §Taboos on Intercourse with Strangers; § Taboos on eating and drinking; § Taboos on Showing the Face; §Taboos on Quitting the House; §Taboos on Leaving Food Over. Ch. 20 – Tabooed Persons. §Chiefs and Kings Tabooed; § morners tabooed; §Women tabooed at Menstruation & Childbirth.; Page 86 -- §Warriors Tabooed; §Manslayers Tabooed; §Hunters & Fishers Tabooed; Ch. 21 – Tabooed Things. §The Meaning of Taboo; §Iron Tabooed; §Sharp Weapons Tabooed; §Blood Tabooed; §The Head Tabooed; §The Hair Tabooed; §Ceremonies at Hair Cutting; § Disposal of Hair and Nails; §Spittle Tabooed; §Foods Tabooed; §Knots & Rings Tabooed. Ch. 22 – Tabooed Words. §Personal Names Tabooed; §Names of Relations Tabooed; §Names of the Dead Tabooed; § Names of Kings and Other Sacred Persons Tabooed; §Names of Gods Tabooed. Ch. 23 – One Debt to the Savage. Ch. 24 – The Killing of the Divine King. §The Mortality of the Gods; §Kings Killed when Their Strength Fails; §Kings Killed at the end of a (illegible) Term. Ch. 25 – Temporary Kings. Ch. 26 – Sacrifice of the King’s Son. Ch. 27 – Succession to the Soul. Ch. 28 – The Killing of the Tree Spirit. §The Whitsuntide Mummers; §Burying the Carnival; § Carrying out Death; § Bringing in Summer; § Battle of Summer & Winter; §Death & Resurrection of Kostrubonko; §Death and Revival of Vegetations; §Analogous Rites in India; §The Magic Spring; Ch. 29 – The Myths of Adonis. Ch. 30 – Adonis in Syria. Ch. 31 – Adonis in Cyprus. Ch. 32 – The Ritual of Adonis. Ch. 33 – The Gardens of Adonis. Ch. 34 – The Myth and Ritual of Attis. Ch. 35 – Attis as a God of Vegetation. Ch. 36 – Human Representatives of Attis. Ch. 37 – Oriental Religions n the West. Ch. 38- The Myth of Osiris. Ch. 39 – The Ritual of Osiris. §The Popular Rites; §The Official Rites; Ch. 40 – The Nature of Osiris. §Osiris a Corn God; §Osiris a Tree Spirit; § Osiris a God of Fertility; §Osiris a God of the Dead. Ch. 41 – Isis. Ch. 42 – Osiris and The Sun. Ch. 43 – The Corn – Mother and the Corn Maiden in Northern Europe. Ch. 46 – The Corn


Mother in Many Lands § The Corn-Mother in America; § The Rice Mother in the East Indies; § The Spirit of Corn Embodied in Human Beings; § The Double Personification of the Corn as Mother & Daughter. Ch. 47 – Lityerses. § Songs of the Corn Reapers; § Killing the Corn Spirit; §Human Sacrifices for the Crops; § The Corn Spirit Slain in his Human Representation. Ch. 48 – The Corn Spirit as an Animal. § The Animal Embodiments of the Corn Spirit; § The Corn Spirit as a Wolf or Dog; § The Corn Spirit as a Cock; § The Corn Spirit Page 87 -- as a Hare; §Corn Spirit as a Cat; §Corn Spirit as a Goat; §Corn Spirit as a Bull Cow or Ox; §Corn Spirit as a Horse or Mare; §The Corn Spirit as a Pig (Boar or Sow); §On the animal embodiments of the Corn Spirits; Ch. 49 – Animal Deities of Vegetations as Animals; §Dionysus, the Goat and the Bull; Demeto, The Pig and the Horse; §Attis, Adonis, and the Pig; § Osiris, the Pig and the Bull; §Virbius and the Horse. Ch. 50 – Eating the God. §The Sacrament of the First Fruits; §Eating the God among the Aztecs; § Many Manii at Aricia. Ch. 51 – Homeopathic Magic of a Flesh Diet. Ch. 52 – Killing the Divine Animal. § Killing the Sacred Buzzard; §Killing the Sacred Ram; §Killing the Sacred Serpent; §Killing the Sacred Turtle; §Killing the Sacred Bear. Ch. 53 – The Propitiation of Wild Animals by Hunters. Ch. 54 – The Types of Animal Sacrament; § The Egyptian, and the Aino Types of Sacrament; § Processions With Sacred Animals. Ch. 55 – The Transference of Evil. §Transference to Inanimate Objects; §Transference to Animals; §Transference to Men; §Transference of evil in Europe. Ch. 56 – The Public Expulsion of Evils. §The Omnipresence of Demons; § The Occasional Expulsion of Evils; §The Periodic Expulsion of Evils. Ch. 57 – Public Scapegoats. §The Expulsion of Embodied Evils; §The Occasional Expulsion of Evils in a Material Vehicle; § The Periodic Expulsion of Evils in a Material Vehicle; On Scapegoats in General. Ch. 58 – Human Scapegoats in Classical Antiquity. § The Human Scapegoat in Ancient Rome; §The Human Scapegoat in Ancient Greece; §The Roman Saturnalia. Ch. 59 – Killing the god in Mexico; Ch. 60 – Between Heaven & Earth. §Not to Touch the Earth; §Not to see the Sun; § The Seclusion of the Girls at Puberty. Ch. 61 – The Myth of Balder. Ch. 62 – The Fire Festivals of Europe. §Fire Festivals in General; § Lenten Fires; §The Easter Fires; §The Beltane Fires ; §The Midsummer Fires; §Halloween Fires; §Midwinter Fires; §The Need-fire. Ch. 63 – On the Interpretation of the Fire Festivals. Page 88 - §On the Fire Festivals in General; §The Solar Theory of the Fire Festivals; § The Purificatory Theory of the Fire Festivals. Ch. 64 – The Burning of Human Beings in the Fires; §The Burning of Effigies in the Fires; § The Burning of

Men and Animals in the Fires. Ch. 65 – Balder & the Mistletoe. Ch. 66 – The External Soul in Folk-tales. Ch. 67 – The External Soul in Folk-custom. §The External soul in Inanimate things; §The External Soul in Planets; §The External Soul in Animals; §The Ritual of Death & Resurrection. Ch. 68 – The Golden Bough. Ch. 69 – Farewell to Nemi.
Aug. 26, 1932 – Nietzsche – “Beyond Good and Evil Am now reading two books. Volume 1 of “The Golden Bough”, and Friedrich Nietzsche’s book, “Beyond Good an Evil.” 1924. N.Y. The MacMillan Co. I shall try to make notes, particularly on the latter book. “In the philosopher … there is absolutely nothing impersonal; and above all, his morality furnishes a decided, and decisive testimony as to who he is, that is to say, in what order the deepest impulses of his nature stand to each other.” (am writing in bed – hard work)
Nietzsche (p. 44) says, “There are heights of the soul from which tragedy itself no longer appears to operate tragically, and if all the woe in the world were taken together, who would dare to decide whether the sight of it would necessarily seduce and constrain sympathy, and thus to a doubling of the woe? - - - That which serves the higher class of men for nourishment or refreshment, must be almost poison to an entirely different and lower order of human beings. The virtues of a common man would perhaps mean vice and weakness in a philosophy. --- There are books which have an inverse value for the soul and health, according as the inferior soul and lower and lower vitality, or the higher and more powerful make use of them. In the former case, they are dangerous, disturbing, unsettling books, in the latter case, they are herald calls, which summon the bravest to their bravery. Books for the general reader are always ill-smelling books, the odor of paltry people clings to them. Where the populace eat and drink, and even where they reverence, it is accustomed to stink…”
Nietzsche impresses me as being brilliant of intellect. All of his view on life are unbelievably sardonic in character – or so it seems to me.
Page91 – May 19, 1956: Today I tore out a sheet from this record. Pages 89-90. In it I was expressing an ill will for an acquaintance. It was not acceptable in a book of this sort. Lovina.
What I enjoy –

12. I enjoy young folks – and I think they enjoy me.
13. I enjoy traveling – very much
14. I enjoy the smell of the sage brush – my dear Wyoming – the solitude – vastness of it.


15. I enjoy camping.
16. I like horse racing.
17. Usually, I enjoy my work.
18. I enjoy my play – I have followed, or am learning to follow advice of (I think) Elbert Hubbard24, who said, “Don’t take yourself so damned serious.” I am “good” from a moral standpoint, yet I understand people – and condemn for less than I used to.
19. I enjoy “playing the game” – good sportsmanship. I enjoy it in myself, and I enjoy it in others.
20. I enjoy my own honesty of purpose. I enjoy facing life honestly – no matter how hard it may be.
21. As distinct from number 6, I enjoy what claims to be intellectuality I may have. My best friends are among the most intelligent and educated in the country. Their tastes are mine. I can meet them on a level – they they may be educated in colleges, I am just as truly educated by studying the same books at home. The well balanced people of the community respect my judgment. I too am “well-balanced.”
22. I enjoy being able to speak in public. Often I am asked to act as spokesman for my neighbors and community. I enjoy having them proud of me. (conceited? Not.)
23. I enjoy having people come to me and ask for my advice.
24. I enjoy trying to write. I have a sense of the dramatic and enjoy trying to express it. I could go on for a long time telling what I enjoy, but will proceed no further with it. It becomes boring. Life is full of worth while things.
Nov. 7, 1932 – There are so many wonderful things happening – which will prove to be the most important in the end?
This is the eve of the Presidential election. Hoover is running against Franklin D. Roosevelt. I think Roosevelt will be elected.
Page 92 -- “Who by taking thought, can add one cubit to his stature?” I say, “Who by taking no thought can do anything?” Thought is better than not thinking. Thinking on diet can add cubits to

24 Hubbard, Elbert, 1856–1915, American author and publisher, b. Bloomington, Ill. He founded (1895) an artist colony in East Aurora, N.Y., and established there the Roycroft Press, emulating William Morris's idealistic experiment in fine books and hand craftsmanship. An ardent believer in rugged individualism, Hubbard edited the inspirational Philistine magazine and was the author of the essay “A Message to Garcia” (1899), a lesson in duty and efficiency based on an incident in the Spanish-American War. Hubbard died on the Lusitania, which was sunk in the Irish Sea by a German submarine on May 7, 1915.
The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th ed. Copyright © 2003, Columbia University Press.

statures in children, as proven by feeding meat to the rice-eating Japanese. They are growing larger.
Nov. 23, 1932 – Am now reading Seabrook’s, “The Magic Island” an absorbing study of voodooism in Haiti. It is fascinating.
Dec. 11 – Have also read “Imperial Palace,” by Arnold Benneto. Just started “Mexico,” by Stuart Chase. It is very interesting. The author says that Mexico City was founded in 1325, and was called Tenochtitlan. Three cultures of early Mexican history are Mayas, Toltecs, and Aztecs. Scholars are divided on the question of relative place of each in history, but the order above named seems most nearly correct. About time of Christ’s birth Mayas founded empire in Guatemala and between 450 and 600 A.D. it was at it greatest. Their ruins are the most sophisticated, balanced and beautiful yet found. They then (early 7th century, migrated to Yucatan, built chicken Itza, Uxmal, and scores of other cities. The migration was due to war or maize, or perhaps both. Their agricultural methods depleted the soil and they had to move on.
1091 A.D. was Aztec “zero hour” – Calendar was tablislud. Story is that Tenochtitlan (Mexico City) was founded where an eagle was seen with a snake in its grip – is not so well authenticated, but is romantic. The Mexican’s sense of the beautiful is highly developed, but their acquisitive disposition is undeveloped. They had domesticated fowels, turkeys, ducks, geese, pheasants long ago. They were sun worshippers. The plumed serpent. Recipe for tortillas: pound corn (with a stone metate) add a little lime water, slap the meal into round cakes, cook over charcoal brazier. To make tamales, take the tortilla, wrap it around a piece of meat, with cornmeal, slip it into a corn husk, after putting over it a sauce for enchiladas. Very nourishing.
There are about 30 fiestas in Mexico lasting all the way from one day to nine days. (They are “some feasters” aren’t they?)
I became so interested in the book that I forgot to take notes. But I think I have a better understanding of Mexico, Mexicans, their history, background and life than I ever had before.
“Mexican Maze” by Carleton Beals, deals with the various phases of Mexican life and history. (Incidentally, both these books on Mexico give the Catholic church a good many hard blows for its dealings with the Mexican people.) The author says that the common “Indians” of Mexico are pushing forward into the higher posts of the Nation.
Also read “Crewe Train,” by Rose Macaulay; Fugitive Return,” by Susan Glaspell; “The Fortress,” by Hugh Walpole.


Mar. 1 , 1933 – Have been studying Technocracy25 lately. The latest one I have just read is “The Technocrat Magazine,” published by the Graphic Arts Corporation, 529 So. 7th Street, Minneapolis Minn. The issue is not dated, but is priced at 15¢. Am going to write them.
Mar 12 – In the Saturday Evening Post for Feb. 11 is an article “The American Girl Misses the Man She Wants” an anonymous article by a princess. It is rather an unusual article. Here is her recipe for succeeding in love.
1. Study your man. What type does he like? Decide if you want to be that type for life.
2. Study your Man again. What does he want? Some men like to be ignored, others flattered.
3. Study you best points – Emphasize them.
4. Don’t put all your cards on the table. Bee subtle – create mystery.
5. Don’t be clever, save in direct and subtle ways. Very few women can afford to be – on the surface.
6. Flatter your man – or some other woman will.
7. Don’t tell everything. Hide things, including your age.
8. If a man is in love with you, have him around even if he bores you. Boredom is the price of popularity.
9. You must think about love and charm, or it will not shine out of you.
10. With skill and your mind on the job, you can change your type.
11. Don’t ignore men merely because you have failed with them. Buckle on your armor.
12. Put your brains into the job. If one tenth of the brains the American woman scatters would concentrate on this job, the divorce statistics would vanish.
Page 94 –April 18, 1933 – Am reading “A Preface to Morals,” by Walter Lippmann. He begins by saying that the old order of religion has changed. Orthodoxy is gone. He quotes William James. “Religion in her fullest exercise of function, is not a mere illumination of facts already elsewhere given. Not a mere passion, like love, which views things, in a rosier light… It is something more, namely, a postulator of facts as well.”
Lippmann, (the author) p. 27. However, much our inherited sentiments may shrink from the admission, the scientists are today almost unanimous in saying that the universe as they see it contains no evidence of the existence of an anthropomorphic God whatever. In this, he quotes Dr. Kirsopp Lake, and seems to agree with him. To him, God means the sum of ideal values.

25 Technocracy: a form of government in which scientists and technical experts are in control.

p. 192 Quoting. The mature character may be attained by growth and experience and insight, or by ascetic discipline or by that process of being reborn, which is called conversion. When it is attained, the moral problem of whether to yield to impulse, or to check it, and how much to check it or how much to yield, has disappeared… For things are neutral, and evil is a certain way of experiencing them.
Apr 19 – Jim Lysite, History -- Yesterday I received a letter that had been written to the Secretary of State; at Cheyenne, Wyoming, and forwarded on to me for the information requested. Copy of the Letter follows: -
                                Lynchburg, S. C.
                                April 13, 1933

Secretary of State
Cheyenne, Wyoming
Dear Sir:
I am interested to know if you have a tribe of Indians in your state known as the Lysitte Indians and if the old gentleman died a few years ago, and was very very wealthy, did he have a son C. E. Lysitte, who is now an Atty, in N. Y. City. I will appreciate very much if you can give me this information. I am trying to find out C. E. Lysitte character, hoping to hear from you at a very early date.

                             Yours truly
                             C.H. Turluck

Page 95 -- I copied the letter as it was written – Errors and all. The name I was not sure about, and so attempted to copy it, as it looked. I am inclined to think it may be a “skin game” of some sort, but may be mistaken.
Lysite Origin -- Below is a copy of a letter to David Schoening about Lysite.

                              Hudson, Wyo.
                              Sept. 4, 1916

Mr. David Shoening,
Lysite, Wyo.
My dear Sir: -
I think it the duty of everyone to record “History” as it is made and as the killing of Lysite & others in the section you are living is part of its Early History, I take pleasure in giving you all that is known about them by - myself and other old timers here --
It would seem that in the fall of 1876 there were two parties consisting of two men each went into that section to hunt, trap and prospect. The first


party that went there was a man by the name of Tommy Cook and a man by the name of Spencer. I have forgotten his given name – These two were reported killed early in the season, but just where I do not remember but it must have been between the mouth of the cannon and Bridger Creek, or the crossing of Badwater. In regard to Lysite I find this entry in the U.S. Post History of Camp Brown, “Decr. 6, 1876. The Militia Co known as the Tigers returned and reported finding the camp of Jim Lysite & his fellows and the body of the former scalped near the body of his horse almost in the camp – It was found on an eastern branch of Bridger Creek. Snow prevented the finding of the other bodies.” Page 96 -- You will note in this entry that it speaks of finding the Camp of Jim Lysite & his fellows. It is possible that Cook and his partner & Lysite & His partner had gotten together and they were all killed at the same time. The Militia Co spoken of was called the Push Root Tigers – Lander was not named then and it was called “Push Root.”
I am sorry that I cannot give you more definite information.
                                 Very Truly Yours,
                                 B. A. Hall26

I answered the letter and sent it back to the Secretary of State at Cheyenne. I have copied this letter mistakes and all just as it is written. There are a few more bits of information about Jim Lysite that are not much more than traditions by this time. Among them is the story that his name was not Lysite, but Lyside. Further information or tradition says that Lysite was buried just outside the canyon – (Southern End) near where George Ramage now lives. He was buried beside a clump of willows on the west side of the Lysite Creek – the first place where they found any grass when they came out of the canyon with his body.
Apr. 21—“American Government and Politics” by Charles A. Beard. p. 10 – The Greek Philosopher, Aristotle more than 300 years before Christ fused history, ethic, economics, administration, public policies, and government into one organic whole. He considered first the constitution and function of the family, making pertinent reflections on the characteristics and variability of human nature. Then he moved to the subject of property in its multiform relationships. Having surveyed the family and property, and the production and distribution of wealth, Aristotle proceeded to the consideration of the forms and nature of Government, the causes of revolution, and the problems of statesmanship. The

26Initials for first and middle name are not clear.

aim of the family and of property as of the state, he thought, was the best life. Property as a means of getting more property, or as an end in itself was inconceivable to him. Page 97 – Statesmanship as the art of gaining power and holding it was to him an unworthy concept. Always before him he held an ethical ideal: What is the best kind of society which human nature can form? The mere description of government without explanation and without reference to ideal ends would have been to Aristotle no science at all, merely a collection of data.
Postal Stamp May 4, 1933 Lysite, WYO.—Today is Son’s (Henry’s) birthday. He is 24 years old.
May 17-- Am reading several books – Walpoles “Rogue Herries;” Durant’s “A Program for America.” The latter book I find particularly interesting, though I do not agree with all he says. For instance, on page 58, he says, “The village is no longer the stamping ground of virile personalities, but the refuge of dull wits, unfitted for city life.
Also, am reading, or have read, Van Loon’s Geography. “Best Short Stories of 1932, Edited by Edward J. O’Brien; “The Great American Band Wagon,” by Charles Merz; and “Judith Paris,” by Hugh Walpole.
May 31 -- In the past couple of months a change has begun – a determined effort on the part of the U. S. Congress and the President to inflate the values of all commodities. The price of wool, for instance, was 6 or 8 cents per pound last year. This year it is from 15 to 25 cents per pound, so the plan seems to be working. Things seem more cheerful than they have for two or three years. The government has made extensive loans not only to large corporations, companies, banks, etc., but also to individuals on farms, lands, property, and livestock, with long time to pay. A national plan of creating work has been devised that should help – National reforestation. I see much value in the plan, not only because the country may be reforested, to replace the National waste, but also because of the educational value in conservation and care of the forests it will have for the nation. Every year millions of feet of timber are destroyed by careless campers, motorists, etc. Page 98 -- Postal Stamps: June 16, 1933 Lysite Wyo, printed upside down; July 8 1933 Lysite, Wyo. Written next to it is In Memoriam.27 June 5 – I see I failed to record the books I read farther back than about a year ago. In the winter on

27June 16 was the date that Love’s sister Minnie died.


1931-32 I remember that I read Carl Ramus’ “Behind the Scenes with Ourselves,” that I do not think I mentioned here.
June 11 – Am reading Sherwood Eddy’s book, “The Challenge of Russia” – and find it very interesting. Mr Eddy is a writer of note, which makes the book of more value. The great social and economic experiment is thrilling – as presented by the author.
Aug. 25 – Have been reading quite a number of books lately, but have forgotten to list them here. However here are some of them: Bertrand Russell’s book on “The Problems of Modern Education.” (I think that is its name) “The Arches of the Years,” by Sutherland. (Mrs. Philp knows him). “The Remaking of an American,” by Elizabeth Banks; and am going to read, “Gifts of Life,” by Emil Ludwig. Occasionally, also a read a story in “The Argosy” magazine – or some other magazine. Have started, “The Mother,” by Pearl Buck. The story is running serially in the “Cosmopolitan” magazine. How vastly my taste in reading in the last few years has changed!
Later. (9 pm Aug 25) Have just finished Elizabeth Banks, “The Remaking of an American” and find myself disillusioned thoroughly in many ways about England. The author sees America as far superior to England – after having lived in England for many years. She says, on page 260-261 – “…I spent the next few months in learning things about the ‘bossism’28 of the trade in British politics which convinced me that Americans were mere kindergarteners in the art of bribery, graft and corruption.” She tells facts to prove it too.
Page 99 – She says this country is far better off under prohibition than England is without it.
Unfortunately, our national prohibition law is in a good way towards repeal. The Catholic church, and the distilling and brewing moneyed people – the criminal elements all have always been against it, and are now causing it to be repealed. One man sait to me, “Why did you not vote for repeal? It will bring down taxes.” My mind went back over the years to the dreadful panic of 189329 . (I was born Dec. 20,

28Bossism: An ideology that being a boss is an end in itself.
29 The Panic of 1893: A national financial crisis that hit the West and Utah especially hard. It began on 4 May when the New York Stock Exchange began a severe contraction. But Wall Street was less a cause of the problem than a barometer of it. Even before stocks plunged, American foreign trade had declined, bellwether wheat and iron prices had turned down, and business activity had plummeted.
During the panic an unprecedented 15,252 American businesses went into receivership. By the winter of 1893 about 18 percent of the national work force was without jobs. Those who remained employed found their wages slashed by an average of almost 10 percent.

1890) – I was about 2 ½ years old when I began to “remember”. We were tragically, pitifully poor – and my father was a hard working man – willing to do any kind of honest labor. He worked hard 16 hours a day at back-breaking farm work for 50¢ a day. There was no “prohibition” then – the saloons were wide open. How short, sometimes, is the memory of man! How like sheep we all are – incapable of independent thought! Following where the “propagandists say so! I see now why Russia has to have her atrocious Secret Tribunal – she has to have it.

Sept 15 – Books on costuming got from Casper Library: “How to Make Crepe Paper Costumes,” by Dennison Mfg. Co. “Costumes Fanciful Historical and Theatrical,” by Mrs. Aria. “Costumes & Scenery for Amateurs,” by Constance D’orey Mackay. Oct. 11 – Have been reading, “Education of a Princess,” by Marie Grand Duchess of Russia. Incidently, she was born in 1890 – my birth year. Also, have read, “A Daughter of the Samurai,” by Estu Inagaki Sugimoto. The latter is a story of Japan – and America.
Have been giving a series of 15 minute talks at the school on Ethics and Morality. Thus far, the talks have been on “The Value of Correct Ideals,” “Respect of Property Rights,” “Justice,” “Self-Control,” and “Obedience.” There is to be one more, and then I will discontinue the talks for a while, and then take them up later. Page 100 – The talks are given in connection with the new Social Studies introduced into the rural schools by the State Department of Education.

Postal Stamp at the top of the page – Dec 20, 1933 Lysite, WYO.

Oct. 20 – Am reading Amelia Earhart’s “The fun of it” a biography, and “The Mysterious Universe,” by Sir James Jeans. The latter book is very interesting, but rather deep for me – who am not a scientist. Nov. 9 – I see I missed recording the names of some of the books I read. They are: “The Good Earth,” by Pearl Buck; “Don Quixote,” by Cervantes, and a boring novel, “Princess Maritza,” by - I forget whom.
Just now am reading Roy Chapman Andrews book, “On the Trail of Ancient Man” – very interesting – telling of an expedition to China.

Jan 8, 1934 – On December 4, 1933 – (a little over a month ago) I was married to Donald Macgregor Robson. It had been more than five years since I divorced by first husband, Henry E. Johnson –


(Incidently, Henry married again last fall, to a girl young enough to be his daughter, and within three months they had a baby – he had to marry her, I suppose).
Up to date I have not mentioned Donald in this book. He came out to this country from Scotland, in (I think) April 1908. He worked first – for a month or two – for Doubleday, and then went to work for us – herded sheep for us. That was 25 years ago.
In December 1932 – (on Dec. 26) he came by here, and said he wanted to come over some time and renew acquaintance with me. I suspected his motive, instantly, but told him I should be glad to have him call. Then on the 27th – next day (or rather night) I saw him when I was in Shoshoni at the joint installation of the Masons, and Eastern Stars officers. Page 101 -- (Son is a Master Mason, and I am a Star). Donald came and sat beside me and talked. Later on, a few days after, I received a letter from him asking when he could call.

Jan 25 – Donald -- Was interrupted in writing the foregoing. I continue: I had him over for Sunday supper, and thereafter, he came once or twice a week. Despite Son’s measles (Son came home) and Dorothy’s chicken pox, he came anyhow. On Feb. 4, he came to the dance here (we have been giving a series of programs and dances these last two terms of school). I was already at the school house when he came, but I brought him home here for midnight lunch. We made tea on the living room stove, and had bread and butter, and I think my canned peaches. We went back up to the dance, then, and he brought me home in an hour or so, and prepared to leave for Shoshoni. When he went home, he gently leaned down and kissed me. I was so astonished. I did nothing! (Incidently, he has that date down in his notebook right now – an unsentimental Scotchman!)
I asked him, afterward, what made him think of picking me as a wife, and he said, “I have gone with many girls, and thought I loved some of them, but always broke with them sooner or later. I wanted a wife & for nobody in Earth really cares for me. I have no one but distant brothers who have their own interests. I wanted a wife, and I knew, finally, that the ones I had gone with in the past were not suitable as wives for me. I began thinking who, in this country, that was eligible, would make me the best wife. I finally decided upon you, and went after you.” How he succeeded would make an interesting story30. Sometime may write it down.
He and James Scott have been partners in the sheep business – they have about two thousand

head between them, and quite a little land. They are in debt, of course – but if prices keep up they will be able to pay out in two or three years. I am keeping the post office for a time, at least.

Page 102 – I have been elected as Club President for this coming year.

Last fall I gave a series of short lectures to the school children, and they are asking me to give another series. Now I think I shall. And right at present am directing a play production, so am really pretty busy. Donald is herding sheep just now. He and Jimmie take turns about herding their own sheep in the winter. I was out and visited Donald from the 20 to 22 (of Jan.) and helped him herd sheep. I enjoyed it, for it had been years since I really had lived in a sheep camp.

Feb. 6 –Myself, ideas, etc. As time passes I find myself growing plainer and simpler of mind and heart. Along with this goes a freedom from many of the silly inhibitions belonging to humanity in this age. I see the value of, and necessity for ethics and morality more than ever before, but religion – the accepted forms of it – ideals (many of the accepted forms of behavior) I am shedding, as a bird sheds its feathers, one by one, to make room for a new coat in the fall.
Above all things, I will be true to myself. Why should I be something someone else thinks I should be? Innately I am good. Innately I am repelled by coarseness. Yet my ideas of what constitute coarseness are undergoing a change. Many think, within themselves, are neither coarse nor refined. They simply are. Their character is given to them by our treatment of them – whether we debase or exalt them in our thoughts and words and acts. Oh, Mother, (the Spirit of Womanhood within me) keep me true to myself.
Later – Some of my troubles – For a long time I have had a feeling of resentment at Glenn’s crudeness, and conceit – her “bullheadedness,” and narrowness. I thought she was growing more “set”, crystallized in her ways, and perhaps she is; but I am beginning to see that it is I who have changed – grown. She seldom reads anything but light fiction, or articles wholly conventional in thought, while I have read and studied far and wide. Basically, we are different. She is a true daughter of our father, while I am not. I am his seed, to be sure – I look like him; but I have inherited from some other ancestor more than from him.

Page 103 – So far as I know, all of our ancestors have been mediocre in thought – conventional in mind habits; yet I feel within me an inclination to break away from triteness. My folks are


Diary is continued here

Deb Murray