Obituary: Greenup T. Cannon, aged 20 years & 16 days who died at Fort Lamb on (March) 20th of disease of the heart. Resolutions... our worthy friend and brother, Greenup T Cannon. . . His numerous friends will miss him in the social and around the home circle, as also will Company a of the 26th Reg't of Ind Vol., on camp duty and the battle field... That a copy of the above preamble and resolutions be
presented to his aged and weeping parents. J E. Newhouse, P. H. Troutman and H. McAfee, com.
(Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, April 5, 1862)
Rochester Sentinel April 10, 1862
Dear Sentinel:. . . The recruits stood the trip well and arrived in good spirits. They were mustered into service and uniformed at Indianapolis... Letter also mentions Sergt Carter... and R. C. Teters, who met with a serious accident from the accidental discharge of his gun, whereby he lost a first joint of the forefinger of his right hand. Since I last wrote we have met with a severe loss in the death of Private Green Cannon. His remains were sent home in charge of his brother Corp Wm. Cannon, and repose in the burying ground near Pleasant Grove.
Rochester Chronicle, Thursday, Dec 25 1862
The loss of Co A is two killed-Corporal Cannon and Private Wm H. Hoover. [Letter from A.H. McDonald from Camp on the battlefield dated Dec 8, 1862]
The second brother to die was William. William served with Co A 26 regiment and died at the battle of Prarie Grove Ark. Cause of Death was "shot through the head". William is buried in the national Cemetery in Fayetteville (Sec 8 grave 4647).
Letter from A. H. McDonald, Camp on the battle-field, December 8, 1862
Dear Lottie: A great battle was fought here yesterday. . . As you must know from receiving this, I am safe. So is Capt. Rader and Lieut. Carter. The casualties of the 26th Regiment are quite large . . . The loss of Co. A is two killed -- Corporal Cannon and Private Wm. H. Hoover -- and twenty-one wounded: Corporal Hathaway, side; Corporal J. Graffis, arm and thigh. Privates -- M. Barnett, thigh; H. Binnamen, fore arm; A. J. Dixon, shoulder; Thos. Hurst, foot; I. Hurst shoulder and ankle; H. Hazen right lung (motally); R. Kniss, haunches; A. E. McClure, thigh; G. N. McLaughlin right hand; S Overly, shoulder; T. Riley, shoulder; H.
Scott, shoulder; J. Smith, foot; H. Smith, breast; S. Strong, small of back . . . I will add to the list Sergt. Wait and Privates J. Adams and C. Carter, all slightly wounded. I might add my own name to the above list. A spent ball penetrated my clothes, leaving a black and blue spot on the muscles of the right arm; another came in disagreeable proximity to my person, making serious of ragged, unsightly holes in my clothes . . . A. H. McDonald.
[Rochester Chronicle, Thursday, December 25, 1862]
Rochester Chronicle, Thursday, January 18 1863
Letter from the 26th Ind Volunteers Prarie Grove, 10 Miles from Fayetteville, Arkansas, December 10 1862
Kind Uncle:. . . The gallant 26 fought like heroes, and suffered severely, nineteen were wounded and two killed in our company. William J. Cannon and William H Hoover were killed dead on the field. Michael Barnett and Henry Hazen were mortally wounded... A woman came in yesterday to see if she
could find any of her kindred among the killed. She found her father, her brother, and her husband, all killed! O, she just tore about all day. One of our boys found his brother killed on the field! The brother was a secesh [sic], and our soldier buried him and never shed a tear! O, it looks horrible to see the dead pilled up like wood! They begin to smell rather strong, and the men they sent back to bury them are going to join our army, and let them lie there and rot! The hogs are eating many of them up.
Yours truly, M A Collins, P.B. Wever, Esq
The two remaining brothers survived the war. They were Joseph Curtis Cannon (Co E 87 volunteer Infantry) and Isaac H Cannon (Co E 42 Regiment). Isaac was wounded in the right leg and his wife later filed disability papers due to his injury. Isaac was wounded near Atlanta on General Shermans march to the sea. While both men married only Joseph had children. Isaacs pension papers were closed by his adopted daughter Helen Cannon Brelsford.
Letter from Capt. Troutman. Camp 87th Ind Vols, Near Atlanta, Georgia, August 15, 1864.
Friend Fuller - Dear Sir: . . . To sum up, the fighting of the 87th during the present campaign amounts to but very little. We have, however, been in several hot places, in reconnoitering the enemy's front, and from his shells, from all of which we have lost, in killed, five or six; in wounded, about twenty. Company E's casualties are as follows: Sergt. Samuel Leavitt, wounded in the shoulder, slightly, June 10; Alfred Hiser, in scrotum, severe, July 20, from which he died at Kingston, Ga., Aug 9th; Jesse Oldham, in foot, contusion, Aug 5; Isaac H. Cannon, in shin, slight, Aug 13 . . . Company E left Ringgold with forty- one men, and now has thirty-eight; nine having been sent back sick as follows: E. M. Rans, Wm. E. Dukes, H. S. Ross, Sergt. Richie, Daniel Herald, Martin Brunson, John Anderson, James Hurst and A. Hiser, wounded. Gained from hospitals,
Corporals Bennet and J. W. Rush; J. R. Smith, J. G. Minton, James Shreves and Moses Heckert. Very Respectfully, P. S. Troutman.
[Rochester Chronicle, Thursday, September 1, 1864]
In 1865-1868 Clement lived in Kansas City Mo according to his biography.
In 1870, Clement lived in Burlington Ks, Coffey Co per the 1870 Census. The court records of Coffey Co show that Clement and Eliza were involved in a lawsuit with Charles Craft over the ownership of some land. The earliest dates are 1 Dec 1870 through 27 Dec 1871.
In 1872-1876 Clement lived in Longton, On 24 June 1875 Clement purchased the following lots 69, 71 in block number 27 in Longton Ks from Ferdanand Rischoff for $30.
On 14 Feb 1876 Clement and Eliza sell the the following lots 69 and 71 on 5th street and lot 152 in block 27 on Kansas Ave in Longton to Eitio Kendall for $475.
In between 1876 and 1881 Clement reportedly lived in Hutchinson, Reno Co., Ks.
In 1881-1885 Clement lived in Howard. On 31 August 1881 Clement leased a stable in Howard.
Clement was engaged in the Livery and transfer business under the firm name C.H. & E Cannon in Howard, Ks. It is interesting to note that the main street in Howard, Ks is named Wabash and that Clement's earliest experience would have been of his father working on the Wabash and Erie Canal in Indiana. So far all attempts at determining how the streets were named in Howard have been fruitless.
On Jun 9 1881, George Cannon (Clements youngest son) died in a fire that consumed the Cannon barn in Howard, Ks. It was the first fire in Howard according to newspaper accounts. Havey Miller (Clements oldest son) told his son that he suspected that Indians had set the fire because they had been admiring the horses in the stable and did not have enough money to buy them. Yet they milled around town all day. After the fire, neither the horses nor their remains could be found-- and the Indians were also gone.... Newspaper articles speculated that George had fallen asleep with a lit cigar but Harvey the brother of George did not believe the newspaper.
The Howard Courant reported the fire as follows:
"Howard had her first fire on Saturday morning of last week, and one too which will long be remember by those who witnessed the horrible results. About three o'clock in the morning while everybody was in bed and sleeping the soundest , Mr. C. H. Cannon's livery barn located just north of S. A. Brown & Co's lumber yard and fronting on Washington Street was discovered to be on fire, the flames first showing near the rear of the barn which was 140 feet deep and 30 feet wide and two stories high. The alarm was given as soon as possible, but before many people could be awakened and get there, almost the entire barn was in flames and the much dreaded fiend had nought to do but go on its wild fury until it had consumed everything
within its reach. The people of Howard have heretofore escaped so well from the ravages of the fire fiend that no preparations have ever been made to battle with it and never until these large flames appeared did any one realize, apparently, that it was necessary to save the property of the town. However, our people rushed to the scene as soon as possible, and did all in their power to save what property they could although the amount save was small as compared with that lost. There were twenty five heard of horses in the barn, nineteen of which were burned up, only six escaping and they were the more inferior ones, seven buggies and one carriage harness, and a large amount of corn and other feed and a lot of furniture. The house in which Cannon lived, standing just across the alley, west of the barn was also burned. It was the property of Mr. N.B. Cartmell, insured for $800 and worth $1,000.00 or $1,200.00. By diligent work most of the household
goods were saved. The stable was insured for $1000. But the saddest and most deplorable feature of the affair was the burning to death of George Cannon, the proprietor's youngest son, who was sleeping in the second story of the barn, and was no doubt smothered to death without ever waking up. He had been out to Mr Hughes' the evening before. The people of Howard and Elk county are doing a handsome thing by subscribing money to assist Mr. Cannon to rebuild his barn which was destroyed by fire last Saturday morning, something near a thousand dollars being already subscribed. For the accomplishment of this much credit is due to Mr N Momma who took the matter in hand and has given it his attention for a couple of days heaving the cares of his own business and his firm giving 4100.00 toward the amount. It is a notable fact worth mention that Fuller & Lambert who lost three horses and one buggy worth in the aggregate about $500.00 also subscribe $50.00
toward partly replacing Mr. Cannon's loss. There is another gentleman who is worth of assistance Mr. Dusinberre who carries the mail from there to the falls, he having lost his best team worth about $200.00 and is left in a condition that he is compelled to borrow a horse to continue his work. He is a poor man, not able "stand the loss, and we trust the people here and at the Falls will raise money enough to restore him at least a portion of his also."
On 31 August 1881 Clement leased a stable in Howard.
On 26 March 1883, Clement purchased a strip of land fifty feet wide and the length of lots 112,114, 116, 118, & 120 in Howard KS for $3,600.
On 6 July 1883 Clement and Eliza sell a strip of land fifty feet wide and the length of lots 112,114, 116, 118, & 120 in Howard KS for $1800.
In 1883-1886 Clement lived in Elk Falls
On 14 March 1886, Charles, middle son of Clement, dies in Elk Falls at age. Charles had married Dora or Madora Kasson (M 4 May 1879) and had one son. That son, Jess, is also named in Clements will. The obituary in the Elk Falls Democrat read "Charley Cannon, a former resident of Howard and an old settler in Elk County, died at Elk Falls on Friday last, aged twenty-eight years, six months and nine days. He was buried in Grace Lawn Cemetery on Saturday."
In 1887-1889 Clement lived in Arkansas City
In 1889- ? Clement lived in Guthrie OK Teritory
September 22, 1891 Clement and Harvey filed a claim in Lincoln Co, Oklahoma. In the fall of 1899 they sold out and relocated to Chandler.
On 8 Feb 1899, Clements only surviving son, Harvey Miller, marries Maude Israel. Maude was born in Canton, McPherson Co, Ks on 11 Sept 1879. Two sons were born to this marriage. George Israel Cannon (26 Jan 1904) and Howard Harvey Cannon (2 July 1909). Note Oklahoma became a state in 1907.
The 1910 Census recorded Clement & Eliza, Harvey & Maude & George and Howard.
Clements grandson Jess Cannon described his grandfather in a letter as follows:
"Well I lost my father when he was 26 and I was 4, so after a couple years my mother re-married, and I shuffled back & forth between my fathers parents (Clement & Eliza) & my mothers homes. My fathers father was a Scotch-Irishman & his wife a Pennsylvania Dutch gal, (one rainy day when I was about 8 or 9, I asked her, How come, such a union? Well she said those Irish boys from a settlement up in Indiana had heard that Dutch girls were good workers, I guess) That was near Rensselaer, Ind, They ran a store in K.C. Mo in the early 70s, then on to Howard Kan where they operated a hotel & livery stable, fire burned up 32 head of horses and 27 vehickles & one of their 3 sons, so they came to this town & operated a stone quary for a couple years, & studdied law at night. So when old Okla opened up, He got the appointment of Guthrie Oklas 1st City Atturney for 2 years.
Then the Sac & fox country opented up, (Indian reservations) & he & remaining son took a homestead there 34 miles east of Guthrie. & he remained there for 8 or 9 years, sold & run a feed store in Chandler Okla till he died _oor 12 years later. He was teaching a country school when he met his future wife. Said he was a 2nd cousin of Uncle Joe Cannon & cousin of the Cannon Towel guns. So you can see why he was a hot republican.
Note the reference to Uncle Joe Cannon. Joe Cannon was a notoriously corrupt US Speaker of the House of Representatives (1903-1911) from Illinois. To his political enemies he was the "Tyrant from Illinois". An examination of Joe Cannons family, as published in his Memoirs, tends to disprove the link as claimed by Clement since Joe Cannon was born in North Carolina. His father was also born in North Carolina. Joes Grandfather was born in London. He emigrated to Montreal and then moved to North Carolina.
"Uncle Joe" -- of Danville, Vermilion County, Ill. Born in North Carolina, 1836. Republican. U.S. Representative from Illinois, 1873-91, 1893-1913, 1915-23 (14th District 1873-83, 15th District 1883-91, 1893-95, 12th District 1895-1903, 18th District 1903-13, 1915-23); Speaker of the U.S. House, 1903-11; candidate for Republican nomination for President, 1908; delegate to Republican National Convention from Illinois, 1904. Died in Danville, Vermilion County, Ill., November 12, 1926. Interment at Spring Hill Cemetery, Danville, Ill. See also: congressional biography. From the web-site Political Graveyard.
CANNON, Joseph Gurney, a Representative from Illinois; born in Guilford, Guilford County, N.C., May 7, 1836; moved with his parents to Bloomingdale, Ind., in 1840; completed preparatory studies; studied law at the Cincinnati Law School; was admitted to the bar in 1858 and commenced practice in Terre Haute, Ind., in 1858; moved to Tuscola, Ill., in 1859; State's attorney for the twenty-seventh judicial district of Illinois from March 1861 to December 1868; elected as a Republican to the Forty-third and to the eight succeeding Congresses (March 4, 1873-March 3, 1891); chairman, Committee on Expenditures in the Post Office Department (Forty-seventh Congress), Committee on Appropriations (Fifty-first Congress); moved to Danville, Ill., in 1878; unsuccessful candidate for reelection in 1890 to the Fifty-second Congress; elected to the Fifty-third and to the nine succeeding Congresses (March 4, 1893-March 3, 1913); chairman, Committee on Appropriations (Fifty-fourth through Fifty-seventh Congresses), Committee on Rules (Fifty-eighth through Sixty-first Congresses); Speaker of the House of Representatives (Fifty-eighth through Sixty-first Congresses); received fifty-eight votes for the presidential nomination at the Republican National Convention at Chicago in 1908; unsuccessful candidate for reelection in 1912 to the Sixty-third Congress; again elected to the Sixty-fourth and to the three succeeding Congresses (March 4, 1915-March 3, 1923); declined renomination for Congress at the end of the Sixty-seventh Congress; retired from public life; died in Danville, Vermilion County, Ill., November 12, 1926; interment in Spring Hill Cemetery. Source biographical Record of the United States Congress.
The link to the founders of Cannon Towels has not been explored.
Clements Biography described his politics as follows: "In National affairs Mr. Cannon is an uncompromising Republican, though not a politician nor office-seeker. In the fraternities he is associated with the Odd Fellows only."
Eliza Kenton wife of Clement died in Chandler, Oklahoma on 27 July 1910. She was burried in Grace Lawn Cemetary, Howard Ks beside her sons.
Clement Cannons obituary in the June 21 1912 issue of the Chandler New-Publicist yields several interesting facts.
Strong>Passing of an eighty-niner
C.H. Cannon, senior member of the firm of Cannon & Son, died at the home of his son, Harvey M. Cannon, on Price Avenue, last Thursday evening, after an intermittent illness of several months. Funeral services, conducted by Rev. Thackeray of the M.E. church, was held at the home Friday afternoon and was largely attended by the many friends of the deceased. Music was furnished by the choir of the Presbyterian Church. The remains were taken to Howard, Kansas, Friday evening where they were interred beside those of the wife and a son. Clem H. Cannon was born in Maryland on September 17, 1832. Moved to Kewana, Ind., at an early age and later moved to Rensselaer, where on December 6, 1856 he was united in marriage to Eliza Kenton. They resided in Indiana until 1865 then emigrated to Kansas, remaining in that state until the opening of Oklahoma in 1889, when they came here and have resided at or near Chandler since.
Deceased is survived by a daughter by a first marriage, Mrs. Emma Reynolds of Chicago; a son Harvey M., of this city; a nephew J. C. Cannon of Arkansas City, Kan., and other relatives.
During the many years he had resided in Chandler Mr. Cannon has so lived his live that not a man in the community is more favorably known or respected. His death is a loss to our town. To the sorrowing relatives the sincere sympathy of all is extended.
What is interesting to note is J.C. Cannon of Arkansas was not a nephew but a grandson of Clement. J.C. would have been a nephew to Harvey who presumably supplied the facts for the article. It is also interesting to note that Clements birthplace is listed as Maryland not Delaware. Clement in his Biography said he was born in the vicinity of Symrna. Also in the 1850 and 1860 census his birth place is listed as DE. Perhaps Harvey was confused or maybe there is some truth....
Harvey Miller Cannon was the executer of Clements will. Clement bequeathed to his daughter Mrs. Charles E Reynolds of Chicago Illinois the sum of $150. He also bequeathed $250 to his grandson Jesse W Cannon who was the son of Clement's middle son Charles.
Clement Cannon died 13 June 1912 in Lincoln Co, Chandler, Oklahoma. He was buried in Grace Lawn Cemetary, Howard Ks. The tombstone is now gone but the city Clerk determined that Lot 47 of Section 6 had 5 Cannons.
1. G.W. Cannon
2. Eliza Cannon
3. Chas Cannon
4. O.C. Cannon
5. C.H. Cannon
Harvey Miller Cannon:
In Clement Cannons obituary from the Howard Newspaper in June 1912, there is a short biography of Harvey Cannon. "Harve was the bass drummer in the first Howard band, and afterward played snare drum. We have an old photo of the Howard Band taken in uniform showing Harve Cannon wish his snare drum. Harve was also a good baseball player and was catcher for the old Longton Grasshoppers before he was full grown. He afterwards was a good pitcher, and worked in the box for Howard in many games. He also played with Elk Falls after he left Howard, then went to Arkansas City and played professional ball there and at Guthrie for several years. He hasn't played now for many years but still retains a lively interest in the game. Harve didn't marry till he was about 40 years old--he is now about 55 and now has a wife and two children. He has been operating a feed store at Chandler, Okla for several years in partnership with his father, as Cannon & Son, and is prospering. He is the last remaining member of his immediate family. He had two brothers, George, who died here in the burning of the C.H. Cannon livery stable in 1881, and Charley who died at Elk Falls in 1886. His mother died about two years ago. His brother Charley left one son, Jesse Cannon, who came up with him last Saturday. He is a big, fine looking young man of 28, is married and is a tailor at Arkansas City. Jesses's Mother who was a daughter of Oris Kasson, now lives at Joplin, Mo.
George Israel Cannon
Sarah E Cannon
Sarah is the oldest daughter of Isaac and Nancy Cannon. Sarah is also the only daughter to survive to adulthood. Sarah is referred to in a letter dated Ground Hog Day 1881. She is listed in the 1850 census. Sarah married Samuel W Sellers 26 Aug 1853 at the age of 18 in Fulton Co, Indiana. Knowing Sarah's married name made it possible to find her in the 1860 census. She is living in Liberty twp, Fulton Co, IN. Her husband Samuel Ward Sellers is a blacksmith.
Liberty Township Fulton Co IN June 29, 1860 page 66
SELLERS Samuel W born IN Sarah E born DE Jane E 6 born IN Clara F 4 born IN
Samuel Ward Sellers died in 1869.
Union Township Fulton Co IN Jun 13, 1870 page 24
SELLERS Sarah E 34 born IN Irene I 15 born IN Cloea F 14 born IN Martha A 9 born IN Morris H 3 born IN
Sarah E. Cannon Sellers married John Henderson 27 Feb 1872.
1880 Census Kewanna Fulton Co IN Henderson John W M 56 Sarah W F 43 Lily W F 14 Clyde W M 3 Sellers Mattie W F 19 step daughter Morris W M 13 step son
Given the age of Clyde Henderson, it can be assumed that he is the son of John Henderson and Sarah Cannon Sellers Henderson.
John HENDERSON is buried in Mt Zion cemetery (Fulton Co, IN) died 9-29-1891 and is buried alone.
Three daughters and a son were born to Sarah and Samuel Ward.
Irene E Sellers b 24 Jul 1854 d ? Married to : George U Heimberger (8 Nov 1877) Clara Florence Sellers b 15 Apr 1856 d 17 Feb 1932 (Abilene Ks) Married to: David Lykins McCoy (23 May 1877) Martha A Sellers b 8 May 1861 d ? Married to: Alonzo Zellers (14 apr 1881) Morris K Sellers b 25 Dec 1866 d ?
The following death record was found in Cass Co, IN.
Henderson Sarah E F W 86 Mar 5 1920 Logansport CH-5 88
All the children of Sarah and Samuel Ward Sellers were born in Fulton County Indiana presumably in Kewanna. Of the 4 children additional information is only known about Clara and Sarah.
Miss Irene Sellers closes her school in Aubbeenaubbee on Friday next with a grand exhibition.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, March 25, 1876]
David Lykins McCoy and Clara Florence Sellers had the following children:
Edna Dell McCoy b July 19 1878 Kewanna, IN d Thaddeus McCoy b 9 Mar 1880 Kewanna, IN d 27 Jan 1959 Married to Mabel Boyer (date unknown) Leondo Guy McCoy b 17 Jan 1882 Solomon KS d 28 Dec 1964 Married to Louisa Zieglar (23 May 1906) Verl McCoy b 30 Jun 1887 Solomon, KS d 1926 Married to Helen Gertrude Ramburger (17 August 1910) Oron McCoy b 30 Jun 1889 Solomon KS d 18 Jun 1976 Married to Martha Engle (30 Oct 1912) Vera Junetta McCoy b 6 June 1893 Solomon KS d ? Married to Elmer Clark (24 Nov 1915) Jay McCoy b 1 Sept 1885 Solomon KS d 26 Sept 1975 Married to Minnie May Coler (26 Nov 1908)
Jay McCoy married Minnie Mae Cole on 26 Nov 1908.
They had the following children:
Darrel Glenn McCoy b 6 Ap1923 Thomas, KS d 15 Sep 1968 Everett Stanley McCoy b 7 Jan 1911 Manhatten, Ks d 15 Jun 1971
Verl McCoy married to Helen Gertrude Ramburger 17 August 1910.
They had the following child:
Gordon Melvin McCoy b 1913 Dickinson, Ks d 1964
Joseph Curtis Cannon
The children of Joseph Curtis Cannon and Mary Ann Wilson are:
John Greenup b Aug 1861 d 1931 married to Claudia Barnett (M 15 May 1912) Mary Ann b Apr 1863 d 14 Oct 1927 married to Uriah M Warwick (M 3 Sept 1890) William T b Aug 1868 d 24 October, 1927 married to Minnie D Lough (M 3 Sept 1890) Lillie May b 1877 d 18 May 1879 Edwin C b Oct 1872 d 1941 married to Blanche Washburn (M 20 July 1892) James F b Nov 1878 d 1915 married to Mary A Polen (M 4 May 1901) Anna B b Apr 1880 d ? married to Albert Bainter (M14 Nov 1900) Roy E b June 1882 d ? Carrie C b Sept 1885 d 28 Dec 1925 married to Edward Calvin (M 11 Oct 1905)
Joseph Curtis Cannon's wife Mary Ann Wilson was born in New York and her parents were born in Scotland.
Of these all are known to have married except Lillie M and Roy E. Lillie died as a child and Roy moved away. All stayed in Fulton Co, IN except Roy who was reported to be in Portland, Oregon in 1927 when Mary A died. It was further reported that he was the superintendent of the schools at Grayson (Gresham), Oregon.
Joseph Curtis Cannon (Co E 87 volunteer Infantry) served in the civil war.
Died Wed Feb 6 1918. Joseph Cannon, one of Kewanna's pioneer citizens, passed away at his home here, Wednesday, at the age of 81 years. Death due to complications. He leaves beside the wife four sons and three daughters. He was a member of Eden Lodge No 69, I.O.O.F. Funeral at the home, Friday afternoon, interment in the I.O.O.F cemetery. Rochester Sentinel
The funeral of Joe Cannon, aged Kewanna citizen, took place Friday afternoon. Mr Cannon was a relative of the members of the late Mrs. Vernon Gould. Rochester Sentinel
Marry Agness Cannon married Uriah M. Warwick on 17 Aug 1886.
Two children were born to this marriage.
Gloe Warwick b 5 Dec 1886 d Nov 1972
Married to Marshal Comer (M 10 May 1903)
Neal Warwick b 1894 d 5 Nov 1920
Married to TBD
Mrs. Agnes WEIRICK, age 70, for many years a resident of Kewanna, died at eleven o'clock Friday morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs. [Gloe] COMER, at North Manchester. Mrs. Weirick had been ill for the past year, following a stroke of paralysis, and six months ago, with her husband, U. M. WEIRICK, went to North Manchester to make their home with their daughter. The deceased is survived by her husband, daughter, and four brothers, Edward [CANNON], William [CANNON] and John CANNON, of Kewanna, and Roy CANNON, of near Portland, Oregon. Funeral arrangements have not been made.
Pg 118
Saturday, October 15, 1927
Funeral services for the late Mrs. U. M. WEIRICK, of Kewanna, who died Friday at the home of her daughter at North Manchester, will be held Sunday afternoon at the Methodist Church in Kewanna. Burial will be made in the Kewanna cemetery.
William T Cannon is one of the sons of Joseph Curtis Cannon
The livery business of Kewanna was consolidated and placed under one management Friday, whe F. G. Prevo and W. T. Cannon bought out H. B Kumler, proprietor of the Palace livery barn.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, March 7, 1903]
From the Herald.
Henry Eisenman, who has been so long at Hiland's planing mill, purchased the Prevo & Cannon transfer business and took charge Monday morning.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, December 19, 1903]
KEWANNA PRODUCE CO. [Kewanna, Indiana]
Kewanna Herald.
The Kewanna Produce Co. closed its doors and retired from business Saturday night by a mutual agreement between the partners C. M. Snepp and W. T. Cannon. The reason for this voluntary withdrawal is that the local field is overcrowded and the business could not be made to yield sufficient profit to justify a continuance.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, May 29, 1909]
Click here for the remainder of the Cannon biography.
Submitted by: Ed Cannon