Kosciusko County Indiana Biography Surnames A - F Click on the biography name to view that biography, use the back key to return to this page. SurnameFound in biography for: ABBEYAlbert Magee ABBOTTJames Cowgill ADAIRLewis Clayton ADAMSElias Beigh Edward BlackJames SmithWilliam DavissonThomas Rohrer AIKMANSamuel Galbreath AILERWilliam Baker AIRGOODNathaniel Crow AKERSWilliam Moore ALEXANDERJoseph DolanWarde & Tucker familiesJohn Lloyd ALLENIsaac WhitneyThomas Wright ALLSEDAlfred Hoover AMESJames Smith AMUNDSONJohn Crites ANDERSONWilliam HanesBenjamin YohnGeorge Rose ANDREWSHenry Willis ANDRICTAndrew Rupe ANGELDavid HammanDavid Hamman ANGLINIsaac PowellAndrew Sarber ANSBERGERLyman Mollenhour ANSTINEJohn Stettler ARNOLDRandolph AllisonDavid HammanElias StoneburnerDavid HammanIsaac Johnson ARNOTCalvin John ARTERSJacob Hepler AULTGabriel Swihart AUSTINDaniel Carpenter AYERSJoseph Scott BABBSilas Robinson BAERHenry BraillerCalvin John BAILEYSylvester Barber BAIRReuben Williams BAKERJohn DeatonMathias HarterJohn SmithGeorge HuffmanMarion LatimerAndrew Wood Samuel HofferSusan SarberSamuel LeightyAmasa GarwoodAlbert TuckerMilton Woods Sylvester Hall BALLSamuel Daniel George DeatonSamuel DanielSamuel Jamison BALLANGERBenjmain Day BALLIETJosiah Andreas BALLOMSamuel Daniel BALSLEYPeter Cook BANKSAlbert Tucker BANTADavid Stoler BARBERJohn Fitton BAREUlrich Welty BARKETTRudolph Huffer BARNEST. J. Heagy John Heagy BARRAlbert Magee BARRATTCalvin John BARRETTSamuel LeightyCalvin John BARRICKEdward BalckAndrew Rosbrugh BARSHGeorge Burley BARTHOLOMEWJohn BrunerDaniel TomCharles Dye BARTOLSilas Chipman BASHDavid Lessig BASSJohn Crites BAUGHERRandolph AllisonJohn Kline BAUGHMANAllie Jones BAYBenjmain Day BAYMANCalvin John BEAGLEPhilip Arnold Edmundd Owen BEAMFrancis McNamara BEARJoseph Ulrich BEARINGERDaniel Tom BEASONCyrus Musselman